ITC Engineering Services
Mr.Frank DeNuzzo
Timco Engineering Inc.
849 NW State Road 45,
Newberry, Florida 32669.
SUBJECT: 20cm RF Exposure Statement.
The users’ manual submitted with the application is a draft copy. The final version of the
users’ manual will contain the 20cm RF exposure statement.
Femi Ojo
ITC Engineering Services.
Over 20 years experience in Compliance Testing and Engineering Consulting Services
————————————————EN 45001, NVLAP and VCCI Accredited Laboratory————————————————
9959 Calaveras Road, Box 543, Sunol, CA 94586-0543
Phone: (925) 862-2944 • (888) 336-7625 • Fax: (925) 862-9013
E-mail: itcemc@itcemc.com • Web: www.itcemc.com