AICPA Town Hall User Manual

April 8, 2021
© 2021 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. All rights reserved.

AICP A Town Hall Agenda

1. Opening Comments & Policy Maker Update
2. Relief Programs Discussion
Final Stretch PPP, ERC, EIDL, SVOG, RRP
4. Open Forum and Closing Remarks
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Erik Asgeirsson
President & CEO AICPA Subsidiary
Kristin Esposito
CPA Dir.,T ax Policy & Advocacy AICPA
Mark Peterson
Executive Vice President, Advocacy AICPA
Lisa Simpson
CPA, CGMA VP, Firm Services AICPA
Cari Weston
CPA, CGMA Director, Tax Practice & Ethics AICPA

Engagement With Stakeholders & Broad Ecosystem

Treasury, IRS
Policy Makers
44K firms
Other advisors
Payroll Processers
Tax & G/L data
Other data
Credit Unions
Fintech lenders
Lawmakers Worried about Small Business Impact
House Legislation
Statements by Chairs of Small
Business Committees
Statement from Chairman of
Ways and Means Oversight Committee
Senate Finance Committee
Senators eager to ask tough
Tyranny of the Calendar

Policy Maker Key Topics

B iden $2.3 trillion infrastructure, tax plus plan
Congressional oversight
PPP Schedule C retroactive

Summary of 2021 PPP Approved Lending as of 4/4/21

Top PPP Lenders of 2021 PPP
Biz2Credit Financial Subsidiary

PPP Extension: Lender & Firm Activities

Lender resolution of PPP application error codes
Ongoing improvements, but still t housands of apps held up
More capabilities being offered to resolve error codes
Also working additional documentation needs
Many firms are reviewing Schedule C clients
Determining many c li ents were not aware of PPP eligibility
Some lenders have stopped receiving new PPP applications
Other lenders plan to stop prior to funding r unni ng out
SBA official stated funds forecasted to run out in April
High Interest: 2021 Draw One Applicants Getting 2
Information for clients who are seeking a 2nd Draw PPP loan after receiving a 1st Draw loan in 2021.
SBA initially did not permit 2nd Draw loan applications for
borrowers who only took their first PPP loan in 2021.
New rule from SBA allows these borrowers to apply for and
receive their 2nd Dr aw PPP loan.
Must certify that funds from first round hav e been used (or will be
used) by the time the s econd PPP loan is received.
To qualify for a 2nd Draw PPP loan, the client’s business must
have experienced a revenue reduction of 25% or greater due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Increased Scrutiny on Applications

Depa rtment o f Justic e
– Targeting
PPP Fraudule nt Activ ities
S BA I ns pector G ener al D etail s A cti ons to C ombat F r aud in T es timony Before C ongr ess
Fraud probes in the Small Business Administration’s pandemic-relief loan programs will take 10 years to resolve, according to the agency’s watchdog.
SBA Inspector General
Ware said fraud is so widespread in the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loan program that it will take a targeted effort to oversee them and crack down on fraudulent activity, despite a 40% increase in staffing provided by recent legislation.
“Fraud investigations will be a decade-long effort due to the performance of those loans
SBA’s portfolios, and the statute of limitations for fraud,”
Ware said Wednesday during a Senate Small Business Committee hearing.
While the twin programs have saved businesses from failing due to the pandemic, they have also fallen prey to fraudsters taking advantage of the government.
The SBA has made or guaranteed more than 17 million loans and grants, providing about $910 billion so far. But financial institutions have flagged more than 41,000 suspicious activities related to the programs from last April through October, William Shear, director
of the Government Accountability Office’s Financial
Investment unit, said
Department of J us tice Statement Abo ut Ac tio ns the D epartment is T aking Agains t S BA Loan Fr aud on March 26, 2 021
These cases involve attempts to obtain over $569 million from the U.S. government and unsuspecting individuals throu gh fra ud and have b een br oug ht in 56 feder a l districts around the country.
OIG has increased staffing in both its Auditing and Investigations Divisions with the supplemental funds appropriated to our office to increase our review and investigative capacity by approximately 40 percent. The supplemental funds are available until exhaustion, with some funding being directed for the purpose of EIDL oversight. These supplemental funds are critical for this initial oversight
S BA Inspector General Hannibal Ware’s testi mony before the S enate Small Business Committee on March 25, 2021
PPP Forgiveness Statistics as of 4/1/21
Total 2020 PPP volume 5.2M Forgiven 2.4M Under review 290K Applications not yet received 2.5M
Total 2020 PPP Volume = $521.2B
$209.1B has been forgiven*
*Many PPP Forgiveness Applications above
$2 million well past 90-day period

Business Relief Pr ogr ams

© 2021 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. All rights reserved.

Key Federal Business Relief Options

Paycheck Protection Program
Employee Retention Credit
Covid-19 Economic Inj ury Disaster Loan
Targeted EIDL Advance
Shuttered V enue Operators Grant
Restaurant Revitalization Fund
SBA Debt Relief
Help your clients navigate the options
Know the basics
Identify the relevant programs for your clients
Develop strategy to build capacity or refer to your network
Communicate options to clients and set expectations
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