+ Guaranteed performance at 2.7 V power supply
+ Output power of 3 dBm into 50 Ω load (single-
ended) with 3 V operation
+ Direct RF modulation with or without offset mixer
+ Automatic power control (APC) capability
+ Accurate 90° phase shifter for carrier
+ Double-balanced active mixers minimize carrier
feedthrough (origin offset)
+ Low-current sleep mode
+ PDC 800 and American digital cellular mobile
+ Cellular base stations
modulation of an RF carrier by I & Q baseband
inputs. It is particularly suited for use in mobile and
handheld cellular telephones designed to the IS-136
(North American 824 MHz to 849 MHz), PDC
(Japan RCR-STD27 889 MHz to 958 MHz), and
other digital personal-communications standards.
The circuit block diagram is shown in Figure 1. From
two LO signals, LOL and LOH, the offset mixer
produces an internal LO signal, which prevents the
external VCOs from being pulled by the large
transmitted signal. The phase shifter splits the LO
signal into two carriers with 90° phase separation
and equal amplitude.
These signals are fed to the in-phase (I) and
quadrature-phase (Q) double-balanced mixers. The
resulting signals are summed and fed into the output
amplifier. This amplifier can provide 0 dBm linear
output power, minimum, into a 50 Ω load.
The output power can be attenuated up to 50 dB by
applying a control voltage to the APC input.
Nominally, the output power is at maximum
(+3 dBm) with VAPC > 2.2 V, and at minimum
(–50 dBm) with VAPC < 0.8 V.
The W3011 1 GHz Quadrature Modulator is a
monolithic integrated circuit that provides direct
Figure 1. Circuit Block Diagram
A CMOS/TTL-compatible logic input allows the
device to be put into a powerdown mode in which
less than 10 µA of supply current is consumed.
1IPDifferential Baseband Input (in-phase)
2INDifferential Baseband Input (in-phase)
3QPDifferential Baseband Input (quad-phase)
4QNDifferential Baseband Input (quad-phase)
5APCAutomatic Power Control dc Input
6GNDdc Ground
7ENABLELogic Enable
8GNDdc Ground
9LC1Differential LO Input/External Filter
10LC2Differential LO Input/External Filter
11LOHNDifferential High-frequency Local Oscillator
12LOHPDifferential High-frequency Local Oscillator
13LOLNDifferential Low-frequency Local Oscillator
14LOLPDifferential Low-frequency Local Oscillator
15GNDdc Ground
16GNDdc Ground
17RFOUTOpen-collector RF Output
18GNDdc Ground
19VCCRFPositive Power Supply for RF Output Stage
20VCCPositive Power Supply (nonoutput circuits)
2Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data SheetW3011
September 19991 GHz Quadrature Modulator
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are
absolute stress ratings only, as shown in Table 2. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or
any other conditions in excess of those given in the operations sections of the data sheet. Exposure to absolute
maximum ratings for extended periods can adversely affect device reliability.
Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Ambient Operating TemperatureTA–3585°C
Storage TemperatureTstg–65150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 s)——300°C
Positive Supply VoltageVCC–0.34.5V
Power DissipationPD—650mW
ac p-p Input VoltageVp-p–0.3VCCV
Digital Voltages—–0.3VCCV
Handling Precautions
Although protection circuitry has been designed into this device, proper precautions should be taken to avoid
exposure to electrostatic discharge (ESD) during handling and mounting. Lucent Technologies Microelectronics
Group employs a human-body model (HBM) and a charged-device model (CDM) for ESD-susceptibility testing
and protection design evaluation. ESD voltage thresholds are dependent on the circuit parameters used to define
the model. No industry-wide standard has been adopted for CDM. However, a standard HBM (resistance =
1500 Ω, capacitance = 100 pF) is widely used and, therefore, can be used for comparison purposes. The HBM
ESD threshold presented here was obtained by using these circuit parameters:
The W3011 operating ranges are shown in Table 3. Performance is not guaranteed over the full range of all
conditions possible within this table. However, the table lists the ranges of external conditions in which the
W3011 provides general functionality, which may be useful in specific applications, without risk of permanent
damage. The conditions for guaranteed performance are described in Tables 4 and 5.
Table 3. Operating Ranges
Ambient Operating Temperature–3585°C
fLO Direct Mode (pins 9 and 10)8001000MHz
PLO Direct Mode (pins 9 and 10)110600mVp-p
Offset Local Oscillator (LOL) Frequency50800MHz
LOL Input Level–15–3dBm
UHF Local Oscillator (LOH) Frequency1001300MHz
LOH Input Level–15–3dBm
External dc Bias Voltage for I & Q Inputs with
0.282 Vrmsac Input Level:
Differential ac Input1.2VCC – 0.7Vdc
Electrical Characteristics
Table 4. dc and Digital Electrical Specifications
Conditions unless otherwise noted: 2.7 ≤ VCC≤ 3.3 Vdc; TA = 25 °C ± 3 °C; RL = 50 Ω, VAPC = 2.7 Vdc;
fRF = 900 MHz, fLOL = 130 MHz, fLOH = 1030 MHz, –13 dBm < PLOL, PLOH < –5 dBm;
I – I = 0.4 cos(2πt Ÿ 80 kHz), Q – Q = 0.4 cos(2πt Ÿ 80 kHz – π/2), Vbias of I, I , Q, and Q = 1.22 Vdc.
Enable Input
Logic High VoltageVIH0.7 VCC—VCC + 0.4V
Logic Low VoltageVILGND – 0.4—0.3 VCCV
Logic High Current (VIH = 3.3 V)IIH——10µA
Logic Low Current (VIL = 0.4 V)IIL——10µA
Powerup/down (after ENABLE change)———4µs