• Install the boilers on a base which is at least 10 cm above the ground, parallel
to the ground, non-flammable, with sufficient strength. The base dimensions
table is attached.
• Boilers should not be installed and put into operation in the environments with
flammable gases and materials. In order to prevent the boiler from being
damaged, it should be avoided to leak dense dust or halogen hydrocarbons
(solvents, spray gases, adhesives, etc.) into the combustion air. The humidity
of the boiler room must not be high.
• The boiler room should not be used for any other purposes and should not
have any open connection to living spaces. The door must be airtight,
fire-resistant and self-closing.
• It is recommended to install an emergency stop switch in a suitable place
outside the boiler room. This switch must be able to stop the combustion
process and fuel supply. It is useful to specify it with a nameplate.
• If the system is to be put into operation with a heavy gaseous fuel (such as
LPG) and the boiler room is below ground level, additional measures should
be taken. The fuel that can be leaked into the boiler room must be able to be
expelled automatically in a safe area outside the boiler room through an
ex-proof mechanical system (ventilation) and the fuel line must be cut
automatically when the fuel leakage reaches a certain level.
• If the system is to be commissioned with liquid fuel, the turbulators in the
smoke ducts must be removed. Turbulators are for use with gaseous fuel.
Since the turbulators are not used, the boiler efficiency will decrease by
• All electrical connections must be made according to current standards and
according to the diagrams given in this manual. Please pay special attention
to the grounding of all electrical appliances in the boiler room. Never use fuel
or water pipes as ground connections.
• Boiler flue connections should be made according to standards. The boiler
position should be selected so that the distance between the boiler and flue
and the number of elbows is minimum. Flue ducts should not be directed
downwards and vertical elbow turns should be avoided. Smoke ducts and
flue should be heat insulated. Tables for the selection of flue height and
diameter are given in the appendix. These tables can be used under certain
conditions, in systems other than these conditions, a flue calculation must be
made according to the norms (TS 2165).
• There should be no manual shut-off systems (such as valves) between the
boiler and the safety and control systems. A lock valve can only be fitted to
the connection of the closed expansion tank for maintenance and
pre-pressure checks. Accidental closure of this valve should be strictly