Tools Required:
• 11/16”Wrench
• 5/8” Wrench
To Attach the Extension Adapter:
Attach the humidifier extension adapter (P/N HU002-1) to the O2 outlet of the
concentrator by hand tightening the nut fitting clockwise onto the O2 outlet of
the concentrator (see figure 1). Using the 5/8” wrench on the O2 outlet and the
11/16” on the adapter nut, tighten the adapter nut until snug (see figure 2). Do
not over tighten.
Figure 1 Figure 2
To Remove the Extension Adapter:
To remove the humidifier extension adapter, use the 5/8” wrench on the O2
outlet and the 11/16” on the adapter nut, turn the chrome adapter nut counter
clockwise until loose and then remove by hand.
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