Alcatel-Lucent BMC
B R O A D C A S T M E S S A G E C E N T E R | R E L E A S E 2 . 0
The Alcatel-Lucent Broadcast Message Center (BMC) application supports message broadcasts to mobile devices
in a specified geographic area. The Alcatel-Lucent BMC supports broadcast of government emergency alerts
as well as commercial message broadcasts.
Government emergency
alerting service
The use of cell broadcast technology
to deliver emergency alerts has been
widely accepted due to its reliable
message delivery during emergencies
and wide usage of mobile phones.
Parallel projects are being conducted
in the U.S. (Commercial Mobile Alert
Service [CMAS]), Japan (Earth and
Tsunami Warning System [ETWS]), and
within the EU (Integrating Communications For Enhanced Environmental
Risk Management and Citizens Safety
[CHORIST]). The Alcatel-Lucent BMC
has been designed to serve as a
Commercial Mobile Alert Gateway in
carrier networks. It is compliant with
emergency service standard requirements (e.g., CMAS requirements
in the U.S.) and also meets countryspecific emergency requirements.
The current release (Release 2.0)
supports full compliance with CMAS
specifications. Due to its flexible
design, the BMC can be offered as
a complete solution for countries
interested in geographical coverage
of government alerts.
Commercial broadcast service
Alcatel-Lucent BMC Release 2.0
supports commercial message broadcast
for applications such as information
messages, security alerts, enterprise
level message broadcasts, mobile
advertising. The Alcatel-Lucent BMC
provides a broadcaster web portal
for broadcast message management.
The access control mechanism is
implemented to provide a virtual
operational environment to multiple
independent broadcasters. The
broadcasters can be enterprise IT
administrators, campaign managers,
retailers/businesses, and individuals
with a need to broadcast messages
to a specified target delivery area.
Commercial message broadcast will
be targeted to specific broadcast
areas identified with a user-friendly
name. Such areas can be defined to
have a geographic shape (polygon)
associated with them or could be
mapped to specific broadcast zones,
containing a group of cells/sectors,
within the service provider network.
The Alcatel-Lucent BMC can be
configured to allow a broadcaster
to use a specific set of broadcast
target areas for message broadcast.
Depending on the broadcaster’s scope
of operation, such broad cast areas
could be specific local areas, regional
areas, or entire PLMN of the mobile
service provider.
Alcatel-Lucent BMC Release 2.0 supports
the generation of CDR/billing records
for commercial broadcast service. As
per the BMC roadmap, BMC 3.0 will
support the ATIS standard CBE-CBC

interface, which will allow broadcast
capability for external content
The business model for the commercial
broadcast application is primarily
supported by revenue from advertisers, interest groups, and enterprises
that are interested in the broadcast
of messages to mobile users in the
target delivery area. The revenue and
business generated by the message
broadcast applications benefit all
entities involved in the value chain.
The carrier can generate new revenue
using the Alcatel-Lucent BMC to
broadcast a geographically targeted
commercial broadcast.
Release 2.0 of the BMC supports three
delivery technologies:
• Code Division Multiple Access
(CDMA) network with interfaces to
Mobile Switching Centers (MSCs)
• Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) network
with interfaces to Radio Network
Controllers (RNCs)
• Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network with interfaces
to Base Station Controllers (BSCs)
• Supports delivery of broadcast messages (emergency or commercial) to
a large geographic area (defined by
geographic shapes or broadcast zones)
• Enables delivery of alerts based on
static (pre-populated) or dynamic
(using circles and polygons) alerting
• Translates geo-target areas to network
nodes/elements (MSC, RNC, BSC, cell,
cell sector and broadcast zones)
• Retransmits alerts, updates alerts,
and cancels alerts
• Displays status of active alerts on
the dynamic web portal
• Establishes a secure interface to
alerting gateway (IPSec)
• Validates message content
• Complies with major standards:
CDMA (IS-41/IS-824/IS-637), UMTS
(3GPP 25.419) and GSM (3GPP 23.041)
• Supports geo-diverse deployment
and Network Equipment Building
Standards (NEBS)
• Built on the Alcatel-Lucent IMS
Application Server (IAS) platform
using an Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture
(ATCA) v2 chassis
• Complies with CDMA, UMTS and
GSM standards for cell broadcast
and all relevant emergency alerting
• Leverages Alcatel-Lucent’s extensive
interoperability experience with
other network elements — Short
Message Service Center (SMSC),
• Offers CDR/billing records for
commercial broadcast service
• Proven end-to-end solution certified
in Alcatel-Lucent laboratories
• Standardized ATCA chassis offers a
scalable solution for multiple applications and future growth with:
¬ Carrier-grade reliability
¬ Improved manageability and
¬ Lower power consumption
¬ Reduced equipment footprint
¬ Remote management and support
• Future-ready platform that can support all future cell broadcast-based
and multimedia-based commercial
broadcast services
Figure 1. Alc atel- Lucent BMC net work architec ture
Federal, state and local agenciesAdvertisers and interest groups
alerting protocol
(Release 3.0)
CMSP gateway
IS-824, IS-637
Cell site
CDMA handsets
CDMA network GSM network UMTS network
web portal
Data replication
3GPP 23.041
Alert gateway Alert gateway
CMSP gateway
3GPP 25.419
GSM handsets
UMTS terminals
• Commercial and emergency broadcast
message generation
• Authentication and validation of
broadcast messages
• Maintain service provider profiles
• Multiple alert gateways in government domain
Government/commercial domain
Carrier domain
• Mated-pair BMC supports external
gateway function
• Single point of entry for broadcast messages
in carrier network
• Gateway for message delivery to CDMA and
GSM/UMTS networks
Alcatel-Lucent Broadcast Messag e Center | Re lease 2.0 | Data She et2