Aico 260 User Manual

Product Guide for Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Ahead on Quality Ahead on Performance Ahead on Features
Ahead on Quality Ahead on Performance Ahead on Features
When Lives are at Risk it Pays to Fit the Best
When Lives are at Risk it Pays to Fit the Best
Effective Solutions from
Why you should fit Ca
The Ei range of Carbon Monoxide alarms from Aico provides high quality,reliable detection of Carbon Monoxide (CO).With over 30 years experience in the fire and gas detection industry our proven high quality design,manufacturing and testing processes have established us as Europe's leading manufacturer of residential smoke, heat and carbon monoxide detection products.We provide high performance products tailored to the needs of specifiers,contractors and house-owners .
Quality in our life saving products is never compromised.We have a record of industry firsts including the first BSI Kitemarked range,the first rechargeable back-up power supply in a smoke alarm,the first mains powered heat alarm,the first with hush technology across the range and the
Easi-fit design.
CO - The Housing Health & Safety Rating System - the Landlords responsibility.
The Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) is the new risk assessment procedure to replace the Housing Fitness Regime and the Fitness Standard as an element of the Decent
Homes Standard.It came into force on 6th April
2006 in England and it will follow in Wales later in
the year. The HHSRS Operating Guidance
recognises that CO exposure can be a
significant hazard to occupants and states
that it is the landlords responsibility to assess
the risk of a CO leak in a property.
Scotland has a similar scheme to the
HHSRS in the Scottish Housing
Quality Standard.
House of Commons All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group ­Shouting about a silent killer: Raising CO awareness
Report as Published 14th September 2006
“We believe that there are ways of increasing the number of reliable CO detectors in the home and would expect the mortgage and insurance industries to find innovative ways to ensure every home has one which is both audible and approved to British Standard.There should be an expectation that in order to complete a mortgage, or insure a property, both CO and smoke detectors should be a requirement for all homes.”
What is CO & why does it need to be monitored?
Carbon Monoxide is an invisible,odourless , tasteless and extremely toxic gas that,if inhaled, can cause serious ill effects
- justifying its name as 'The Silent Killer'.CO is readily a bsorbed by haemoglobin in the blood - approximately 240 times more efficiently than oxygen. This causes serious damage to the heart and brain from oxygen starvation.
How is CO produced?
Carbon Monoxide originates from the combustion of any fossil fuel ­coal,bottled and natural gas, paraffin,wood,petrol, diesel, charcoal etc.
What are the main sources of CO?
All Fossil fuel burning appliances produce CO,this is nor mally vented through flues and chimneys to the outside atmosphere. However, if the process is not entirely efficient,CO can build up to dangerous levels.Examples of possible causes are:
Poorly connected, blocked, cracked or corroded flue pipe/vent
Flue pipes/vents are designed to allow the CO produced by the appliance to vent to the outside atmosphere.If the flue is not operating correctly or is damaged,CO may leak into the property. Even if there is an annual check on the appliance/s, flues and vents remain a potential hazard.
Back drafting
Building Regulation requirements for energy efficient homes and a greater emphasis on air extraction e.g.bathroom and kitchen fans, means there is a risk of creating negative air pressure.This can cause reverse airflow through appliances resulting in dangerous levels of CO being drawn back into the property.
Cracked heat exchanger on gas central heating system
This will result in a large amount of CO leakage and is therefore a particularly dangerous possibility.
Appliances without flues
Some fuel burning appliances do not have flues. Portable heaters, cooking rings and grills are particular ly vulnerable as are old appliances. Whether burning liquid gas, paraffin, natural gas or wood,each are capa ble of emitting dangerous levels of CO.
The UK Market Leader
Europe's Leading Manufacturer
Service & Availability
At Aico we believe the ver y best alar m technology should be accompanied by the very best support possible.We offer unrivalled product information for specifiers, installers and end users of our products.
On the ground we have an experienced regionally based technical sales team,a highly trained customer ser vices department and a responsive sales office. Our products are distributed to the trade locally via most electrical wholesalers throughout the UK. Expert training and on site installation advice is readily available.
What are the effects of CO poisoning?
Carbon Monoxide poisoning can have a very serious,even fatal, effect on the body. Unfortunately, most people are unaware that a relatively low level of CO exposure for a prolonged period can have the same effect as a high level of CO exposure for a short period.A major problem is that the symptoms of CO poisoning can easily be confused with other common illnesses - such as cold and flu.The table details the effects of cumulative CO exposure.
Is there any evidence of CO in the home?
In January 2006, the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies at the University College London,in par tnership with Guys & St. Thomas Hospital,carr ied out a sur vey into indoor CO exposure. It was found that 18% of the homes monitored had CO levels that exceeded the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) guidelines.
32 Members of Parliament repor t to the Gover nment on the danger s of CO poisoning
The publication of a report by the House of Commons All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group (APPGSG) in September
2006 has once again raised serious questions concerning the dangers of CO poisoning in the home.The repor t titled “
about a silent killer: Raising carbon monoxide awareness”
looks at all aspects of the dangers that CO can create and makes proposals on what action should be taken to address these issues.As the title suggests , the main focus is on raising awareness of CO and its dangers with the general public,but it makes some very pertinent comments for Landlords to take into serious consideration:
Excerpts from APPGSG Report 14th September 2006
• Too many people continue to be harmed or even killed as a
result of this entirely preventable problem.
• One death from CO poisoning is one too many.
• Improving CO detection by emergency workers and
increasing the number of reliable CO detectors in the home is key to the fight to tackle CO poisoning incidents.Every home should have a CO detector with an audible alarm.We call on mortgage and insurance companies to investigate whether requiring all homes to have such an alarm should be part of granting a mortgage or insurance cover.
CO Parts
Ei Alarm Response
Shortness of breath on physical exertion, tightness felt across forehead.
Within 90
150ppm Headache after 1 hr.
Within 40
Headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea after 2-3hrs.
Within 40
Frontal headache within 1­2hrs, life threatening after 3hrs.
Within 3
Dizziness, nausea & convulsions within 45 minutes. Unconsciousness
Within 3
1,600pp Headache, dizziness & nausea
within 20 minutes. Death within 1hr.
Within 3
3,200pp Headache, dizziness & nausea
within 5-10 minutes. Death within 25-30 minutes.
Within 3
Headache, dizziness & nausea within 1-2 minutes. Death within 10-15 minutes.
Within 3
• The HSE has an important role to play.We press the HSE to introduce a zero-fatality target on CO poisoning.
• Stacy Rogers [Dominic Rogers Trust] proposed that CO detectors should be a mandatory requirement for all rented accommodation.
Calibration ­The Answer to Reliable Detection
The BS EN 50291 British and European Standard for CO Alarms requires a much lower trigger level than the previous BS 7860,w hich it supersedes.This is designed to give added protection to the more vulnerable members of society: the ver y young and the elderly. However, this can mean that nuisance alarm from very low levels of CO can occur if the sensor is not very accurately calibrated.To minimise this risk:
• Prior to alar m assembly every Ei CO sensor is independently calibrated at the factor y in CO gas
• After alarm assembly every Ei CO Alarm is fur ther tested in CO gas at the factor y
These facts,coupled with sustained levels of quality throughout the manufacturing process ensure the ver y highest standard of reliability and immunity from nuisance alarm.
Comprehensive Precision Calibration and Tes ting at 5 s tages of the
Manufacturing Process
The sensors are analysed and are grouped according to their response.Each group is then installed into a specifically calibrated circuit within the alarm, ensuring that all alarms accurately respond when subjected to CO gas.
* When CO is inhaled,it combines with the haemoglobin in the blood to form Carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb).The CO displaces the oxygen attached to the haemoglobin and as such causes oxygen starvation throughout various parts of the body.
BS EN 50291:2001 requires CO Alarms to trigger before the %COHb in a typical user has risen above approx 5 % COHb at low CO levels, such as 50 ppm CO.At higher levels,such as 300 ppm CO,the alarms must trigger before the level in a typical user has risen above 2 %COHb.The effects of COHb vary from one person to another, people at most risk are the elderly,the very young,pregnant women and those whose health is already compromised.The adjacent chart shows that the level of CO present over a period of time increases the %COHb and that Ei CO alarms respond well before a dangerous %COHb level is reached.However, it should be noted that people with heart disease and other associated illnesses may suffer har mful effects even at low COHb levels.
Ei CO alarms made to exceed BS EN 50291: 2001 ­Precise and reliable calibration is now even more important
Sensors mounted on bespoke calibration circuits are loaded into the CO enclosure,w here the CO gas exposure program can be run.
Once recorded,the sensors are loaded into a custom interface to extract data on each individual sensor’s response.
As the CO gas exposure program is run,the sensors are subject to precise CO levels for set times with each sensor’s individual response being recorded by the calibration circuitry.
Following assembly, all finished alarms are functionally checked for response and accuracy in CO gas before despatch.
Nominal Time to Alarm & % COHb
80 70 60 50 40 30
Time (minutes)
Alarm Response
Ei CO Alarm Trigger Level
50 100 150 200 250
CO Parts per million
Every Ei Alarm calibrated at these critical points
Nominal COHb level at Ei Alarm Trigger points
4.5 4
3.5 3
2.5 2
1.5 1
0.5 0
% COHb*
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