Scalable Networking Accelerator
Hardware Installation Guide (Copper)
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Alacritech
reserves the right to change any portion of these products for reasons such as
improving performance or enhancing functionality. Alacritech assumes no liability arising out of the application or use of these products for anything other than
its intended purpose.
This document is copyrighted material. No part of this document may be copied
by any means without the written permission of Alacritech, Inc.
This document describes the hardware installation of copper-based (RJ45) Accelerators from Alacritech, Inc. This document is the official reference source
for all revisions/releases of these products until rescinded by an update.
Copyright © 2000-2007 Alacritech Inc. All rights reserved. Alacritech, the Alacritech logo, SLIC Technology, the SLIC Technology logo, and ‘Accelerating Data
Delivery’ are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Alacritech, Inc. All
other marks are the property of their respective owners.
One or more U.S. and international patents apply to Alacritech products, including without limitation: U.S. Patent Nos. 6,226,680, 6,247,060, 6,334,153,
6,389,479, 6,393,487, 6,427,171, 6,427,173, 6,434,620, 6,470,415, 6,591,302,
6,658,480, 6,687,758, 6,697,868, 6,751,665, 6,757,746, 6,807,581, 6,938,092
6,941,386, 6,965,941, 6,996,070, 7,042,898, 7,076,568, 7,089,326, 7,093,099,
7,124,205, 7,133,940, 7,167,926, 7,167,927, 7,174,393, 7185,266, 7,191,241,
Portions of the technology in Alacritech’s acceleration products are used under license
from Broadcom Corporation [and may be covered by one or more Broadcom U.S. Patents. Alacritech does not have a license under the Broadcom Licensed Patents to implement certain claimed functionality with hardware and software not provided by Alacritech. No license is granted under Broadcom’s patents expressly, by implication, by
exhaustion or otherwise, to use or sell the acceleration technology in combination with
any non-licensed hardware or software that is specifically designed to practice the
Broadcom Licensed Patents.
Part Number: 900032 Rev 19 3/2007
Alacritech Scalable Networking Accelerator Hardware Installation Guide (Copper) i
Organization of This Guide
This guide covers the installation for Alacritech Scalable Networking Accel-
erators with copper-based (RJ45) connectors and contains the following sections:
Chapter 1 - Introduction, provides a general introduction to Alacritech Accelerators and the SLIC Technology on which they are based.
Chapter 2 - Hardware Installation, includes the specifications for the hardware and the procedure required to install the hardware component.
Chapter 3 – Software Installation and Support, provides information on installing the software and receiving technical support.
Appendix A – Hardware Warranty and Information, provides the text of the
Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty for the hardware component. This section
also includes instructions for returning a defective product, the text of the Limitation of Liability and Remedies statement, and Compliance and Conformity
Alacritech Scalable Networking Accelerator Hardware Installation Guide (Copper) ii
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1-1
1.1 About this Guide 1-1
1.2 Description 1-2
1.3 Specifications 1-3
1.4 Accelerator Diagrams 1-4
2 Hardware Installation 2-1
2.1 Hardware Installation Overview 2-1
2.2 Installing the Low Profile Bracket (PCI and PCI-X Accelerators Only) 2-2
2.3 Hardware Installation 2-3
3 Software Installation and Support 3-1
3.1 Alacritech Automated Customer Support 3-1
3.2 Readme Files on Your Product CD-ROM 3-1
3.3 Installing the Accelerator Software 3-1
Appendix A Hardware Warranty and Information A-1
Appendix B Environmental Notices B-1
Alacritech Scalable Networking Accelerator Hardware Installation Guide (Copper) iii
1 Introduction
1.1 About this Guide
This guide describes how to install Alacritech Accelerators in standard PCI,
PCI-X, and PCI Express based servers. The following products are covered
by this document:
1000 Series: 2000 Series: 1800 Series 1500 Series
1000x1 Server
and Storage
iSCSI Accelerator
iSCSI Accelerator
iSCSI Accelerator
iSCSI Accelerator
iSCSI Accelerator
iSCSI Accelerator
iSCSI Accelerator
iSCSI Accelerator
Alacritech Scalable Networking Accelerator Hardware Installation Guide (Copper) 1-1
1.2 Description
Alacritech 1000 and 2000 Series Accelerators are Gigabit Ethernet network interface cards that employ Alacritech’s patented SLIC Technology architecture,
a Dynamic TCP Offload™ methodology, which uses an innovative applicationspecific integrated circuit (ASIC) for protocol processing.
Products using SLIC Technology architecture increase server performance and
efficiency in a number of ways:
• Protocol processing is offloaded onto the Accelerator, freeing the CPU for ap-
plication processing and maximizing throughput.
• The Alacritech Internet Protocol Processor (IPP) programmable ASIC, opti-
mized for protocol processing, delivers faster performance than generalpurpose CPUs.
The SLIC Technology architecture eliminates the burden of protocol processing
on the host CPU. By offloading protocol processing, Alacritech Accelerators
free the system for application processing, boosting server and storage system
Alacritech Scalable Networking Accelerator Hardware Installation Guide (Copper) 1-2