The LU5X34F is a low-cost, low-power quad transceiver. It is used for data transmission over fiber or
coaxial media in conformance with
Gigabit Ethernet specification and Fibre Channel
X3T11 at 1.0 Gbits/s and
1.25 Gbits/s.
Each of the four transceivers independently provides
complete serialize/deserialize (SERDES) and transmit and receive functions. The device is available in a
217-pin PBGA package.
The transmitter section accepts TTL compatible data
at the 10-bit parallel input port. The parallel input
data is latched on the rising edge of TXCLKx. It also
accepts the low-speed, TTL compatible system
clock, REFCLK, and uses this clock to synthesize the
internal high-speed serial bit clock. The serialized
data is then available at the differential PECL outputs, terminated in 50 Ω or 75 Ω to drive eit her an
optical transmitter or coaxial media.
The receive section receives high-speed serial data
at its differential PECL input port. This data is fed to
the digital clock recovery section, which generates a
recovered clock and retimes the data. The retimed
data is deserialized and presented as 10-bit parallel
data on the output port. A divided-down version of
the recovered clock, synchronous with parallel data
bytes, is also available as a TTL compatible output.
The receive section recognizes the comma character
and aligns the comma-containing byte on the word
boundary, when ENCDET = 1.
* 802.3z
Quad Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver
100 MHz—125 MHz differential or single-ended
reference clock.
10-bit parallel,
8-bit/10-bit encoded data.
High-speed comma character recognition (K28.1,
K28.5, K28.7
and ali
Two 50 MHz—62.5 MHz receive-byte clocks.
Single analog PLL design requires no external
nment to word boundary.
components for the fre
Novel digital data lock in receiver avoids the need
for multiple analo
Expandable beyond four serializer/deserializers.
PECL high-speed interface I/O for use with optical
TTL-compatible I/O interface
for latency-sensitive applications
uency synthesizer.
transceiver or coaxial copper media.
Requires one external resistor for PECL output reference-level definition.
Low-power digital CMOS technology.
Less than 2 W total power dissipation per quad
3.3 V ± 5% power supply.
0 °C—
70 °C ambient temperature.
Stand-alone transceiver product.
Transceiver ma crocell templat e.
Available in 217-pin PBGA package.
Designed to operate in Ethernet, fibre channel,
Operationally compliant to
Ethernet specification.
Operationally compliant to Fibre Channel
X3T11. Provides FC-0 services at 1.0
1.25 Gbits/s
, or backplane applications.
10-bit encoded data rate).
802.3z Gigabit
is a registered trademark of The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc.
is a registered trademark of American National Standards
is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
LU5X34FPreliminary Data Sheet
Quad Gigabit Ethernet TransceiverJuly 2000
The LU5X34F transceiver provides for data transmission over fiber or coaxial media at 1.0 Gbits/s to
1.25 Gbits/s. The block dia
is shown in Fi
pinout for the 217-pin PBGA packa
ure 3 and Table 3
ure 1 and the four-channel applica tion
Transmitter Section
The transmitter accepts 8b/10b encoded bits in 10-bit
parallel form and converts to serial format for up to
1.25 Gbits/s transmission. The serial nonreturn to zero
(NRZ) bits are then shifted out of the device at a maximum rate of 1.25 Gbits/s. Internally, the device uses
two parallel shift registers that operate at half rate (i.e.,
a maximum of 625 MHz) for reduced power consumption. The two shift registers drive the PECL output
buffer in an interleaved manner to construct the
1.25 Gbits/s output data stream.
The typical transmit-and-receive, high-speed I/O inter-
facing for a single-channel backplane application is
shown in Figure 9.
The transmit shift register and other circuits are driven
with clocks generated from a 500 MHz—625 MHz internal clock. This internal clock is sourced from a voltagecontrolled oscillator (VCO) that is locked to the external
reference of 100 MHz—125 MHz. The internal transmit
phase- lock loop multiplies the frequency of the input
reference clock by a factor of 5, and controls the transmit jitter bandwidth with appropriate design of the jitter
transfer function. The transmit phase-lock loop generates multiple clock phases that are all used by each of
the four receiver circuits. The clock phases are derived
from the transmit VCO.
ram of the quad transceiver
e is given in
Receiver Section
Each of the quad receiver circuits recovers clock from
and retimes the serial input data. The data is input to
the receiver on differential PECL buffers. External termination resistors are supplied by the user in accordance with
differential inputs, HDINP and HDINN, are ac-coupled
to the device and internally biased to the PECL input
common-mode range center. See Figure 9 for the typical application and termination of the transmission
The receiver data-retiming circuit uses a digital timing
recovery loop that compares the phase of the input
data to multiple phases of the on-device VCO in the
transmit section. One of the phases is chosen to retime
the receive data. A digital low-pass filter is used in the
timing recovery loop to reject jitter from the data input.
A novel phase interpolation circuit permits the retiming
clock’s phase to be stepped with fine resolution for precise alignment of the sampling clock within the data
eye. Use of this digital data locking scheme for each
receiver advantageously avoids the use of multiple
analog phase-lock loops on-device that can potentially
injection lock to one another. Additionally, the digital
data locking loop maintains precise loop dynamics,
hence, the jitter transfer function is process and temperature independent.
standard, X3T11. The serial
Lock to Reference
The receive circuit has two modes of operation: lock to
reference, and lock to data with retiming. When no data
or invalid data is present on the HDINP and HDINN
input pins, the user can program the device to ignore
the input data by setting LCKREFN equal to logic 0. In
this mode, neither the PECL input buffer nor the RX
parallel data bus toggles. In normal operation, the
LCKREFN is a logic 1 and the receiver attempts to lock
to the incoming data. If the input data is invalid or outside the nominal ± frequency range, the receive digital
PLL will simply ramp the phase of the output clock until
it locks to data.
Table 1. Receive Circuit Operating Modes
ModeLock to ReferenceLock to Receive Data
LCKREFN = 1 (normal operation)Not applicable.Continually attempts to lock to
LCKREFN = 0Lock to clock, output data does not
* REFCLK requirements are given in Table 4, and receive PLL specifications are given in Table 5.
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Not applicable.
toggle. Disable PECL input buffer.
LU5X34FPreliminary Data Sheet
Quad Gigabit Ethernet TransceiverJuly 2000
Functional Description
Byte Alignment
When ENCDET = 1, the LU5X34F recognizes the
comma character and ali
word boundar
COMDET =1 when the parallel output word contains a
te-aligned comma character. The COMDET flag will
continue to pulse a lo
comma character is at the parallel output port, independent of ENCDET. When ENCDET = 0, there are two
possible scenarios dependin
character is received.
1. If byte alignment had been previously achieved when
ENCDET had been a logic 1, the COMDET flag will
continue to pulse a logic 1 whenever a byte-aligned
comma character is at the parallel output port. If a
comma character occurs that is not on the word
boundary, no attempt will be made to align this
comma character and the COMDET flag will remain
at a logic 0.
2. If byte alignment had
when ENCDET had been a logic 1, then the first
(and only the first) comma character received will be
aligned to the word boundary. COMDET will pulse
when the comma character is aligned to the word
, bits RX[0:9].
ns this 10-bit character to the
ic 1 whenever a byte-aligned
upon when the comma
been previously achieved
Parallel Output Port
Timing for the parallel output data and the 50 MHz to
62.5 MHz receive-byte clock is given in Table 14.
Two low data rate receive-byte clocks are available as
TTL compatible outputs during use of the parallel output port in 10-bit mode. RXCLK1 is the receive byte
clock used by the protocol device to register bytes 0
and 2. RXCLK0 is the receive-byte clock used by the
protocol device to register bytes 1 and 3, and it is
180 degrees out of phase with RXCLK1. Both RXCLK1
and RXCLK0 can be stretched during byte alignment
but not truncated or slivered. The maximum allowable
frequency of these two clocks under all circumstances,
excluding start-up, will not exceed 80 MHz. The startup time is specified as 1 ms.
Loopback Mode Operation
A control signal input, EWRAP, selects between two
possible sets of inputs: normal data
internal loopback data. When EWRAP = 1, the serial
output ports, HDOUTP and HDOUTN, remain active.
The serial transmit data prior to the PECL output driver
is directed to the data recover
recovered and data is res
clock. Retimed data and clock then
parallel converter
nchronized to the recovered
circuit, where clock is
o to the serial-to-
Table 2. Definition of Bit Transmission/Reception Order
Serial Transmit/
Receive Rate
1.0 Gbits/s to 1.25 Gbits/s TX
* Lower case X signifies channel A, B, C, or D.
[0] bit serially transmitted first at
[0] bit received first at serial inputs
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Preliminary Data SheetLU5X34F
July 2000Quad Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver
Functional Description
Powerup Sequence
The power ramp time for the LU5X34F is specified at
> 2.7 V within 20 µs of start-up. Once 2.7 V is
reached, the device is held in reset for 15 µs—70 µs.
The REFCLK mu st be ac tive a nd wit hin spec ific atio n at
this point and remain active while the device is powered up, unless in Reset.
When si
the followin
1. 0 µs—32 µs, the analog PLL is held at minimum fre-
quency to allow dc bias to settle.
2. 32 µs—262 µs, the analog PLL has locked-in and
receiver analog circuits start to lock-in.
3. 262 µs—326 µs, the receiver analog circuits are
locked; receiver starts to lock onto incoming data.
4. After 358 µs, the receiver is locked onto incoming
data and can be viewed at the parallel output ports.
The comma-detect circuit is enabled at this point,
allowing byte alignment if ENCDET = 1.
nals RESET, BYPPLL, and LPWR are all low,
start-up sequence occurs:
Sleep Mode
The LU5X34F has a sleep mode that is activated by
of the REFCLK is used to refresh the d
within the transceiver. The PLL is powered down in this
mode also. LCKREFN can also be activated to reduce
the power even further. Note that complete powerdown
for I
ceiver. The lock-in se
LPWR. In this mode, a divided-down version
namic circuits
Q testing is not supported due to the dynamic
ic used in the high-speed sections of the trans-
uence timing is needed when
out of sleep mode.
If LCKREFN goes low after the 358 µs, the receiver will
sit idle. When LCKREFN goes high, the receiver will be
locked onto data after 2 µs.
Device Reset
The RESETN input to the device is active-low.
activated with a pulse duration of 1 µs, the RESETN si
lobally resets the device a nd th e follow ing is per-
The sin
mum fre
be locked in this condition
2. The HDOUTP, HDOUTN outputs are forced to a
PECL logic 0.
The deserializer clocks, but input data at HDINP,
HDINN is i
their previous state
4. T
he phase interpolation/se lection circu its are deact i-
vated and the selecte d pha se i s r eset.
The receiver di
PLL circuitr
le analog PLL is forced to operate at the mini-
uency possible for its VCO. The PL L w ill not
nored and the RX[9:0] signals remain in
ital low-pass filter in the DPLL is r eset.
, a reset is not necessa ry for correct ope ration,
h a reset can aid rapid lock-in of the inter nal
. This active-low pin is internally pulled
Lucent Technologies Inc.
LU5X34FPreliminary Data Sheet
Quad Gigabit Ethernet TransceiverJuly 2000