With BPM Studio software and control units from
ALCATech, you have exceptional systems for
audio editing and administration at your
disposition. With your purchase, you hav e chosen
to follow a completely new way in multimedia
applications. BPM studio is a next generation
audio-player, providing all new ways of playing,
editing, and archiving audio files. These systems
have been developed explicitly for dance clubs
and DJs, although, due to their wide spectrum of
features, they are utilized in many other areas as
well. Currently BPM Studio is the only software
on the market, capable of playing and archiving
different audio file formats to the extend it does.
An unparalleled feature is the opportunity to
conveniently control the system with 19” rack
mount control units. An e xperienced Team of DJs
has tested this software in professional use, while
still in it’s development phase. It is subject to
frequent quality control, and improvement. A
modern design, ergonomic user interface, and the
remote control units allow for save handling even
under most difficult circumstances. You will be
surprised about the many new opportunities BPM
Studio will offer you, regardless if you are an entrylevel user or a professional. To ensure that you
will be able to take advantage of the programs
extensive features, and wo rk effectively with it, it
is highly recommended that you thoroughly study
this manual. BPM Studio is available as
professional level MP-3 DJ software, supporting
remote control operation by one or more 19”
controllers. Different controllers are available,
distinguishing themselves by different numbers
of available features, and price. You can determine
the version you have purchased, by chec king the
sticker on your box. Also available in this product
family is BPM Studio Gastro, ( a six fold MP-3
player, capable of serving audio output to six
independent areas of a building) and a personal
edition. More information about this product is
available on our web page, or at your nearest retail
1.01. About this Manual
The BPM Studio Manual provides detailed
information about operating soft- and hardware.
It is intended to help you with your initial phase of
working with this system, and to provide answers
to frequently asked questions. It is recommended
to install the software before studying this manual.
To do so, follow the instructions in the following
chapter. Also, this chapter covers system
requirements, and delivered supply. This manual
requires you to be familiar with your operating
systems major functions and conventions, as well
as knowing how to use your mouse. Bold andunderlined terms are covered more extensively
at another part of the manual. This part of the
manual covers functions of different control units .
Please be aware that not all functions are
available at all control units.
1.02. System Requirement
To use BPM Studio you need the following
IBM compatible Pentium® PC at least III-700
128 MB RAM (better are 512 MB)
20 MB available hard drive space
for program files
SVGA graphics adapter with a minimum
resolution of 1024x768
16 Bit sound card (better a professional
multichannel sound card)
40x CD-ROM Drive
Windows® 98, Windows® ME,
Windows® 2000 or Windows® XP
Parallel port LPT1 or USB Port for dongle
Serial port COM 1 or 2
(if an ALCATech RC unit is used)
BPM Studio
1.03. Supply
Please make sure that following parts are
1. BPM Studio Pro CD
2. Dongle (Hardware Copy Protection for
printer port LPT1
3. Manual
4. Registering post card
5. RC unit with, depending on box sticker, with
- Power supply unit
- serial cable
(or USB Port, optionally)
2.1. Software Installation
This program needs to be installed to your hard
drive from your CD. It can not be e xecuted directly
from CD. Whenev er working with BPM Studio, the
supplied dongle needs to be installed to your
computers printer port LPT1 (or USB Port)
If you are installing an upgrade to version
4, you must install into the original
directory, if you want to further use the
file archive and user administration
settings. Please refer to paragraph 10 of
this chapter.
3.) Insert your installation CD into your CD-ROM
4.) If your PC has auto notify enabled, the
installation program will now be started. If this
isn’t the case, choose run in your Windows start
menu, and enter: ”D:\setup”, D representing your
CD-ROM drives drive letter.
5.) Now the setup for the main application,
additional modules, and the online manuals will
Choose install BPM Studio to start the installation.
1.) Plug the supplied dongle into the printer port
LPT1 (or USB Port) of your PC. (If you have
already installed a printer on this port, simply link
your dongle between printer cable and your PC’s
printer port.)
2.) If you have purchased BPM Studio together
with a 19” control unit, connect it to a serial port,
(COM1, COM2), using the supplied serial cable.
Also connect your unit with the power supply unit
to a wall outlet. Read also 2.2., Connecting the
control unit
6.) Clicking [YES] will confirm the installation. You
can still abort at this point. If you confirm,
installation files will be copied to your hard drive.
7.) Now setup will prompt you to ensure that no
other applications are running during the
installation process. At this point too , you still have
the option to abort the installation, by clicking on
BPM Studio
8.) If you proceed by clicking [next], setup will
display the ALCATech end user license
Please read it carefully and only continue the
installation process if you agree to adhere to
the license terms. Confirm you agree with the
license agreement by clicking the [YES]
9.) At this point register your version of Dongle
Server Tools to your name by entering your first
and last name and, if applicable, your companies
name. Click [NEXT] to confirm.
10.) Now, optionally, you can specify a path for
the program files, other than the default. It is
recommended though to use the default path,
since this simplifies possible support questions
later on. The path to the default directory is:
c:\program files\alcatech\BMP Studio Pro.
If you install an upgrade from BPM Studio
light, or Home, and you want to keep using
your file archive and user administration
settings, you have to install the upgrade into
the old directory. If
this is the case,
specify the path by
using the
[BROWSE] button.
(e.g. C:\program
Studio Home).
If you are not sure
where these files
are located, you can
determine the path the working directory by right
clicking on the BMP Studio icon on your desktop,
and choosing “properties”. The field TARGET
indicates the location of these files. By clicking
[NEXT] you can proceed to the next step.
BPM Studio
11.) The following dialog box confir ms that new
entries have been created into the Windo ws start
menu for BPM Studio LE, and other useful links.
Of course you have the option to use another,
already existing group, or to rename this entry.
You can always go back by clicking the [BACK]
12.) The unpacked program files will now be
copied to your hard drive, according to the
previously defined parameters. Throughout this
process you will continuously be informed about
installation progress, and remaining storage
capacity of your hard drive
13.) Upon completing this process, according
entries will be added to your Windows registry,
and program shortcuts will be created in the start
Please be patient at this point, since this may
take a little while
14.) In order to complete and apply changes made
to your system, a Windows restart is now required.
You also have the option to cancel and restart
the system later, this is not recommended though.
After a system reboot several shortcuts will be
added to the windows start menu.
Also, a BPM Studio icon has been created on
the desktop. Now you can start BPM Studio for
the first time.
BPM Studio
2.02. Connecting the Remote
Control Unit
1.) Connect the control unit [38] to a free serial
port of your PC (e.g. COM2) using the supplied
cable. You may also use a different cable, as long
as the length does not exceed a maximum of 15
meters (45 ft.). It is recommended to use cables
not longer than 10 meters. (30 ft.)
2.) Connect the supplied power supply unit [39]
with the control unit, and plug in to a power outlet.
The connection of the Remote Control is also
possible by USB Port. Therefore a special USBserial adapter is available by ALCATech.
2.03. Hardware Reset
Control units RCV-1001 and RCP-2001 come with
own integrated processors and firmware. Should
stable operation ever be disrupted by external
influence, the control unit can be restarted by
pushing the reset button. If the software is running,
it will automatically detect if the control unit has
proceeded it’s internal boot process, and resume
normal operation. To reset, push in sequence the
track-selector and cue key of play er A and B. Upon
pushing the last key (cue key of pla y er B) the unit
will reset, and reboot. After completed system
boot, the display will show a message stating that
the unit is working again.
BPM Studio
2.04. The First Program Start
Double click the program icon on
the desktop or, from your
windows start menu choose:
programs -> ALCATech -> BPM
Studio. The prog ram will now start, and ask if you
want the small player to be default player for MP3 files. If you do not want the player to be your
default program for such files, click no. You can
also prevent this dialog from showing at the next
program start, by checking the “don’t ask me
again” check box.
Upon this, the program will search for all local
MP-3 files on your system, The search result will
be shown in the “HARD DRIVE” group in FileArchive.
Now the PC’s serial ports defined in the program
options will be scanned for ALCATech remote
control units. If one is found, the program will
announce so. Now you can start your work.
Read our step-by-step instructions how to get
familiar with the hard- and software, and how to
create file and play lists.
2.05. Defining Remote Control
Unit Parameters
BPM Studio remote control units allow for
variable, individual settings. Thus, for example,
the pitch slider
can be used
either to adjust
the pitch value or,
alternatively as
the player’s
volume control. T o
adjust such
settings, choose
“options” in the
players pop up
menu (Right click
into the play list
area), and click
on the control unit
In this tab you can, depending on your control
unit model, make different adjustments, and
modifications. Please refer to detail descriptions,
ALCATech remote control units, from chapter 6
on later in this manual, for this. Also refer to
program options, chapter 3.7.
BPM Studio
2.06. Defining Driver and Audio
BPM studio offers extensive features, and
therefore requires more system resources than
simpler MP-3 players like WinAMP™ f or example.
The capability of playing 10 MP-3 files
simultaneously, or various channel signal output
for example, demand a well configured PC.
Further BPM Studio offers extensive possibilities
to manipulate audio engine settings. The audio
engine represents the core of BPM Studio, and
is responsible for highest quality play backs with
shortest possible remote control latency intervals.
Therefore make sure of the following:
1.) Every sound card in your system must have
it’s own, assigned IRQ. This interrupt can not be
shared with other system components.
2.) Also the serial port used to connect the remote
control unit must have it’s own, unshared interrupt.
3.) Background programs, like real time virus
scanners, power- and print management, etc.
should be deactivated.
4.) For utmost compatibility to various different
sound cards, BPM Studio provides various
different driver models:
Kernel driver:
the fastest
Direct Sound driver:
drivers up to150..300ms (!)
MME Wave driver:
buffer size, and program chosen options
ASIO/EASI driver:
defined manually in the ASIO drivers program
4..13ms, this driver is definitely
20..30ms, when emulating
70..180ms, depending on
20..50ms, latency is usually
This suggests to prefer the Kernel, or Direct
Sound driver, since both work on the kernel level
of the operating system, and therefore operate
rather independent from the systems user
resource. The ASIO, and Wave drivers also wo rk
rather stable, and are especially suitable for
background music, like in dance schools,
restaurants, etc. BPM Studio supports Wave
drivers, since they are available for almost any
sound card, and usually provide smooth
operation. Normally they are also deployable
under Windows NT.
Direct Sound Driver:
This is the fastest and most stable common driver .
Depending on hardware outfit, it allows switching
from Cue to Play within 20 to 30ms. For the
demanding DJ, who is very conscious about
mixing on single-beat level accuracy, utilizing the
Cue/Play- and loop functions to accomplish this,
this driver is essential. Although, if your sound
card is compatible with the kernel driver, it should
be preferred, since it has even shorter latency
intervals while still maintaining stability.
Kernel Driver:
This device driver, developed by ALCATech,
addresses the sound card on a very low kernel
mode level. Due to the ver y high priority kernel
drivers have within the system, they provide
shortest latency intervals from 4..13ms, while still
maintaining system stability. The ker nel driver
utilizes common driver functionalities like direct
sound for example, and therefore supports many
different cards, even models that, for the reason
of unavailable direct sound drivers, had to be used
with ASIO wave drivers, and therefore tended to
produce drop outs.
Ex version 4.2 the Kernel driver is also able to
operate under Windows® 2000 and Windows® XP .
So, this operating systems can be used as full
multimedia systems, too.
Especially the new DirectCue, and loop
functions require minimal latency
intervals, and fastest reaction times.
Therefore you should try to keep
latency and buffer size to a minimum.
BPM Studio
ASIO Driver:
This driver developed by Steinberg, serves as
interface for many multi channel sound cards. It
is usually a bit slower than direct sound driver,
and, in user mode, tends to drop out, if system
resources are low. For the most practical
operations, where background music is the only
objective, they work sufficiently well and stable
though. Usually latency is anywhere between 6
and 50ms, and can usually be adjusted in the
driver options. T o a vert drop outs when using BPM
Studio, latency should be set to 20..46ms. The
best value is usually determined by trying out.
Some tested cards have been reported to operate
unstable, when used with this driver.
EASI driver:
This drivers, developed by Ematic, perfor mance
in regards of stability , and functionality equals the
ASIO drivers. As a matter of f act, it was dev eloped
as Ematics answer to Steinberg’s ASIO. All
statements made about the ASIO, can be applied
to the EASI as well, since these two drivers hardly
differ at all, although the Ematic driver is only
sporadically supported, and therefore is of almost
no importance.
Wave driver (wave out):
This is a very stable driver that can be used
instead of direct sound drivers, although it has
higher latency times. On multi channel cards not
supporting direct sound, or ASIO drivers, this is
the only possibility though, to address different
channels separately. This driver is well suitable
for background music, but hardly for live DJs at
all. Latency times are located between 120 and
All important audio engine, and sound driver
settings are defined on the “Audio IO” tab , located
in the program options.
Read in the according chapter 3.7. How to adjust
BPM Studio’s sound card utilization to fit your
Should you encounter problems playing titles with
BPM Studio try at first to change the following
Size of BPM Studio’s internal buffer. Change this
value if you occasionally experience dropouts
when playing titles, or the players don’t start right.
Size of the drivers buffer. Change this value if
you can not achieve clean audio playback. (This
value can only be edited when using wave drivers.
Lowest Latency
BPM Studio operates with smallest buffer sizes,
and latency times. Deactivate this check box if
you experience difficulties with your sound card.
This option enables you to manually enter the
latency interval of your driver. If necessar y
increase this value until you achieve clean
Select the driver most suitable for your needs res.
available fo r your sound card in BPM Studio. If
you should encounter difficulties in using BPM
Studio, change the driver type.
To use BPM Studio’s monitor functions,
you have to perform a sound card test.
Further information about this can be
found in the according chapter: Monitor
BPM Studio
The Program Window
3.01. The Program Window of BPM Studio
The program window contains following modules:
Player A
Player B
Play list for player A
Play list for player B
Sample Player
BPM File Archive
The lower and center areas (play list, and file
archive) are multi functional.
The appearance of the program window can be changed completely. (Skin support) In
program options (Chapter 3.18.), choose a skin you like. On the ALCATech website,
(www.alcatech.com) a “design-pack” with tools and hints for your own skin creation is
available for download.
The center are, containing both play lists, can be
switched to single play list, or wait list view.
The lower area displays optionally either file
archive, mixer, or CD-player/ripper. Read the
referring sections on how to switch to the
according sub modules.
The following chapter covers structure, and
functionality of these modules in detail. To quickly
get into working with BPM Studio, we recommend
the step-by-step instructions in chapter 4.
3.02. Player
BPM Studio
If a title has been ripped using the CDat-once feature, Chapter 3.15..5, you
can navigate with the right muse button,
and the track keys within this title.
Loop/Search keys:
3.2.1. Basic Functions
The player controls playback of audio files and
one or more CD-ROM drives, if audio CDs are
inserted. Besides the functions of a analog CD
players, a vast number of additional features is
available, which are only achie vable by utilizing a
PC. Str ucture and ergonomic design allow for
professional use, and make readjusting from
commercial double-CD-players easy.
All titles can easily be inserted and played from a
play list, or a BPM file archive by drag&drop.
Also simply double clicking on it in the according
play list, can load, and start playing a title. Further,
it is possible to start a title from your hard drive
over the pop up menu.
Also at the remote control unit (only RCP 1001
and 2001), by using the track selector button, titles
can be selected and started.
Track Keys:
Jumps to the beginning of the title If title
has played less than two seconds,
jumps to previous title.
Jumps to the next title in the play list.
Left mouse button:
button remains pressed, search speed will
continuously be increased.
Right mouse button:
mode, if mouse button remains pressed, player
will continue search at constant speed. If the
search keys are used with the right mouse button
during regular play mode, they behave like
common fast forward and fast back keys.
go into loop mode, if mouse
Player will go into loop
Player will
Play mode (switch):
Single play stops the player at the end
title will be started immediately.
of the current title, otherwise the next
Loop, repeats current title indefinitely
Shuffle, plays titles in random order
Tempo, switches between pitch and
master speed
Main functions:
Play / Pause: When switching from
pause to play , the main cue-point will
be newly set. When the player is
button will slow it down, if the player is stopped,
right clicking will accelerate it. (BRAKE function.)
running, pressing the right mouse
BPM Studio
Stops the player, and repositions to
current cue point. When holding this
button for 2 sec., it can reposition
either to current cue point, or title
Plays title from last cue point on.
Optionally, the alter native cue point
function can be activated in the program
options. This will cause the player to
play as long as the CUP key remains
held. Upon releasing it, the player will
reposition back to the cue point.
3.02.2. Working with DirectCue buttons
DirectCue buttons offer the ability to start a title
from up to 6 cue point positions on, by pressing a
button. The cue points can optionally be placed
on the player display via the pop up menu. A light
blue dot, indicates that a cue point has been
assigned to a particular button.
3.02.3 Pitch, and Master Speed
With these two functions the playback
speed of a title is manipulated, and
subsequently, the BPM value. Pitch
function, contrary to master speed
also raises the audio frequency . These
two functions are used for title speed
adjustment when mixing. The
universal buttons and ,
can be programmed for different
variation ranges. Assigned by default are:
A: +/- 8%, B: +/- 16%, and C: +/- 24%
Master Tempo:
A: +/- 4%, B: +/- 8%, and C: +/- 12%
Switches pitch function on or of for this
particular player
Pitch Bend, decreases speed
Pitch Bend increases speed
BPM Match, assumes the BPM value of
the other player
An orange dot indicates the cue point currently
loaded into the player.
To save any given position within a title as cue
point, click on the M icon in the display, and
subsequent click a cue point button, to assign
the marked position to it. With the X icon, cue
points can be deleted, using the same procedure.
You’ll find a detailed description in chapter 4. First
with right muse button:
Title will be faded out, and if single play
option is off, the next title in play list will start.
DirectCue points will not be loaded,
when in auto-fade mode. Please DO
NOT use this mode if you want to use
stored DirectCues.
BPM Studio
3.02.4. Fine Adjustment of Sliders
When you click on the scale beside a slider, the
pitch range will be changed continuously in 0.1%
increments. Thus, depending on mouse pointer
position, a value can in- and decreased by very
fine nuances.
Player popup menu
Remove a title from the player
Load a file directly into the player
Retrieves file infor mation
Starts the file editor
Starts the BPM counter
Opens the search dialog box
Applies the normalize function on this title
Exports this title as WAVE or MP-3
Change title information in the ID3-tag
Deletes all defined cue points, fades and playcounter
Starts the BPM print designer
Opens the program options dialog
3.02.5. Real Time BPM Counter
Both players automatically calculate the exact
BPM value of a title, if no value is indicated in the
titles ID3-tag. Via pop up menu, ranges from
50..100, 75..150, 100..200, and 150..300, are
available, and can easily be inserted into the titles
ID3-tag, so that it is not necessary anymore to
determine a title’s BPM rate with a separate
counter. By clicking [RESET] in the pop up menu,
the counter will anew determine the BPM rate,
which is useful, for example, to check applied
modifications to the ID3-tag.
BPM Studio
3.02.6 The Player Window
In general, the player window is divided in two
areas. To the upper left hand area, a titles position
within a play list is indicated (TRACK) The center
area indicates optionally either past play time
(ELAPSED), or remaining play time (REMAIN)
You can easily switch between these two modes
by either clicking in the area, or on the
[TIME] button. You can also switch by
pressing the according button on the
remote control unit.
10 seconds before play time elapses, this
display will start to blink in red, thus
indicating the upcoming end of this title.
The top right area optionally indicates the BPM
of a particular title (this information is retrieved
out of he titles ID3-tag), or it’s pitch value. As
before, here you can also define these settings
by simply clicking into the area.
The bottom left area shows a resource meter
(audio data buffer size), followed by a spectrum
analyzer. In this display the following modes are
available, to be s witched also by mouse clic k into
the display area:
OFF (very efficient on resources)
Standard balance display
32 Frequencies display with peak levels
32 Frequencies display without peak levels
64 Frequencies display with peak levels
64 Frequencies display without peak levels
Amplitude, chronological
Scrolling title and performer information
The pop up menu allows you to switch between
spectrum analyzer, and cue point buttons menu
Play List
3.03. The Play List
BPM Studio
The following functions are also available:
Creates an empty play list
Loads an existing play list
Stores a created list to your hard drive.
Adds a title to a play list
3.03.1. Basic Functions
Every player has an individual play list. Play lists
are used to conveniently arrange ev erything from
small title sequences, up to whole event orders.
Within the play list, title, performer, BPM, and pla y
length of an audio file are displayed. The blue bar
marks a title. All play lists can be stored as play
list files. (*.lst)
Generally there are three ways to insert titles into
a play list: The pop up menu’ s [load] function, with
drag&drop out of an archive, or with the
button. The title sequence can also be
manipulated, by using drag&drop. A red arrow
assists in this task.
Titles can be send to the player by either
drag&drop functionality, or the pop up menu in
the player itself. Depending on program settings,
the title will then either automatically start, or be
loaded, and pause. Die ability to store play lists,
allows you to create complete event orders, for
events, music genres, show interludes and more.
Even importing play lists of other software, like
for example WinAMP™ is possible. BPM Studio
imports the *.m3u, and *.pls formats.
Titles already in use by
the player, (minimum
1 min.) are marked in red.
Deletes an title from a list.
Marks all titles in a list
Opens the File Info Box
The right hand play list areas consists of a status
window, and the monitor player status window
functions can be switched to display with a mouse
Displays how many titles are in
a particular playlist
Indicates the overall play time of a list
Indicates the remaining play time of a list
Due to the ability to store play lists with their
according crossfader effects, you can create
complete event orders, for events, music genres,
show interludes and more. The actual titles
though, are only saved once on your system, ev en
if they appear in different play lists. Read also
chapter Crossfader about how to assign pre
defined cross fading effects to titles, or to generate
own fades.
BPM Studio
Play List
3.03.2 Wait List, Single List Mode
Aside from the possibility to have different play
lists for every player, there is another display
variation, the wait list. In this mode , both play lists
are merged to one. With crossfader functions
and you can switch between single
list display (play list mode) and dual list display
Pop Up menu for play list
Load title into player
Play Title in Monitor Player
Remove title from play list
Delete title from hard drive
Add title to play list
Show File Info Box for marked file
Starts the file editor
Starts the BPM counter for this file
Opens the search dialog
Starts the normalize function
Exports a chosen file into WAVE, or MP-3 format
Exchange the artist or title in the ID-3 tag
deletes cue points, fades, and play counter
Starts the BPM Print Designer
Open program options dialog
(wait list mode) When switching from dual to single
list display , files will be merged in a comb pattern.
When switching back from single to dual mode
titles will be arranged in a “even – odd” pattern to
the left and right, beginning with title A. Odd
numbered titles will be assigned to player A, e ve n
numbered titles to player B.
Play List, Preview Player
BPM Studio
3.03.3. Adjustable Column Width
and Content
The columns in the play list can freely be resized,
or assigned to fields of the ID-3 tag. For example
you can display annotations in place of the
version, and reduce the column width for artist.
To change a column’s width, point the mouse
pointer into the head row between to columns. It
will change into a bi-directional arrow. Now click,
hold, and move to your liking.
The content of a column can be changed as
Right click into the head row of the column you
want to change.
Here you can
choose what content
should be displayed
in this column. With
the “Align” function,
you can set the
justification of this
column to left or
With “Reset”, you
can restore the
default settings. This
is especially useful if
a column has accidentally been deleted.
Refer to chapter 4.4. (How to w ork with play lists),
for a detailed description of BPM Studios
drag&drop functionality.
3.4. Preview Player
Preview players are
used to screen titles,
marked in the play list.
If the “double click loads
player” is disabled in program options, a simple
double click on a play list entry will start or stop
the preview player. To the right of the player a
small peak level indicator is located.
The player’s display optionally indicates elapsed
time, remaining time, or number of titles in play
Preview player controls:
Jump to previous list title
Jump to next list title
Position slider
Actual play time
The archives preview player can also be
controlled with the sample player keys <,
0, and >. Where < serves as BACK, > as
FORWARD, and 0 as START, and STOP
BPM Studio
3.5. File- and playlist archive
File- and playlist archive
The many available features of the file and play
list archive make it a ideal tool to manage your
titles, play lists, and programs, and program
3.05.1 File Archive
By clicking the button in the lower area
of mixer, and CD pla yer interfac e, you can change
into the archive mode. The master archive,
containing all mp-3 files on your system can be
accessed with the button. Here titles
can be categorized by genre, release date, dance
style or other criteria. BPM Studio does not limit
the number of categories, and sub categories to
be created. The y will be display ed in the left-hand
window of file archives. The right hand window
shows the content of these categories, like titles,
performers, BPM (if available), and play time.
When creating categories, do not use special
characters like / or \. Windows will interpret these
as sub-directories, which may cause difficulties.
The buttons and allow you to import
titles from your hard drives into these categories.
This can also be accomplished by using File
Archive’s pop up menu. Once available files have
been imported, they can conveniently be dragged,
and dropped within categories. (Be reminded
though that this will only change a files list
position, not it’s location on your hard drive!) This
allows convenient, most simple sorting, and
archiving of your titles.
Also by dragging and dropping, audio files are
added to, and positioned in play lists. More
functions are available with following buttons:
removes marked files
selects all files in a listinverts the selection
cancels the selection
automatic sortingopens the File Info Box
opens title search dialog
When creating categories, do not use
special characters like / or \. Windows will
interpret these as sub-directories, which
may cause difficulties.
Automatic sorting creates a new file
archive structure with all artists as
categories, and CD names as sub
categories. Clicking on this button again
will switch back to the previous view.
File- and playlist archive
Pop up menu in category list
Creates a new category
Adds a new sub category
Removes a category
Renames the category
Delete a category’s content
Display all categories
Closes all categories
Opens the search dialog
Adds files to a certain category
Updates the archive (See additional functions)
Back up / restore your files
Starts the normalize function
Activate/deactivate automatic sort function
Starts the BPM Print Designer
Open program options dialog
Pop up menu in both archives title lists
BPM Studio
Plays with monitor-player
Remove title from list
Delete title from hard drive
Add titles
Opens the File Info Box
Opens the file editor
Starts BPM Counter
Opens the search dialog
Starts the normalize function
Export file as wave or MP3
Resets Cue, fades, play counter
Starts BPM Print Designer
Open program options dialog
BPM Studio
File- and playlist archive
3.05.2 Play list Archive
The play list archive is used to conveniently
manage play lists of, for example, events,
programs, or artists. All play lists can be stored
in flexible categories. Loading complete play lists
into the player is accomplished by using the same
drag & drop functionality as with a single title.
You can access the play list archive by clicking
on (If you want to access play list
archive from Mixer or Player, you have to switch
to archive mode first by clicking
Not like in file archive, the title sequence will not
be changed, and titles can be positioned at
multiple locations if they are to be played more
than once. With dragging and dropping, par ts of
play lists can be copied and pasted in another
list, or as new selection. Buttons in the lower row
of the archive, function the same as buttons
described in 3.5.1.
3.05.3. Play List History Function
BPM Studio automatically creates a “PLAYED
SONGS” category. In this category play logs will
be created containing information about what
titles have been played on a particular date. This
allows you to analyze successful events, and to
reuse parts of them at another occasion – simply
by dragging and dropping. Also, pr inting of lists
of played titles for license royalty payments, or
event promoter billing, are no problem with BPM
Print Designer.
Pop up menu of Category list
Create new category
Add new play list
Remove category, or play list
Rename category, or play list
Delete content of category
Show all sub-categories
Close all sub-categories
Open search dialog
Add files to list
Start BPM Print Designer
Open Program Options Dialog
File- and playlist archive
BPM Studio
Monitor switch for player A
and B. If the monitor player
has it’s own sound card
assigned, and monitor functions are enabled in
the systems options ( I/O register tab), player A
and B output can be configured on monitor out.
In the right lower
corner of the file
archive a status
display , and another pre view pla yer , f or screening
of selected titles, can be found. In the status
display the number of titles in the current play list
is indicated.
3.05.4. Adjustable column width,
and contents
(File Archive and Play List Archive)
The columns in the play list can now be assigned
to ID3 tag fields, and resized. F or example, assign
annotations to the field that displays the version
number, or resize the column for the artist’s name.
This way you can configure File Archive to best
suit your needs.
To change a column width, move your mouse
pointer over the line between two columns in the
head row of a play list. The mouse pointer will
change into a bi-directional arrow. Clic k and hold,
and move the line to your liking.
The information a column contains can be
changed as follows: Right click the column you
wish to modify in the head row, a pop up menu
will appear.
In this pop up
menu chose what
information your
column is
supposed to
display. The
option allows you
to choose the
justification, right
or left aligned.
With “RESET”,
you can restore
the default
settings. This is par ticularly useful, if a column
has been deleted by accident.
3.05.5. Sorting Order
(Only File Archive)
Titles in File Archive are arranged in alphabetical
order. By double clicking into a head row, titles
will arranged in order of this columns content. A
little arrow in the head row marks this column.
BPM Studio
3.06. Loop Sampler
Loop Sampler
3.06.1. Using the Loop Sampler
Sample will be played into it’ s original
Sample will be played backwards
Sample will be played alternating
forward and backward
With the loop sampler it is possible to clip
sequences from the title playing in the according
player, quickly and efficiently; for further
processing like editing, playing, or storing for later
use. For each pla y er , a loop sampler is a v ailable ,
which can be opened by clicking the
[LOOP] button.
Loop samplers are independent modules,
which do by no means hinder regular
operation of BPM Studio Pro. The oper ation mode
of loop samplers is indicated by a blinking, red
dot in the player’ s displa y, located between TIME
and PITCH/BPM. It can also be seen in the
resource meter of the loop sampler. A red dot
stands for recording, while a green dot means
In the program options, remote control unit tab,
the record, stop, and play functions of the loop
sampler can be assigned to the multi purpose
buttons and . Thus it is possible to
control loop samplers, without having to display
Sample will be played to monitor
channel, instead of player channel
Starts recording
Stops both playback and recording
Plays the sample
Opens a dialog box, to save sample
as file
In the “save file” dialog box, either wave or mp-3
file format can be chosen for the sample
Moves the start point
Moves samples endpoint
Adjusts output level
from –99.9 dB to 0 dB
You can drag and drop samples on a
player button.
Adjusts playback speed
in a range from –20% to +20%
Sample Player
BPM Studio
By utilizing the “+” and “-“ buttons, values can be
adjusted with millisecond accuracy. Adjustments
can also be made by utilizing the keyboard. The
tab key switches back and f orth between the four
controllers. Cursor keys change values in
millisecond steps, and page up and /down apply
3.06.2. The Loop Sampler Display
This display is divided in three parts. To the lower
left a resource meter for the sample buffer can
be found. The sample buffer is a reserved RAM
area of limited size. When exceeding this limit,
which is indicated by the resource meter, reaching
100%, the sample will randomly loop through, and
only the last recorded part not exceeding the
available, reserved memory will be recorded.
3.07. Sample Player
The sample player can
manage up to 9 samples,
which are available for
immediate playback by
clicking the according
A three color LED indicates
the player’s status. Green
stands for READY, the
sample player is ready to
go, orange stands for ready
in scratch mode. A red LED
indicates that the sample
player is loading data.
While loading, playback is
not possible.
The sample player consists of nine, numbered
buttons. Each one can be assigned to a particular
sample. The maximum sample length depends
on available RAM. If a button has a sample
The display to the top right represents the sample
graphically. The display right below it shows the
following parameters:
- current volume
- current pitch
- Time difference between start of the
sample anddefined insertion point (P-IN)
- Time difference between start of the
sample and defined ending point. (P-OUT)
If you want to use the sample at a later
time, you have to save it to disk. When
dragging a sample on the player, and
dropping it, a merely temporary file will
be created.
assigned, the number on it appears raised. When
clicking this button, the assigned sample will be
played. When “SINGLE PLAY” in the program’s
pop up menu is deactivated, simultaneous
playback of more than one sample is possible.
Sample player has two different pla ybac k modes.
In start/stop mode, clicking on the button will start
the sample. Clicking on it again will stop it. When
in SCRATCH MODE, a button click will start the
sample, and every subsequent click will start it
anew. You can switch between these two modes
either in the pop up menu, or with the keyboards
scroll key.
The VOLUME control of the sample pla y er allow s
adjusting output volume independently from the
two player’s volume. With the PITCH control, the
sample’s playback speed can be smoothly
adjusted. By right clicking on the control you can
reset to the zero position.
BPM Studio
Sample Player
With the two and buttons, the sample
player output can be assigned to either player A,
or player B. This is only necessary though, if the
sample player does not have it’s own sound card
assigned, res., if only two output channels are
available. (Depending on hard and software outfit
of your system) When both players are used with
one sound card, these buttons are of no
importance. In the pop up menu a LOOP function
can be activated, that will play the sample until
the assigned number key is clicked again. The
pop up menu is opened by right clicking a number
key ().
Sample Player Popup Menu
Play sample (equivalent to clicking the button)
Activates / deactivates the loop function for this sample
3.07.1. Editing Samples, and Assigning
them to Keys
There are two different ways to assign a sample
to a number key. Either in the pop up menu, or by
dragging it from a play list or the BPM File Archive,
or with the sample editor.
If a sample exceeds the allowable file length of
20 seconds, it will automatically be reduced to
the allowable value when loaded.
Please be aware that you need at least
128 MB RAM, if you want to assign full
50 second length samples to all nine
Loads a audio file directly from your hard drive for this key
Removes assignment for this key
Deletes complete sample block 1 to 9
Opens File Info Box
Opens the File Editor
Opens the Sample Editor
Prevents simultaneous playback of several samples
Switches between scratch mode, and Start/Stop mode
Opens the Program Options Dialog
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