Alacritech SEN2002XF, SEN1822ET, SEN1812XT, SEN2001XT, SEN2002XT User Manual

Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
Version 9.2 March 2008
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Alacritech re­serves the right to change any portion of these products for reasons such as improving performance or enhancing functionality. Alacritech assumes no liability arising out of the application or use of these products for anything other than its intended purpose.
This document is copyrighted material. No part of this document may be copied by any means without the written permission of Alacritech, Inc.
This document describes Accelerators from Alacritech, Inc. This document is the offi­cial reference source for all revisions/releases of these products until rescinded by an update.
Copyright © 2000-2007 Alacritech, Inc. All rights reserved. Alacritech, the Alacritech logo, SLIC Technology and the SLIC Technology logo are registered trademarks of Alacritech, Inc. in the United States. All other marks belong to their respective owners.
One or more U.S. and international patents apply to Alacritech products, including without limitation: U.S. Patent Nos. 6,226,680, 6,247,060, 6,334,153, 6,389,479, 6,393,487, 6,427,171, 6,427,173, 6,434,620, 6,470,415, 6,591,302, 6,658,480, 6,687,758, 6,697,868, 6,751,665, 6,757,746, 6,807,581, 6,938,092 6,941,386, 6,965,941, 6,996,070, 7,042,898, 7,076,568, 7,089,326, 7,093,099, 7,124,205, 7,133,940, 7,167,926, 7,167,927, 7,174,393, 7,185,266, 7,191,241, 7,191,318.
Portions of the technology in Alacritech‘s acceleration products are used under license from Broadcom Corporation [and may be covered by one or more Broadcom U.S. Pa­tents.] Alacritech does not have a license under the Broadcom Licensed Patents to implement certain claimed functionality with hardware and software not provided by Alacritech. No license is granted under Broadcom‘s patents expressly, by implication, by exhaustion or otherwise, to use or sell the acceleration technology in combination with any non-licensed hardware or software that is specifically designed to practice the Broadcom Licensed Patents.
Part Number: 900156 Rev 5 03/08
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide i
Organization of This Guide
This guide is the primary reference and operation guide for Alacritech Accelerators and contains the following sections:
Chapter 1 Introduction provides a general introduction to Alacritech Accelerators and the SLIC Technology on which they are based.
Chapter 2 Software Installation includes the procedures required to install the software component and configure the operating system for correct operation.
Chapter 3 Device Management provides the procedures for configuring, monitoring and maintaining Accelerator performance and procedures for special circumstances.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting and Support provides a list of possible problems and their solutions.
Appendix A Network Software License Agreement and Warranty provides the text of the License Agreement to use the software component and the Limited Media Warranty for the software media.
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide ii
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1-1
1.1 About this Guide 1-1
1.2 Description 1-2
1.3 Operating System Compatibility 1-3
2 Software Installation 2-1
2.1 Software Installation Overview 2-1
2.2 Software First Installation 2-2
2.3 Hardware First Installation 2-8
2.4 Uninstalling the Accelerator 2-11
3 Device Management 3-1
3.1 Starting Device Management 3-1
3.2 Running Adapter Diagnostics 3-3
3.3 Updating Flash Code 3-5
3.4 Disabling Windows Firewall to Enable TCP Offload 3-6
3.5 Managing Drivers 3-8
3.6 Configuring Advanced Properties 3-10
3.7 Configuring Teaming and Failover 3-14
3.8 Configuring VLAN Tagging 3-20
4 Troubleshooting and Support 4-1
4.1 Alacritech Automated Customer Support 4-1
4.2 README Files on CD-ROM 4-1
4.3 Troubleshooting Overview 4-1
4.4 Installation Problems 4-2
4.5 Event Log Errors 4-2
4.6 Connectivity Problems 4-3
Appendix A Network Software License Agreement and Warranty A-1
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide iii
1 Introduction
1.1 About this Guide
This guide describes how to install Release 9 software and operate Alacritech Accele­rators on a Windows Server 2003-based system or a Windows XP Professional x64 Edition-based system that uses the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Scalable Network­ing Pack. Note that certain Alacritech Accelerators are compatible with specific ver­sions of Microsoft Windows Server 2003.
1000 Series (1000x1, SES1001) Accelerators are not supported with this software re­lease, but will continue to be supported under earlier software releases with a major number of 7. 100 Series (100x4, 100x2 and 100x1) Accelerators are not supported with this software release, but will continue to be supported under earlier releases with a major number of 6.
1.1.1 Naming Conventions
The general term Accelerator for this release applies to all of the following products: TCP/IP Offload Engine (TOE) NICs (TNICs):
SEN2001XT Single-Port Accelerator  SEN2001XF Single-Port Accelerator (1000Base-SX)  SEN2002XT Dual-Port Accelerator  SEN2002XF Dual-Port Accelerator (1000Base-SX)  SEN2102ET Dual-Port Accelerator  SEN2102EF Dual-Port Accelerator (1000Base-SX)  SEN2104ET Quad-Port Accelerator  SEN2104EF Quad-Port Accelerator (1000Base-SX)  SEN1811XT Single-Port Accelerator  SEN1812XT Dual-Port Accelerator  SEN1822ET Dual-Port Accelerator  SES2001XT Single-Port iSCSI Accelerator  SES2001XF Single-Port iSCSI Accelerator (1000Base-SX)  SES2002XT Dual-Port iSCSI Accelerator  SES2002XF Dual-Port iSCSI Accelerator (1000Base-SX)  SES2104ET Quad-Port iSCSI Accelerator  SES2104EF Quad-Port iSCSI Accelerator (1000Base-SX)
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
SES2102ET Dual-Port iSCSI Accelerator  SES2102EF Dual-Port iSCSI Accelerator (1000Base-SX)  SES1811XT Single-Port iSCSI Accelerator  SES1812XT Dual-Port iSCSI Accelerator  SES1822ET Dual-Port iSCSI Accelerator
Product names ending with a T specify unshielded twisted pair (UTP) copper connec­tions, and product names ending with an F indicate fiber-based connections. XT and XF products are PCI-X based, and ET and EF products are PCI Express (PCIe) based.
1.2 Description
Alacritech Accelerators are single-port or multi-port network interface cards (NICs) that employ Alacritech‘s SLIC Technology architecture, which uses an innovative applica- tion-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for protocol processing. Accelerators operate with Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP Professional x64 Edition operating systems us­ing the Microsoft Scalable Networking Pack.
The SLIC Technology architecture increases server performance and efficiency in two specific ways:
TCP/IP Protocol processing is offloaded onto the Accelerator, freeing the CPU
for application processing and maximizing throughput
A unique ASIC utilizes an Internet Protocol Processor (IPP), optimized for
TCP/IP protocol processing, which delivers faster performance than general purpose CPUs
SLIC Technology eliminates the burden of TCP/IP protocol processing on the host CPU. By offloading protocol processing, SLIC Technology frees the CPU for applica­tion processing, boosting both network and server performance.
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
1.3 Operating System Compatibility
The SEN1811XT, SEN1812XT, SEN1822ET, SES1811XT, SES1812XT and SES1822ET are compatible with the Microsoft Windows XP Professional 64bit, Micro­soft Windows 2003 32 bit Standard, and Microsoft Windows 2003 32 bit standard R2 operating systems.
The SEN2001XT, SEN2002XT, SEN2001XF, SEN2002XF, SEN2102ET, SEN2104ET, SEN2102EF, SEN2104EF, SES2001XT, SES2002XT, SES2001XF, SES2002XF, SES2102ET, SES2104ET, SES2102EF, and SES2104EF are compatible with the Mi­crosoft Windows XP Professional 64bit, Microsoft Windows 2003 32 bit Standard, Mi­crosoft Windows 2003 32 bit standard R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 32 bit Da­tacenter, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 32 bit Datacenter R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard x64, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter x64, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter x64 R2 operating systems.
1.3.1 Additional Information
For the latest information on supported hardware and operating systems, see Alacri­tech's website at:
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
2 Software Installation
2.1 Software Installation Overview
This chapter covers the installation of the software required for an Accelerator under Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. There are different procedures for different types of installations. It is important to follow the correct pro­cedure. The following types of situations are covered:
Installing the drivers into a system with the Windows operating system  Updating the drivers for an existing Accelerator installation  Uninstalling the Accelerator
Note: TCP Chimney offload will not work with the following features: Windows Firewall (Windows XP enabled by Default) Internet Protocol security (IPsec) Internet Protocol Network Address Translation (IPNAT) Third-party firewalls NDIS 5.1 intermediate drivers If any one of these features is turned on, TCP Chimney offload will not
work regardless of the registry settings. See Chapter 3 for instructions on disabling these features.
Note: The Microsoft Scalable Networking Pack must be installed prior to instal-
ling Alacritech software. If Scalable Networking Pack is not installed, you will get the following popup and be unable to complete the installation. Scalable Networking Pack is included as Part of WS2003 SP2.
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
2.2 Software First Installation
This section covers the procedures for installing the software required for the Accelera­tors prior to installing Alacritech hardware. Follow the appropriate procedure for your type of installation.
2.2.1 Installation of the Accelerator
1. Insert your Alacritech Driver Installation CD into the system. Select the ap- propriate installation. If the installation is launched from the install.htm page on the CD, and default security settings are set on the browser, there may be sev­eral pop-ups asking if you want to run this package. Once you select run, the setup wizard will launch.
2. From the Alacritech Accelerator Setup click Next to begin the software instal- lation.
3. In the Alacritech Accelerator Setup – Software License Agreement window read the terms of the End User License Agreement. Select I accept the terms of the License Agreement, and click the Next button if you accept the license agreement.
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
If you do not accept the terms of the License Agreement then leave I do not accept the terms in the License Agreement selected and click Cancel to exit the installation.
4. If you accept the agreement the Choose Setup Type window will appear. From this window you can select the installation appropriate for your environ­ment. Most users will choose Typical, which will install the base drivers in their default locations. The Custom setting is for advanced users who wish to ma­nually select which drivers will be installed. Complete will install the entire driv- er package. This is the selection that should be made if you want to do network teaming.
Once you have made your selection, click Next to continue.
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
5. The ready to install window will appear.
Click the Install button to install the software.
6. A dialog box titled Software Installation may appear. This should only occur when using drivers that are not certified through the Microsoft Designed for Windows Logo process. Most official drivers released by Alacritech have ap­propriate digital signatures, while others, including beta drivers, do not. A miss­ing digital signature does not prevent the Alacritech drivers from working prop­erly on your system.
Click the button titled Continue Anyway to install the driver without a digital sig­nature. This dialog box will appear each time the driver is installed for an adap­ter port. Be sure to click the Continue Anyway button each time:
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
7. The Attach Your Device dialog box will appear. Hit OK.
8. Click Finish to exit the Setup Wizard.
9. The software setup is now complete. Follow the steps in the Alacritech Hard­ware Installation Manual to install your Accelerator.
10. Once the hardware has been installed, start the system. On start up the Micro­soft Found New Hardware Wizard will be launched. When the Found New Hardware Wizard is launched, decide whether you want to connect to Windows Update or install drivers that shipped with the product. Select an option and Click Next to continue.
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
11. Selecting No, not this time will prompt the Found New Hardware Wizard to lo- cate the drivers. Since the drivers were installed in a previous step select In- stall the software automatically.
12. A dialog box titled Hardware Installation may appear. This should only occur when using drivers that are not certified through the Microsoft Designed for Windows Logo process. Most official drivers released by Alacritech have ap­propriate digital signatures, while others, including beta drivers, do not. A miss­ing digital signature does not prevent the Alacritech drivers from working prop­erly on your system.
Click the button titled Continue Anyway to install the driver without a digital signature. This dialog box will appear each time the driver is installed for an adapter port. Be sure to click the Continue Anyway button each time.
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
13. You may have to repeat steps 11-13 when installing multiport cards or multiple cards.
14. When installation completes click the Finish button.
15. Your Alacritech Accelerator is now installed.
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
2.3 Hardware First Installation
Note: Link Aggregation (Teaming) will not be available if you install via the
Found New Hardware Wizard. If you require teaming functionality, you should install via the install.htm file at the root of the driver distribution.
Note: The Microsoft Scalable Networking Pack must be installed prior to instal-
ling Alacritech software. If Scalable Networking Pack is not installed, you will get the following popup and be unable to complete the installation.
1. Install the Alacritech Accelerator using the procedure in the Alacritech Hard­ware Installation Guide.
2. Once the hardware has been installed, start the system. On start up the Micro­soft Found New Hardware Wizard will be launched. When the Found New Hardware Wizard is launched, decide whether you want to connect to Windows Update or install drivers that shipped with the product. Select an option and Click Next to continue Insert your Alacritech Driver Installation CD into the system. Select the appropriate installation. If the installation is launched from the HTML page on the CD, and default security settings are set on the browser, there may be several pop-ups asking if you want to run this package. Once you select run, the setup wizard will launch.
Alacritech Accelerator Users Guide
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