akYtec ALP User guide

akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
akYtec ALP
Programming software for akYtec programmable devices
User manual
ALP_2020.07_V17_EN © All rights reserved Subject to technical changes and misprints
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
1 General ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Abbreviations and terms ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 About software .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 System requirements ................................................................................................................................ 4
2 User interface .................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Menu ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Toolbars .................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Workspace .............................................................................................................................................. 10
2.4 Library Box .............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.5 Property Box ............................................................................................................................................ 12
2.6 Display Manager ..................................................................................................................................... 12
2.7 Status bar ................................................................................................................................................ 14
2.8 Variable Box ............................................................................................................................................ 15
2.9 Component Manager .............................................................................................................................. 15
2.9.1 Online Database .............................................................................................................................. 16
2.9.2 Local library ...................................................................................................................................... 17
3 Usage basics ................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.1 Program execution .................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 Program cycle time.................................................................................................................................. 18
3.3 Project creation ....................................................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Connection to device ............................................................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 OFFLINE mode ................................................................................................................................ 20
3.5 Device information................................................................................................................................... 20
3.6 Project information .................................................................................................................................. 21
3.7 Upload project to device .......................................................................................................................... 21
3.8 Firmware update / repair ......................................................................................................................... 22
3.8.1 Forced firmware update / repair ....................................................................................................... 23
4 Device configuration .................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1 Display ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 Clock ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.3 Interfaces ................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.3.1 Modbus working ............................................................................................................................... 25
4.3.2 Add / remove interface ..................................................................................................................... 27
4.3.3 RS485 Interface configuration ......................................................................................................... 28
4.4 Extension modules .................................................................................................................................. 33
4.5 Inputs ....................................................................................................................................................... 33
4.6 Outputs .................................................................................................................................................... 34
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
4.7 Calibration ............................................................................................................................................... 35
4.7.1 Input calibration ................................................................................................................................ 35
4.7.2 Output calibration ............................................................................................................................. 35
4.8 Change target device .............................................................................................................................. 36
5 Variables ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
5.1 Properties ................................................................................................................................................ 37
5.2 Data type ................................................................................................................................................. 38
5.3 Standard variables .................................................................................................................................. 38
5.4 Service variables ..................................................................................................................................... 39
5.5 Network variables .................................................................................................................................... 39
5.6 Copy / paste variable block ..................................................................................................................... 40
6 Library ........................................................................................................................................................... 42
6.1 Functions ................................................................................................................................................. 42
6.1.1 Logical operators ............................................................................................................................. 42
6.1.2 Mathematical operators ................................................................................................................... 44
6.1.3 Relational operators ......................................................................................................................... 47
6.1.4 Bitshift operators .............................................................................................................................. 49
6.1.5 Bit operators ..................................................................................................................................... 50
6.2 Function blocks ....................................................................................................................................... 52
6.2.1 Triggers ............................................................................................................................................ 52
6.2.2 Timers .............................................................................................................................................. 54
6.2.3 Generators ....................................................................................................................................... 57
6.2.4 Counters........................................................................................................................................... 57
6.2.5 Analog .............................................................................................................................................. 60
6.3 Project macros ........................................................................................................................................ 62
6.3.1 Export, import, download macro ...................................................................................................... 63
6.3.2 FB in macro ...................................................................................................................................... 63
6.3.3 New macro using main menu .......................................................................................................... 64
6.3.4 New macro using context menu ...................................................................................................... 65
6.3.5 Update macro .................................................................................................................................. 66
6.3.6 Replace macro ................................................................................................................................. 66
6.3.7 Changing I/O points order ................................................................................................................ 67
6.4 Display elements ..................................................................................................................................... 67
6.4.1 Text box ........................................................................................................................................... 68
6.4.2 I/O box (INT/REAL) .......................................................................................................................... 68
6.4.3 I/O box (BOOL) ................................................................................................................................ 70
6.4.4 Dynamic box .................................................................................................................................... 70
6.4.5 ComboBox ....................................................................................................................................... 71
7 Circuit program development ..................................................................................................................... 73
7.1 Using of library blocks ............................................................................................................................. 73
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
7.2 Using of text field ..................................................................................................................................... 74
7.3 Using of variables .................................................................................................................................... 75
7.4 Using of constants ................................................................................................................................... 76
7.5 Using of delay lines ................................................................................................................................. 76
7.6 Network data exchange .......................................................................................................................... 77
7.7 Read / write in FB .................................................................................................................................... 78
7.8 Conversion blocks ................................................................................................................................... 79
7.9 Arrange elements .................................................................................................................................... 79
7.10 Execution sequence ............................................................................................................................ 80
7.11 Simulation ............................................................................................................................................ 80
7.11.1 Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 80
7.11.2 Watch Window ................................................................................................................................. 82
7.12 Online debugging................................................................................................................................. 82
8 Display programming .................................................................................................................................. 84
8.1 Display Editor .......................................................................................................................................... 85
8.2 Graphical structure .................................................................................................................................. 85
8.3 Form properties / Jumps ......................................................................................................................... 85
8.4 Copy / paste display form ........................................................................................................................ 87
9 Keyboard shortcuts...................................................................................................................................... 88
10 Program examples ....................................................................................................................................... 89
10.1 Task 1: Light switch with automatic switch-off ..................................................................................... 89
10.2 Task 2: Mixer control ........................................................................................................................... 91
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
1 General
1.1 Abbreviations and terms
Abbreviations and terms used in this manual:
Table 1.1
and terms
Programming software
Function Block Diagram is a graphical programming language
Structural unit of a program with one return value. The function does not store information about its internal state, i.e. if the function is called with the same input values, it will return the same output value.
Function block
Structural unit of a program with internal memory and one or more output values. It is used in a program as an instance, i.e. a copy with its own memory.
Function block created by the user
Program cycle
Execution time of the circuit program, which depends on its com­plexity
User application created for a programmable device with ALP soft­ware
Target device
Device for which the project is created
Area in the software user interface to create a user program by plac­ing program blocks and connecting lines between them
1.2 About software
ALP is the programming software for programmable devices of akYtec GmbH. The pro­gramming language is the graphical language FBD (Function block diagram). The soft­ware enables testing of the created program and its upload to the non-volatile memory of a programmable device.
Each project contains one or several circuit programs and a device configuration. The first workspace contains the main circuit program. Macros (user function blocks) can
be created as circuit programs on separate workspaces. If the target device has a display, it can be programmed using display forms, each of
them is opened in separate workspace. Only one project at a time can be opened.
1.3 System requirements
ALP software runs on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10. Pre-installed software .NET Framework
4.0 is required. If not installed, you will be asked to install it. Minimum hardware requirements:
1.5 GHz processor 1 GB RAM 100 MB available hard disk space Free USB port
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
Keyboard and mouse Screen resolution 1024x768
Recommended hardware requirements:
3.2 GHz processor 4 GB RAM 200 MB available hard disk space Free USB port Keyboard and mouse Screen resolution 1280x800
Internet connection is required for:
Software update Device firmware update Slave device template download Macros download in Component Manager
User interface
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
2 User interface
Fig. 2.1
1. Title bar – shows the name of the software and the path to the open project file
2. Menu bar – consists of the following groups: File, View, Device, Service, Plugins and Help
3. Toolbars – Standard, Service and Insert: quick access to the essential functions of ALP
4. Library Box – a panel that displays all the functions, function blocks, and macros that can be added to the project
5. Property Box – a panel where the properties of the selected project element can be viewed and modified
6. Workspace – a field in the user interface where a circuit program, display structure or a display form can be viewed and modified
7. Status bar – shows status and error messages, target device memory usage, status of the connected device and the programming interface
8. Display Manager – a tool to program the displayed information (available only for de­vices with display)
9. Variable Box – a panel in which all project variables with their parameters and refer­ences are displayed. Use drag-and-drop to place a variable block in a circuit pro­gram.
10. Component Manager – a special tool in a separate window to access the Online Da­tabase and to add the elements from Online Database to an offline library or to the project library. Internet connection is needed.
2.1 Menu
Table 2.1 Menu File
New project
Open a new project. The current project will be closed. (sect.
Change target device
Change the target device in the project (sect. 4.8)
User interface
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
Open project
Open a previously saved project
Save current work­space
Save the currently opened workspace
Save project
Save the current project
Save project as
Make a copy of the project in a different folder or with a differ­ent name
Create key file…
Create a file with a key to protect the project from unauthorized access (in development)
Project information…
View and modify the information about the project (sect. 3.6)
New macro…
Open the new macro in the separate workspace (sect. 6.3.1)
Save macro as…
Save the current macro under a new name in the project library
Import macro
Import a macro from a file into the project library (sect. 6.3.3)
Export macro
Save the current macro as a file (sect. 6.3.2)
Component Manager
Open the Component Manager interface (sect. 2.9)
Open the dialog to set the print options and print the active workspace
Recent projects
List of recently opened projects
Close ALP
Fig. 2.2 Menu File
Fig. 2.3 Menu View
Table 2.2 Menu View
Undo the last action
Redo the last undone action
Status indicators
Add / remove the indicators to / from the status bar (sect. 2.7)
Library Box
Show / hide Library Box (sect. 2.4)
Property Box
Show / hide Property Box (sect. 2.5)
Variable Box
Show / hide Variable Box (sect. 2.8)
Display Manager *
Show / hide Display Manager (sect. 2.6)
* Available only for devices with display
User interface
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
Table 2.3 Menu Device
Transfer application to device
Upload the current project to the device memory (sect.
Firmware update…
Update the firmware of the connected device (sect.
Device information
Information about the software, the target device and the connected device (sect. 3.5)
Variable table…
The editable table of the project variables with their parameters (sect. 5)
Start calibration (sect. 4.7)
Device configuration (sect. 4)
Port settings…
Settings of the programming interface (sect. 3.4)
Fig. 2.4 Menu Device
Fig. 2.5 Menu Service
Fig. 2.6 Menu Help
Table 2.4 Menu Service
Arrange elements
Function blocks of the same type are automatically renum­bered in the workspace from top to bottom and from right to left (sect. 7.9)
Start / stop simulation (sect. 7.11)
Select the interface language
Activate OFFLINE mode (sect. 3.4.1)
Table 2.5 Menu Help
Automatic update check
If activated, the update check is performed on program startup Check for updates
Check if software updates are available
Online help
Version history
The list of changes for all software versions
About Software
Information about the current software version
User interface
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
2.2 Toolbars
Table 2.6
New project
Open a new project. The current project will be closed.
Open project
Open a previously saved project
Save project
Save the current project
Open the dialog to set the print options for the current workspace
Copy the element selected in the work­space
Paste the copied element
Undo the last action
Redo the last undone action
Transfer application to device
Upload the current project to the device memory
Device information
Information about the software, the target device and the connected device (sect. 3.5)
Device configuration (sect. 4)
Variable table…
Open the table of project variables for edit­ing (sect. 5)
Start / stop simulation (sect. 7.11)
Online debugging
Start / stop online debugging (sect. 7.12)
Execution order
Change the execution order for the outputs or delay lines in a circuit program or in a macro (sect. 7.10)
Arrange elements
Function blocks of the same type are auto­matically renumbered in the workspace from top to bottom and from right to left (sect. 7.9)
Comment field
Text field for program comments (sect. 7.2)
User interface
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
Variable output block
Variable, which value can be written in the program (sect. 7.3)
Variable input block
Variable, which value can be read in the program (sect. 7.3)
Constant block
Constant value (sect. 7.4)
Delay line
Feedback with one-cycle delay (sect. 7.5)
Network variable output block
Variable, which value can be written via network (sect. 7.6)
Network variable input block
Variable, which value can be read via net­work (sect. 7.6)
Block WriteToFB
Connects the input value of the block to the selected parameter of the selected function block and used to change the parameter (sect. 7.7)
Block ReadFromFB
Connects the output value of the block to the selected parameter of the selected function block and used to read the param­eter (sect. 7.7)
Conversion to BOOL
Conversion of any value to a BOOL value (sect. 7.8)
Conversion to INT
Conversion of any value to an INT value (sect. 7.8)
Conversion to REAL
Conversion of any value to a REAL value (sect. 7.8)
2.3 Workspace
When a project is opened, the workspace with the tab Main program is shown in the middle part of the window (Fig. 2.7).
Fig. 2.7 Workspace
Circuit program is built and modified by placing program blocks and connecting lines be­tween them in the workspace. The size of the workspace can be changed in Property Box. The inputs (left) and outputs (right) are signed as follows:
Ix – digital inputs AIx – analog inputs Qx – relay outputs AOx – analog outputs
User interface
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Fx – LED indicators
The numbers (x) correspond to the ordinal numbers of physical I/O points of the target device. I/O points can be moved up and down along the workspace by drag-and-drop.
Fig. 2.8
Table 2.7 Workspace toolbar
Show / hide grid
Show / hide vertical and horizontal rulers and a grid in the workspace. If the grid is visible, the blocks and connecting lines are snapped to the grid.
Zoom -
Decrease the workspace by 10%
Original size
Return to the original size (100%)
Zoom +
Increase the workspace by 10%
Select scale
Scale list from 20% to 400%
The icons Split and Merge are located on a toolbar below the workspace. Use the icon Split to show the same circuit program in two workspaces. It can be useful if the program is too large and you want to view two different parts of the program at the same time. Use the icon Merge to return to one workspace.
2.4 Library Box
The panel Library Box is a summary of program blocks available in the project. The panel consists of three libraries: Functions, Function blocks and Project macros.
Select an item on the lower toolbar of the panel to show the respective content.
The standard position of the panel is the upper right window corner (can be changed).
The panel view can be changed using the icons on the upper toolbar.
Fig. 2.9 Grouped tiles
Click the icon Show all to show all the blocks of the selected library (Fig. 2.10):
User interface
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Fig. 2.10 Show all
Fig. 2.11 Show grouped
Click the icon Show grouped to show the blocks of the selected library grouped (Fig. 2.11). Double-click the folder to open it.
For descriptions of the library groups and individual blocks see sect. 6.
2.5 Property Box
The panel Property Box is used to view and modify the parameters of the program ele­ments. Select the element to view its properties.
Fig. 2.12
The standard position of the panel is the lower right window corner (can be changed).
The parameters are shown grouped by categories by default.
To show them in alphabetical order, click the icon . To show them
grouped, click the icon . Select the parameter input field to edit
its value.
2.6 Display Manager
Fig. 2.13
If the target device has a display, the dis­played information can be programmed us­ing one or more display forms. For further details about display programming see sect. 8.
The programming is carried out using the programming tool Display Manager. The tab Display Manager is located in the upper left corner of the window. Click the tab to open the panel. The panel contains a toolbar, a display form hierarchical structure (tree) and a list of properties of the selected object.
User interface
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Fig. 2.14
Fig. 2.15
The parameters of the selected display form are shown in the lower part of the panel.
To program the selected form, open it in a separate workspace Display Editor (Fig.
2.16), using the context menu or double­click the form in the group (Fig. 2.15).
The workspace shows the selected display form with the icons on the right of it,
which are used to change the number of the displayed rows. The rows displayed first are bold outlined.
For working with Display Editor see sect.
8.1. If more than one display forms are created,
you should specify “jumps” between them so that the operator can switch between forms to see the desired information. It can be done in a separate workspace Structure Editor (Fig. 2.17), presented the graphical structure of display forms with “jumps” and their conditions. To open it, use the com­mand Edit group in the group context menu (Fig. 2.14).
For working with Structure Editor see sect.
Fig. 2.16 Display Editor
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Fig. 2.17 Structure Editor
Table 2.8 Editor toolbars
Save workspace
Zoom out by 10%
Original size
Zoom in by 10%
Select scale
Display form
Add display form
Delete display form
2.7 Status bar
Status and error messages are displayed in the left field of the status bar. Besides that the status bar contains different status indicators that show information
about the memory usage of the target device (resource indicators), status of the con­nected device and the programming interface. Which indicators are available in the status bar, depends on the type of the target device.
Fig. 2.18
Resource indicators show the used resource in percent of the total available amount. Move the mouse over the indicator to see the absolute amount of the resource.
If the device is connected, the status bar contains the following information:
FB – the number of the available and used function blocks  Var – the number of the available and used variables
Note: Some variables can be created by the software automatically, if such ele­ments as delay lines or multiple connecting lines with common nodes are used in a project.
Stack – the number of the available and used stack levels  EEPROM – the available and used retain memory  ROM – the available and used ROM memory  RAM – the available and used RAM memory
Note: ALP software automatically calculates the available resources of the device and shows a warning if the critical value is reached.
Device – the type of the connected device
Note: Click the indicator to switch to OFFLINE mode. In this mode the connection to device is interrupted. The next click deactivate OFFLINE mode (sect.3.4.1).
Port – the selected COM port number (programming interface).
Note: Click on the indicator to open the window Port settings.
User interface
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2.8 Variable Box
Fig. 2.19
The panel Variable Box shows the project variables from the variable table.
The standard position of the panel in the up­per left window corner and can be changed.
You can view the information about the varia­ble in a tooltip text.
The variable references are shown as links in the lower panel part. If you click on the link, the block to which the variable is referred is highlighted in the workspace.
Drag-and-drop a variable to place it in the cir­cuit program as an input block.
To use a variable as an output block, hold the Shift key pressed as you drag-and-drop the variable.
If a variable is drag-and-dropped onto a con­nection pin of a block, the created variable block is connected to this connection pin.
If a variable is used at more than one place in the project, all the references can be viewed with the item Show references in the variable block context menu. Click on the link to view the reference (Fig. 2.20).
Fig. 2.20
2.9 Component Manager
New macros and device templates can be downloaded from akYtec Online Database. Component Manager is the tool for all interactions with this database. Select the menu item File > Component Manager to open it in a separate window.
User interface
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Fig. 2.21
The internet access is necessary for Component Manager to interact with Online Data­base.
The interface has two tabs: Online Database (sect. 2.9.1) and Local library (sect. 2.9.2). Blocks are shown in categories and can be filtered by name.
2.9.1 Online Database
Add to project button the selected blocks (macros or device templates) from
Online Database are added to the project library. The blocks are than stored in the project file and can be viewed in Library Box (sect. 2.4) in the Project Macros area.
Add to library button the selected blocks from Online Database are downloaded to
the local library and can then be used offline.
A check mark in the column Project or Library indicates that the block has been suc­cessfully downloaded / added.
Library files are stored at the local address: C: \ Users \ [username] \ Documents \ akYtec ALP \ Library \ The brief description of the selected block is displayed in the upper right field, and the full
description in the lower right field. The full description is a PDF document. Scroll the doc­ument to the end to see the PDF toolbar. Using it, you can download the document or print it.
Fig. 2.22
Click the button Operation result at the bottom of the window to view the program mes­sages about the performed operations.
Fig. 2.23
User interface
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2.9.2 Local library
Add to project button the selected blocks (macros or device templates) from
Online Database are added to the project library. The blocks are saved in the project file and can be viewed in the Library Box (sect. 2.4) in the Project Macros (sect. 6.3) area.
Import button – the selected blocks are added from a file in the project library.  Export button – the selected blocks from the project library are saved as files un-
der the specified path.
Remove button – the selected blocks are removed from the local library.
Usage basics
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
3 Usage basics
To program the device, proceed as follows:
Start ALP Create a new project for the selected target device or open an existing project (sect. 3.3) Save the project on the PC Test and debug the program in the simulation mode (sect. 7.11) Upload the project to the connected device (sect. 3.7)
3.1 Program execution
The selected target device determines the number of available inputs and outputs and the availability of a real-time clock. The general structure of the programmable relay is shown in Fig. 3.1.
Fig. 3.1 PR operation flowchart
The programmable relay is a kind of PLC with a cyclically executed program: Step 1 – The status of physical inputs is saved to the input memory cells (Input Image Table). Step 2 – The input memory cells are read out and the program is executed from its first
instruction to the last one.
Step 3 – The results are saved to the output memory cells (Output Image Table) and ap-
plied to the outputs.
When the last step is completed, the program runs again from the first step.
3.2 Program cycle time
The cycle time is calculated by the device and depends on program complexity. The fol­lowing blocks are especially resource-intensive:
FBs (sect. 6.2) macros (sect. 6.3) network variables (sect. 5.5) display elements (sect. 6.4).
It is a read-only parameter and can be viewed on the device display (if exists) using the system menu (see user guide). The minimum cycle time is 1 ms.
Note: The parameters Cycle time in device and in ALP simulation mode (sect. 7.11) are different in spite of the same name.
3.3 Project creation
To create a new project select File > New project in the main menu or use the equivalent icon in the taskbar. Select the target device in the dialog window Device selection and confirm it with OK (Fig. 3.2).
Usage basics
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
Fig. 3.2
The new project appearance:
workspace empty circuit program status bar information about available resources Library Box available program blocks Property Box workspace properties.
Circuit program
Now you can create the main circuit program in the workspace using the common pro­gram blocks from the toolbar Insert and the specific program blocks from Library Box. Draw connecting lines between inputs, outputs and program elements to establish logical connections in the program. For details about individual program block and connecting lines see sect. 7.
Display Manager
If the selected device has a display, the Display Manager tab appears to the left from the workspace. With this tool you can program the displayed information.
Program can be simulated offline. Start the simulation mode using the menu item Service > Simulation or the toolbar icon , change the state of the inputs and notice the state of
the outputs to check the correctness of the program (sect. 7.11).
Online debugging
If the device is connected and the program in the device and in ALP is the same, you can use online debugging to check the correctness of the program in the device (sect. 7.12).
3.4 Connection to device
The device must be powered off before connecting to PC.
Devices can be connected to PC directly (PR200, SMI200) or over PR-KP20 adapter (PR110, PR114). The required connection cable is included in the package of PR200 or the adapter.
Connect the device to a USB port of the PC, switch the power on and select the serial port in the menu Device > Port settings. The number of the emulated COM port can be found in the Windows Device Manager under “Connections (COM and LPT)”.
Usage basics
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
If the operating system does not find the correct driver, install the driver for PR200 or for the adapter PR-KP20. It can be downloaded from akytec.de.
Select the port number in the dialog window Port settings and confirm with OK. All other settings are fixed and displayed only for your information.
If the connection is established, the information about the connected device and the serial port is shown in the status indicators.
Fig. 3.3
3.4.1 OFFLINE mode
In this mode, the connection between ALP and the device is interrupted. The mode is helpful when you work with two ALP instances running on PC and trying to
communicate with the same device. Both applications will alternately occupy the port and the connection to the device will be constantly interrupted.
The application that should not communicate with the device should be switched to OFFLINE mode.
Fig. 3.4
OFFLINE mode can be activated / deactivated using the menu item Service > OFFLINE mode or by clicking the status indicator Device (sect. 2.7). With the next click is OF-
FLINE mode deactivated.
3.5 Device information
To view information about the software, the target device and the connected device use the menu item Device > Information… or the icon in the toolbar.
Usage basics
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
Fig. 3.5
The window Device Information contains the following information: Target device – the device for which the project was created Connected device – the information about the device connected to the PC Export into project – the button is active only if the device PR114-224.8D4A.4RXXXX is
connected. It can be used to export the real output types of the connected device into the project. Alternatively the type of each output can be manually changed in Property Box in accordance with the hardware.
3.6 Project information
Use the menu item File > Project information to view and modify the information about the project. The tab General contains the information about the version of the software.
Software version at project creation – the version of the software in which the project has been created
Software version at project modification – the version of the software in which the pro- ject has been modified
Fig. 3.6
The tab Project contains information about project version and is only for PR200 availa­ble.
Fig. 3.7
Group – project group name Name – project number within a Group Version – project version
After you complete the desired entries, confirm them with OK, or click Cancel to discard them.
3.7 Upload project to device
Attention! The program already stored in the connected device will be replaced by the new one.
Usage basics
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
Proceed as follows:
connect the device to PC power on the device adjust the port settings if necessary upload the project to the device
The project can be uploaded to the device using the menu item Device > Transfer appli­cation to device or clicking the icon in the toolbar. When the upload is completed,
the device can be powered off and disconnected from the PC.
Fig. 3.8
If the target device does not match the connected device, a warning message will be dis­played.
Note: After the program transfer is completed, the device goes to the operating mode and the program starts automatically.
3.8 Firmware update / repair
If a new ALP version includes a new version of the firmware for the connected device or extension module, you will be prompted to update the firmware before uploading a user program to the device. No internet connection is needed. Click Yes to start the update.
Note: Ensure the power supply of the device and extension modules (if any) and the safe connection between the PC, the device and the extension modules (if any) during the up­date process.
You can also update the firmware manually using the menu item Device > Firmware up­date. This way the firmware can be repaired when the firmware damage is detected (see
respective user guide, table “Error indication”).
Note: The user program will not be affected by firmware update.
Fig. 3.9
If you select Yes, the firmware of the currently connected and recognized device will be updated (repaired).
If you select No, lists of devices and extension modules will be offered to select from (Fig.
3.10). The opened window has two tabs: Device and Extension Module. This way a
forced firmware update can be made (sect. 3.8.1).
Usage basics
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
Fig. 3.10
Click Select to confirm the selection and start the update (repair) process. The message about the update result is shown upon the update completion.
3.8.1 Forced firmware update / repair
If the firmware is damaged (see respective user guide, table “Error indication”) and device automatic recognition is not possible, a forced firmware update should be used. Proceed as follows:
1. set the device in the forced download mode (see the device user guide)
2. select the menu item Device > Firmware update, lists of devices and extension modules will be offered to select from
3. select the device (extension module)
4. click Select to confirm the selection and start the update (repair) process.
The message about the update result is shown upon the update completion. If the basic device and the extension module have incompatible firmware versions and
the user program is uploaded to the basic device without the extension module con­nected, this may lead to an expansion module error displayed. To fix the error, use forced firmware update for the expansion module as described, skipping step 1.
Device configuration
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
4 Device configuration
The configuration of the device is a part of a project and can be set using the menu item Device > Configuration. The dialog window Device configuration consists of two parts. The configurable parameters of the device are presented in the parameter tree in the left part of the window. The content of a group is presented in the right part.
The content of the parameter tree depends on the target device and may include the fol­lowing groups:
Display Clock Interfaces Extension modules Inputs Outputs
All the settings are saved in the project, except the clock settings. The configuration is also possible without connecting the device.
4.1 Display
If the target device has a display, the following parameters can be set:
Backlight – the duration of the backlight since the last user activity Brightness – 0…100% Contrast – 0…100%
The button Read can be used to read out the current display settings from the connected device.
Fig. 4.1
4.2 Clock
If the target device has a built-in real-time clock, the date and time can be set in the Clock group.
Device configuration
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
Fig. 4.2
To synchronize the device clock with the PC clock, check the checkbox Synchronize with PC. In this case the fields Date and Time become inactive. To set the device clock to the new values click the button Save in the section Date/Time.
Fig. 4.3
Specify the clock error in seconds per month in the field Deviation to set the clock correc­tion. Enter a negative value if the device clock is too fast.
Fig. 4.4
To save the clock correction in the device, click the button Save in the section Correc­tion.
The button Read can be used to read the current time settings from the connected de­vice.
4.3 Interfaces
If the target device has a serial network interface RS485, its parameters can be set in the group Interfaces.
By default, there is one interface configured as a slave and assigned to the hardware slot 1 with the following settings: master device with the name PR and the network address
If the number of interfaces on the target device can be changed, interfaces can be added or deleted in the configuration, but their number cannot exceed the number of the existing slots (sect. 4.3.2).
If an interface is configured as a master, slaves can be added to the configuration or re­moved, but their number may not exceed 16.
4.3.1 Modbus working
ALP can be used to program devices that support Modbus-RTU or Modbus-ASCII (mas­ter / slave) protocols.
Device configuration
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
Note: The devices PR110 and PR114 can operate only in the slave mode and only with the PR-MI485 interface adapter.
In order to organize data exchange in the network over the RS485 interface, a master de­vice is required. There can be only one master in the network.
Cycle time
The program execution time (cycle time) is automatically adjusted (auto-tuning) depend­ing on the program complexity. The auto-tuning affects data exchange over Modbus, since the program execution has a higher priority than request processing. If the program is large, it can take up all the CPU time and Modbus data exchange will not be performed correctly.
To avoid this problem, the lower limit for the volume of the Modbus data exchange is re­served: 50 requests per second. Thus, at least 50 requests per second can be executed even if the user program is large, and even more if the program is small and the proces­sor capacity is sufficient. If there is not enough time to poll all devices, the number of re­quests should be optimized in the user program.
The Query cycle setting depends on the number of polled variables and the polling fre­quency in the program. It is recommended to set Query cycle to 1 s. In this case, the de­vice will be able to request up to 50 variables.
Query time
The query time is the actual time it takes the device to run all requests in a queue. If the queue is short, the device will perform all the request-response cycles and wait for the specified Query cycle to expire (Fig. 4.5). If the queue is long and the query takes longer than the specified Query cycle, the device will poll all slaves in the shortest possible time.
Fig. 4.5 Query time diagram
To minimize the request time, the following is recommended: If one or several slaves are not connected or temporarily unavailable, consider to
block the polling in a program or to minimize the Timeout parameter for these de­vices.
Consider the number of slaves and the total number of requests when setting the
Query cycle parameter. If the processing time of all requests (query time) takes longer than Query cycle, the parameter will be ignored.
Polling of multiple devices in the network Slaves are polled according to the generated queue from the smallest to the largest ad-
dress. In the following example, the slave with the address 8 is polled first, with the ad­dress 32 last.
Fig. 4.6
Device configuration
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
Query cycle can be set for each slave individually.
4.3.2 Add / remove interface
If the device has a slot, for which no interface is configured, an appropriate interface can be added using the item Add Interface in the context menu.
Fig. 4.7
An interface of the selected type with default settings is added. Depending on device, the interface can be replaced by another type of interface or re-
moved using the context menu.
Fig. 4.8
Device configuration
akYtec GmbH · Vahrenwalder Str. 269 A · 30179 Hannover · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 511 16 59 672-0 · www.akytec.de
4.3.3 RS485 Interface configuration
Fig. 4.9 Interface configuration
The type of the interface (RS485), the number of the assigned slot and the mode (master / slave) are displayed in the tree.
To establish the connection over the interface, it has to be configured. The parameters of the interface are displayed in the right part of the window. The default value depends on the target device. The parameters Protocol and Interval between requests are only in the master mode available. In the slave mode they are inactive and grayed out.
The icon As standard is used to save the settings as default values for future pro­jects.
The icon Factory settings is used to apply the unchangeable factory settings. The button Read is used to read out the current settings from the connected device. Use the button Close to save the settings in the project and close the dialog. Master mode
Each interface can control up to 16 slaves. Each slave supports up to 256 variables. The addresses and names of the variables need only be unique if they belong to the same slave.
In the master mode, all slaves connected to the interface are sequentially requested. Se­lect the mode Master in the parameter list, set other connection parameters and add the required number of slaves using the item Add slave in the interface context menu.
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