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Manual Part Number
Version D0, April 2021
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This product is provided under an agreement between Bio-Rad Laboratories and
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forensics, animal testing and food testing).
2SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Safety Notices
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not
correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed
beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if
not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proceed beyond a
WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment3
In this Guide...
This guide provides an optimized protocol for preparation of
target- enriched Illumina paired- end multiplexed sequencing
libraries using the SureSelect XT HS2 DNA system.
1Before You Begin
This chapter contains information that you should read and
understand before you start an experiment.
2Preparation and Fragmentation of Input DNA
This chapter describes the steps to prepare and fragment
gDNA samples, using either mechanical shearing or
enzymatic fragmentation, prior to library preparation.
3Library Preparation
This chapter describes the steps to prepare dual- indexed,
molecular- barcoded gDNA sequencing libraries for target
4Hybridization and Capture
This chapter describes the steps to hybridize and capture
the prepared DNA library using a SureSelect or ClearSeq
Probe Capture Library.
5Post-Capture Sample Processing for Multiplexed Sequencing
This chapter describes the steps for post- capture
amplification and guidelines for sequencing sample
6Appendix: Using FFPE-derived DNA Samples
This chapter describes the protocol modifications for gDNA
isolated from FFPE samples.
This chapter contains reference information, including
component kit contents and index sequences.
4SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
What’s New in Version D0
• Support for SureSelect XT HS Human All Exon V8 Probe.
• Updates to instructions in the “Hybridization and
• New footnotes to Table 11 on page 25 and Table 14 on
• Update to Figure 4 on page 46 and associated text on
• Update to downstream sequencing support information in
• Update to description of flat strip caps in Table 8 on
See Table 3 on page 14 for ordering information and see
Table 28 on page 51 for the hybridization thermal cycling
program recommended for this probe with the SureSelect
XT HS2 DNA system. Also see troubleshooting
information on page 101 and updates to the Quick Reference Protocol on page 103.
Capture” chapter on page 49 through page 56. Updates
include provision of two separate hybridization thermal
cycler programs (Table 28 and Table 29 on page 51) and
related changes throughout the chapter.
page 28 on FFPE sample initial fragment size impacts on
library fragment size distribution.
page 47.
Table 41 on page 71.
page 19.
What’s New in Version C1
• Updates to index pair sequence tables (page 87 through
page 94) including updates to P5 index platform
descriptions and correction of well position typographical
• Updates to downstream sequencing support information
(see Table 41 on page 71 and Note on page 86)
• Updates to molecular barcode and associated dark base
information (see Figure 8 on page 70) and instructions
for processing using the Agilent Genomics NextGen
Toolkit (see page 72)
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment5
• Addition of hybridization temperature considerations for
What’s New in Version C0
• Support for revised SureSelect custom probe products,
• Updates to DNA library quantitation/qualification
• Updates to thermal cycler and plasticware
• Updates to Materials Required including updated
• Updates to Optional Materials in Table 8 on page 19,
• Updates to “SureSelect XT HS2 Index Primer Pair
probes designed for use with the SureSelect XT system
(see Table 28 on page 51)
produced using an updated manufacturing process
beginning August, 2020 (see Table 3 on page 14). Custom
probes produced using the legacy manufacturing process
are also fully supported by the protocols in this
document. Probe information was reorganized (see
Table 3 on page 14), and probe nomenclature throughout
document was updated.
guidelines including increased support for the Agilent’s
Fragment Analyzer platform and streamlined sample
analysis guidelines (see Table 6 on page 17 and see
page 44 through page 46 and page 65 through page 67).
recommendations and usage instructions (see Caution
and Table 5 on page 16 and see Note on page 34).
ordering information for Dynabeads MyOne Streptavidin
T1 beads (Table 4 on page 15) and for Eppendorf
ThermoMixer C and Qubit Fluorometer (Table 5 on
page 16).
including removal of ethylene glycol supplier information
(see page 25 for related update to DNA shearing set up
Information” section (page 86 through page 97) including
addition of P5 primer sequences oriented for the NextSeq,
HiSeq 4000 and HiSeq 3000 platforms and reorganization
of section content.
6SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
1Before You Begin 9
Overview of the Workflow 10
Procedural Notes 12
Safety Notes 12
Materials Required 13
Optional Materials 19
2Preparation and Fragmentation of Input DNA 21
Step 1. Prepare and analyze quality of genomic DNA samples 22
Preparation of high-quality gDNA from fresh biological samples 22
Preparation and qualification of gDNA from FFPE samples 22
Step 2. Fragment the DNA 25
Method 1: Mechanical DNA Shearing using Covaris 25
Method 2: Enzymatic DNA Fragmentation 28
3Library Preparation 31
Step 1. Prepare the Ligation master mix 33
Step 2. Repair and dA-Tail the DNA ends 34
Step 3. Ligate the molecular-barcoded adaptor 36
Step 4. Purify the sample using AMPure XP beads 37
Step 5. Amplify the adaptor-ligated library 39
Step 6. Purify the amplified library with AMPure XP beads 42
Step 7. Assess quality and quantity 44
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment7
4Hybridization and Capture 49
Step 1. Hybridize DNA libraries to the probe 50
Step 2. Prepare streptavidin-coated magnetic beads 55
Step 3. Capture the hybridized DNA using streptavidin-coated beads 56
5Post-Capture Sample Processing for Multiplexed Sequencing 59
Step 1. Amplify the captured libraries 60
Step 2. Purify the amplified captured libraries using AMPure XP beads 63
Step 3. Assess sequencing library DNA quantity and quality 65
Step 4. Pool samples for multiplexed sequencing 68
Step 5. Prepare sequencing samples 70
Step 6. Do the sequencing run and analyze the data 72
Sequence analysis resources 77
6Appendix: Using FFPE-derived DNA Samples 79
Protocol modifications for FFPE Samples 80
Methods for FFPE Sample Qualification 80
Sequencing Output Recommendations for FFPE Samples 81
7Reference 83
Kit Contents 84
SureSelect XT HS2 Index Primer Pair Information 86
Troubleshooting Guide 98
Quick Reference Protocol 102
8SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA System Protocol
Before You Begin
Overview of the Workflow 10
Procedural Notes 12
Safety Notes 12
Materials Required 13
Optional Materials 19
Make sure you read and understand the information in this chapter and
have the necessary equipment and reagents listed before you start an
This protocol differs from the Illumina Multiplexed Paired-End sequencing manual and
other SureSelect protocols at several steps. Pay close attention to the primers used for
each amplification step and the blocking agents used during hybridization.
Agilent guarantees performance and provides technical support for the SureSelect
reagents required for this workflow only when used as directed in this Protocol.
Agilent Technologies
1Before You Begin
Overview of the Workflow
Overview of the Workflow
The SureSelect XT HS2 DNA workflow is summarized in Figure 1. The
estimated time requirements for each step are summarized in Table 1.
10SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Overview of the Workflow
Table 1Estimated time requirements (up to 16 sample run size)
Library Preparation3.5 hours
Hybridization and Capture3.5 hours
Post-capture amplification1 hour
Before You Begin1
QC using Bioanalyzer or TapeStation platform and sample
1.5 hours
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment11
1Before You Begin
Procedural Notes
Procedural Notes
• To prevent contamination of reagents by nucleases, always wear
powder- free laboratory gloves and use dedicated solutions and pipettors
with nuclease- free aerosol- resistant tips.
• Use best- practices to prevent PCR product contamination of samples
throughout the workflow:
1 Assign separate pre- PCR and post- PCR work areas and use
dedicated equipment, supplies, and reagents in each area. In
particular, never use materials designated to post- PCR work areas for
pre- PCR segments of the workflow.
2 Maintain clean work areas. Clean pre- PCR surfaces that pose the
highest risk of contamination daily using a 10% bleach solution, or
3 Always use dedicated pre- PCR pipettors with nuclease- free
aerosol- resistant tips to pipette dedicated pre- PCR solutions.
4 Wear powder- free gloves. Use good laboratory hygiene, including
changing gloves after contact with any potentially- contaminated
• For each protocol step that requires removal of tube cap strips, reseal
the tubes with a fresh strip of caps. Cap deformation may result from
exposure of the cap strips to the heated lid of the thermal cycler and
from other procedural steps. Reuse of strip caps can cause sample loss,
sample contamination, or imprecision in sample temperatures during
thermal cycler incubation steps.
• In general, follow Biosafety Level 1 (BSL1) safety rules.
• Possible stopping points, where samples may be stored at –20°C, are
marked in the protocol. Do not subject the samples to multiple
freeze/thaw cycles.
Safety Notes
12SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when working in the
Before You Begin1
Materials Required
Materials Required
Materials required to complete the SureSelect XT HS2 protocol will vary
based on the following considerations:
• SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Reagent Kit format preference, where some
options include ancillary reagent modules
• DNA sample type: high- quality gDNA derived from fresh/fresh- frozen
samples vs. FFPE- derived gDNA samples
• DNA fragmentation method used in workflow: mechanical
(Covaris- mediated) shearing vs. enzymatic fragmentation
To determine the materials required for your unique needs, first select the
preferred kit format from Table 2 below and a compatible target
enrichment probe from Table 3. Then refer to Table 4 through Table 7 for
additional materials needed to complete the protocols using the selected
kit format/DNA sample type/fragmentation method.
Table 2SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Reagent Kit Varieties
Description Kit Part Number
16 Reaction Kit
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Reagent KitG9981A (with Index Pairs 1–16)G9983A (with Index Pairs 1–96)
Reagent Kits with additional component modules
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Starter Kit
Includes the following modules:
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Reagent Kit
SureSelect Enzymatic Fragmentation Kit
SureSelect DNA AMPure
SureSelect Streptavidin Beads
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Reagent Kit with
XP/Streptavidin Beads
XP Beads
G9982A (with Index Pairs 1–16)Not applicable
Not applicableG9984A (with Index Pairs 1–96)
96 Reaction Kit
G9983B (with Index Pairs 97–192)
G9983C (with Index Pairs 193–288)
G9983D (with Index Pairs 289–384)
G9984B (with Index Pairs 97–192)
G9984C (with Index Pairs 193–288)
G9984D (with Index Pairs 289–384)
* 16-reaction kits contain enough reagents for 2 runs containing 8 samples per run.
† 96-reaction kits contain enough reagents for 4 runs containing 24 samples per run.
‡ AMPure, Beckman, and Beckman Coulter are trademarks or registered trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc.
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment13
1Before You Begin
Materials Required
Table 3Compatible Probes
Probe Capture Library16 Reactions96 Reactions
Pre-designed Probes
SureSelect XT HS Human All Exon V85191-68735191-6874
SSel XT HS and XT Low Input Human All Exon V75191-40285191-4029
SureSelect XT Clinical Research Exome V25190-94915190-9492
SureSelect XT Mouse All Exon5190-46415190-4642
ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer XT5190-80115190-8012
ClearSeq Inherited Disease XT5190-75185190-7519
Custom Probes
SureSelect Custom Tier1 1–499 kbPlease visit the SureDesign website to design
SureSelect Custom Tier2 0.5 –2.9 Mb
SureSelect Custom Tier3 3 –5.9 Mb
SureSelect Custom Tier4 6 –11.9 Mb
SureSelect Custom Tier5 12–24 Mb
Pre-designed Probes customized with additional Plus custom content
SSel XT HS and XT Low Input Human All Exon V7 Plus 1
SSel XT HS and XT Low Input Human All Exon V7 Plus 2
SureSelect XT Clinical Research Exome V2 Plus 1
SureSelect XT Clinical Research Exome V2 Plus 2
ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer Plus XT
ClearSeq Inherited Disease Plus XT
Custom SureSelect probes and obtain ordering
information. Contact the SureSelect support
team (see page 2) or your local representative if
you need assistance. Custom probes are also
available in a 480 Reaction package.
Please visit the SureDesign website to design
the customized Plus content and obtain ordering
information. Contact the SureSelect support
team (see page 2) or your local representative if
you need assistance.
* Custom Probes designed August 2020 or later are produced using an updated manufacturing process; design-size
Tier is shown on labeling for these products. Custom Probes designed and ordered prior to August 2020 may be reordered, with these probes produced using the legacy manufacturing process; design-size Tier is not shown on labeling
for the legacy-process products. Custom Probes of both categories use the same optimized target enrichment protocols detailed in this publication.
14SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
use with SureSelect XT HS2 DNA
Reagent Kits that include
SureSelect DNA AMPure
Beads and SureSelect Streptavidin
Beads (Agilent p/n G9982A,
G9984A, G9984B, G9984C, or
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment15
1Before You Begin
Materials Required
Sample volumes exceed 0.2 ml in certain steps of this protocol. Make sure that the
used with the selected thermal cycler holds 0.25 ml per well.
PlateLoc Thermal Microplate Sealer with Small
Hotplate and Peelable Aluminum Seal for PlateLoc
* Flat strip caps may be used instead of domed strip caps for protocol steps performed outside of the hybridization/capture
segment of the protocol. Adhesive film may be applied over the flat strip caps for improved sealing properties.
Please contact the SureSelect support
team (see page 2) or your local
representative for ordering information
Sealing wells for protocol
steps outside of
strip caps*
Sealing wells for protocol
steps performed inside or
outside of the thermal
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment19
1Before You Begin
Optional Materials
20SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA System Protocol
Preparation and Fragmentation of Input
Step 1. Prepare and analyze quality of genomic DNA samples 22
Preparation of high-quality gDNA from fresh biological samples 22
Preparation and qualification of gDNA from FFPE samples 22
Step 2. Fragment the DNA 25
Method 1: Mechanical DNA Shearing using Covaris 25
Method 2: Enzymatic DNA Fragmentation 28
This chapter describes the steps to prepare, quantify, qualify, and fragment
input DNA samples prior to SureSelect XT HS2 library preparation and
target enrichment. Protocols are provided for two alternative methods of
DNA fragmentation–mechanical shearing or enzymatic DNA fragmentation.
The library preparation protocol is compatible with both high- quality
gDNA prepared from fresh or fresh- frozen samples and lower- quality DNA
prepared from FFPE samples. Modifications required for FFPE samples are
included throughout the protocol steps. For a summary of modifications
for FFPE samples see Chapter 6, “Appendix: Using FFPE- derived DNA
Samples” on page 79.
The library preparation protocol requires 10 ng to 200 ng of input DNA,
with adjustments to DNA input amount or quantification method required
for some FFPE samples. For optimal sequencing results, use the maximum
amount of input DNA available within the recommended range.
Agilent Technologies
2Preparation and Fragmentation of Input DNA
Step 1. Prepare and analyze quality of genomic DNA samples
Step 1. Prepare and analyze quality of genomic DNA samples
Preparation of high-quality gDNA from fresh biological
1 Prepare high- quality gDNA using a suitable purification system, such as
Qiagen’s QIAamp DNA Mini Kit, following the manufacturer’s protocol.
Make sure genomic DNA samples are of high quality with an OD 260/280 ratio ranging
from 1.8 to 2.0.
2 Use the Qubit BR dsDNA Assay Kit to determine the concentration of
each gDNA sample. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the
instrument and assay kit.
Additional qualification of DNA samples is not required for DNA derived
from fresh biological samples. Proceed to “Step 2. Fragment the DNA” on
page 25.
Preparation and qualification of gDNA from FFPE samples
1 Prepare gDNA from FFPE tissue sections using Qiagen’s QIAamp DNA
FFPE Tissue Kit and Qiagen’s Deparaffinization Solution, following the
manufacturer’s protocol. Elute the final gDNA samples from the
MinElute column in two rounds, using 30 µl Buffer ATE in each round,
for a final elution volume of approximately 60 µl.
If tissue lysis appears incomplete after one hour of digestion with Proteinase K, add an
additional 10 µl of Proteinase K and continue incubating at 56°C, with periodic mixing, for
up to three hours.
Store the gDNA samples on ice for same- day library preparation, or at
–20°C for later processing.
2 Assess the quality (DNA integrity) for each FFPE DNA sample using one
of the methods below.
22SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Preparation and Fragmentation of Input DNA2
Preparation and qualification of gDNA from FFPE samples
Option 1: Qualification using the Agilent NGS FFPE QC Kit (Recommended
The Agilent NGS FFPE QC Kit provides a qPCR- based assay for DNA
sample integrity determination. Results include a Cq DNA integrity
score and the precise quantity of amplifiable DNA in the sample,
allowing direct normalization of DNA input for each sample. DNA input
recommendations based on Cq scores for individual samples are
summarized in Table 9.
a Use the Qubit BR dsDNA Assay Kit to determine the concentration of
each gDNA sample. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the
instrument and assay kit.
b Remove a 1 µl aliquot of the FFPE gDNA sample for analysis using
the Agilent NGS FFPE QC Kit to determine the Cq DNA integrity
score. See the kit user manual at for more
c For all samples with Cq DNA integrity score
Qubit- based gDNA concentration determined in step a, above, to
determine volume of input DNA needed for the protocol.
d For all samples with Cq DNA integrity score >1, use the
qPCR- based concentration of amplifiable gDNA, reported by the
Agilent NGS FFPE QC Kit results, to determine amounts of input
DNA for the protocol.
≤1, use the
Table 9SureSelect XT HS2 DNA input modifications based on Cq DNA integrity score
Protocol Parameternon-FFPE Samples FFPE Samples
DNA input for Library
* FFPE samples with Cq scores 1 should be treated like non-FFPE samples for DNA input amount determinations. For sam-
ples of this type, make sure to use the DNA concentration determined by the Qubit Assay, instead of the concentration determined by qPCR, to calculate the volume required for 10–200 ng DNA.
10 ng to 200 ng DNA,
based on Qubit Assay
10 ng to 200 ng DNA, based
on Qubit Assay
ΔΔCq >1
10 ng to 200 ng of amplifiable DNA,
based on qPCR quantification
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment23
2Preparation and Fragmentation of Input DNA
Preparation and qualification of gDNA from FFPE samples
Option 2: Qualification using Agilent’s Genomic DNA ScreenTape assay DIN
Agilent’s Genomic DNA ScreenTape assay, used in conjunction with
Agilent’s TapeStation, provides a quantitative electrophoretic assay
for DNA sample integrity determination. This assay reports a DNA
Integrity Number (DIN) score for each sample which is used to
estimate the appropriate normalization of DNA input required for
low- integrity DNA samples.
a Use the Qubit BR dsDNA Assay Kit to determine the concentration of
each gDNA sample. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the
instrument and assay kit.
b Remove a 1 µl aliquot of the FFPE gDNA sample and analyze using
the Genomic DNA ScreenTape assay. See the user manual at for more information.
c Using the DIN score reported for each sample in the Genomic DNA
ScreenTape assay, consult Table 10 to determine the recommended
amount of input DNA for the sample.
Table 10 SureSelect XT HS2 DNA input modifications based on DNA Integrity Number (DIN) score
DNA input
for Library
* FFPE samples with DIN>8 should be treated like non-FFPE samples for DNA input amount determinations.
10 ng to 200 ng
DNA, quantified
by Qubit Assay
DIN > 8
10 ng to 200 ng DNA,
quantified by Qubit
FFPE Samples
DIN 3–8DIN<3
Use at least 15 ng for more
intact samples and at least
40 ng for less intact samples.
Use the maximum amount of
DNA available, up to 200 ng, for
all samples. Quantify by Qubit
Use at least 50 ng for more
intact samples and at least
100 ng for the least intact
samples. Use the maximum
amount of DNA available, up to
200 ng, for all samples. Quantify
by Qubit Assay.
24SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Step 2. Fragment the DNA
Method 1: Mechanical DNA Shearing using Covaris
In this step, gDNA samples are sheared using conditions optimized for
either high- quality or FFPE DNA in a 50- µl shearing volume.
The target fragment size and corresponding shearing conditions may vary
for workflows using different NGS read lengths. See Table 11 for
guidelines. Complete shearing instructions are provided on page 26.
Table 11 Covaris shearing duration based on NGS read length
Preparation and Fragmentation of Input DNA2
Step 2. Fragment the DNA
NGS read length
2 ×100 reads150 to 200 bp2 × 120 seconds240 seconds
2 ×150 reads180 to 250 bp2 × 60 seconds240 seconds
* For FFPE DNA samples, initial DNA fragment size may impact the post-shear fragment size
distribution, resulting in fragment sizes shorter than the target ranges listed in this table. All
FFPE samples should be sheared for 240 seconds to generate fragment ends suitable for library construction. Libraries prepared from FFPE samples should be analyzed using an NGS
read length suitable for the final library fragment size distribution.
fragment size
Shearing duration for
high-quality DNA samples
Shearing duration for
FFPE DNA samples
Shearing protocols have been optimized using a Covaris model E220 instrument and the
130-l Covaris microTUBE. Consult the manufacturer’s recommendations for use of other
Covaris instruments or sample holders to achieve the desired target DNA fragment size.
1 Set up the Covaris E220 instrument. Refer to the instrument user guide.
a Check that the water in the Covaris tank is filled with fresh
deionized water to the appropriate fill line level according to the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
b Check that the water covers the visible glass part of the tube.
c On the instrument control panel, push the Degas button. Degas the
instrument according to the manufacturer’s recommendations,
typically 30–60 minutes.
d Set the chiller temperature to between 2°C to 5°C to ensure that the
temperature reading in the water bath displays 5°C. Consult the
manufacturer’s recommendations for addition of coolant fluids to
prevent freezing.
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment25
2Preparation and Fragmentation of Input DNA
Method 1: Mechanical DNA Shearing using Covaris
2 Prepare the DNA samples for the run by diluting 10–200 ng of each
gDNA sample with 1X Low TE Buffer (10 mM Tris-
HCl, pH 7.5- 8.0,
0.1 mM EDTA) to a final volume of 50 µl. Vortex well to mix, then spin
briefly to collect the liquid. Keep the samples on ice.
Do not dilute samples to be sheared using water. Shearing samples in water reduces the
overall library preparation yield and complexity.
3 Complete the DNA shearing steps below for each of the gDNA samples.
a Transfer the 50-
µl DNA sample into a Covaris microTUBE, using a
tapered pipette tip to slowly transfer the sample through the
pre- split septum of the cap.
b Spin the microTUBE for 30 seconds to collect the liquid and to
remove any bubbles from the bottom of the tube.
c Secure the microTUBE in the tube holder and shear the DNA with
the settings in Table 12.
Table 12 Shear settings for Covaris E-series instrument (SonoLab software v7 or later)
d Use the steps below for two- round shearing of high- quality DNA
samples only:
•Shear for 120 or 60 seconds (see Table 12)
•Spin the microTUBE for 10 seconds
•Vortex the microTUBE at high speed for 5 seconds
•Spin the microTUBE for 10 seconds
•Shear for additional 120 or 60 seconds
•Spin the microTUBE for 10 seconds
•Vortex the microTUBE at high speed for 5 seconds
•Spin the microTUBE for 10 seconds
26SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Preparation and Fragmentation of Input DNA2
Method 1: Mechanical DNA Shearing using Covaris
e After completing the shearing step(s), put the Covaris microTUBE
back into the loading and unloading station.
f While keeping the snap- cap on, insert a pipette tip through the
pre- split septum, then slowly remove the sheared DNA.
g Transfer the sheared DNA sample (approximately 50 µl) to a 96-
plate or strip tube sample well. Keep the samples on ice.
h After transferring the DNA sample, spin the microTUBE briefly to
collect any residual sample volume. Transfer any additional collected
liquid to the sample well used in step g.
It is important to avoid loss of input DNA at this step, especially for low-abundance DNA
samples. Visually inspect the microTUBE to ensure that all of the sample has been
transferred. If droplets remain in the microTUBE, repeat step h.
The 50- µl sheared DNA samples are now ready for NGS sequencing library
preparation, beginning with end repair/dA-
Preparation” on page 31.
tailing. Proceed to “Library
This is not a stopping point in the workflow, and analysis of the sheared samples is not
required before they are used for library preparation. Proceed directly to end-repair and
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment27
2Preparation and Fragmentation of Input DNA
Method 2: Enzymatic DNA Fragmentation
Method 2: Enzymatic DNA Fragmentation
In this step, gDNA samples are fragmented using Agilent’s SureSelect
Enzymatic Fragmentation Kit for ILM (Pre PCR).
1 In wells of a thermal cycler- compatible strip tube or PCR plate, dilute
10 ng to 200 ng of each gDNA sample with nuclease- free water to a
final volume of 7 µl.
2 Thaw the vial of 5X SureSelect Fragmentation Buffer, vortex, then place
on ice.
3 Preprogram a thermal cycler with the program in Table 13. Immediately
pause the program, and keep paused until samples are loaded in step 7.
Table 13 Thermal cycler program for enzymatic fragmentation
Step 1 37°C Varies–see Table 14
Step 265°C 5 minutes
Step 3 4°C Hold
* Use a reaction volume setting of 10 l, if required for thermal cycler set up.
Optimal fragmentation conditions may vary based on the NGS read
length to be used in the workflow. Refer to Table 14 below for the
duration at 37°C appropriate for your sample type and required NGS
read length.
Table 14 Fragmentation duration based on sample type and NGS read length
NGS read length
2 ×100 reads150 to 200 bp15 minutes15 minutes
2 ×150 reads180 to 250 bp10 minutes15 minutes
* For FFPE DNA samples, initial DNA fragment size may impact the post-fragmentation size distribu-
tion, resulting in fragment sizes shorter than the target ranges listed in this table. All FFPE samples
should be incubated at 37°C for 15 minutes to generate fragment ends suitable for library construction. Libraries prepared from FFPE samples should be analyzed using an NGS read length suitable
for the final library fragment size distribution.
fragment size
Duration of 37°C incubation step (Table 13)
High-quality DNA samplesFFPE DNA samples
28SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
4 Prepare the appropriate volume of Fragmentation master mix by
combining the reagents in Table 15.
Mix well by pipetting up and down 20 times or seal the tube and vortex
at high speed for 5–10 seconds. Spin briefly to remove any bubbles and
keep on ice.
Table 15 Preparation of Fragmentation master mix
Preparation and Fragmentation of Input DNA2
Method 2: Enzymatic DNA Fragmentation
Reagent Volume for 1 reactionVolume for 8 reactions
(includes excess)
5X SureSelect Fragmentation Buffer2 µl18 µl50 µl
SureSelect Fragmentation Enzyme1 µl9 µl25 µl
Total3 µl27 µl75 µl
Volume for 24 reactions
(includes excess)
5 Add 3 µl of the Fragmentation master mix to each sample well
containing 7 µl of input DNA.
6 Mix well by pipetting up and down 20 times or cap the wells and
vortex at high speed for 5–10 seconds. Spin the samples briefly.
7 Immediately place the plate or strip tube in the thermal cycler and
resume the thermal cycling program in Table 13.
8 When the program reaches the 4°C Hold step, remove the samples from
the thermal cycler, add 40 µl of nuclease- free water to each sample,
and place the samples on ice.
The 50- µl reactions are now ready for NGS sequencing library preparation,
beginning with end repair/dA- tailing. Proceed to “Library Preparation” on
page 31.
This is not a stopping point in the workflow, and analysis of the enzymatically-fragmented
samples is not required before they are used for library preparation. Proceed directly to
end-repair and dA-tailing.
SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment29
2Preparation and Fragmentation of Input DNA
Method 2: Enzymatic DNA Fragmentation
30SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
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