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Assay Background 6
XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test - Standard Assay 8
XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test - Advanced Assay 12
Glossary 16
References 18
2Kit Information
Kit Contents 20
Kit Shipping and Storage 21
Additional Agilent Products Required 21
3Assay Workflow for Standard Substrate Oxidation Stress Test
One Day Prior to Assay 24
Day of Assay 24
Data Analysis Using Agilent Seahorse Analytics 30
Examples of Data 32
4Assay Workflow for Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test - Advanced Assay
Two Days Prior to Assay 36
One Day Prior to Assay 36
Day of Assay 37
Data Analysis Using Agilent Seahorse Analytics 42
Examples of Data 44
5Frequently Asked Questions
6Context of Substrate Oxidation Tests Among Other XF Kits and Applications
Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits3
4Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits
Assay Background 6
XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test - Standard Assay 8
XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test - Advanced Assay 12
Glossary 16
References 18
Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits5
Assay Background
ADP + Pi
ADP + Pi
Gln transporter
Assay Background
Agilent Seahorse XF technology measures energy metabolism in live cells in real time, providing
critical functional information that relates directly to cellular health and fitness. The Seahorse XF
Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Assay provides key metrics to facilitate the assessment of
specific mitochondrial substrates that are relevant or required for cellular phenotype and function.
Agilent provides a suite of optimized, rapid solutions for measuring cellular substrate oxidation by
assessing changes in oxygen consumption (OCR) using live cells. XF Substrate Oxidation Stress
Test Kits allow for both a sensitive measure of mitochondrial function, and the interrogation of
three primary substrates that fuel mitochondria: long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), glucose/pyruvate
(G/P), and/or glutamine (Q) (Figure 1). These kits facilitate the convenient investigation of specific
substrate oxidation processes and the central role they play in the fundamental cellular functions
of activation, proliferation, and differentiation; as well as in better characterizing cellular responses
to genetic manipulation, pharmaceutical interventions, or specific disease-relevant
6Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits
Figure 1.Primary metabolic pathways, including glycolysis, the TCA cycle, electron transport (ETC),
and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Glucose/pyruvate, glutamine and long chain fatty
The XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Tests combine the substrate pathway specific inhibitors
(Figure 1): etomoxir for LCFAs through inhibition of carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1a (CPT1a)
UK5099 for glucose and/or pyruvate through inhibition of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier
Mito Stress Test (MST). The MST, a powerful and well-accepted tool for the interrogation of
mitochondrial function, in conjunction with these inhibitors, can be used to reveal dependence on
a specific metabolic substrate. Basal and maximal respiration rates are key metrics of
acid oxidation are highlighted. Red lines denote relevant inhibitors of glucose/pyruvate, LCFA,
and glutamine transport, which in turn, specifically limits oxidation of that respective
; and BPTES for inhibition of glutamine through glutaminase 1 (GLS-1)3, with the XF Cell
Assay Background
mitochondrial function reported by the MST. In the context of substrate oxidation, the basal, and in
particular, the maximal respiration rates are largely impacted by cells capacity to transport and
oxidize available substrates.
This method is ideally suited to the assessment for cellular
substrate demand both under basal conditions, and in response to elevated substrate demand
(maximal respiration). Figure 2 outlines the kinetic profile of a standard substrate oxidation assay
and relevant assay parameters.
Figure 2.Agilent Seahorse XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test profile of the respiration parameters
critical for substrate demand. Sequential compound injections measure basal respiration,
acute response to an inhibitor (etomoxir or UK5099 or BPTES), and maximal respiration in the
absence and presence of inhibitor. Note that while minimal changes may be measured under
basal conditions, such as the acute response; much larger responses are often revealed
under conditions of high substrate demand (for example, FCCP), thus revealing differences in
the ability of the cells to oxidize the substrate in question.
Measurements are highly informative, as the design described provides information on basal
respiration and the impact of pathway inhibition under conditions of basal substrate demand,
while also characterizing the impact of pathway inhibitions on maximal respiration, reflecting the
cell's sensitivity to impairment of a specific metabolic pathway under conditions of high substrate
demand. Due to the metabolic plasticity of many cell types, it is often more informative to assess
substrate dependence when demand is high as this reveals the cell's capacity to use substrates.
When mitochondria are uncoupled (such as FCCP exposure), substrate oxidation is increased to
generate the reducing equivalents needed for the increased respiration rate. By comparing the
maximum respiration rates of control versus inhibited cells, insights can be gained into how much
a cell will rely on a specific substrate to meet this high energy demand.
This manual details how to perform all assays in the XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test suite. In
general, there are two distinct assay types: Standard and Advanced. The XF LCFA Oxidation
Stress Test, XF Glutamine Oxidation Stress Test and Glucose/Pyruvate Oxidation Stress Test kits
are to be carried out using the Standard Assay workflow, using a single inhibitor in the presence of
multiple substrates). Conversely, the XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test Kit requires users to use
the Advanced Assay protocol as additional steps are required (Figures 5, 6, and 10), and is carried
out using palmitate as the long chain fatty acid substrate and etomoxir as the inhibitor. The
following are the principles and designs of these assays.
Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits7
XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test - Standard Assay
XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test - Standard Assay
Relevant kits include:
XF Long Chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Stress Test Kit (p/n 103672-100)
XF Glucose/Pyruvate Oxidation Stress Test Kit(p/n 103673-100)
XF Glutamine Oxidation Stress Test Kit(p/n 103674-100)
To perform a Standard Substrate Oxidation Stress Test, basal respiration is first established,
followed by injection of the relevant pathway inhibitor. The acute response to the inhibitor is
monitored over several measurement cycles (typically six). Then, the standard XF Cell Mito Stress
Test reagents, such as oligomycin, FCCP, and rotenone/antimycin A are injected sequentially,
similar to the assay scheme used for the XF Cell Mito Stress Test. Figure 3 outlines an overview of
the experimental workflow for each kit.
Figure 3.Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test - Standard Assay Design. Each kit is focused on testing a single substrate
using the relevant inhibitor. Chronic or acute interventions (genetic manipulations/drug exposure) may be performed
upstream of the assay to understand the effects of these modulations on the oxidation of specific mitochondrial
Each kit is focused on testing a single substrate using the optimized concentration of relevant
inhibitor: etomoxir (4 µM) to inhibit oxidation of LCFAs, UK5099 (2 µM) to inhibit the oxidation of
glucose and/or pyruvate, and BPTES (3 µM) to inhibit oxidation of glutamine (final
concentrations). These three assays are designed to be performed under conditions of saturating
substrates with respect to glucose (10 mM), pyruvate (1 mM) and glutamine (2 mM) in the assay
media. The source of long chain fatty acids is any endogenous stores of lipid/LCFAs in the cell
used, and is cell-type dependent. Figure 3 shows that the standard methods and assay conditions
for each of the XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Tests are identical with the exception of the identity
of the inhibitor used.
Users must first establish both the optimal cell seeding density and optimal FCCP
concentration for ideal assay performance and resulting data. Typically, these are the same
conditions established for a cell type in an XF Cell Mito Stress Test. For information on how to
optimize cell seeding density and FCCP concentrations, please visit the Agilent Cell Analysis
Learning Center website.
8Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits
XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test - Standard Assay
In these Standard Assays, decreased respiration rates in response to an inhibitor suggest that the
cells have a demand or preference for that particular substrate under the experimental conditions
established. In general, these assays can be used to facilitate investigation to address the
following types of questions:
•Does the cell have a demand for a particular substrate or substrates?
•Is the cell highly reliant on a specific substrate, or can other substrates satisfy cellular
•How is mitochondrial substrate demand and/or reliance affected if an intervention, such as
genetic manipulation or drug exposure, is applied to the cell?
Like many XF assays, the Substrate Oxidation Stress Tests are typically performed subsequent to
a pretreatment, or intervention, as designed by the researcher. This is shown as either a chronic
intervention to the cells (for example, a genetic manipulation or long-term drug exposure), hours
to days upstream of XF assay, or as an acute intervention (for example, drug exposure) just prior
to the XF assay (Figure 3). In some cases, both chronic and acute interventions may be used (for
example, rescue of genetic dysfunction through compound exposure). The kits may be used
individually (such as focusing on one specific substrate) for investigating how a series of
interventions or compounds may affect oxidation of that particular substrate; or in combination
(such as focusing on two or more substrates) to elucidate overall effects of a given intervention
with respect to substrate oxidation and mitochondrial function.
For examples of the design of assay templates for XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Tests - Standard
Assays, refer to Figure 4.
Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits9
XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test - Standard Assay
10Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits
XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test - Standard Assay
Figure 4.Agilent Seahorse XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test - Assay Design Examples. These
examples are suggested designs, and the user is encouraged to modify the generic Standard
Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Assay Template file to accommodate the specific
requirements of the experimental design.
Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits11
XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test - Advanced Assay
XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test - Advanced Assay
Relevant kit includes:
XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test Kit (p/n 103693-100)
The XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test Advanced Assay details the workflow to specifically
analyze the long chain fatty acid oxidation pathway in live cells. The kit includes the XF
Palmitate-BSA FAO Substrate, L-carnitine, etomoxir, as well as oligomycin, FCCP, and
rotenone/antimycin A, and is designed to determine the intrinsic rate and capacity of a cell to
oxidize palmitate in the absence or limitation of other exogenous substrates. This workflow is
best applied when investigating how interventions (genetic manipulations and drug exposure)
specifically affect the LCFA oxidation process and can be a complementary and/or follow-up
assay to the Standard Assay workflow for XF Long Chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Stress Test
discussed in the previous section. The kinetic profile of the Advanced Palmitate oxidation assay
and relevant assay parameters is outlined in Figure 5, and an overview of the experimental
workflow for the Advance Assay is outlined in Figure 6.
Figure 5.Agilent Seahorse XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test profile of the respiration parameters
critical for palmitate demand. Sequential compound injections measure basal respiration,
acute response to etomoxir, and maximal respiration in the absence and presence of
etomoxir. Note that while minimal changes may be measured under basal conditions, such
as the acute response, much larger responses are often revealed under conditions of high
substrate demand (for example, FCCP), revealing differences in the ability of the cells to
oxidize palmitate.
12Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits
XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test - Advanced Assay
Figure 6.Agilent XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test - Advanced Assay. This assay is specifically focused on determining the
intrinsic rate and capacity of a cell to oxidize palmitate in the absence or limitation of other exogenous substrates,
using inhibitor etomoxir to inhibit oxidation of palmitate.
The Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test is designed to be performed under conditions of saturating
palmitate (as palmitate-BSA) and L-carnitine, limited to no substrates provided with respect to
glucose, pyruvate, and glutamine in the assay media. It is best applied when the experimental
design calls for the cells to exclusively oxidize a long chain fatty acid, such as palmitate, to
investigate effects of interventions specifically on the long chain fatty acid oxidation process.
As shown in Figure 6, this workflow often requires substrate limitation before and/or during the
assay to condition the cells to obtain robust responses to the palmitate substrate added to the
assay media. The suggested initial substrate-limited growth media conditions can be found in
Table 1.
Users must first establish the optimal cell density and optimal FCCP concentration for best
assay performance and resulting data. Typically, these are the same conditions established for
a cell type in an XF Cell Mito Stress Test, except the FCCP concentration may need to be
re-optimized in the presence of BSA. For information on how to optimize cell density and FCCP
concentrations, please visit the Agilent Cell Analysis Learning Center website.
Table 1Suggested substrate limitation conditions for performing the XF Palmitate Oxidation
Stress Test Advanced Assay with base growth media. Initial suggested time of
incubation under substrate limitation is overnight (16 to 24 hours).
Base growth media
without glucose, pyruvate,
glutamine, or GlutaMAX
Growth media supplement
Glucose0.5 mM
Glutamine or GlutaMAX1.0 mM
Serum (for example, FBS)1%
Seahorse L-Carnitine0.5 mM
Suggested initial concentration in
substrate-limited growth media
Table 2Suggested substrate limitation conditions for performing the XF Palmitate Oxidation
Stress Test Advanced Assay with XF Assay Media.
XF Assay MediaAssay Media supplementSuggested initial concentration in assay media
XF DMEM medium, pH 7.4 or
XF RPMI medium, pH 7.4
XF Glucose2.0 mM
XF L-Carnitine0.5 mM
XF Palmitate-BSA
96 well30 µL/well
24 well85 µL/well
XF BSA Control
* Note that XF Palmitate-BSA and XF BSA control are added directly to the XF cell culture plate wells just prior to starting the
assay. See pages 37- 38 for further information.
96 well30 µL/well
24 well85 µL/well
Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits13
XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test - Advanced Assay
Optimal limited substrate concentrations and optimal time of incubation are cell-dependent
and should be empirically determined for the cell type of interest.
Instead of examination of substrate demand and reliance, this Advanced Assay is designed to be
used when asking the following type of question:
•How an intervention, such as genetic manipulation or drug exposure, specifically affects the
oxidation of long chain fatty acids when applied to the cell?
This assay is most often performed under some pretreatment condition, or intervention, as
designed by the researcher. This is shown as either a chronic intervention to the cells (for
example, a genetic manipulation or long-term drug exposure), hours to days upstream of XF
assay, or as an acute intervention (for example, drug exposure) just prior to the XF assay
(Figure 6). In some cases, both chronic and acute interventions may be used (for example, rescue
of genetic dysfunction through compound treatment). For examples of the assay template design
for XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test - Advanced Assay, refer to Figure 7.
There are critical and distinct difference between this Advanced Assay workflow and the
Standard Assay workflow described in the previous section, including:
•Cells usually require a period of substrate limitation to measure oxidation of palmitate
substrate provided, especially established cell lines. The specific conditions will be cell type
dependent, and should be determined empirically for each cell type tested, particularly for
primary type cells.
•An analogous BSA control group must be included for each condition tested to ensure that the
observed responses are associated with Palmitate-BSA in the assay media. Therefore, the
number of groups used doubles compared to a Standard Substrate Oxidation Stress Test. For
examples of Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test assay templates, refer to Figure 6.
•L-carnitine is included in substrate-limited medium and assay medium to ensure that it is not a
rate limiting factor in the assay.
•The conditions for substrate limitation and performance of the Advanced Assay are only
validated for use with the XF Palmitate-BSA substrate and BSA control.
14Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits
XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test - Advanced Assay
•Basal Respiration: Oxygen consumption used to meet cellular ATP demand and resulting from
mitochondrial proton leak. Shows substrate demand of the cell under baseline conditions.
•Acute Response: Change in oxygen consumption rate due to an injection of substrate
oxidation inhibitor (etomoxir, UK5099, BPTES). Reported as a change in OCR
(i.e., ∆OCR pmol/min).
•Maximal Respiration: The maximal oxygen consumption rate attained by adding the
uncoupler FCCP. FCCP increases a substrate demand by stimulating the respiratory chain to
operate at maximum capacity, which causes rapid oxidation of substrates (sugars, fats, and
amino acids) to meet this metabolic challenge. Shows substrate demand of the cell under
maximal respiration conditions.
•Non-mitochondrial Respiration: Oxygen consumption that persists due to a subset of cellular
enzymes that continue to consume oxygen after rotenone/antimycin A addition. This is
important for getting an accurate measure of mitochondrial respiration.
•Standard Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Workflow: Three complementary assays, each
focused on testing cellular demand of a single substrate (LCFAs or G/P or Q) using the
optimized concentration of relevant inhibitor: etomoxir or UK5099 or BPTES. Designed to be
performed under conditions of saturating substrates with respect to glucose, pyruvate, and
glutamine in the assay media (Figures 2, 3, 4, and 8).
•Advanced XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test: A single assay designed to determine the
intrinsic rate and capacity of a cell to oxidize palmitate in the absence or limitation of other
exogenous substrates. Performed under conditions of saturating palmitate (as
palmitate-BSA) and L-carnitine, in the assay media. It is best applied when the experimental
design calls for the cells to exclusively oxidize a long-chain fatty acid, such as palmitate, in
order to investigate effects of interventions specifically on the long chain fatty acid oxidation
process (Figures 5, 6, 7, 12, and Tab l e 1).
•MST: XF Cell Mito Stress Test, a well-recognized assay that provides a comprehensive view of
mitochondrial function by reporting multiple parameters for mitochondrial respiration. For
more information, visit the Agilent Seahorse XF Cell Mito Stress Test product website.
•FAO: Fatty acid oxidation.
•Etomoxir: An inhibitor of long chain fatty acid oxidation. Etomoxir inhibits carnitine
palmitoyl-transferase 1a (CPT1a), which is critical for translocating long chain fatty acids from
the cytosol into the mitochondria for beta oxidation. Note that concentrations in excess of
4 µM (final in assay) result in substantial off-target effects on mitochondrial respiration
•UK5099: An inhibitor of the glucose oxidation pathway. UK5099 inhibits the mitochondrial
pyruvate carrier (MPC), which transports pyruvate into the mitochondria. Cells convert glucose
to pyruvate through glycolysis. Pyruvate can be transported into the mitochondria and
oxidized by the TCA cycle.
•BPTES: An inhibitor of the glutamine oxidation pathway. BPTES is an allosteric inhibitor of
glutaminase (GLS1). Glutaminase converts glutamine to glutamate, glutamate is then
converted to alpha-ketoglutarate, and oxidized by the TCA cycle. Note that BPTES does not
inhibit GLS2.
•LCFAs: Long chain fatty acids.
•G/P: Glucose/pyruvate.
•Q: Glutamine.
16Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits
•L-Carnitine: A supplement provided in the Palmitate Oxidation Stress Kit for use in substrate
limited growth media and substrate limited assay media. Ensures concentrations of
L-carnitine are saturating and not limiting rates of palmitate oxidation.
•Growth Media: Fully supplemented cell culture media appropriate for the specific cell type.
•Substrate Limitation: A condition used in the Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test - Advanced
Assay. It usually refers to a period of time (e.g., overnight) in which key substrates (typically
glucose, pyruvate, GlutaMAX, and serum) are reduced in concentration in the cell culture
•Substrate-limited growth media: Cell culture media with key substrates (typically glucose,
pyruvate, GlutaMAX, and serum) reduced in concentration (see Table 1).
•Substrate-limited assay media: Assay media with key substrates (typically glucose, pyruvate,
and glutamine) reduced in concentration and/or omitted (see Table 2).
Agilent XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Test Kits17
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