Agilent 8700 LDIR User Manual

Agilent 8700 LDIR Chemical Imaging System
Power button and LED indicator
Long Term Shut Down and Start Up Instructions

Shut down the system

To shut down the system:
1 Save any changes to sample files. 2 Click Eject and slide open the 8700 LDIR sample door to remove the sample. 3 Close the instrument sample door. 4 Close Agilent Clarity software. 5 Turn off the instrument using the power button on the front of the instrument.
The LED indicator on the power button will turn yellow.
Figure 1 Front of the 8700 LDIR
6 Switch off the rear power switch to disconnect the instrument from the mains power source.
The LED indicator will be off.
Agilent 8700 LDIR Chemical Imaging System Long Term Shut Down and Start Up Instructions
Power switch
Figure 2 Rear of the 8700 LDIR
The purge supplied to the instrument closure MUST remain on. Ensure that purge gas connection is not disconnected. Pressure should remain at 20 psi (138 kPa) and purge flow rate at a minimum of 10 L/min (20 ft
7 Close open applications and shut down the PC.

Start up the system

To start up the system:
1 Check that the purge gas supply is on and remain at the required rate. 2 Switch on the rear power switch to connect the instrument to mains power. The LED indicator
on the front power button will turn yellow.
3 Push the power button to turn on the instrument. The LED indicator will turn green. 4 Turn on the PC. Ensure that the communication cable is connected between the PC and the
5 Double-click the Agilent Clarity desktop icon to start the Agilent Clarity software. 6 Let the 8700 LDIR warm up for 10 minutes before starting an analysis
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2020
Edition 1, 4/20