AGERE ORT8850H-3BM680, ORT8850L-3BM680, ORT8850L-2BM680, ORT8850L-2BA352, ORT8850L-1BM680 Datasheet

Data Sheet
August 2001
ORT8850 Field-Programmable System Chip (FPSC)
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Field-programmab le s y stem c hips (FPSCs) bring a whole new dimension t o programmable logic: FPG A logic and an embedded system solution on a single device. Agere Systems Inc. has developed a solution for designers who need the many advantages of FPGA-based design im plementation, coupled wit h high-speed serial backplane data transfer. Built on the Series 4 reconfigurable embedded system-on-chips (SoC) architecture, the ORT8850 family is made up of backplane transceivers containing eight channels, each operating at up to 850 Mbits/s (6.8 Gbits/s when all eight channels are use d) f ull-duplex synchronous interface, with built-in clock and data recovery (CDR) in standard-cell logic, along with up to 600K usable FPGA system gates. The CDR cir cu i tr y i s a macrocell available from Agere’s Smart S ilic on macro library, and has already been implemented in numerous applications including ASICs, standard products, and FPSCs to create interfaces for SONET/SDH STS-3/ STM-1, STS-12/STM-4, STS-48/STM-16, a nd ST S­192/STM-64 applications. With the addition of protocol and access logic such a s pr ot oc ol-independent fram­ers, asynchronous trans f er mode (ATM) framers, packet-over-SONET (POS) interfaces, and framers for HDLC for Inte rnet protoc ol (IP), desi gners can build a configurable interface retaining proven backplane driver/receiver technology. Designers can also use the device to drive high-speed data transfer across buses within a system that are not SONET/SDH based. For example, designers can build a 6.8 Gbits/s PCI-to-PCI half bridge using our PCI soft core.
The ORT8850 family offers a clockless high-speed interface for interdevice communication, on a board or across a backplane. The built-in clock recovery of the ORT8850 allows for higher system performance, eas­ier-to-design clock domains in a multiboard system, and fewer signals on the bac k plane. Network design ­ers will benefit from the ba c kp lane transceiver as a network termination de vice. The backplane trans ­ceiver of fe rs S ONET s cra mblin g/de scr ambl ing o f da ta and streamlined SONET framing, pointer moving, and transport overhead ha ndling, plus the programmable logic to terminate the network into proprietary sys­tems. For non-SONET application, all SONET func­tionality is hidden from the user and no prior networking knowledge is required. The 8850 also offers 8B/10B coding in addition to SONET scram­bling.
Also included on the device are three full-duplex, high­speed parallel interface s, c ons is t ing of 8-bit data, con­trol (such as start-of-cell), and clock. The interface delivers double data rate (DDR) data at rates up to 311 MHz (622 Mbits/s per pin), and converts this data internal t o the device in t o 32-bit wide data running at half rate on one clock edge. Functions such as center­ing the transmit clock in th e t rans m it data eye are done automatically by the interface. Applications delivered by this interface include a parallel backplane interface similar to the rec ent ly proposed
packet-based interface.
Table 1.
ORT8850 Family—Available FPGA Logic
Note: The embedded core and interface are not included in the above gate counts.The usable gate counts range from a logic-only gate
count to a gate count assuming 20% of the PFUs/SLICs being used as RAMs. The logic-only gate count includes each PFU/SLIC (counted as 108 gates/PFU), including 12 gates per LUT/FF pair (eight per PFU), and 12 gates per SLIC/FF pair (one per PFU). Each of the four PIO groups are counted as 16 gates (three FFs, fast-capture latch, output logic, CLK, and I/O buffers). PFUs used as RAM are counted at four gates per bit, with each PFU capable of implementing a 32 x 4 RAM (or 512 gates) per PFU. Embedded block RAM (EBR) is counted as four gates per bit plus each block has an additional 25K gates. 7K gates are used for each PLL and 50K gates for the embedded system bus and microprocessor interface logic. Both the EBR and PLLs are conservatively utilized in the gate calculations.
Device PFU Rows
User I/O
EBR Bits
Gates (K)
ORT8850L 26 24 624 296 4,992 8 74 260—470
ORT8850H 46 44 2024 536 16,192 16 147 530—970
Table of Contents
Contents Page Contents Page
2 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sheet
August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Embedded Core Features (Serial)...............................4
Embedded Core Features (Parallel)............................4
Programmable FPGA Features...................................5
Programmable Logic System Features .......................6
What Is an FPSC? ...................................................7
FPSC Overview .......................................................7
FPSC Gate Counting ...............................................7
FPGA/Embedded Core Interface .............................7
Foundry Development System .....................7
FPSC Design Kit ......................................................8
FPGA Logic Overview ..............................................8
PLC Logic ................................................................8
Programmable I/O ....................................................9
Routing ...................... ................... ................... .........9
System-Level Features..............................................10
Microprocessor Interface .......................................10
System Bus ............................................................10
Phase-Locked Loops ...................................... .......10
Embedded Block RAM ...........................................10
Configuration ................... .......................... .............11
Additional Information ............................................11
ORT8850 Overview...................................................12
Device Layout ........................................................12
Backplane Transceiver Interface ...........................12
HSI Interface ..........................................................15
STM Macrocell .......................................................15
8B/10B Encoder/Decoder ......................................15
FPGA Interface ......................................................15
Byte-Wide Parallel Interface ..................................15
FPSC Configuration ...............................................16
Generic Backplane Transc eiv er Appli cation..............17
Synchronous Transfer Mode (STM) .......................17
8B/10B Mode .........................................................17
Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description....18
HSI Macro ..............................................................18
STM Transmitter (FPGA Æ Backplane) .................20
STM Receiver ( Backplane Æ FPGA) .....................23
8B/10B Transmitter (FPGA Æ Backplane) ............30
8B/10B Receiver (Backplane Æ FPGA) ................30
Pointer Mover Block (Backplane Æ FPGA) ...........31
Receive Bypass Options and FPGA Interface .......33
Powerdown Mode ................................................. 33
STM Redundancy and Protection Switching ......... 33
LVDS Protection Switching ................................... 34
Interface to Pi-Sched.................................. 34
Overview ............................................................... 34
Receive Cell Interface ........................................... 34
Transmit Cell Interface .......................................... 36
Memory Map............................................................. 38
Definition of Register Types .................................. 38
Absolute Maximum Ratings...................................... 55
Recommended Operating Conditions ...................... 55
Power Supply Decoupling LC Circuit........................ 56
HSI Electrical and Timing Characteristics ................ 57
-like Interface Timing
Characteristics......................................................... 58
Embedded Core LVDS I/O ....................................... 59
LVDS Receiver Buffer Requirements .................... 60
Input/Output Buffer Measurement Conditions
(on-LVDS Buffer)..................................................... 61
LVDS Buffer Characteristics..................................... 62
Termination Resistor ............................................. 62
LVDS Driver Buffer Capabilities ............................ 62
Pin Information ......................................................... 63
Package Pinouts ................................................... 77
Package Thermal Characteristics Summary .......... 105
JA ..................................................................... 105
JC ............................. ........................................ 105
JC ..................................................................... 105
JB ..................................................................... 105
FPSC Maximum Junction Temperature .............. 105
Package Thermal Characteristics........................... 106
Package Coplanarity .............................................. 106
Package Parasitics................................................. 106
Package Outline Diagrams..................................... 107
Terms and Definitions ......................................... 107
Package Outline Drawings..................................... 108
352-Pin PBGA ..................................................... 108
680-Pin PBGAM .................................................. 109
Hardware Ordering Information.............................. 110
Software Ordering Information ............................... 111
Agere Systems Inc. 3
Data Sheet August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Table of Contents
List of Figures Page List of T ables Page
Figure 1. . ORCA ORT8850 Block Diagram .............13
Figure 2. . High-Level Diagram of ORT8850
Transceiver ............................................................14
Figure 3. . 8850 with 8B/10B Coding/Decoding ........18
Figure 4. . HSI Functional Block Diagram ................19
Figure 5. . Byte Ordering of Input/Output Interface
in STS-12 Mode .....................................................20
Figure 6. . SPE and C1J1 Functionality ....................26
Figure 7. . SPE Stuff Bytes .......................................27
Figure 8. . Interconnect of Streams for FIFO ............28
Figure 9. . Example of Inter-STM Alignment ............28
Figure 10. . Example of Intra-STM Alignment ..........28
Figure 11. . Example of Twin STS-12 Stream ..........28
Figure 12. . Examples of Link Alignment ..................29
Figure 13. . Pointer Mover State Machine ................32
Figure 14. . RapidIO Receive Cell Interface .............35
Figure 15. . RapidIO Transmit Cell Interface ............36
Figure 16. . Sample Power Supply Filter Network
for Analog HSI Power Supply Pins ........................56
Figure 17. . Receive Parallel Data/Control Timing ...58 Figure 18. . Transmit Parallel Data/Control Timing ..58
Figure 19. . ac Test Loads ........................................61
Figure 20. . Output Buffer Delays .............................61
Figure 21. . Input Buffer Delays ................................61
Figure 22. . LVDS Driver and Receiver and
Associated Internal Components ...........................62
Figure 23. . LVDS Driver and Receiver ....................62
Figure 24. . LVDS Driver ..........................................62
Figure 25. . Package Parasitics ..............................106
Table 1. .
ORT8850 Family
Available FPGA Logic ......................................... .......1
Table 2. . Transmitter TOH on LVDS Output
(Transparent Mode) .................................................22
Table 3. . Transmitter TOH on LVDS Output
(TOH Insert Mode) ...................................................22
Table 4. . Receiver TOH (Output Parallel Bus) . ... . ... ...25
Table 5. . SPE and C1J1 Functionality .......................26
Table 6. . Valid Special Characters .............................30
Table 7. . Valid Starting Positions for an ST S-M c .......31
Table 8. .
Signals to/from FPGA ...................37
Table 9. . Signals Used as Register Bits ....................38
Table 10. . Structural Register Elements ...................39
Table 11. . Memory Map .............................................40
Table 12. . Memory Map Descriptions .......................45
Table 13. . Absolute Maximum Ratings ......................55
Table 14. . Recommended Operating Conditions ......55
Table 15. . Absolute Maximum Ratings ......................57
Table 16. . Recommended Operating Conditions ......57
Table 17. . Receiver Specifications ............................57
Table 18. . Transmitter Specifications ........................57
Table 19. . Synthesizer Specif i cat ion s ........................57
Table 20. . Parallel Receive Data/Con tro l Timing .......58
Table 21. . Transmit Parallel Data/Control Timing ......58
Table 22. . Driver dc Data ...........................................59
Table 23. . Driver ac Data ...........................................59
Table 24. . Driver Power Consumption .......................59
Table 25. . Receiver ac Data ......................................60
Table 26. . Receiver Power Consumption ..................60
Table 27. . Receiver dc Data ......................................60
Table 28. . LVDS Operating Parameters ....................60
Table 29. . FPGA Common-Function
Table 30. . FPSC Function Pin Descrip ti on .......... ... ...66
Table 31. . Embedded Core/FPGA Interface
Signal Description ..................................... ...............70
Table 32. . ORT8850H Pins That Are Unused in
ORT8850L ...............................................................77
Table 33. . ORT8850L 352-Pin PBGA Pinout ... ... . ... ...78
Table 34. . ORT8850L and ORT8850H
680-Pin PBGAM Pinout ...........................................88
Table 35. .
ORT8850 Plastic Package
Thermal Guidelines ...............................................106
Table 36. .
ORT8850 Package Parasitics .....106
Table 37. . Device Type Options ..............................110
Table 38. . Temperature Options ..............................110
Table 39. . Package Type Options ...........................110
Table 40. .
FPSC Package Matrix
(Speed Grades) .....................................................110
44 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sheet
August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Embedded Core Features (Serial)
Implemented in an ORCA Series 4 FPGA.
Allows wide range of applications for SONET net­work termination application as well as generic data moving for high-speed backplane data transfer.
No knowledge of SONET/SDH needed in generic applications. Simply supply data, 78 MHz106 MHz clock, and a frame pulse.
High-speed interface (HSI) function for clock/data recovery serial backplane data transfer without exter­nal clocks.
Eight-channel HSI function provides 850 Mbits/s serial interface per channel for a total chip bandwidth of 6.8 Gbits/s (full duplex).
HSI function uses Ageres 850 Mbits/s serial inter ­face core. Rates from 212 Mbits/s to 850 Mbits/s are supported directly (lower rates directly supported through decimation and interpolation).
LVDS I/Os compliant with EIA®-644 support hot insertion. All embedded LVDS I/Os include both input and output on-board termination to allow long-haul driving of backplanes.
Low-power 1.5 V HSI core.
Low-power LVDS buffers.
Programmable STS-1, STS-3, and STS-12 framing.
Independent STS-1, STS-3, and STS-12 data streams per quad channels.
8:1 data multiplexing/demultiplexing for 106.25 MHz byte-wide data processing in FPGA logic.
On-chip, phase-lock loop (PLL) clock meets B jitter tolerance specification of ITU-T recommendation G.958.
Powerdown option of HSI receiver on a per-channel basis.
Selectable 8B/10B coder/decoder or SONET scram­bler/descrambler.
HSI automatically recovers from loss-of-clock once its reference clock returns to normal operating state.
Frame alignment across multiple ORT8850 devices for work/protect switching at OC-192/STM-64 and above rates.
In-band management and configuration through transport overhead extraction/insertion.
Supports transparent modes where either the only insertion is A1/A2 framing bytes, or no bytes are inserted.
Streamlined pointer processor (pointer mover) for 8 kHz frame alignment to system clocks.
Built-in boundry scan (IEEE ®1149.1 JTAG).
FIFOs align incoming data across all eight channels (two groups of four channels or four groups of two channels) for both SONET scrambling and 8B/10B modes. Optional ability to bypass alignment FIFOs.
1 + 1 protection supports STS-12/STS-48 redun­dancy by either software or hardware control for pro­tection switching applications. STS-192 and above rates are supported through multiple devices.
ORCA FPGA soft intellectual property core support for a variety of applications.
Programmable STM pointer mover bypass mode.
Programmable STM framer bypass mode.
Programmable CDR bypass mode (clocked LVDS high-speed interface).
Redundant outputs and multiplexed redundant inputs for CDR I/Os allow for implementation of eight chan­nels with redundancy on a single device.
Embedded Core Features (Parallel)
Three full-duplex, double data rate (DDR) I/O groups include 8-bit data, one control, and one clock. Each interface is implemented with LVDS I/Os that include on-board termination to allow long-haul driving of backplanes, such as the industry-standard RapidIO interface.
External I/O speeds on DDR interface up to 311 MHz (622 Mbits/s per pin), with internal, single­edge data transferred at 1/2 rate on a 32-bit bus plus control.
Automatic centering of transmit clock in data eye for DDR interface.
Direct interfaces to Agere Pi-Sched (266 MHz DDR LVDS), Pi-X (128 MHz TTL), and APC (100 MHz TTL) ATM/IP switch/port controller devices.
Agere Systems Inc. 5
Data Sheet August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Programmable FPGA Features
High-performance platform design:
0.13 µm 7-level metal technology. Internal performance of >250 MHz. Over 600K usable system gates. Meets multiple I/O interface standards. 1.5 V operation (30% less power than 1.8 V oper-
ation) translates to greater performance.
Traditional I/O selections: LVTTL and LVCMOS (3.3 V, 2.5 V, and 1.8 V) I/
Per pin-selectable I/O clamping diodes provide
3.3 V PCI compliance.
Individually programmable drive capability:
24 mA sink/12 mA source, 12 mA sink/6 mA source, or 6 mA sink/3 mA source.
Two slew rates supported (fast and slew-limited). Fast-capture input latch and input flip-flop
(FF)/latch for reduced input setup time and zero hold time.
Fast open-drain drive capability. Capability to register 3-state enable signal. Off-chip clock drive capability. Two-input function generator in output path.
New programmable high-speed I/O: Single-ended: GTL, GTL+, PECL, SSTL3/2
(class I & II), HSTL (Class I, III, IV), ZBT, and DDR.
Double-ended: LVDS, bused-LVDS, LVPECL. LVDS include optional on-chip termination resistor
per I/O and on-chip reference generation.
Customer defined: ability to substitute arbitrary
standard-cell I/O to meet fast-moving standards.
New capability to (de)multiplex I/O signals: New DDR on both input and output at rates up to
133 MHz (266 MHz effective rate).
New 2x and 4x downlink and uplink capability per
I/O (i.e., 50 MHz internal to 200 MHz I/O).
Enhanced twin-quad programmable function unit (PFU):
Eight 16-bit look-up tables (LUTs) per PFU. Nine user registers per PFU, one following each
LUT, and organized to allow two nibbles to act independently, plus one extra for arithmetic opera­tions.
New register control in each PFU has two inde-
pendent programmable clocks, clock enables, local set/reset, and data selects.
New LUT structure allows flexible combinations of
LUT4, LUT5, new LUT6, 4
1 MUX, new 8 → 1 MUX, and ripple mode arithmetic functions in the same PFU.
32 x 4 RAM per PFU, configurable as single- or
dual-port. Create large, fast RAM/ROM blocks (128 x 8 in only eight PFUs) using the SLIC decoders as bank drivers.
Soft-wired LUT s (SWL) allow fast cascading of up
to three levels of LUT logic in a single PFU through fast internal routing, which reduces rout­ing congestion and improves speed.
Flexible fast access to PFU inputs from routing. Fast-carry logic and routing to all four adjacent
PFUs for nibble-wide, byte-wide, or longer arith­metic functions, with the option to register the PFU carry-out.
Abundant high-speed buffered and nonbuffered rout­ing resources provide 2x average speed improve­ments over previous architectures.
Hierarchical routing optimized for both local and glo­bal routing with dedicated routing resources. This results in faster routing times with predictable and efficient performance.
SLIC provides eight 3-statable buffers, up to 10-bit decoder, and PAL
-like and-or-invert (AOI) in each
programmable logic cell.
Improved built-in clock management with dual-output programmable phase-locked loops (PPLLs) provide optimum clock modification and conditioning for phase, frequency, and duty cycle from 20 MHz up to 416 MHz.
New 200 MHz embedded quad-port RAM blocks, two read ports, two write ports, and two sets of byte lane enables. Each embedded RAM block can be configured as: One512 x 18 (quad-port, two read/two write)
with optional built-in arbitration.
One256 x 36 (dual-port, one read/one write). One1K x 9 (dual-port, one read/one write). Two512 x 9 (dual-port, one read/one write for
Two RAM with arbitrary number of words whose
sum is 512 or less by 18 (dual-port, one read/one write).
Supports joining of RAM blocks. Two 16 x 8-bit content addressable memory
(CAM) support.
FIFO 512 x 18, 256 x 36, 1K x 9, or dual 512 x 9. Constant multiply (8 x 16 or 16 x 8). Dual variable multiply (8 x 8).
Embedded 32-bit internal system bus plus 4-bit par­ity interconnects FPGA logic, microprocessor inter­face (MPI), embedded RAM blocks, and embedded backplane transceiver blocks with 100 MHz bus per­formance. Included are built-in system registers that act as the control and status center for the device.
66 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sheet
August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Programmable FPGA Features
Built-in testability: Full boundary scan (IEEE 1149.1 and Draft
1149.2 JTAG).
Programming and readback through boundary
scan port compliant to IEEE Draft 1532:D1.7.
TS_ALL testability function to 3-state all I/O pins. New temperature-sensing diode.
New cycle stealing capability allows a typical 15% to 40% internal speed improvement after final place and route. This feature also enables compliance with many setup/hold and clock to out I/O specifications and may provide reduced ground bounce for output buses by allowing flexible delays of switching output buffers.
Programmable Logic System Features
PCI local bus compliant for FPGA I/Os.
Improved PowerPC®860 and PowerPC II high-speed synchronous microprocessor interface can be used for configuration, readback, device control, and device status, as well as for a general-purpose inter­face to the FPGA logic, RAMs, and embedded back­plane transceiver blocks. Glueless interface to synchronous PowerPC processors with user-config­urable address space provided.
New embedded AMBA™ specification 2.0 AHB sys­tem bus (ARM
processor) facilitates commu nica­tion among the microprocessor interface, configuration logic, embedded block RAM, FPGA logic, and backplane transceiver logic.
New network PLLs meet ITU-T G.811 specifications and provide clock conditioning for DS-1/E-1 and STS-3/STM-1 applications.
Flexible general-purpose PPLLs offer clock multiply (up to 8x), divide (down to 1/8x), phase shift, delay compensation, and duty cycle adjustment combined.
Variable size bused readback of configuration data capability with the built-in microprocessor interface and system bus.
Internal, 3-state, and bidirectional buses with simple control provided by the SLIC.
New clock routing structures for global and local clocking significantly increases speed and reduces skew (<200 ps for OR4E4).
New local clock routing structures allow creation of localized clock trees.
New edge clock routing supports at least six fast edge clocks per side of the device
New double-data rate (DDR) and zero-bus turn­around (ZBT) memory interfaces support the latest high-speed memory interfaces.
New 2x/4x uplink and downlink I/O capabilities inter­face high-speed external I/Os to reduced speed internal logic.
ORCA Foundry 2000 development system software. Supported by industry-standard CAE tools for design entry, synthesis, simulation, and timing analysis.
Meets universal test and opera tion s PHY interfac e for ATM (UTOPIA) Levels 1, 2, and 3. Also meets proposed specifications for UTOPIA Level 4 for 10 Gbits/s interfaces.
Two new edge clock routing structures allow up to seven high-speed clocks on each edge of the device for improved setup/hold and clock to out perfor­mance.
Agere Systems Inc. 7
Data Sheet August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
What Is an FPSC?
FPSCs, or field-programmable system chips, are devices that combine field-programmable logic with ASIC or mask-programmed logic on a single device. FPSCs provide the time to market and the flexibility of FPGAs, the design effort savings of using soft intellec­tual property (IP) cores, and the speed, design density, and economy of ASICs.
FPSC Overview
Ageres Series 4 FPSCs are created from Series 4 ORCA FPGAs. T o create a Series 4 FPSC, several col­umns of programmable logic cells (see FPGA Logic Overview section for FPGA logic details) are added to an embedded logic core. Other than replacing some FPGA gates with ASIC gates, at greater than 10:1 effi­ciency, none of the FPGA functionality is changed—all of the Series 4 FPGA capability is retained: embedded block RAMs, MPI, PCMs, boundary scan, etc. The col­umns of programmable logic are replaced at the right of the device, allowing pins from the replaced columns to be used as I/O pins for the embedded core. The remainder of the device pins retain their FPGA func­tionality.
The embedded cores can take many forms and gener­ally come from Ageres ASIC libraries. Other offerings allow customers to supply their own core functions for the creation of custom FPSCs.
FPSC Gate Counting
The total gate count for an FPSC is the sum of its embedded core (standard-cell/ASIC gates) and its FPGA gates. Because FPGA gates are generally expressed as a usable range with a nominal value, the total FPSC gate count is sometimes expressed in the same manner. Standard-cell ASIC gates are, however, 10 to 25 times more silicon-area efficient than FPGA gates. Therefore, an FPSC with an embedded function is gate equivalent to an FPGA with a much larger gate count.
FPGA/Embedded Core Interface
The interface between the FPGA logic and the embed­ded core has been enhanced to allow for a greater number of interface signals than on previous FPSC achitectures. Compared to bringing embedded core
signals off-chip, this on-chip interface is much faster and requires less power. All of the delays for the inter­face are precharacterized and accounted for in the ORCA Foundry Development System.
Series 4 based FPSCs expand this int erfac e by provi d­ing a link between the embedded block and the multi­master 32-bit system bus in the FPGA logic. This sys­tem bus allows the core easy access to many of the FPGA logic functions including the embedded block RAMs and the microprocessor interface.
Clock spines also can pass across the FPGA/embed­ded core boundary. This allows for fast, low-skew clocking between the FPGA and the embedded core. Many of the special signals from the FPGA, such as DONE and global set/reset, are also available to the embedded core, making it possible to fully integrate the embedded core with the FPGA as a system.
For even greater system flexibility, FPGA configuration RAMs are available for use by the embedded core. This allows for user-programmable options in the embedded core, in turn allowing for greater flexibility. Multiple embedded core configurations may be designed into a single device with user-programmable control over which configurations are implemented, as well as the capability to change core functionality sim­ply by reconfiguring the device.
Foundry Development System
The ORCA Foundry development system is used to process a design from a netlist to a configur ed FPG A. This system is used to map a design onto the ORCA architecture, and then place and route it using ORCA Foundrys timing-driven tools. The development sys­tem also includes interfaces to, and libraries for, other popular CAE tools for design entry, synthesis, simula­tion, and timing analysis.
The ORCA Foundry development system interfaces to front-end design entry tools and provides the tools to produce a configured FPGA. In the design flow, the user defines the functionality of the FPGA at two points in the design flow: design entry and the bitstream gen­eration stage. Recent improvements in ORCA Foundry allow the user to provide timing requirement informa­tion through logical preferences only; thus, the designer is not required to have physical knowledge of the implementation.
88 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sheet
August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Following design entry, the development systems map, place, and route tools translate the netlist into a routed FPGA. A floorplanner is available for layout feedback and control. A static timing analysis tool is provided to determine device speed and a back-annotated netlist can be created to allow simulation and timing.
Timing and simulation output files from ORCA Foundry are also compatible with many third-party analysis tools. Its bit stream generator is then used to generate the configuration data which is loaded into the FPGAs internal configuration RAM, embedded block RAM, and/or FPSC memory.
When using the bit stream generator, the user selects options that affect the functionality of the FPGA. Com­bined with the front-end tools, ORCA Foundry pro­duces configuration data that implements the various logic and routing options discussed in this data sheet.
FPSC Design Kit
Development is facilitated by an FPSC design kit which, together with ORCA Foundry and third-party synthesis and simulation engines, provides all software and documentation required to design and verify an FPSC implementation. Included in the kit are the FPSC configuration manager, Synopsys Smart Model
, and complete online documentation. The kit's software cou­ples with ORCA Foundry, providing a seamless FPSC design environment. More information can be obtained by visiting the ORCA website or contacting a local sales office, both listed on the last page of this docu­ment.
FPGA Logic Overview
The ORCA Series 4 architecture is a new generation of SRAM-based programmable devices from Agere. It includes enhancements and innovations geared toward todays high-speed systems on a single chip. Designed with networking applications in mind, the Series 4 family incorporates system-level features that can further reduce logic requirements and increase system speed. ORCA Series 4 devices contain many new patented enhancements and are offered in a vari­ety of packages and speed grades.
The hierarchical architecture of the logic, clocks, rout­ing, RAM, and system-level blocks create a seamless merge of FPGA and ASIC designs. Modula r hardwa re and software technologies enable system-on-chip inte­gration with true plug-and-play design implementation.
The architecture consists of four basic elements: pro­grammable logic cells (PLCs), programmable I/O cells (PIOs), embedded block RAMs (EBRs), and system­level features. These elements are interconnected with a rich routing fabric of both global and local wires. An array of PLCs are surrounded by common interface blocks which provide an abundant interface to the adja­cent PLCs or system blocks. Routing congestion around these critical blocks is eliminated by the use of the same routing fabric implemented within the pro­grammable logic core. Each PLC contains a PFU, SLIC, local routing resources, and configuration RAM. Most of the FPGA logic is performed in the PFU, but decoders, PAL-like functions, and 3-state buffering can be performed in the SLIC. The PIOs provide device inputs and outputs and can be used to register signals and to perform input demultiplexing, output multiplex­ing, uplink and downlink functions, and other functions on two output signals. Large blocks of 512 x 18 quad­port RAM complement the existing distributed PFU memory. The RAM blocks can be used to implement RAM, ROM, FIFO, multiplier, and CAM. Some of the other system-level functions include the MPI, PLLs, and the embedded system bus (ESB).
PLC Logic
Each PFU within a PLC contains eight 4-input (16-bit) LUTs, eight latches/FFs, and one additional flip-flop that may be used independently or with arithmetic func­tions.
The PFU is organized in a twin-quad fashion; two sets of four LUTs and FFs that can be controlled indepen­dently. Each PFU has two independent programmable clocks, clock en able s, loca l set/ rese t, an d dat a sele cts. LUTs may also be combined for use in arithmetic func­tions using fast-carry chain logic in either 4-bit or 8-bit modes. The carry-out of either mode may be registered in the ninth FF for pipelining. Each PFU may also be configured as a synchronous 32 x 4 single- or dual-port RAM or ROM. The FFs (or latches) may obtain input from LUT out puts or dire ctly f rom in verti ble PFU i nputs, or they can be tied high or tied low. The FFs also have programmable clock polarity, clock enables, and local set/reset.
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Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
The SLIC is connected from PLC routing resources and from the outputs of the PFU. It contains eight 3­state, bidirectional buffers, and logic to perform up to a 10-bit AND function for decoding, or an AND-OR with optional INVERT to perform PAL-like functions. The 3­state drivers in the SLIC and their direct connections from the PFU outputs make fast, true, 3-state buses possible within the FPGA, reducing required routing and allowing for real-world system performance.
Programmable I/O
The Series 4 PIO addresses the demand for the flexi­bility to select I/Os that meet system interface require­ments. I/Os can be programmed in the same manner as in previous ORCA devices, with the additional new features which allow the user the flexibility to select new I/O types that support high-speed interfaces.
Each PIO contains four programmable I/O pads and is interfaced through a common interface block to the FPGA array. The PIO is split into two pairs of I/O pads with each pair having independent clock enables, local set/reset, and global set/reset. On the input side, each PIO contains a programmable latch/flip-flop which enables very fast latching of data from any pad. The combination provides for very low setup requirements and zero hold times for signals coming on-chip. It may also be used to demultiplex an input signal, such as a multiplexed address/data signal, and register the sig­nals without explicitly building a demultiplexer with a PFU.
On the output side of each PIO, an output from the PLC array can be routed to each output flip-flop, and logic can be associated with each I/O pad. The output logic associated with each pad allows for multiplexing of output signals and other functions of two output sig­nals.
The output FF, in combination with output signal multi­plexing, is particularly useful for registering address signals to be multiplexed with data, allowing a full clock cycle for the data to propagate to the output. The out­put buffer signal can be inverted, and the 3-state con­trol can be made active-high, active-low, or always enabled. In addition, this 3-state signal can be regis-
tered or nonregistered. The Series 4 I/O logic has been enhanced to include
modes for speed uplink and downlink capabilities. These modes are supported through shift register logic, which divides down incoming data rates or multi­plies up outgoing data rates. This new logic block also supports high-speed DDR mode requirements where data is clocked into and out of the I/O buffers on both edges of the clock.
The new programmable I/O cell allows designers to select I/Os which meet many new communication stan­dards permitting the device to hook up directly without any external interface translation. They support tradi­tional FPGA standards as well as high-speed, single­ended, and differential-pair signaling (as shown in Table 1). Based on a programmable, bank-oriented I/O ring architecture, designs can be implemented using
3.3 V, 2.5 V, 1.8 V, and 1.5 V referenced output levels.
The abundant routing resources of the Series 4 archi­tecture are organized to route signals individually or as buses with related control signals. Both local and glo­bal signals utilize high-speed buffered and nonbuffered routes. One PLC segmented (x1), six PLC segmented (x6), and bused half-chip (xHL) routes are patterned together to provide high connectivity with fast software routing times and high-speed system performance.
Eight fully distributed primary clocks are routed on a low-skew, high-speed distribution network and may be sourced from dedicated I/O pads, PLLs, or the PLC logic. Secondary and edge-clock routing is available for fast regional clock or control signal routing for both internal regions and on device edges. Secondary clock routing can be sourced from any I/O pin, PLLs, or the PLC logic.
The improved routing resources offer great flexibility in moving signals to and from the logic core. This flexibil­ity translates into an improved capability to route designs at the required speeds when the I/O signals have been locked to specific pins.
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Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
System-Level Features
The Series 4 also provides system-level functionality by means of its microprocessor interface, embedded system bus, quad-port embedded block RAMs, univer­sal programmable phase-locked loops, and the addi­tion of highly tuned networking specific phase-locked loops. These functional blocks allow for easy glueless system interfacing and the capability to adjust to vary­ing conditions in todays high-speed networking sys­tems.
Microprocessor Interface
The MPI provides a glueless interface between the FPGA and PowerPC microprocessors. Programmable in 8-, 16-, and 32-bit interfaces with optional parity to the Motorola
PowerPC 860 bus, it can be used for configuration and readback, as well as for FPGA con­trol and monitoring of FPGA status. All MPI transac­tions utilize the Series 4 embedded system bus at 66 MHz performance.
A system-level microprocessor interface to the FPGA user-defined logic following configuration, through the system bus, including access to the embedded block RAM and general user-logic, is provided by the MPI. The MPI supports burst data read and write transfers, allowing short, uneven transmission of data through the interface by including data FIFOs. Transfer accesses can be single beat (1 x 4-bytes or less), 4­beat (4 x 4-bytes), 8-beat (8 x 2-bytes), or 16-beat (16 x 1-bytes).
System Bus
An on-chip, multimaster, 8-bit system bus with 1-bit parity facilitates communication among the MPI, con­figuration logic, FPGA control, and status registers, embedded block RAMs, as well as user logic. Utilizing the AMBA specification Rev 2.0 AHB protocol, the embedded system bus offers arbiter, decoder, master, and slave elements. Master and slave elements are also available for the user-logic and embedded back­plane transceiver portion of the 8850.
The system bus control registers can provide control to the FPGA such as signaling for reprogramming, reset functions, and PLL programming. Status registers monitor INIT, DONE, and system bus errors. An inter­rupt controller is integrated to provide up to eight possi­ble interrupt resources. Bus clock generation can be sourced from the microprocessor interface clock, con­figuration clock (for slave configuration modes), inter­nal oscillator, user clock from routing, or from the port clock (for JTAG configuration modes).
Phase-Locked Loops
Up to eight PLLs are provided on each Series 4 device, with four PLLs generally provided for FPSCs. Program­mable PLLs can be used to manipulate the frequency, phase, and duty cycle of a clock signal. Each PPLL is capable of manipulating and conditioning clocks from 20 MHz to 420 MHz. Frequencies can be adjusted from 1/8x to 8x, the input clock frequency. Each programma­ble PLL provides two outputs that have different multi­plication factors but can have the same phas e relationships. Duty cycles and phase delays can be adjusted in 12.5% of the clock period increments. An automatic input buffer delay compensation mode is available for phase delay. Each PPLL provides two out­puts that can have programmable (12.5% steps) phase differences.
Additional highly tuned and characterized, dedicated phase-locked loops (DPLLs) are included to ease sys­tem designs. These DPLLs meet ITU-T G.811 primary­clocking specifications and enable system designers to very tightly target specified clock conditioning not tradi­tionally available in the universal PPLLs. Initial DPLLs are targeted to low-speed networking DS1 and E1, and also high-speed SONET/SDH networking STS-3 and STM-1 systems. These DPLLs are typically not included on FPSC devices and are not found on the ORT8850 family.
Embedded Block RAM
New 512 x 18 quad-port RAM blocks are embedded in the FPGA core to significantly increase the amount of memory and complement the distributed PFU memo­ries. The EBRs include two write ports, two read ports, and two byte lane enables which provide four-port operation. Optional arbitration between the two write ports is available, as well as direct connection to the high-speed system bus.
Additional logic has been incorporated to allow signifi­cant flexibility for FIFO, constant multiply, and two-vari­able multiply functions. The user can configure FIFO blocks with flexible depths of 512k, 256k, and 1k including asynchronous and synchronous modes and programmable status and error flags. Multiplier capabil­ities allow a multiple of an 8-bit number with a 16-bit fixed coefficient or vice versa (24-bit output), or a multi­ply of two 8-bit numbers (16-bit output). On-the-fly coefficient modifications are available through the sec­ond read/write port. Two 16 x 8-bit CAMs per embed­ded block can be implemented in single match, multiple match, and clear modes. The EBRs can also be pre­loaded at device configuration time.
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Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
System-Level Features
The FPGAs functionality is determined by internal con­figuration RAM. The FPGAs internal initialization/con­figuration circuitry loads the configuration data at powerup or under system control. The configuration data can reside externally in an EEPROM or any other storage media. Serial EEPROMs provide a simple, low pin-count method for configuring FPGAs.
The RAM is loaded by using one of several configura­tion modes. Supporting the traditional master/slave serial, master/slave parallel, and asynchronous periph­eral modes, the Series 4 also utilizes its microproces­sor interface and embedded system bus to perform both programming and readback. Daisy chaining of multiple devices and partial reconfiguration are also permitted.
Other configuration options include the initialization of the embedded-block RAM memories and FPSC mem­ory as well as system bus options and bit stream error checking. Programming and readback through the JTAG (IEEE 1149.2) port is also available meeting in­system programming (ISP) standards (IEEE 1532 Draft).
Additional Information
Contact your local Agere representative for additional information regarding the ORCA Series 4 FPGA devices, or visit our website at:
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August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
ORT8850 Overview
Device Layout
The ORT8850 FPSC provides a high-speed backplane transceiver combined with FPGA logic. The device is based on 1.5 V OR4E2 or OR4E6 FPGAs. The OR4E2 has a 26 x 24 arra y of progr ammab le logi c cells (PL Cs) and the OR4E6 has a 46 x 44 array. For the ORT8850, several columns of PLCs in these arrays were replaced with the embedded backplane transceiver core.
The ORT8850 embedded core comprises a long-haul interface macro and three RapidIO macros for intra­board chip-to-chip or backplane communication. The long-haul interface includes the high-speed interface (HSI) macrocell, the synchronous transport module (STM) macrocell, and a 8B/10B encoder/decoder. The eight full-duplex channels perform data transfer, scram­bling/descrambling or encoding/decoding, and framing at the rate of 850 Mbits/s. Each RapidIO block has a transmit and receive section that each contain one LVDS clock buffer pair, one LVDS start-of-cell buffer pair, and eight LVDS clock buffer pairs which are dou­ble edge clocked by the corresponding clock. Figure 1 shows the ORT8850 block diagram.
Backplane Transceiver Interface
The advantage of the ORT8850 FPSC is to bring spe­cific networking functions to an early market presence using programmable logic in a system.
The 850 Mbits/s backplane transceiver core allows the ORT8850 to communicate across a backplane or on a given board at an aggregate speed of 6.8 Gbits/s, pro­viding a physical medium for high-speed asynchronous serial data transfer between sys tem dev ices . This device is intended for, but not limited to, connecting ter­minal equipment in SONET/SDH, ATM, and IP sys­tems.
The backplane transceiver core is used to support a
6.8 Gbits/s interface for backplane connection to a mate TADM042G5 device or other SONET devices such as redundant central crossconnect. The interface is implemented as an eight-channel 850 Mbits/s LVDS
links. The HSI macrocell is used for clock/data recov­ery (CDR) and serialize/deserialize between the
106.25 MHz byte-wide internal data buses and the 850 Mbits/s serial LVDS links. For a 622 Mbits/s SONET stream, the HSI will perform clock and data recovery (CDR) and MUX/deMUX between 77.76 MHz byte-wide internal data buses and 622 Mbits/s serial LVDS links.
Each 850 Mbits/s serial link uses a pseudo-SONET protocol. SONET A1/A2 framing is used on the link to detect the 8 kHz frame location. The link is also scram­bled using the standard SONET scrambler definition to ensure proper transitions on the link for improved CDR performance. Selectable transport overhead (TOH) bytes are insertable in the transmit direction. All the selectable bytes are i nserted from software program­mable registers that are accessed via a microproces­sor interface.
Elastic buffers (FIFOs) are used to align each incoming STS-12 link to the 77.76 MHz clock and 8 kHz frame. These FIFOs will absorb delay variations between the four 622 Mbits/s links due to timing skews between cards and along backplane tra ce s. For greate r va ri a­tions, a streamlined pointer processor (pointer mover) within the STM macro will align the 8 kHz frames regardless of their incoming frame position.
The backplane transceiver allows for SONET scram­bling and frame alignment or 8-bit/10-bit (8B/10B) encoding/decoding. SONET has the advantage of reduced overhead (3.3% overhead for SONET vs. 25% overhead for 8B/10B). 8B/10B has the advantage of faster synchronization (a few bytes of transferred data for 8B/10B vs. up to 500
s for four frames of data for SONET). The effective data transfer rate for scrambled SONET is greater than 800 Mbits/s while the effective data transfer rate for 8B/10B is greater than 680 Mbits/s. Frame synchronization and multichannel alignment is provided in 8B/10B mode through the use of special K characters.
Figure 2 shows the architecture of the ORT8850 back­plane transceiver core.
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Data Sheet August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
ORT8850 Overview
Figure 1.
ORT8850 Block Diagram
311 MHz
850 Mbits/s
850 Mbits/s
311 MHz
311 MHz
14 Agere Systems Inc.
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Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
ORT8850 Overview
Figure 2. High-Level Diagram of ORT8850 Transceiver
ZRXD _A[31:0]
8 2 1 4
12X8 8 10 9 1
ZRXD _B[31:0]
Agere Systems Inc. 15
Data Sheet August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
ORT8850 Overview
HSI Interface
The high-speed interconnect (HSI) macrocell is used for clock/data recovery and MUX/deMUX between
106.25 MHz byte-wide internal data buses and 850 Mbits/s external serial links.
The HSI interface receives eight 850 Mbits/s serial input data streams from the LVDS inputs and provides eight independent 106.25 MHz byte-wide data streams and recovered clock to the STM macro. There is no requirement for bit alignment since SONET type fram­ing will take place inside the ORT850 core. For trans­mit, the HSI converts four byte-wide 106.25 MHz data streams to serial streams at 850 Mbits/s at the LVDS outputs.
STM Macrocell
The STM portion of the embedded core consists of transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) sections. The receiver receives eight byte-wide data streams at
106.25 MHz and the associated clocks from the HSI. In the Rx section, the incoming streams are SONET framed and descrambled before they are written into a FIFO, which absorbs phase and delay variations and allows the shift to the system clock. The TOH is then extracted and sent out on the eight serial ports. The pointer mover consists of three blocks: pointer inter­preter, elastic store, and pointer generator. The pointer interpreter finds the synchronous transport signal (STS) synchronous payload envelopes (SPE) and places it into a small elastic store from which the pointer generator will produce eight byte-wide STS-12 streams of data that are aligned to the system timing pulse.
In the Tx section, transmitted data for each channel is received through a parallel bus and a serial port from the FPGA circuit. TOH bytes are received from the serial input port and can be optionally inserted from programmable registe rs or seri al inp uts to the STS -12 frame via the TOH processor. Each of the eight parallel input buses is synchronized to a free-running system clock. Then the SPE and TOH data is transferred to the HSI.
The STM macrocell also has a scrambler/descrambler disable feature, allowing the user to disable the scram­bler of the transmitter and the descrambler of the receiver. Also, unused channels can be disabled to reduce power dissipation.
8B/10B Encoder/Decoder
The ORT8850 facilitates high-speed serial transfer of data in a variety of applications including Gigabit Ether­net, fibre channel, serial backplanes, and proprietary links. The device provides 8B/10B coding/decoding for each channel. The 8B/10B transmission code includes serial encoding/decoding rules, special characters, and error detection.
Information to be transmitted over a fibre shall be encoded eight bits at a time into a 10-bit transmission character and then sent serially. The 10-bit transmis­sion characters support all 256 eight-bit combinations. Some of the remaining transmission characters referred to as special characters, are used for functions which are to be distinguishable from the contents of a frame.
FPGA Interface
The FPGA logic will receive/transmit frame-aligned (optional for 8B/10B mode) streams of 106.25 MHz data (maximum of eight streams in each direction) from/to the backplane transceiver embedded core. All frames transmitted to the FPGA will be aligned to the FPGA frame pulse which will be provided by the FPGA users logic to the STM macro. If the receive pointer mover and alignment FIFOs are bypassed, then each channel will provide its own receive clock and receive frame pulse signals. Otherwise, all frames received from the FPGA logic will be aligned to the system frame pulse that will be supplied to the STM macro from the FPGA users logic.
Byte-Wide Parallel Interface
Three byte-wide parallel interface are provided on the ORT8850. Each interface provides for transmit and receive of byte-wide data, one control signal, and one clock. Receive data is sampled on both edges of the receive clock and is converted to a 32-bit data bus, which is single-edge clocked by a half-speed clock for transfer to the FPGA logic. Maximum transmit/receive clock rate is 311 MHz and 155 MHz for the internal FPGA clock. This allows for a 622 Mbits/s link data transfer rate. Other functions provided include a check for a minimum number of transferred bytes.
The first byte-wide interface (RapidIO A in Figure 2) is always available. The other two interfaces (RapidIO B and RapidIO C) are available when the 850 Mbits/s serial links are not being used.
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Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
ORT8850 Overview
FPSC Configuration
Configuration of the ORT8850 occurs in two stages: FPGA bit stream configurati on and embedd ed core setup.
FPGA Configuration
Prior to becoming operational, the FPGA goes through a sequence of states, including powerup, initialization, configuration, start-up, and operation. The FPGA logic is configured by standard FPGA bit stream configura­tion means as discussed in the Series 4 FPGA data sheet. The options for the embedded core are set via registers that are accessed through the FPGA system bus. The system bus can be driven by an external PPC compliant microprocessor via the MPI block or via a user master interface in FPGA logic. A simple IP block, that drives the system by using the user interface and uses very little FPGA logic, is available in the MPI/Sys- tem Bus application note (AP01-032NCIP). This IP block sets up the embedded core via a state machine and allows the ORT8850 to work in an independent system without an external microprocessor interface.
Embedded Core Setup
All options for the operation of the core are configured according to the device register map, which is included with the ORT8850 FPSC simulation kit.
During the powerup sequence, the ORT8850 device (FPGA programmable circuit and the core) is held in reset. All the LVDS ou tput buffers and other output buffers are held in 3-state. All flip-flops in the core area are in reset state, with the exception of the boundry­scan shift registers, which can only be reset by bound­ary-scan reset. After powerup reset, the FPGA can start configuration. During FPGA configuration, the ORT8850 core will be held in reset and all the local bus interface signals forced high, but the following active­high signals (PROT_SWITCH_A, PROT_SWITCH_C, TX_TOH_CK_EN, SYS_FP, LINE_FP) will be forced
low. The CORE_READY signal sent from the embed­ded core to FPGA is held low, indicating that the core is not ready to interact with FPGA logic. At the end of the FPGA configuration sequence, the CORE_READY sig­nal will be held low for six SYS_CLK cycles after DONE, TRI_IO and RST_N (core global reset) are high. Then it will go active-high, indicating the embed­ded core is ready to function and interact with FPGA programmable circuit. During FPGA reconfiguration when DONE and TRI_IO are low, the CORE_READY signal sent from the core to FPGA will be held low again to indicate the embedded core is not ready to interact with FPGA logic. During FPGA partial configu­ration, CORE_READY stays active. The same FPGA configuration sequence described previously will repeat again.
The initialization of the embedded core consists of two steps: register configuration and synchronization of the alignment FIFO. In order to configure the embedded core, the registers need to be unlocked by writing 0x30005 to address 0x30004 and writing 0x80 to address 0x05. Control registers 0x30004 and 0x30005 are lock registers. If the output bus of the data, serial TOH port, and TOH clock and TOH frame pulse are controlled by 3-state registers (the use of the registers for 3-state output control is optional; these output 3­state enable signals are brought across the local bus interface and available to the FPGA side), the next step is to activate the 3-state output bus and signals by tak­ing them to functional state from high-impedance state. This can be done by writing 0x01 to correspond bits of the channel registers 0x30020, 0x30038, 0x30050, 0x30068, 0x30080, 0x30090, 0x300B0, and 0x300C8.
In addition, the synchronization of selected streams is recommended for some networking systems applica­tions. This requires a resync of the alignment FIFO after the enabled channels have a valid frame pulse or 8B/10B control character. See the sections about STM Link Alignment Setup or 8B/10B Link Alignment Setup for more details.
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Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Generic Backplane Transceiver Application
Synchronous Transfer Mode (STM)
The combination of ORT8850 and soft IP cores pro­vides a generic data moving solution for non-SONET applications. There is no requirement for SONET knowledge to the users. All that is needed is to supply the pseudo-SONET framer with data, clock, and a 8 kHz frame pulse. The provision registers may also need to be set up, and this can be done through either the FPGA MPI, or in a state machine in the FPGA sec­tion (VHDL code available from Agere).
The 8 kHz frame pulse must be supplied to the SYS_FP signal. For generic applications, the frame pulse can be created in FPGA logic from the
77.76 MHz SYS_CLK using a simple resettable counter (the frame pulse should only be high for one cycle of the SYS_CLK). A VHDL core that automati­cally provides the 8 kHz frame pulse is available from Agere. Byte-wide data is then sent to each of the trans­mit channels as follows: the first 36 bytes transferred will be invalid data (replaced by overhead), where the first byte is sent on the rising edge of SYS_CLK when SYS_FP is high. The next 1044 byte positions can be filled with valid data. This will repeat a total of nine times (36 invalid bytes followed by 1044 valid bytes) at which time the next 8 kHz frame pulse will be found. Thus, 87 out of 90 (96.7%) of the data bytes sent are valid user data. The ORT8850 also supports a transparent mode where only the first 24 bytes are invalid data (A1/A2 frame bytes) followed by 9,684 bytes of valid user data.
On the receive side, an 8 kHz pulse must again be sup­plied to LINE_FP . In this case, however, only the signal DOUT<channel>_SPE (where the eight channels are labeled AA, AB, AC, AD, BA, BB, BC, and BD) must be monitored for each channel, where a high value on this signal means valid data. Again, 87 out 90 bytes received (96.7%) will be valid data. Transparent mode is also supported for receive data.
8B/10B Mode
The ORT8850 facilitates high-speed serial transfer of data in a variety of applications including Gigabit Ethernet, fibre channel, serial backplanes, and proprietary links. In place of the STM interface, the ORT8850 also provides 8B/10B coding/decoding for each channel. The 8B/10B transmission code includes serial encoding/decoding rules, special characters, and error detection. In 8B/10B mode, LSB is received first and transmitted first. The 10-bit encoded transmission characters labeled as a, b, c, d, e, i, f, g, h, and j are transmitted with bit a first and bit j last, where bit a is the LSB and bit j is the MSB.
Transmitter Description
The data input to the transmitter of each channel is an 8-bit word and a K-control input. The K input is used to identify data or a special character. For each channel, the input data byte is clocked into a FIFO. When K-con­trol is 1, the data on the parallel input is mapped into its corresponding control character. The transmit FIFOs must be initialized upon the deassertion of the RST_N signal.
Receiver Description
Clock recovery is performed by the HSI on the input data stream for each channel of the ORT8850. The recovered data is then aligned to the 10-bit word boundary. Word alignment is accomplished by detect­ing and aligning to the 8B/10B comma sequence. The HSI will detect and align to either polarity of the comma sequence. The 10-bit word aligned data is then decoded and the 8-bit output is passed to the align­ment FIFOs. Each receive channel provides a FIFO in order to adjust for the skew between the channels and ensure that the first valid data following the comma character is transmitted simultaneously from all the channels that are programmed to be aligned.
In the RESET state, each channel is actively searching for the occurence of a comma character. Once the channel is powered up, the comma detect pulse will be found on the doutxx-fp per channel in the FPGA.
Receive Channel Sync Block
In order to account for skews between the channels, it is necessary to align multiple channels on the comma character boundary. The sync algorithm assumes that either all eight channels, two groups of four channels, or four groups of two channels will be aligned. The ORT8850 powers up in the RESET state in which no channel alignment is done.
18 Agere Systems Inc.
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August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Generic Backplane Transceiver Application
Figure 3. 8850 with 8B/10B Coding/Decoding
Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
HSI Macro
The 850 high-speed interface (HSI) provides a physical medium for high-speed asynchronous serial data trans­fer between ASIC devices. The devices can be mounted on the same PC board or mounted on differ­ent boards and connected through the she lf back ­plane. The 850 CDR macro is an eight-channel clock­phase select (CPS) and data retime function with serial-to-parallel demultiplexing for the incoming data stream and parallel-to-serial multiplexing for outgoing data. The macrocell can be used as a eight-channel or 16-channel configuration. The ORT8850 uses an eight­channel HSI macro cell. The HSI macro consists of three functionally independent blocks: receiver, trans­mitter, and PLL synthesizer as shown in Figure 4.
The PLL synthesizer block generates the necessary 850 MHz clock for operation from a 212 MHz, 106 MHz, or 85 MHz reference. The PLL synthesizer block is a common asset shared by all eight receive and transmit channels. The PLL reference clock must match the interface frequency.
The HSI_RX block receives a differential 850 Mbits/s (or subrates 424 Mbits/s, 212 Mbits/s) serial data with­out clock at its LVDS receiver input. Based on data transitions, the receiver selects an appropriate 850 MHz clock phase for each channel to retime the data. The retimed data and clock are then passed to the deMUX (deserializer) module. DeMUX module per­forms serial-to-parallel conversion and provides three possible parallel rates, 212 Mbits/s, 106 Mbits/s, or 85 Mbits/s, where the 106 Mbits/s data is used in SONET mode and the 85 Mbits/s data is used in 8B/10B mode (212 Mbits/s is unused).
The HSI_TX block receives 106 Mbits/s (SONET mode), or 85 Mbits/s (8B/10B mode) parallel data at its input. MUX (serializer) module performs a parallel-to­serial conversion using an 850 MHz clock provided by the PLL/synthesizer block. The resulting 850 Mbits/s serial data stream is then transmitted through the LVDS driver.
The loopback feature built into the HSI macro provides looping of the transmitter data output into the receiver input when desired.
All rate examples described here are the maximum rates possible. The actual HSI internal clock rate is determined by the provided reference clock rate. For example, if a 78 MHz reference clock is provided, the HSI macro will operate at 622 Mbits/s.
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Data Sheet August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
Figure 4. HSI Functional Block Diagram
848 MHz
LOOPBKCH[(n – 1):0]
LD[(n – 1):0]RX[9:0]
DIN[(n – 1):0] 848 Mbits/s
DOUT[(n –1):0]
LCKRX[(n – 1):0]
RXPWRDN[(n – 1):0]
106 Mbits/s
LD[(n – 1):0] TX[9:0]
or 85 MHz
or 424 Mbits/s or 212 Mbits/s DATA
or 85 Mbits/s
(850 MHz)
848 Mbits/s or 424 Mbits/s
or 212 Mbits/s DATA
106 Mbits/s
or 85 Mbits/s
106 MHz
or 85 MHz
106 Mbits/s
or 85 Mbits/s
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Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
STM Transmitter (FPGA
The synchronous transport module (STM) portion of the embedded core consists of two slices: STM A and B. Each STM slice has four STS-12 transmit channels, which can be treated as a single STS-48 channel. In general, the transmitter circuit receives four byte-wide
77.76 MHz data from the FPG A, which nomina ll y rep­resents four STS-12 streams (A, B, C, and D). This data is synchronized to the system (reference) clock, and an 8 kHz
system frame pulse from the FPGA logic. Transport overhead bytes are then optionally inserted into these streams, and the streams are forwarded to the HSI. All byte timing pulses required to isolate indi­vidual overhead bytes (e.g., A1, A2, B1, D1D3, etc.) are generated internally based on the system frame pulse (SYS_FP) received from the FPGA logic. All streams operate byte-wide at 77.76 MHz in all modes. The TOH processor operates from 25 MHz to
77.76 MHz and supports the following TOH signals: A1 and A2 insertion and optional corruption; H1, H2, and H3 pass transparently; BIP-8 parity calculation (after scrambling) and B1 byte insertion and optional corrup­tion (before scrambling); optional K1 and K2 insert; optional S1/M0 insert; optional E1/F1/E2 insert; optional section data communication channel (DCC,
D1D3) and line data communication channel (DCC, D4D12) insertion (for intercard communications channel); scrambling of outgoing data stream with optional scrambler disabling; and optional stream dis­abling. All streams operate byte-wide at 77.76 MHz (622 Mbits/s) or 106.25 MHz (850 Mbits/s) in all modes.
When the ORT8850 is used in nonnetworking applica­tions as a generic high-speed backplane data mover, the TOH serial ports are unused or can be used for slow-speed, off-channel communication between devices. An optional transparent mode is available where only the twelve A1 and twelve A2 bytes are used for frame alignment and synchronization.
Data received on the parallel bus is optionally scram­bled and transferred to LVDS outputs.
Byte Ordering Information
The STM macro slice (i.e., A, B) supports quad STS­12, quad STS-3, and quad STS-1 modes of operation on the input/output ports. STS-48 is also supported, but it must be received in the quad STS-12 format. When operating in quad STS-12 mode, each of the indepen­dent byte streams carries an entire STS-12 within it. Figure 5 reveals the byte ordering of the individual STS-12 streams and for STS-48 operation. Note that the recovered data will always continue to be in the same order as transmitted.
5-8574 (F)
Figure 5. Byte Ordering of Input/Output Interface in STS-12 Mode
1, 12
2, 12
3, 12
4, 12
1, 9
2, 9
3, 9
4, 9
1, 6
2, 6
3, 6
4, 6
1, 3
2, 3
3, 3
4, 3
1, 11
2, 11
3, 11
4, 11
1, 8
2, 8
3, 8
4, 8
1, 5
2, 5
3, 5
4, 5
1, 2
2, 2
3, 2
4, 2
1, 10
2, 10
3, 10
4, 10
1, 7
2, 7
3, 7
4, 7
1, 4
2, 4
3, 4
4, 4
1, 1
2, 1
3, 1
4, 1
STS-12 A
STS-12 B
STS-12 C
STS-12 D
STS-12 A
STS-12 B
STS-12 C
STS-12 D
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Data Sheet August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
Transport Overhead for In-Band Communication
The TOH byte can be used for in-band configuration, service, and management since it is carried along the same channel as data. In ORT8850, in-band signaling can be efficiently utilized, since the total cost of over­head is only 3.3%.
Transport Overhead Insertion (Serial Link)
The TOH serial links are used to insert TOH bytes into the transmit data. The transmit TOH data and TOH_CLK_EN get retimed by TOH_CLK in order to meet setup and hold specifications of the device.
The retimed TOH data is shifted into a 288-bit (36-byte by 8-bit) shift register and then multiplexed as an 8-bit bus to be inserted into the byte-wide data stream. Insertion from these serial links or pass-through of TOH from the byte-wide data is under software control.
Transport Overhead Byte Ordering (FPGA to Backplane)
In the transparent mode, SPE and TOH data received on parallel input bus is transferred, unaltered, to the serial LVDS output. However, B1 byte of STS#1 is always replaced with a new calculated value (the 1 1 bytes following B1 are replaced with all zeros). Also, A1 and A2 bytes of all STS-1s are always regenerated. TOH serial port in not used in the transparent mode of operation.
In the TOH insert mode, SPE bytes are transferred, unaltered, from the input parallel bus to the serial LVDS output. On the other hand, TOH bytes are received from the serial input port and are inserted in the STS­12 frame before being sent to the LVDS output. Although all TOH bytes from the 12 STS-1s are trans­ferred into the device from each serial port, not all of them get inserted in the frame. There are three hard­coded exceptions to the TOH byte insertion:
Framing bytes (A1/A2 of all STS-1s) are not inserted from the serial input bus. Instead, they can always be regenerated.
Parity byte (B1 of STS#1) is not inserted from the serial input bus. Instead, it is always recalculated (the 11 bytes following B1 are replaced with all zeros).
Pointer bytes (H1/H2/H3 of all STS-1s) are not inserted from the serial input bus. Instead, they always flow transparently from parallel input to LVDS output.
In addition to the above hardcoded exceptions, the source of some TOH bytes can be further controlled by software. When configured to be in pass-through mode, the specific bytes must flow transparently from the parallel input. Note that blocks of 12 STS-1 bytes forming an STS-12 are controlled as a whole. There are 15 software controls per channel, as listed below:
Source of K1 and K2 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (24 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of S1 and M0 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (24 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of E1, F1, E2 bytes of the STS-1s (36 bytes) is specified by a control it (per channel control).
Source of D1 bytes of the STS-1s (12 bytes) is spec­ified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of D2 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (12 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of D3 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (12 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of D4 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (12 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of D5 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (12 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of D6 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (12 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of D7 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (12 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of D8 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (12 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of D9 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (12 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of D10 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (12 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of D11 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (12 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
Source of D12 bytes of the 12 STS-1s (12 bytes) is specified by a control bit (per channel control).
TOH reconstruction is dependent on the transmitter mode of operation. In the transparent mode, TOH bytes on LVDS output are as shown in Table 2.
A new capability in the ORT8850 allows the user to choose not to insert the B1 byte and the following 11 bytes of zeros. This option is also available for the A1 and A2 bytes.
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Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
Table 2. Trans mitter TOH on LVDS Output (Transparent Mode)
In the TOH insert mode of operation, TOH bytes on LVDS output are shown in Table 3. This also shows the order in which data is transferred to the serial TOH interface, starting with the most significant bit of the first A1 byte. The first bit of the first byte is replaced by an even parity check bit over all TOH bytes from the previous TOH frame.
Table 3. Transmitter TOH on LVDS Output (TOH Insert Mode)
A1/A2 Frame Insert and Testing
The A1 and A2 bytes provide a special framing pattern that indicates where a STS-1 begins in a bit stream. All 12 A1 bytes of each STS-12 are set to 0xF6, and all 12 A2 bytes of the STS-12 are set to 0x28 when not overrid­den with an user-specified value for testing. The latency from the transmission of the first bit of the A1 byte at the device output pins from the transmit frame pulse (SYS_FP) at the FPGA to embedded core input is between five to seven cycles of fpga_sysclk.
A1/A2 testing (corruption) is controlled per stream by the A1/A2 error insert register. When A1/A2 corruption detec­tion is set for a particular stream, the A1/A2 values in the corrupted A1/A2 value registers are sent for the number of frames defined in the corrupted A1/A2 frame count register. When the corrupted A1/A2 frame count register is set to zero, A1/A2 corruption will continue until the A1/A2 error insert register is cleared. This also allows alternate values to be set for A1 and A2 during normal operation. For the ORT8850, it is optionally possible to not insert A1 and A2.
On a per-device basis, the A1 and A2 byte values are set, as well as the number of frames of corruption. Then, to insert the specified A1/A2 values, each channel has an enable register. When the enable register is set, the A1/A2 values are corrupted for the number specified in the number of frames to corrupt. To insert errors again, the per­channel fault insert register must be cleared, and set again. Only the last A1 and the first A2 are corrupted.
A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 B1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Regenerated bytes. Transparent bytes from parallel input port.
A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 B1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3
K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K2 K2 K2 K2 K2 K2 K2 K2 K2 K2 K2 K2 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D7 D7 D7 D7 D7 D7 D7 D7 D7 D7 D7 D7 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D9 D9 D9 D9 D9 D9 D9 D9 D9 D9 D9 D9
D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D12 D12 D12 D12 D12 D12 D12 D12 D12 D12 D12 D12
S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1
M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0
E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2
Regenerated bytes. Inserted or transparent bytes. Blocks of 12 STS-1 bytes are controlled as a whole. There are 15 controls/channel: K1/K2, S1/M0, E1/F1/E2, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10,
D11, D12. Transparent bytes (from parallel input port). Inserted bytes from TOH serial input port.
Agere Systems Inc. 23
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Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
B1 Calculation and Insertion
In a bit interleaved parity -8 (BIP-8) error check set for even parity over all the bits of an STS-1 frame B1 is defined for the first STS-1 in an STS-N only, the B1 cal­culation block computes a BIP-8 code, using even par­ity over all bits of the previous STS-12 frame after scrambling and is inserted in the B1 byte of the current STS-12 frame before scrambling. Per-bit B1 corruption is controlled by the force BIP-8 corruption register (reg­ister address 0F). For any bit set in this register, the corresponding bit in the calculated BIP-8 is inverted before insertion into the B1 byte position. Each stream has an independent fault insert register that enables the inversion of the B1 bytes. B1 bytes in all other STS­1s in the stream are filled with zeros. For the ORT8850, it is optionally possible to not insert B1 and the subse­quent 11 bytes of zeros.
Stream Disable
When disabled via the appropriate bit in the stream enable register, the prescrambled data for a stream is set to all ones, feeding the HSI. The HSI macro is pow­ered down on a per-stream basis, as are its LVDS out­puts.
The data stream is scrambled using a frame-synchro­nous scrambler with a sequence length of 127. The scrambling function can be disabled by software. The generating polynomial for the scrambler is 1 + x
+ x7. This polynomial conforms to the standard SONET STS-12 data format. The scrambler is reset to 1111111 on the first byte of the SPE (byte following the Z0 byte in the twelfth STS-1). That byte and all subsequent bytes to be scrambled are exclusive-ORed, with the output from the byte-wise scrambler. The scrambler runs continuously from that byte on throughout the remainder of the frame. A1, A2, J0, and Z0 bytes are not scrambled.
System Frame Pulse and Line Frame Pulse
System frame pulse (for transmitter) and line frame pulse (for receiver) are generated in FPGA logic. A1/A2 framing is used on the link for locating the 8 kHz frame location. All frames sent to the FPGA are aligned to the FPGA frame pulse LINE_FP which is provided by the FPGA to the STM macro. All frames sent from the
FPGA to the STM will be aligned to the frame pulse SYS_FP that is supplied to the STM macro. In either direction, the system frame pulse and line frame pulse are active for one system clock cycle, indicating the location of A1 byte of STS#1. They are common to all eight channels except when the pointer mover and alignment FIFOs are bypassed. In that case, a line frame pulse for each receive channel is generated by the STM macro and passed to the FPGA interface.
This block is essentially the inverse of the sampler block. It receives byte-wide STS-12 rate data from the TOH insert block. In order to support the quad STS-1 and STS-3 modes of operation, the HSI (622 Mbits/s) can be connected to a slower speed device (e.g., 155 Mbits/s or 52 Mbits/s). The purpose of this block is to rearrange the data being fed to the HSI so that each bit is transmitted four or twelve times, thus simulating 155 Mbits/s or 51.84 Mbits/s serial data. For example, in STS-3 mode, the incoming STS-12 stream is com­posed of four identical STS-3s so only every fourth byte is used. The bit expansion process takes a single byte and stretches it to take up 4 bytes each consisting of 4 copies of the 8 bits from the original byte. In STS-1 mode, every twelfth byte is used and four groups of 3 bytes of the form AAAAAAAA, AAAABBBB, and BBBBBBBB are forwarded to the HSI. An alternate method for supplying STS-1 mode is to set the HSI to run at 207.36 MHz and use the four times repeater function.
STM Receiver (Backplane → FPGA)
Each of the two STM slices of the ORT8850 has four receiving channels that can be treated as one STS-48 stream, or treated as independent channels. Incoming data is received through LVDS serial ports at the data rate of 622 Mbits/s. The receiver can handle the data streams with frame offsets of up to ±12 bytes which would be due to timing skews between cards and along backplane traces or other transmission medium. In order for this multichannel alignment capability to oper­ate properly, it should be noted that while the skew between channels can be very large, they must oper­ate at the exact same frequency (0 ppm frequency deviation), thus requiring that their transmitters be driven by the same clock source. The received data streams are processed in the HSI and the STM, and then passed through the CIC boundary to the FPGA logic.
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Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
Framer Block
The framer block takes byte-wide data from the HSI, and outputs a byte-aligned, byte-wide data stream and 8 kHz sync pulse. The framer algorithm determines the out-of-frame/in-frame status of the incoming data and will cause interrupts on both an errored frame and an out-of-frame (OOF) state. The framer detec ts the A1/ A2 framing pattern and generates the 8 kHz frame pulse. When the framer detects OOF, it will generate an interrupt. Also, the framer detects an errored frame and increments an A1/A2 frame error counter. The counter can be monitored by a processor to compile performance status on the quality of the backplane.
Because the ORT8850 is intended for use between it and another ORT8850 or other devices via a back­plane, there is only one errored frame state. Thus, after two transitions are missed, the state machine goes into the OOF state and there is no severely errored frame (SEF) or loss-of-frame (LOF) indication.
B1 Calculate
Each Rx block receives byte-wide scrambled
77.76 MHz data and a frame sync from the framer. Since each HSI is independently clocked, the Rx block operates on individual streams. Timing signals required to locate overhead bytes to be extracted are generated internally based on the frame sync. The Rx block pro­duces byte-wide (optionally) descrambled data and an output frame sync for the alignment FIFO block. The frame sync signals are also sent to the FPGA logic for use when the alignment FIFO block is bypassed.
The B1 calculation block computes a BIP-8 (bit inter­leaved parity 8 bits) code, using even parity over all bits of the previous STS-12 frame before descrambling; this value is checked against the B1 byte of the current frame after descrambling. A per-stream B1 error counter is incremented for each bit that is in error. The error counter may be read via the CPU interface.
The streams are descrambled using a frame synchronous descrambler with a sequence length of 127 with a generating polynomial of 1 + x
. The A1/A2 framing bytes, the section trace byte (J0) and the growth bytes (Z0) are not descrambled. The descrambling function can be disabled by soft­ware.
This block operates on the byte-wide data directly from the HSI macro. The HSI external interface always runs at 622 Mbits/s (STS-12), or 850 Mbits/s, but it can be connected directly to a 155 Mbits/s STS-3 stream or a 51.84 Mbits/s STS-1 stream. If connected to either a 155 Mbits/s or 51.84 Mbits/s stream, each incoming data is received either 4 or 12 times respec­tively. This block is used to return the byte stream to the expected STS-12 format. The mode of operation is controlled by a register and can either be STS-12 (pass-through), STS-3 (every fourth bit), or STS-1 (every twelfth bit). The output from this block is not bit­aligned (i.e., an 8-bit sample does not necessarily con­tain an entire SONET byte), but it is in standard SONET STS-12 format (i.e., four STS-3s or 12 STS­1s) and is suitable for framing.
AIS-L Insertion.
Alarm indication signal (AIS) is a con­tinuous stream of unframed 1s sent to alert down­stream equipment that the near-end term ina l has failed, lost its signal source, or has been temporarily taken out of service. If enabled in the AIS_L force reg­ister, AIS-L is inserted into the received frame by writ­ing all ones for all bytes of the descrambled stream.
AIS-L Insertion on Out-of-Frame.
If enabled via a register, AIS-L is inserted into the received frame by writing all ones for all bytes of the descrambled stream when the framer indicates that an out-of-frame condi­tion exists.
Internal Parity Generation
Even parity is generated on all data bytes and is routed in parallel with the data to be checked before the pro­tection switch MUX at the parallel output.
Agere Systems Inc. 25
Data Sheet August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
Transport Overhead Extraction
Transport overhead is extracted from the receive data stream by the TOH extract block. The incoming data gets loaded into a 36-byte shift register on the system clock domain. This, in turn, is clocked onto the TOH clock domain at the start of the SPE time, where it can be clocked out.
During the SPE time, the receiver TOH frame pulse is generated, RX_TOH_FP, which indicates the start of the row of 36 TOH bytes. This pulse, along with the receive TOH clock enable, RX_TOH_CK_EN, as well as the TOH data, are all launched on the rising edge of the TOH clock TOH_CLK.
TOH Byte Ordering
The TOH processor is responsible for dropping all TOH bytes of each channel through one of four corresponding serial ports. The four TOH serial ports are synchronized to the TOH clock (the same clock that is being used by the serial ports on the transmitter side). This free-running TOH clock is provided to the core by external circuitry and operates at a minimum frequency of 25 MHz and a maximum frequency of 77.76 MHz. Data is transferred over serial links in a bursty fashion as controlled by the Rx TOH clock enable signal, which is generated by the ASIC and common to the four channels. All TOH bytes of STS-12 streams are transferred over the appropriate serial link in the same order in which they appear in a standard STS-12 frame. Data transfer should be preformed on a row­by-row basis such that internal data buffering needs is kept to a minimum. Data transfers on the serial links will be synchronized relative to the Rx TOH frame signal.
Receiver TOH Reconstruction
Receiver TOH reconstruction on output parallel bus is as shown in the following table (if the pointer mover is not bypassed).
Table 4. Receiver TOH (Output Parallel Bus)
On the TOH serial port, all TOH bytes are dropped as received on the LVDS input (MSB first). The only exception is the most significant bit of byte A1 of STS#1, which is replaced with an even parity bit. This parity bit is calculated over the previous TOH frame. Also, on AIS-L (either resulting from LOF or forced through software), all TOH bits are forced to all ones with proper parity (parity automatically ends up being set to 1 on AIS-L).
Special TOH Byte Functions K1 and K2 Handling.
The K1 and K2 bytes are used in automatic protection switch (APS) applications. K1 and K2 bytes can be optionally passed through the pointer mover under software control, or can be set to zero with the other TOH bytes.
A1 and A2 Handling.
As discussed previously, the A1 and A2 bytes are used for a framing header. A1 and A2
bytes are always regenerated and set to hexadecimal F6 and 28, respectively.
A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2
000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000
H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3
000000000000K100000000000K200000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000
Regenerated bytes. Regenerated bytes (under pointer generator control, SS bits must be transparent, AIS-P must be supported). Bytes taken from elastic store buffer, on negative stuff opportunity-else, forced to all zeros. Transparent or all zeros (K1/K2 are either taken from K1/K2 buffer or forced to all zeros-soft, control). In transparent mode, AIS-L must be supported. All zero bytes.
26 Agere Systems Inc.
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Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
SPE and C1J1 Outputs
. These two signals for each channel are passed to the FPGA logic to allow a pointer pro­cessor or other function to extract payload without interpreting the pointers. For the ORT8850, each frame has 12 STS-1s. In the SPE region, there are 12 J1 pulses for each STS-1s. There is one C1(J0, new SONET specifica­tions use J0 instead of C1 as section trace to identify each STS-1 in an STS-N) pulse in the TOH area for one frame. Thus, there is a total of 12 J1 pulses and one C1(J0) pulse per frame. C1(J0) pulse is coincident with the J0 of STS1 #1. In each frame, the SPE flag is active when the data stream is in SPE area. SPE behavior is dependent on pointer movement and concatenation. Note that in the TOH area, H3 can also carry valid data. When valid SPE data is carried in this H3 slot, SPE is high in this particular TOH time slot. In the SPE region, if there is no valid data during any SPE column, the SPE signal will be set to low. SPE allows a pointer processor to extract payload with­out interpreting the pointers. The SPE and C1J1 functionality are described in T able 5. For generic data operation, valid data is available when SPE is 1 and the C1J1 signal is ignored.
Table 5
SPE and C1J1 Functionality
Note:The following rules are observed for generating SPE and C1J1 signals: on occurrence of AIS-P on any of the STS-1, there is no corre-
sponding J1 pulse. In case of concatenated payloads (up to STS48c), only the head STS-1 of the group has an associated J1 pulse. C1J1 signal tracks any pointer movements. During a negative justification event, SPE is set high during the H3 byte to indicate that pay­load data is available. During a positive justification event, SPE is set low during the positive stuff opportunity byte to indicate that payload data is not available.
Note: C1J1 signal behavior shown in this figure is just for illustration purposes: C1 pulse position must always be as shown; however, position of J1
pulses vary based on path overhead location of each STS-1 within the STS-12 stream. C1J1 signal must always be active during C1(J0) time slot of STS#1. C1J1 signal must also be active during the twelve J1 time slots. However, C1J1 must not be active for any STS-1 for which AIS-P is generated.
Also, on concatenated payloads, only the head of the group must have a J1 pulse.
Figure 6. SPE and C1J1 Functionality
SPE C1J1 Description
0 0 TOH information excluding C1(J0) of STS1 #1. 0 1 Position of C1(J0) of STS1 #1 (one per frame). Typically used to provide a
unique link identification (256 possible unique links) to help ensure cards are connected into the backplane correctly or cables are connected
correctly. 1 0 SPE information excluding the 12 J1 bytes. 1 1 Position of the 12 J1 bytes.
STS-12 TOH ROW # 1 SPE ROW # 1
A1 A1A1 A1 A1 A1A1 A1 A1 A1A1 A1 A2 A2A2 A2 A2 A2
A2 A2A2 A2 A2 A2 J0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0
12 STS-1S
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Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
Note: SPE signal behavior shown in this figure is just for illustration purposes: SPE behavior is dependent on pointer movements and concatenation.
SPE signal must be high during negative stuff opportunity byte time slots (H3) for which valid data is carried (negative stuffing). SPE signal must be low during positive stuff opportunity byte time slots for which there is no valid data (positive stuffing).
Figure 7. SPE Stuff Bytes
STM FIFO Alignment (Backplane
The alignment FIFO allows the transfer of all data to the system clock. The FIFO sync block (Figure 8) allows the system to be configured to allow the frame alignment of multiple slightly varying data streams. This optional align­ment ensures that matching STS-12 streams will arrive at the FPGA end in perfect data sync. The frame alignment is configurable to allow for the possibility of fully independent (i.e., total frame misalignment) STS-12s.
STS-12 TOH ROW # 4 SPE ROW # 4
H1H1 H1H1H1 H1H1H1 H1H1 H1 H1H2 H2H2H2 H2H2
H2H2 H2H2H2 H2H3H3 H3H3 H3H3H3 H3H3H3 H3H3
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Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
5-8577 (F)
Figure 8. Interconnect of Streams for FIFO
The incoming data from the HSI (also referred to as CDRM850) can be separated into four STS-12 chan­nels (A, B, C, and D) per slice. Thus, there are STS-12 channels AA to AD from slice A of the STM and STS­12 channels BA to BD of slice B. These streams can be frame-aligned in the following patterns: in STS-48 mode, all four STS-12s of each STM slice are aligned with each other (i.e., AA, AB, AC, AD). Optionally, in STS-48 mode, all eight STS-12s (STMs A and B) can be aligned (to allow hitless switching at the STS-48 level). Multiple devices can be aligned to enable STS­192 or higher modes. Streams can also be aligned on a twin STS-12 basis. There is also a provision to allow certain stre ams t o be dis abl ed (i. e. , not pr oduc ing inte r­rupts or affecting synchronization). These streams can be enabled at a later time without disrupting other streams. If the selected stream needs to be a part of a bigger group (i.e., STM A), then either the entire group must be resynched or the affected stream must have been in the correct mode (i.e., align all STM A) when the initial synchronization was performed. As long as
all four streams in STM A are in the correct mode when synchronization takes place, then those streams may be enabled or disabled without affecting synchroniza­tion.
These streams can be frame-aligned in the patterns shown in Figure 10, Figure 9, and Figure 11.
Figure 9. Example of Inter-STM Alignment
Figure 10. Example of Intra-STM Alignment
Figure 11. Example of Twin STS-12 Stream
STM A Stream A
STM A Stream B
STM A Stream C
STM A Stream D
STM B Stream A
STM B Stream B
STM B Stream C
STM B Stream D
STM A Stream A STM A Stream B STM A Stream C STM A Stream D
STM B Stream A STM B Stream B STM B Stream C STM B Stream D
STM A Stream A
STM A Stream B
STM A Stream C
STM A Stream D
STM B Stream A
STM B Stream B
STM B Stream C
STM B Stream D
STM A Stream A STM A Stream B STM A Stream C STM A Stream D
STM B Stream A STM B Stream B STM B Stream C STM B Stream D
STM A Stream A
STM A Stream B
STM A Stream C
STM A Stream D
STM B Stream A
STM B Stream B
STM B Stream C
STM B Stream D
STM A Stream A STM B Stream A
STM B Stream B
STM B Stream C
STM B Stream D
STM A Stream B
STM A Stream D
STM A Stream C
Agere Systems Inc. 29
Data Sheet August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
The FIFO block consists of a 24-bit by 10-bit FIFO per link. This FIFO is used to align up to ±154.3 ns of inter­link skew and to transfer to the system clock. The FIFO sync circuit takes metastable hardened frame pulses from the write control blocks and produces sync signals that indicate when the read control blocks should begin reading from the first FIFO location. On top of the sync signals, this block produces an error indicator which indicates that the signals to be aligned are too far apart for alignment (i.e., greater than 18 clocks apart). Sync and error signals are sent to read control block for alignment. The read control block is synched only once on start-up; any further synchroni z ati on is softwar e controlled. The action of resynching a read control block will always cause loss of data. A register allows the read control block to be resynched.
STM Link Alignment
The general operation of the link alignment algorithm is to wait 12 clocks (i.e., half the FIFO) from the arriving frame pulse and then signal the read control block to begin reading. For perfectly aligned frame pulses across the links, it is simply a matter of counting down 12 and then signaling the read control block .
The algorithm down counts by one until all of the frame pulses have arrived and then by two when they are all present. For example (Figure 12), if all pulses arrive together, then alignment algorithm would count 24 (12 clocks); if, however, the arriving pulses are spread out over four clocks, then it would count one for the first four pulses and then two per clock afterward, which gives a total of 14 clocks between first frame pulse and the first read. This puts the center of arriving frame pulses at the halfway point in the buffer. This is the extent of the algorithm, and it has no facility for actively correcting problems once they occur.
The write control block receives byte-wide data at
77.76 MHz and a frame pulse two clocks before the first A1 byte of the STS-12 frame. It generates the write
address for the FIFO block. The first A1 in every STS­12 stream is w ritte n in the s ame lo catio n (add ress 0) in the FIFO. Also, a frame bit is passed through the FIFO along with the first byte before the first A1 of the STS-
12. The read control block synchronizes the reading of the FIFO for streams that are to be aligned. Reading begins when the FIFO sync signals that all of the appli­cable A1s and the appropriate margin have been writ­ten to the FIFO. All of the read blocks to be synchronized begin reading at the same time and same location in memory (address 0).
The alignment algorithm takes the difference between read address and write address to indicate the relative clock alignments between STS-12 streams. If this depth indication exceeds certain limits (12 clocks), then an interrupt is given to the microprocessor (align­ment overflow). Each STS-12 stream can be realigned by software if it gets too far out of line (this would cause a loss of data). For background applications that have less than 154.3 ns of interlink skew, misalignment will not occur.
STM Link Alignment Setup
In order to ensure proper operation of the STM Link Alignment capability, the following setup procedures should be followed after the enabled channels have a valid frame pulse:
1. Put all of the streams to be aligned, including dis­abled streams, into their required alignment mode.
2. Force AIS-L in all streams to be synchronized (refer to register map, write 0x01 to DB6 or register 0x30020, 0x30038, 0x30050, 0x30068, 0x30080, 0x30098, 0x300B0, and 0x300C8).
3. Wait four frames. Write a 0x01 to the FIFO align­ment resync register bits as required in register 0x30017 or 0x30018. Wait four frames.
4. Release the AIS-L in all streams (write 0x00 to DB6 or register 0x30020, 0x30038, 0x30050, 0x30068, 0x30080, 0x30098, 0x300B0, and 0x300C8). This procedure allows normal data flow through the embedded core.
5-8584 (F)
Figure 12. Examples of Link Alignment
12 CLO C K S
10 CLO C K S
30 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sheet
August 2001
Eight-Channel x 850 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
Backplane Transceiver Core Detailed Description
8B/10B Transmitter (FPGA → Backplane)
For each channel, an 8B/10B encoder can be enabled in place of the STM transmitter. This block receives 8-bit data from the FPGA interface, encodes it into a 10-bit code, and then sends this 10-bit code to the HSI block for serialization and transmission from the ORT8850. This 8-bit to 10-bit encoding provides for guaranteed transmis­sion of a large number of transmissions to allow for easy recovery by a CDR on the other end of the backplane or transmission medium, and also allows for the insertion of control characters. These control characters have many uses, including their use in the ORT8850 to align 10-bit word boundries and perform multi-channel alignments, as will be discussed in the 8B/10B receiver section.
The data input to the transmitter of each channel from the FPGA logic is an 8-bit word and K-control input. The K­control input is used to designate data or a special character, where a logic 1 indicates that the data should be mapped to a control character. The following table shows this mapping that is supported. Two different codings are possible for each data value and are shown as encoded word (+) and encoded word (–). The transmitter selects between the positive or negative encoded word based on the calculated disparity of the present data.
Table 6. Valid Special Characters
It should also be noted that the data is serialized in the reverse order from the STM block, where dinxy[0] is trans­mitted first (the 8B/10B receive block also deserializes in the reverse order of the STM receive block).
8B/10B Receiver (Backplane → FPGA)
Instead of using the STM receiver block in the ORT8850, a separate decoder block is available to allow for receiv­ing data that has been encoded using a standard 8B/10B encoder. This encoding/decoding scheme also allows for the transmission of special characters and allows for error detection.
Clock recover for the 8B/10B decoder is performed by the HSI block for each of the eight receive channels in the ORT8850. This recovered data is then aligned to a 10-bit word boundry by detecting and aligning to the comma­codeword. Word alignment is done to either polarity of this codeword. The 10-bit code word is passed to the decoder, which provides an 8-bit byte of data and a COMMADET signal to the multi-channel alignment block. In 8B/10B mode, the receiver can handle ± 12 bytes of skew between channels which would be due to timing skews between cards and along backplane trace or other transmission medium. In order for this multi-channel alignment capability to operate properly, it should be noted that while the skew between channels can be very large, they must operate at the exact same frequency (0 ppm frequency deviation), thus requiring their transmitters to be driven by the same clock source. This alignment FIFO can be bypassed. The COMMADET signal is also provided to the FPGA logic per channel on the signal doutxy_fp, where x designates either four-channel macro A or B, while y designates the channel (A, B, C, D) in each macro.
K character
765 43210
K control
Encoded Word (–) Encoded Word (+)
abcdei fghj abcdei fghj
K28.0 000 11100 1 001111 0100 110000 1011 K28.1 001 11100 1 001111 1001 110000 0110 K28.2 010 11100 1 001111 0101 110000 1010 K28.3 011 11100 1 001111 0011 110000 1100 K28.4 100 11100 1 001111 0010 110000 1101 K28.5 101 11100 1 001111 1010 110000 0101 K28.6 110 11100 1 001111 0110 110000 1001 K28.7 111 11100 1 001111 1000 110000 0111 K23.7 111 10111 1 111010 1000 000101 0111 K27.7 111 11011 1 110110 1000 001001 0111 K29.7 111 11101 1 101110 1000 010001 0111 K30.7 111 11110 1 011110 1000 100001 0111
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