Agilent Technologies DP111, DP105, DP210, DP211, DP212 User Manual

User Manual: Family of 8-bit Digitizers ZM020010I Rev.A
For Use with DP and DC Series Digitizers
Models covered:
DP105 / DP106 / DP110
DP111 / DP210 / DP211 / DP212
DP214 / DP235 / DP240
DC110 / DC135 / DC140
DC211 / DC211A / DC240 / DC241 / DC241A
DC265 / DC270 / DC271 / DC271A / DC271AR
User Manual: Family of 8-bit Digitizers Page 2 of 66
June 2007
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and may not be construed in any way as a commitment by Agilent Technologies Inc. While Agilent Technologies makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and contents of the document it assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear.
All software described in the document is furnished under license. The software may only be used and copied in accordance with the terms of license. Instrumentation firmware is thoroughly tested and thought to be functional but it is supplied “as is” with no warranty for specified performance. No responsibility is assumed for the use or the reliability of software, firmware or any equipment that is not supplied by Agilent Technologies Inc. or its affiliated companies.
Any versions of this manual which are supplied with a purchased product will be replaced at your request with the latest revision in electronic format. At Agilent Technologies we appreciate and encourage customer input. If you have a suggestion related to the content of this manual or the presentation of information, please contact your local Acqiris representative or Acqiris Technical Support
( or come visit our web site at
Trademarks: product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies
Acqiris Headquarters:
Agilent Technologies SA 12, chemin des Aulx CH-1228 Plan-les-Ouates Geneva Switzerland
Acqiris USA:
Agilent Technologies Inc. P.O. Box 2203 Monroe, NY 10949 USA
Acqiris Asia-Pacific:
Agilent Technologies Australia Pty Ltd 347 Burwood Highway, Forest Hill VIC 3131 Australia
Tel: +41 22 884 32 90 Fax: +41 22 884 32 99
Tel: 845 782 6544 Fax: 845 782 4745
Tel: +61 3 9210 2890 Fax: +61 3 9210 5929
© Copyright Agilent Technologies Inc. June 2007
User Manual: Family of 8-bit Digitizers Page 3 of 66
1. OUT OF THE BOX........................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. Message to the User ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Using this Manual ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.3. Conventions Used in This Manual ............................................................................................... 5
1.4. Disclaimer and Safety .................................................................................................................. 6
1.5. Warning Regarding Medical Use ................................................................................................. 6
1.6. Packaging and Handling............................................................................................................... 6
1.7. Warranty....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.8. Warranty and Repair Return Procedure, Assistance and Support ................................................ 7
1.9. System Requirements ................................................................................................................... 7
1.10. Transport & Shipping................................................................................................................... 8
1.11. Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 8
1.12. Cleaning ....................................................................................................................................... 9
1.13. Disposal and Recycling................................................................................................................ 9
2. INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.1. IC414 Installation ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.1. IC414 Hardware installation hints.................................................................................. 10
2.1.2. IC414 Windows software installation ............................................................................ 10
2.2. Installing the Software under Windows ..................................................................................... 11
2.2.1. Warnings ........................................................................................................................11
2.2.2. Multiple Versions........................................................................................................... 11
2.2.3. Installation...................................................................................................................... 11
2.3. Installing the Software for Linux ...............................................................................................21
2.3.1. Kernel Mode Driver Compilation .................................................................................. 22
2.3.2. Special cases...................................................................................................................23
2.3.3. Environment variables for the Firmware........................................................................ 23
2.4. Installing the Hardware .............................................................................................................. 23
2.5. After Restarting .......................................................................................................................... 24
2.5.1. Windows 2000 ............................................................................................................... 24
2.5.2. Windows XP .................................................................................................................. 24
2.6. LabVIEW RT ............................................................................................................................. 26
2.7. Installing the IVI-COM/C Driver ............................................................................................... 27
2.8. Distribution for Windows 2000/XP and Linux .......................................................................... 27
3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................... 28
3.1. Overview .................................................................................................................................... 28
3.2. Channel Input .............................................................................................................................29
3.2.1. Coupling......................................................................................................................... 29
3.2.2. Impedance ...................................................................................................................... 29
3.2.3. Input Protection.............................................................................................................. 29
3.2.4. Mezzanine Front-end...................................................................................................... 29
3.2.5. Bandwidth and Rise Time.............................................................................................. 29
3.2.6. Input Voltage and Offset................................................................................................ 31
3.2.7. Vertical Resolution......................................................................................................... 31
3.2.8. DC Accuracy and Linearity............................................................................................ 31
3.2.9. Using Probes .................................................................................................................. 32
3.3. Data Acquisition......................................................................................................................... 32
3.3.1. Sampling Rate ................................................................................................................ 33
3.3.2. Acquisition Memory ...................................................................................................... 33
3.3.3. Single and Sequence Acquisition Modes ....................................................................... 33
3.3.4. DP1400 Simultaneous Multibuffer Acquisition and Readout (SMAR)......................... 34
3.3.5. Timing............................................................................................................................ 34
3.3.6. Timebase Range............................................................................................................. 34
3.3.7. Combining channels....................................................................................................... 34
3.4. Trigger ........................................................................................................................................ 34
3.4.1. Trigger Source................................................................................................................ 34
3.4.2. Trigger Coupling............................................................................................................ 35
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3.4.3. Trigger Level.................................................................................................................. 35
3.4.4. Edge Trigger Slope......................................................................................................... 35
3.4.5. Window Trigger ............................................................................................................. 35
3.4.6. HF Trigger......................................................................................................................35
3.4.7. Spike Stretcher ............................................................................................................... 35
3.4.8. DP1400 Multi-source Trigger ........................................................................................ 35
3.4.9. Pre- and Post-Trigger Delay........................................................................................... 36
3.4.10. Trigger Status................................................................................................................. 36
3.5. External Clock and Reference ....................................................................................................36
3.6. Internal Calibration .................................................................................................................... 37
3.7. ASBus ........................................................................................................................................ 37
3.8. Special Front Panel Input and Output(DP1400 & DC271-FAMILY)........................................ 37
3.9. External Trigger Output (DP1400 & DC271-FAMILY)............................................................ 38
3.10. Frequency Counter mode ........................................................................................................... 38
3.11. Electrical, Environmental and Physical Specifications .............................................................. 39
3.11.1. Electrical ........................................................................................................................ 39
3.11.2. Environmental and Physical........................................................................................... 40
4. RUNNING THE ACQIRISLIVE APPLICATION...................................................................... 41
4.1. Getting Started with AcqirisLive................................................................................................41
4.2. Control Panel and Functions ...................................................................................................... 42
4.2.1. Control Panel Mode ....................................................................................................... 42
4.2.2. Displaying Multiple Traces............................................................................................ 43
4.2.3. Numeric Editor............................................................................................................... 44
4.2.4. Keyboard shortcuts......................................................................................................... 44
4.2.5. Input Voltage Scale, Offset and Coupling...................................................................... 44
4.2.6. Trigger............................................................................................................................ 45
4.2.7. Acquisition Mode........................................................................................................... 45
4.2.8. Timebase and Memory................................................................................................... 46
4.2.9. Using digitizers of different models simultaneously...................................................... 46
4.2.10. Segmented Memory ....................................................................................................... 47
4.2.11. Display Features, Zoom and Persistence........................................................................ 47
4.3. Top Line Menu of AcqirisLive................................................................................................... 48
4.4. Setup........................................................................................................................................... 48
4.5. Store, Autostore and Conversion of Waveforms........................................................................ 48
4.6. Calibrate ..................................................................................................................................... 50
4.7. Combine channels ...................................................................................................................... 50
4.8. External 10 MHz Reference and External Clock ....................................................................... 50
4.9. Additional Waveform Information............................................................................................. 50
4.10. Display Features......................................................................................................................... 51
4.11. Command Line Switches............................................................................................................ 51
5. RUNNING THE GEOMAPPER APPLICATION....................................................................... 54
5.1. Who needs a Geographical Map of Modules ............................................................................. 54
5.2. When should the GeoMapper Application be used .................................................................... 54
5.3. How to run GeoMapper.............................................................................................................. 54
6. APPENDIX A: ASBUS FOR COMPACTPCI/PXI DIGITIZ E RS............................................. 57
7. APPENDIX B: ASBUS2 FOR PCI DIGITIZERS.........................................................................58
9. APPENDIX D: XA100 BNC INPUT OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION.................................. 60
10. APPE NDIX E: XP100 FAN UNIT FOR DP214/DP235/DP240 UNITS...................................... 61
11. APPENDIX F: XP101 FAN UNIT FOR DP DIGITIZERS (OBSOLETE)................................ 62
12. APPENDIX G: XP103 FAN UNIT FOR THE DP FAMILY OF MODULES........................... 63
13. APPE NDIX H: XP104 FAN UNIT FOR DP1400......................................................................... 64
14. APPENDIX I: XP105 FAN UNIT FOR DP1400...........................................................................66
User Manual: Family of 8-bit Digitizers Page 5 of 66
1. Out of the Box
1.1. Message to the User
Congratulations on having purchased an Agilent Technologies Acqiris data conversion product. Acqiris Digitizers are high-speed data acquisition modules designed for capturing high frequency electronic signals. To get the most out of the products we recommend that you read this manual carefully. We trust the product you have purchased will meet with your expectations and provide you with a high quality solution to your data conversion applications.
1.2. Using this Manual
This guide assumes you are familiar with the operation of a personal computer (PC) running a Windows 2000/XP or other supported operating system. It also assumes you have a basic understanding of the principles of data acquisition using either a waveform digitizer or a digital oscilloscope.
The manual is divided into 5 separate sections. To understand the elements of operation for the module it is essential that you read them all.
1 OUT OF THE BOX, describes what to do when you first receive your new Acqiris product.
Special attention should be paid to sections on safety, packaging and product handling. Before installing your product please ensure that your system configuration matches or exceeds the requirements specified.
2 INSTALLATION, covers all elements of installation and performance verification. Before
attempting to use your Acqiris product for actual measurements we strongly recommend that you read all sections of this chapter.
3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION, provides a full description of all the functional elements of the
4 RUNNING THE ACQIRISLIVE APPLICATION, describes the operation of AcqirisLive 3.1, an
application that enables basic operation of Acqiris digitizers in a Windows 2000/XP environment.
Note: AcqirisMAQS is an alternate software application offering many interesting possibilities for
the control of acquisition systems in a single or multi-machine environment. Ask your salesman or Acqiris for more information.
5 RUNNING THE GEOMAPPER APPLICATION, describes the purpose and operation of the
GeoMapper application which is needed for some ASBus Multi-instrument systems.
For information necessary for writing you own software to control Acqiris products you should refer to the
Programmer’s Guide and the Programmer’s Reference Manual.
1.3. Conventions Used in This Manual
The following conventions are used in this manual:
This icon to the left of text warns that an important point must be observed.
WARNING Denotes a warning, which advises you of precautions to take to avoid being electrically shocked. CAUTION Denotes a caution, which advises you of precautions to take to avoid electrical, mechanical, or
operational damages.
NOTE Denotes a note, which alerts you to important information. Italic text denotes a warning, caution, or note. Bold Italic text is used to emphasize an important point in the text or a note
mono text is used for sections of code, programming examples and operating system commands.
B,KB,MB,GB is for Byte, KiloByte = 1024 bytes, MegaByte = 1024*1024 bytes, GigaByte = 1024*1024*1024
Certain features are common to several different modules. For increased readability we have defined the following families:
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DC271-FAMILY DC135/DC140/DC211/DC211A/DC241/DC241A/ DC271/DC271A/ DC271AR/DP214/DP235/DP240
1.4. Disclaimer and Safety
The DP Series PCI Digitizer cards have been designed to operate in a standard PCI slot found inside most personal computers. The model DC Series CompactPCI/PXI Digitizers have been designed to operate inside a CompactPCI/PXI crate. The crate provides the modules with all needed power. Agilent Technologies does not recommend operation of the DC Series modules outside of a CompactPCI/PXI crate.
CAUTION: Do not exceed the maximum input voltage rating! The maximum input voltage for 50
impedance is
5 V. The maximum input for 1 MΩ input impedance is ±100 V (dc + ac) except
for the DC2x1A/AR models where it is
300 V (dc + ac) .
1.5. Warning Regarding Medical Use
The Digitizer cards are not designed with components and testing procedures that would ensure a level of reliability suitable for use in treatment and diagnosis of humans. Applications of these cards involving medical or clinical treatment can create a potential for accidental injury caused by product failure, or by errors on the part of the user.
These cards are not intended to be a substitute for any form of established process or equipment used to monitor or
safeguard human health and safety in medical treatment.
WARNING: The modules discussed in this manual have not been designed for making direct measurements
on the human body. Users who connect an Acqiris module to a human body do so at their own risk.
1.6. Packaging and Handling
Your Digitizer is shipped with the following components:
A small 3.5” compact disc in an Acqiris paper CD envelope that includes o 10 product user manuals in electronic form (Signal Analyzers, Streamer Analyzers, Family of 8-bit
Digitizers, Family of 10-bit Digitizers, Family of 12-bit Digitizers, Family of Averagers, Family of Analyzers, Family of Time Counters, CC10X Family of CompactPCI Crates and CC121 CompactPCI Crate),
o 1 Programmer’s Guide and 1 Programmer’s Reference Manual, o device drivers with sample software for different operating systems, environments and languages, o the AcqirisAnalyzers application, a demonstration program for the AC/SC Analyzer products, o the AcqirisLive application, a demonstration program for our digitizer and averager products, o the DemoSSR application, a demonstration program for the Acqiris AP235/AP240 Analyzers, o the DemoAPX01 application, a demonstration program for the Acqiris AP101/AP201 Analyzers, o the DemoTC application, a demonstration program for the Acqiris TC840/TC890 Time Counters, o product data sheets, o full installation procedures for use with Microsoft Windows, National Instruments LabVIEW RT,
Wind River VxWorks, IVI-COM/C, and Linux software.
A declaration of conformity
Optional documentation such as a model-dependent document giving Specifications & Characteristics, a
Calibration Certificate, or a Performance Verification
After carefully unpacking all items, inspect each to ensure there are no signs of visible damage. Also check that all the components received match those listed on the enclosed packing list. Agilent Technologies cannot accept responsibility for missing items unless we are notified promptly of any discrepancies. If any items are found to be missing or are received in a damaged condition please contact the Agilent service center or your local supplier immediately. Retain the box and packing materials for possible inspection and/or reshipment.
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1.7. Warranty
All Agilent Technologies Acqiris Digitizer products are warranted to operate within specification, assuming normal operation, for a period of three years from the date of shipment. It is recommended that yearly calibration be made in order to verify product performance. All repairs, replacement and spare parts are warranted for a period of 3 months. A 5-year repair warranty is available as an option.
Agilent Technologies endeavors to provide leading edge technology that includes the latest concepts in hardware and software design. As such software and firmware used with the products is under continual refinement and improvement. All software and instrument firmware is supplied “as is” with no warranty of any kind. Software and firmware is thoroughly tested and thought to be functional at the time of shipment. At Agilent Technologies’ discretion software and firmware may be revised if a significant operational malfunction is detected.
Products supplied but not manufactured by Agilent Technologies are covered solely by the warranty of the original equipment manufacturer.
In exercising this warranty, Agilent Technologies will repair or replace any product returned to the Agilent service center, within the warranty period. The warranty covers all defects that are a result of workmanship or materials. This excludes defects that are caused by accident, misuse, neglect, or abnormal operation.
The purchaser is responsible for returning the goods to the nearest Agilent service center. This includes transportation costs and insurance. Agilent Technologies will return all warranty repairs with transportation prepaid.
1.8. Warranty and Repair Return Procedure, Assistance and Support
Agilent Technologies Inc. acquired Acqiris SA and its product lines in December 2006. Before returning any Agilent Technologies Acqiris product for repair please contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Service Center.
You can find information about technical and professional services, product support, and equipment repair and service on the Web, see (or and after selecting your
country click on Contact Us). The service center will ask for your name, company, phone number and address, the
model and serial numbers of the unit to be repaired, and a brief description of the problem.
Before issuing a Service Order they will ask you to communicate with us by phone or eMail so that we can learn as much as needed about the problems observed. If a unit returned under guarantee is found to be working normally and this procedure was not followed we reserve the right to charge you for the work done.
For your nearest customer support center contact Acqiris at 1-877-ACQIRIS in the USA, +41 22 884 32 90 in Europe or +61 3 9210 2890 in the Asia-Pacific region. Alternatively, please contact Acqiris Technical Support
( or come visit our web site at The Agilent Technologies Support
Centers can also help redirect you for any questions concerning the installation and operation of your equipment.
1.9. System Requirements
In order to obtain reasonable performance from your digitizer, Acqiris products need the following minimum PC System Requirements:
Processor: 150 MHz Pentium (higher recommended) Memory: 64 MB RAM. The previous number is a very rough estimate. Assuming that you are using AcqirisLive or
an application of your own that operates on the acquired data it seems reasonable to ask for 10 times the total acquisition memory that you will be using at the same time in the application. Performance is likely to be degraded if less memory is available.
Display resolution: At least 800 x 600 pixels and 256 colors for use of AcqirisLive or AcqirisDemo Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP including 2003 Server, Wind River VxWorks 5.5.1, and Linux.
The following Linux versions have compiled loadable kernel modules:
RedHat Enterprise Linux Version 3 - Kernel Version 2.4.21-4.EL RedHat Enterprise Linux Version 3 - Kernel Version 2.4.21-4.ELsmp, Suse Linux 9.2 - Kernel version 2.6.8-24-smp, Debian Sarge 3.1 2.6.8-3-686, Debian 4.0 etch Kernel version 2.6.18-4-686, Scientific Linux 4.4 Kernel version 2.6.9-11.EL).
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Linux kernel driver source code is available for compilation. Support for Windows 95/98/NT4 is included “as is” since these operating systems are no longer supported by Microsoft.
Hard Drive Space: 20 MB Minimum CD Drive (or any method to copy Acqiris Software installation files from CD to the hard drive such as LAN, floppy
drive, etc.)
LabVIEW: The Acqiris LabVIEW driver is available for National Instruments LabVIEW versions 7.1or 8.0 LabVIEW RT: The Acqiris LabVIEW RT driver is available for National Instruments LabVIEW RT version 7.1 or
higher. The VISA driver must be version 3.0 or higher.
MATLAB: The Acqiris MEX interface can be used with MathWorks MATLAB 6.5 or a newer vesion. Visual BASIC: The interface files and examples are available for Microsoft Visual Basic versions 5 or 6 and the
interface files only for .NET.
Tornado: The example files are useable with Wind River Tornado 2.2.1
1.10. Transport & Shipping
CAUTION: Cards can be safely transported in their original shipping packages. DC cards can be transported
when properly mounted in a CompactPCI crate. The transport of DP cards mounted in a PC is a more delicate issue. Because of their mass the cards can vibrate loose unless they are properly secured and braced. DP cards held only in the front and on the bottom should not be shipped in their PC. However, properly mounted DP cards with XP103 or XP105 fans can be sufficiently well held; the Adjustable retainer must be used so as to hold the card in place.
To package the instrument for shipping:
Step Notes
1. Place the instrument in its original packaging materials.
If the original packaging materials are not available,
use a professional packaging service. Contact your
Agilent Service Center for more information.
2. Surround the instrument with at least 3 to 4 inches (8
to 10 cm) of its original packing material or bubble-pack to prevent the instrument from moving in its shipping
3. After wrapping it with packing material, place the
instrument in its original shipping container or a strong shipping container that is made of double-walled corrugated cardboard with 159 kg (350 lb) bursting
The shipping container must be large and strong
enough to accommodate your instrument and allow at least 3 to 4 inches (8 to 10 cm) on all sides for packing
4. Seal the shipping container securely with strong nylon adhesive tape.
5. Mark the shipping container “FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE” to help ensure careful handling.
6. Use the address obtained from your Agilent Technologies Service Center.
7. Retain copies of all shipping papers.
CAUTION: Damage can result if the original packaging materials are not used. Packaging materials should be
anti-static and cushion the instrument on all sides. NEVER USE STYRENE PELLETS IN ANY SHAPE AS PACKAGING MATERIALS. They do not adequately cushion the instrument or prevent it from moving in the shipping container. Styrene pellets can also cause equipment damage by generating static electricity or by lodging in fan motors.
1.11. Maintenance
The cards do not require any maintenance. There are no user serviceable parts inside. A periodic calibration can be obtained on request.
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1.12. Cleaning
Cleaning procedures consist only of exterior cleaning.
Clean the exterior surfaces of the module with a dry lint-free cloth or a soft-bristle brush. If any dirt remains, wipe with a cloth moistened in a mild soap solution. Remove any soap residue by wiping with a cloth moistened with clear water. Do not use abrasive compounds on any parts.
1.13. Disposal and Recycling
Electronic equipment should be properly disposed of. Acqiris Digitizers and their accessories must not be thrown out as normal waste. Separate collection is appropriate and may be required by law.
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2. Installation
This chapter describes how to install the Acqiris hardware and software for Windows 2000/XP, National Instruments LabVIEW RT, Linux, or Wind River VxWorks.
For a first time installation we strongly recommend installing the software before inserting the
hardware into the PC.
2.1. IC414 Installation
NOTE: If you are going to install an IC414 interface for the first time and are running Windows 2000/XP you should follow the procedure below before installing the Acqiris hardware.
2.1.1. IC414 Hardware installation hints
The PCI-8570/PXI-8570 User's Manual (Rev. 1.00) section 2.5 gives Hardware Installation instructions.
CAUTION: Turn off the power of the PC; the PC may have to be unplugged to ensure that the PCI bus has no
power available.
CAUTION: Touch the antistatic package to a grounded object before removing the card from the package.
Electrostatic discharge can damage the card.
The standard cable pair provided each have a red connector on one end and a black connector on the other. Therefore the correct connection can be made by plugging the Red connector into the L0Rx socket and the Black connector into the L0Tx socket on the PXI module and the other Red connector into the PCI module socket furthest from the PCI card internal base connector and the Black connector into the next socket.
If you intend to use 64-bit 66 MHz transfer to maximize data transfer speed you should cable a “bundled link” using two standard cable pairs and both the L0 and L1 pairs of connectors. You should also make sure that you configure the PXI-8570 M66EN Jumper correctly.
2.1.2. IC414 Windows software installation
Linux users do not need to read any further since there is no special software installation.
Windows users should have the hardware installed as noted above. This software installation should be done before any Acqiris modules are placed in the CompactPCI crates. This may mean that you have to remove the module from the crate as delivered.
The crate should be turned on first followed by the PC. If the cabling and start-up sequence is done correctly there will be no LED illuminated on the PCI unit connected pair and the LED's of the PXI connected pair will be lit.
For Windows XP installation, Select the Control Panel under Settings in the Start menu. Then, if you are using the
Category View select Printers and Other Hardware. After this, for both Category and Classic views, go to System and then display the Hardware tab to get access to the Driver Signing menu. Since neither the AdLink nor
the Acqiris driver has been submitted for Windows Logo testing you must select either the Ignore or Warn action.
The resulting menu looks as shown:
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The PCI-8570/PXI-8570 User's Manual (Rev. 1.00) section 2.4 contains the software installation instructions. These should be executed before allowing the hardware installation process to look for the driver. If you have an AdLink CD Version 2004A4 or later you can use it; if not you should download the latest driver from the WEB site ( You can then continue with the Hardware Installation. A reboot will then be
necessary. At this point the Stargen Fabric PCI Adapter and the Stargen Aruba Fabric-to-PCI Bridge should appear correctly installed under System Devices in the Device Manager.
NOTE: If you have an AdLink CD Version 2005A3 or later you can find 8570install.exe in the folder X:\Driver
Installation\PXI Platform\PXI Extension\PCI_PXI-8570\Wnt2kxp and the starfab1.inf file in the folder X:\Driver Installation\PXI Platform\PXI Extension\PCI_PXI-8570\Win98.
2.2. Installing the Software under Windows
2.2.1. Warnings
If Setup detects a previous installation of Acqiris software on your system, a warning screen will be displayed. It is recommended to exit Setup and uninstall older versions.
The installer from software releases prior to Acqiris Software 2.0 installed the Digitizer Driver DLL files into the
System directory. These will be removed by Setup. If you wish to keep the old installation on your system, you should exit Setup, and move all Acqiris driver files (acqiris*, acqrs* and acqir*) to some archive directory.
The DLL files will be installed into the bin subdirectory of the Acqiris software root, and the corresponding path will be added to the PATH environment variable.
2.2.2. Multiple Versions
With the software installation from Acqiris Software 2.0 (or above), it is possible to keep multiple versions on the
same system, but you must specify a different root directory (i.e. Install Folder). If you keep the same directory, Setup will overwrite your previous installation.
To go back to a previous version, you must change the PATH environment variable and reinstall the Kernel driver. Under Windows 2000/XP:
1. Copy the SYS file from <old_AcqirisSoftware_root>\bin\kernel to the
Windows\System32\drivers directory.
2. Change the AcqirisDxRoot, AcqirisDxDir and PATH environment variables to the old root.
3. Reboot the computer.
2.2.3. Installation
Before installing the Acqiris hardware, you should complete the following steps to install the software for Windows 2000/XP.
NOTE: You will need administrator privileges to complete the software installation under Windows 2000/XP.
1. Insert the Acqiris Software CD into the CD-ROM drive of your computer. If the Autorun program does not start
automatically (Autoplay disabled), you can start it manually, or navigate to the AcqirisSoftware\Windows folder in order to display the files included.
2. Choose Install AcqirisSoftware for Windows 2000/XP (or run Setup.exe from the
AcqirisSoftware\Windows folder). After several seconds for initialization the following screen will appear.
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3. To proceed with the installation click “Next”. The following screen will be shown.
4. Please enter your user information and click “Next” to continue. If the program finds that there is still Acqiris
software installed on your machine a warning panel (not shown) will appear. Otherwise, the next screen shows:
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5. Pick the desired combination of module families and click "Next" to continue.
6. The screen above will normally allow the documentation to be installed. Remove the check from the box if you
do not want online access to the manuals.
7. The next screen allows you to enable LabVIEW RT and/or Wind River VxWorks support. By default there will
be none but if desired you can install any of them together with Windows support or without Windows support. Click “Next” to continue.
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8. The screen below asks for the desired installation type. After having made your choice Click “Next” to continue.
9. If you chose the Custom installation, the following screen will let you select each package individually. Note
that the space indicated for LabVIEW, Firmware and UserManual packages is incorrect. The correct values are
4.1 MB, 21 MB, and 27 MB respectively.
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10. If MATLAB is installed on your machine, you will be asked to point the installer to the MATLAB root
directory. You should do this if you want the installer to modify the standard startup.m file to incorporate the Acqiris adaptor.
11. Now that the elements of the installation have all been decided you will be prompted for the installation folder.
This will be the root directory of the Acqiris software installation. If User Manuals (27 MB) and Firmware (21 MB) are loaded more space than indicated here will be required on the drive. For the case of a Tornado 2.2 installation the folder name should not contain any spaces.
12. Furthermore, you should give a name to the shortcut folder. This is the menu entry under Start Programs
where you will find the shortcuts for AcqirisLive, manual(s), etc.
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13. If you have enabled the installation of 12-bit Digitizers, Averagers, or Analyzers, the next screen lets you change
the name of the directory where the FPGA firmware will be installed.
14. AcqirisLive needs the LabWindows/CVI 7.0 Run-Time Engine to run. If Setup has detected that a
LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine is already installed on your system, it will ask you if you would like to install it locally for AcqirisLive anyway. If you are not sure about the version of the CVI Run-Time Engine on your system, it is recommended to install it locally. Click “Next” to continue.
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15. Depending on the install type, you may be asked which LabVIEW version format you want for the LabVIEW
files. Select the appropriate format and click “Next” to continue.
16. A summary will be shown to allow you to check what you have asked for
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17. You are now ready to install. You may still go back to any previous screen to modify your selection. Click
“Install” when ready.
18. Setup will now copy the files and make the necessary changes to your system. When done, an information
screen will be displayed. Please read this carefully.
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19. Registration of your installation will help us provide you with better support. You will also be notified of
updates and upgrades. All information submitted to us will be treated confidentially and never be disclosed outside the company.
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20. Setup will prepare a registration e-mail in your e-mail client application upon termination of the setup procedure.
You can then decide whether or not you wish to send it. You may also add comments. Uncheck the box if you do not want to register your installation.
21. Click “Finish”. The software installation is now complete.
22. You can now either accept the suggestion to restart the computer or you should shutdown your computer and
proceed with the hardware installation.
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