Aiko UNIT 2 User Manual

Use a monolingual online dictionary to look up the meaning of these words.
2. billboard / hoarding:
3. to promote:
4. target audience:
5. AIDA:
6. eye-catching:
7. brand:
8. consumer:
9. word of mouth:
10.product features:
11. market research:
12. distribution:
13. label:
14.To endorse:
15. to launch:
16. product development:
17. sponsor:
18. point of sale:
19.unique selling proposition:
__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________
Texto adaptado para el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile
Discuss these statements with your partner. Put a tick √ if you agree with the statement or x if you don’t agree
1______ Marketing executives are good at selling us things we don’t really need. 2______ Advertising cigarettes and alcohol should be prohibited. 3______ Advertising is an art. 4______ Advertising is a clever way of lying about products. 5______ TV, radio or internet without advertisements would be very boring. 6______ I once bought something just because I really liked the advertisement. 7______ Things like Christmas and Halloween shouldn’t be marketed. 8______ The best type of advertisement is word of mouth.
Advertising, media and methods. Newspapers and TV are two advertising media. Can you think of others? Complete the table with the words in the box.
Directories public transport leaflets place target radio press endorsement
promote cinema commercials free samples exhibition point of sale television research publicise sponsor
jingles persuade
mail shots
launch run sponsor word of mouth poster slogans jingles
Texto adaptado para el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile
Word partnerships
Look at the following word partnerships (1-5).Match the words to the definitions (a-c). 1 Market research
segment share
2 Consumer behaviour
profile goods
3 Product launch
life cycle range
4 Sales forecast
figures target
5 advertising campaign
budget agency
a) the percentages of sales a
company has
b) information about what
customers want and need
c) a group of customers of similar
age, income level and social group
a) description of a typical
b) where and how people buy
c) things people buy for their own
a) introduction of a product to the
b) length of time people continue
to buy a product
c) set of products made by a
a) how much a company wants to
sell in a period
b) how much a company thinks it
will sell in a period
c) numbers showing how much a
company has sold in a period
a) a business which advises
companies on advertising and makes ads
b) an amount of money available
for advertising during a particular period
c) a programme of advertising
activities over a period, with particular aims
Work with your partner. Look at this chart with different well known brands. Fill in the spaces with a
typical consumer profile for each of the products.
Age Sex
Income level Other products the
consumer probably buys.
BMW Las últimas noticias
(Chilean newspaper)
IPod Coke Zero
Texto adaptado para el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile
a. - Definition: Marketing is the term given to the process of planning, designing, pricing promoting
and distributing ideas, goods and services, in order to satisfy customer needs, so as to make a profit.
Special characteristics of products and services are pointed out by companies to make customer feel satisfied after buying them.
Organizations which have non-profit social goals, such us persuading people not to smoke, or to give money to people in poor countries, also use the techniques of marketing.
b.- Marketing Mix: There are four factors, which involve all the different activities intended to make
and attract a profitable demand for a product. They are referred to as the “The four Ps” or the “marketing mix.”
The four Ps are:
Product : deciding what to sell. Price : deciding what prices to charge. Place : deciding how it will be distributed and where people will buy it. Promotion : deciding how the product will be supported with advertising.
A fifth P which is sometimes added is packaging: all the material used to protect and present a product before it is sold.
To market a product is to make a plan based on this combination and put it into action. A marketer or marketeer is someone who works in this area.
Texto adaptado para el Programa de Inglés de la Universidad Central de Chile
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