Press the button during photo playback:
420x297 m m
Phot o Preview Mod e( 16 thumbna ils per pag e)
Albu m Mp3
1. Use o r button to sel ect a folder/ album on the le ft ,then pres s button.
2. Use 、 、 o r button to sel ect an image an d press the OK to s tart the sl id eshow.
3. Ski ps to the previ ous or next ima ge,use the or b utton.To paus e or start th e sl ide show,p ress the OK .
4. Pre ss the button t o enter the bac kground mus ic setting me nu. Use or butt on to adjus t th e volume.
AF 5078MS Quick Start Guide
Packing Contents
1. 1 Digital Photo Frame
1. 2 Power Supply
1. 3 Quick Guide
1. 4 Wa rranty Card ( not depicte d)
Photo Copy Menu
Getting Started
2. 1 Insert a memory card (SD, MMC or MS) into the card s lo t.
Insert the USB device into the USB port.
emo y
r a
cr d
USB dri ve
2. 2 Connecting to a PC.
Using the USB cable(not included), you can connect your
frame to a computer to transfer files between the internal
memory and computer.
2. 3 Plug AC adaptor into the Digital Photo Frame, and plug
it into a wall outlet.
2.4 Press the POWER button on the rear of the device to
power on.
The card will only fit in one direction; do not
force it. The card should fit snugly when
properly inserted.
If you connected the frame to a computer, the
inserted memory card can not be recognized.
1. Use o r button to sel ect a source;
2. Sel ect an image an d press the OK.
3. Use o r button to sel ect a folder/ album and pre ss the OK to star t copying .
4. If se lect and pres s the OK,you ca n rename the al bum. Use 、 、 or but ton to select a l etter/d ig it and pres s
the OK . After input al l the letters /digits, se lect the “Ent er “ and pres s th e OK to confi rm.
Photo Delete Menu
3. 2
3. 1
Basic Operations
3. 1 Press the button to enter the main menu.
A: Photo Playback
B: Video Playback
C: Music Playback
Press the button to enter the setting menu:
A: Preview Mode
B: Copy Menu
C: Delete Menu
D: Setting Mode
3. 2 Use the direction key to select different item.
/ 1. Direction Key
2. Skips to previous or next image/video/music file.
Enable music playing menu during slide show.
/ 1. Direction Key
2. Adjust the volume during audio playback.
Start/Pause/Validation the p la yb ac k.
1. Use o r button to sel ect a source an d;
2. Sel ect an image an d press the OK. Press the OK ag ain to canc el the select ions.
3. Pre ss button and t hen press the O K button.
4. Use o r button to sel ect P to delete , select Q to can cel.
The same steps for music/video copy/delete.
Setting Mode
Icon s in the settin g mode:
To set spe cific fun fra me.
To choos e the specifi c power start u p mode.
:Star t up with photo s lide show ord erly
:Star t up with photo s lide show ran domly
:Star t up with video p laying orde rly
:Star t up with video p laying rand omly
:Star t up with photo s lide show & the n video playi ng orderl y
:Star t up with photo s lide show & the n video playi ng random ly
:Star t up with music p laying orde rly
:Star t up with music p laying rand omly
Eco Se tting(Set t he automati cally power o n/off time).
Phot o Setting(f rom the left to t he right)
:Rota tion
:To chang e the interva l time for slid e show.
:To choos e diff erent tra ns ition effect fo r slide show.
:To set differe nt LCD scre en display ra tio.

420x297 m m
Setting Mode(Cont.)
Icon s in the settin g mode:
Adju stment of Bri ghtness,C ontrast,C olor satu ra tion,LC D backlight o f the LCD scree n.
:Bri ghtness
:Con trast
:Col or Saturati on
:LCD B acklight
Date S etting
Tim e Setting
Alar m Clock Setti ng
Rese rt
Dime nsions (L×H ×W)...... ......... .......18 7.7x153.5 x12.5 mm Weight ......... ......... ......... ......... ..0.358Kg
Scre en size.... ......... ......... ......... .....7" Aspect ra tio...... ......... ......... .......4: 3
Reso lution... ......... ......... ......... ........8 00×600 Pixe l Internal me mory.......... ......... ...... Up to 10 00 photos
USB Po rt....... ......... ......... ......... ......USB -Host Compa ti ble Memor y Cards.... ...SD/SDH C/MMC/MS/ XD
Phot o formats.. ......... ......... ......... ....JPEG Musi c formats.. ......... ......... ........M P3
Video form ats...... ......... ...MJPEG, X vid, MPEG 4- visual File f ormat.... ......... ......... ......... *.avi, *.mp g, *.mp3, * .jpg
Powe r supply
Manu facturer.. ......... ......... ......... ......... .....
Type Mo del No..... ......... ......... ......... .........
Inpu t........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .. 100–240V ~ 50/60Hz
Outp ut....... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . 5V / 2A
All da ta are provid ed for refere nce purpose s only.AgfaPho to reserves t he right to mak e any changes w ithout pr ior notice.
Safety instructions and recommendations
- In ord er to prevent d amage to the ca rd or the unit, p lease tur n off th e power befor e removing or i nserting th e card.
- Use en closed DC 5V/ 2A powe r adapter, the u nit is for indo or use only.
- Alway s handle the un it with care. Avoi d touching th e LCD screen.
- Neve r place heavy o r sharp objec ts on the LCD pan el, frame , or power cord .
- Keep t he screen cle an (please us e a dry soft clot h for clean ing). Make su re the power is o ff bef ore cleanin g the unit. Then
gent ly wipe with a dr y soft cloth.
- Do not p lace the unit n ear any other h eat sources .
- Do not s plash or fill t he unit with li quids.
- Do not p lace the unit t o rain, water, m oisture or hi gh humidi ty.
- Temperatur e and humid ity:
Oper ating tempe rature: 0°C - + 45°C, Humid ity: 20%-80 %
- This equip ment comp li es with the v oltage type s pecified on t he unit.
The CE m arking cert ifies that th e product mee ts the main r equiremen ts of the Europ ean Parliam ent and Counc il
dire ctive 1999/ 5 / CE on telecom municat ions termin al equipmen t,regardin g safety and he alth of use rs, and regar ding
elec tromagnet ic interfer ence.
The de claration o f complianc e can be cons ulted on the si te www. agfap hoto. com
Pres ervation of t he environm ent as part of a su stainab le developm ent logic is an e ssential co ncern of Ag fa Photo.
The de sire of AgfaPh oto is to opera te systems ob serving t he environm ent and conse quently it ha s decided to
inte grate envir onmental pe rforman ce s .
In the l ife cycle of th is products , from manufa cturing t o commissio ning use and el imination .
Packagin g:
The presence of the logo ( gr een dot) means that a contribution is paid to an approved nat io nal organisation to improve
package reco very and recycling infrastruc tu res to facilitate.please respect the sor ti ng rules set up locally for this kind
of waste.
Prod uct:
The cr ossed-out w aste bin stuc k on the produc t means tha t th e product b elongs to the f amily of elec trical and el ectronic
equi pment. In thi s respect, th e European re gulatio ns ask you to dis pose of it sele ctively;
• At sale s points in the e vent of the pur chase of simi lar equip ment.
• At the co llection po ints made ava ilable to y ou l ocal-ly (drop-off centr e, selectiv e collect ion, etc.).
In thi s way you can par ticipate in t he re-use and u pgradin g of Electric al and Electr onic Equipm ent Wast e, which can ha ve an
effect on th e environ me nt and huma n health.
AgfaPhoto Holding Gmbh:AGFAPHOTO is used under license of Agfa-Gevaert NV & Co.KG.Agfa-Gevaert NV & Co.KG does not
manufacture these products or provide any product warranty or support.Contact:www.agfaphoto.com
For service,support and warranty information,contact the distributor or manufacturer.