The LU3X31T-T64 is a fully integrated
10/100 Mbits/s physical layer device with an integrated transceiver. It is provided in a 64-pin TQFP
package with low-power operation and powerdown
modes. Typical applications for this part are CardBus
and PCMCIA Ethernet products. Operating at 3.3 V,
the LU3X31T-T64 is a powerful device for the f orward
migration of legacy 10 Mbits/s products and noncompliant (does not have autonegotiation) 100 Mbits/s
devices. The LU3X31T-T64 was designed from the
beginning to conform fully with all pertinent specifications, from the
cabling guidelines to
802.3 Ethernet specifications.
/IEC 11801 and
X3.263 TP-PMD to
/TIA 568
Single-chip integrated physical layer and transceiver for 10Base-T and/or 100Base-T functions
802.3 compatible 10Base-T and 100Base-T
physical layer interface and
compatible transceiver
Built-in analog 10 Mbits/s receive filter, eliminating
the need for external filters
X3.263 TP-PMD
LU3X31T-T64 Single-Port 3 V
10/100 Ethernet Transceiver TX
100 Mbits/s PLL, combined with the digital adaptive equalizer, robustly handles variations in risefall time, excessive attenuation due to channel
loss, duty-cycle distortion, crosstalk, and baseline
Transmit rise-fall time can be manipulated to provide lower emissions, amplitude fully compatible
for proper interoperability
Programmable scrambler seed for better FCC
802.3u Clause 28 compliant autonegotiation
for full 10 Mbits/s and 100 Mbits/s control
Fully configurable via pins and management
Extended management support with interrupt
PHY MIB support
Symbol mode option
Low-power operation: <150 mA max
Low autonegotiation power: <30 mA
Very low powerdown mode: <5 mA
64-pin TQFP package (10 mm x 10 mm x 1.4 mm)
Built-in 10 Mbits/s transmit filter
10 Mbits/s PLL exceeding tolerances for both preamble and data jitter
is a registered trademark of The International Organization
for Standardization.
is a registered trademark of The Electronic Industries Asso-
is a registered trademark of The American National Stan-
dards Institute, Inc.
is a registered trademark of The Institute of Electrical and
Features ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Media Independent Interface (MII)...................................................................................................................... 10
100Base-X Link Monitor...................................................................................................................................... 15
dc and ac Specifications......................................................................................................................................... 31
Absolute Maximum Ratings................................................................................................................................. 31
Table 3. MII Interface............................................................................................................................................... 6
Table 7. LED and Status Outputs ............................................................................................................................ 8
Table 8. Clock and Chip Reset ................................................................................................................................ 9
Table 9. Power and Ground ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Table 10. Symbol Code Scrambler ........................................................................................................................ 13
Table 31. dc Characteristics................................................................................................................................... 32
Table 32. System Clock (Xin)................................................................................................................................. 32
Table 33. Transmit Clock (Input and Output).......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 6. System Timing........................................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 7. Transmit Timing (Input and Output) ........................................................................................................33
Figure 9. MII Receive Timing.................................................................................................................................35
Figure 10. MII Transmit Timing .............................................................................................................................. 36
sense condition. See Table 4 for PHY[3] description.
Collision/False Carrier Sense.
This output pin indicates collision
condition in normal MII operation and is squelch jabber in 10 Mbits/s
mode. See Table 4 for PHY[4] description.
Management Data I/O.
Management Data Clock.
MDIO Interrupt (Active-Low).
Serial access to device config registers.
Clock for R/W of device config registers.
The MDIO int errupt pin out puts a l ogi c
0 pulse of 40 ns, synchronous to XIN, whenever an unmasked interrupt condition is detected. Refer to management registers 1Dh and
1Eh for interrupt conditions. See Table 4 for PHY[2] description.
Note: Smaller font indicates that the pin has multiple functions.
6Lucent Technologies Inc.
Preliminary Data SheetLU3X31T-T64 Single-Port 3 V
July 200010/100 Ethernet Transceiver TX
Pin Descriptions
Table 4. PHY Address Configuration
Note: Smaller font indicates that the pin has multiple functions.
Pin NameI/OPin Description
PHY Address[4:0].
initialize the PHY address used for MII management register interface. PHY
address 00h forces the PHY into MII isolate mode. PHY address pins[4:2]
have an internal 40 kΩ pull-down resistor. See Table 3 for MDIOINTZ, CRS,
and COL description.
Table 5. 100Base-X PCS Configuration
Pin NameI/OPin Description
Bypass Scrambler Mode.
will bypass the scramble/descramble operations in 100Base-X data path.
This pin has an internal 40 kΩ pull-down resistor. See Table 7 for LEDTX/
ACTLED de scri ption.
Bypass 4B/5B Mode.
bypass the 4B/5B encoder of the PHY. This pin has an internal 40 kΩ pulldown resistor. See Table 7 for LEDCOL description.
Bypass Alignment Mode.
will bypass the alignment feature of the PHY. This bypass mode provides a
symbol interface. This pin has an internal 40 kΩ pull-down. See Table 7 for
LNKLED description.
Note: Smaller font indicates that the pin has multiple functions.
These 5 pins are detected during powerup or reset to
A high value on this pin during powerup or reset
A high value on this pin during powerup or reset will
A high value on this pin during powerup or reset
Table 6. Autonegotiation Configuration
Pin NameI/OPin Description
(Refer to Table 11.)
Autonegotiation Enable.
will enable autonegotiation; a low value will disable it.
100 Full-Duplex Enable.
or reset to determine whether 100 Mbits/s full-duplex mode is available.
When autonegotiation is enabled, this input sets the ability register bit in
advertisement register 4. When autonegotiation is not enabled, this input
will select the mode of operation.
100 Half-Duplex Enable.
or reset to determine whether 100 Mbits/s half-duplex mode is available.
When autonegotiation is enabled, this input sets the ability register bit in
advertisement register 4. When autonegotiation is not enabled, this input
will select the mode of operation.
10 Full-Duple x Enable.
powerup or reset to determine whether 10 Mbits/s full-duplex mode is available. When autonegotiation is enabled, this input sets the ability register bit
in advertisement register 4. When autonegotiation is not enabled, this input
will select the mode of operation. This pin has an internal 40 kΩ pull-up
resistor. See Table 7 for LEDSP description.
Note: Smaller font indicates that the pin has multiple functions.
A high value on this pin during powerup or reset
The logic level of this pin is detected at powerup
The logic level of this pin is detected at powerup
reset to determine whether 10 Mbits/s half-duplex mode is available. When
autonegotiation is enabled, this input sets the ability register bit in advertisement register 4. When autonegotiation is not enabled, this input will select
the mode of operation. This pin has an internal 40 kΩ pull-up resistor. See
Table 7 for L EDFD des cription.
Note: Smaller font indicates that the pin has multiple functions.
Table 7. LED and Status Outputs
Pin NameI/OPin Description
Receive LED.
receiving data from the UTP cable. This pin has an internal 40 kΩ pull-down
resistor. The LED should be connected as logic 0 configuration as shown in
Figure 5, without the 10 kΩ re si st or.
Transmit LED or Activity LED.
will drive a 10 mA LED if the LU3X31T-T64 is transmitting data. If the control
bit is set, then the LED will be driven whenever receive or transmit activity is
present. This pin has an internal 40 kΩ pull-down. The LED should be connected as LOGIC 0 configuration in Figure 5 without the 10 kΩ resistor. See
Table 5 for BPSCR description.
Link LED.
This output will drive a 10 mA LED for as long as a valid link
exists across the cable. Place a 10 kΩ resistor across the LED pins if setting
to nondefault mode, i.e., bypass align mode as shown in Figure 5. See Table
5 for BPALIGN description.
Collision LED.
T64 senses a collision has occurred. Place a 10 kΩ resistor across the LED
pins if setting to nondefault mode, i.e., bypass 4B/5B mode as shown in Figure 5. See Table 5 for BP4B5B description.
Full-Duplex Status.
T64 is in full-duplex mode. Place a 10 kΩ resistor across the LED pins if setting to nondefault mode, i.e., 10HD disable mode as shown in Figure 5. See
Table 6 for 10HDEN description.
Speed Status.
is in 100 Mbits/s mode. Place a 10 kΩ resistor across the LED pins if setting
to nondefault mode, i.e., 10FD disable mode as shown in Figure 5. See
Table 6 for 10FDEN description.
Note: Smaller font indicates that the pin has multiple functions.
The logic level of this pin is detected at powerup or
This output will drive a 10 mA LED if the LU3X31T-T64 is
When bit 7 of register 17h is 0, this output
This output will drive a 10 mA LED whenever the LU3X31T-
This output will drive a 10 mA LED when the LU3X31T-
This output will drive a 10 mA LED when the LU3X31T-T64
8Lucent Technologies Inc.
Preliminary Data SheetLU3X31T-T64 Single-Port 3 V
July 200010/100 Ethernet Transceiver TX
Pin Descriptions
Table 8. Clock and Chip Reset
Pin NameI/OPin Description
Table 9. Power and Ground
NamePin NumberNa mePin Number
RX AnalogRXV
TX AnalogTXV
Crystal Oscillator Input or Clock Input.
See Figure 15 for a con-
nection diagram.
Crystal Oscillator Feedback Output.
If a single-ended external
clock is connected to XIN pin, then XOUT should be grounded for
minimum power consumption. See Figure 15 for a connection diagram.
Reset (Active-Low).
This input must be held low for a minimum of
1 ms to reset the LU3X31T-T64.
These pins are unused inputs and should be tied to
The LU3X31T-T64 integrates a 100Base-X physical
sublayer (PHY), a 100Base-TX physical medium
dependent (PMD) transceiver, and a complete 10BaseT module into a single chip for both 10 Mbits/s and
100 Mbits/s Ethernet operation. This device provides
802.3u compliant media independent interface
(MII) to communicate between the physical signaling
and the medium access control (MAC) layers for both
100Base-X and 10Base-T operations. The device is
capable of operating in either full-duplex mode or halfduplex mode in either 10 Mbits/s or 100 Mbits/s operation. Operational modes can be selected by hardware
configuration pins, selected by software settings of
management registers, or determined by the on-chip
autonegotiation logic.
The 10Base-T section of the device consists of the
10 Mbits/s transceiver module with filters and a
Manchester ENDEC module.
The 100Base-X section of the device implements the
following functional blocks:
100Base-X physical coding sublayer (PCS)
100Base-X physical medium attachment (PMA)
Twisted-pair transceiver
The 100Base-X and 10Base-T sections share the following functional blocks:
Clock synthesizer module (CSM)
MII registers
802.3u autonegotiation
Each of these functional blocks is described below.
Media Independent Interface (MII)
size data path, TXEN signals the presence of data on
TXD, TXER indicates that a transmit coding error has
occurred, and TXCLK is the transmit clock that synchronizes all the transmit signals. TXCLK is supplied by
the on-chip clock synthesizer.
Receive Data Int erfac e.
The MII rec eiv e data interf ac e
comprises seven signals: RXD[3:0] are the nibble size
data path, RXDV signals the presence of data on RXD,
RXER indicates a received coding error, and RXCLK is
the receive clock. Depending upon the operation mode,
RXCLK is generated by the clock recovery module of
either the 100Base-X or 10Base-T receiver.
Status Interface.
Two status signals, COL and CRS,
are generated in the LU3X31T-T64 to indicate collision
status and carrier sense status to the MAC. COL is
asserted asynchronously whenever LU3X31T-T64 is
transmitting and receiving at the same time in a halfduplex operation mode. In the full-duplex mode, COL is
inactive. CRS is asserted asynchronously whenever
there is activity on either the transmitter or the receiver.
In full-duplex mode, CRS is asserted only when there is
activity on the receiver.
Operation Modes
The LU3X31T-T64 supports three operation modes
and an isolate mode as described below.
100 Mbits/s Mode.
For 100 Mbits/s operation, the MII
operates in nibble mode with a clock rate of 25 MHz. In
normal operation, the MII data at RXD[3:0] and
TXD[3:0] are 4 bits wide. In bypass mode (either
BYP_4B5B or BYP_ALIGN option selected), the MII
data takes the form of 5-bit code-groups. The least significant 4 bits appear on TXD[3:0] and RXD[3:0] as
usual, and the most significant bits (TXD[4] and
RXD[4]) appear on the TXER and RXER pins, respectively.
The LU3X31T-T64 implements an
22 compliant MII as described below.
802.3u Clause
10 Mbits/s Mode.
and RXCLK operate at 2.5 MHz. The data paths are
For 10 Mbits/s operation, the TXCLK
always 4 bits wide using TXD[3:0] and RXD[3:0] signal
Interface Signals
Transmit Data Interface.
The MII transmit data inter-
face comprises seven signals: TXD[3:0] are the nibble
10Lucent Technologies Inc.
Preliminary Data SheetLU3X31T-T64 Single-Port 3 V
July 200010/100 Ethernet Transceiver TX
Functional Description
provided for the MDIO to avoid contention. Following
the turnaround time, a 16-bit data stream is read from
MII Isolate Mode.
The LU3X31T-T64 implements an
MII isolate mode that is controlled by bit 10 of the control register (register 0h). The LU3X31T-T64 will set this
bit to one if the PHY address is set to 00000 upon powerup/hardware reset. Otherwise, the LU3X31T-T64 will
initialize this bit to 0. Setting this bit to a 1 will put the
LU3X31T-T64 into isolate mode.
The isolate mode can also be activated by setting the
PHY address (bits 15 through 11 of register 19h) to 0
through the serial management interface, although the
content of the isolate register is not affected by the
modification of PHY address.
or written into the MII management registers of the
The LU3X31T-T64 supports a preamble suppression
mode as indicated by a 1 in bit 6 of the basic mode status register (BMSR, address 01h). If the station management entity (i.e., MAC or other management
controller) determines that all PHYs in the system support preamble suppression by returning a 1 in this bit,
then the station management entity need not generate
preamble for each management transaction. The
LU3X31T-T64 requires a single initialization sequence
of 32 bits of preamble following powerup/hardware
reset. This requirement is generally met by the manda-
The LU3X31T-T64 does not respond to packet data
present at TXD[3:0], TXEN, and TXER inputs and presents a high impedance on the TXCLK, RXCLK, RXD V,
RXER, RXD[3:0], COL, and CRS outputs. The
LU3X31T-T64 will continue to respond to all management transactions.
Serial Management Interface
tory pull-up resistor on MDIO or the management
access made to determine whether preamble suppression is supported. While the LU3X31T-T64 will respond
to management accesses without preamble, a minimum of one idle bit between management transactions
is required as specified in
The PHY device address for LU3X31T-T64 is stored in
the PHY address register (register address 19h). It is
The serial management interface (SMI) is the part of
the MII that is used to control and monitor status of the
LU3X31T-T64. This mechanism corresponds to the MII
initialized by the five I/O pins designated as PHY[4:0]
during powerup or hardware reset and can be changed
afterward by writing into register address 19h.
specification for 100Base-X (Clause 22) and supports
registers 0 through 6. Additional vendor-specific registers are implemented within the range of 16 to 31. All
the registers are described in MII Registers on page 21
of this data sheet.
MDIO Interrupt.
rupt capability that can be used to notify the management station of certain events. It generates an activehigh interrupt signal on the MDIOINTZ output pin
The LU3X31T-T64 implements inter-
whenever one of the interrupt status registers (register
Management Register Access.
The SMI consists of
two pins, management data clock (MDC) and management data input/output (MDIO). The LU3X31T-T64 is
designed to support an MDC frequency ranging up to
specification of 2.5 MHz. The MDIO line is bi-
directional and may be shared by up to 32 devices.
The MDIO pin requires a 1.5 kΩ pull-up resistor which,
during IDLE and turnaround periods, will pull MDIO to
a logic 1 state. Each MII management data frame is
64 bits long. The first 32 bits are preamble consisting of
32 contiguous logic 1 bits on MDIO and 32 correspond-
address 1Eh) becomes set while its corresponding
interrupt mask register (register address 1Dh) is
unmasked. Reading the interrupt status register (register 1Eh) shows the source of the interrupt and clears
the interrupt output signal.
In addition to the MDIOINTZ pin, the LU3X31T-T64 can
also support the interrupt scheme used by the
MAC. This option can be enabled by setting
TI Thun-
bit 11 of register 17h. Whenever this bit is set, the interrupt is signaled through both the MDIOINTZ pin and
embedded in the MDIO signal.
ing cycles on MDC. Following preamble is the start-offrame field indicated by a <01> pattern. The next field
signals the operation code (OP): <10> indicates READ
from MII management register operation, and <01>
indicates WRITE to MII management register operation. The next two fields are PHY device address and
MII management register address. Both of them are
5 bits wide, and the most significant bit is transferred
100Base-X Module
The LU3X31T-T64 implements a 100Base-X compliant
PCS and PMA and 100Base-TX compliant TP-PMD as
illustrated in Figure 3. Bypass options for each of the
major functional blocks within the 100Base-X PCS provides flexibility for various applications. 100 Mbits/s
PHY loopback is included for diagnostic purposes.
During READ operation, a 2-bit turnaround (TA) time
spacing between register address field and data field is
The 100Base-X transmitter consists of functional
blocks which convert synchronous 4-bit nibble data, as
provided by the MII, to a 125 Mbits/s serial data
stream. The LU3X31T-T64 implements the 100Base-X
transmit state machine as specified in the
Standard, Clause 24 and comprises the following functional blocks in its data path:
Symbol encoder
Scrambler block
Parallel/serial converter and NRZ/NRZI encoder
Symbol Encoder.
The symbol encoder converts 4-bit
(4B) nibble data generated by the MAC into 5-bit (5B)
symbols for transmission. This conversion is required
to allow control symbols to be combined with DATA
symbols. Refer to the table below for 4B to 5B symbol
Following onset of the TXEN signal, the 4B/5B symbol
encoder replaces the first two nibbles of the preamble
from the MAC frame with a /J/K code-group pair (11000
10001) start-of-stream delimiter (SSD). The symbol
encoder then replaces subsequent 4B codes with corresponding 5B symbols. Following negation of the
TXEN signal, the encoder substitutes the first two IDLE
symbols with a /T/R code-group pair (01101 00111)
end-of-stream delimiter (ESD) and then continuously
injects IDLE symbols into the transmit data stream until
the next transmit packet is detected.
12Lucent Technologies Inc.
Preliminary Data SheetLU3X31T-T64 Single-Port 3 V
July 200010/100 Ethernet Transceiver TX
Functional Description
Assertion of the TXER input while the TXEN input is
also asserted will cause the LU3X31T-T64 to substitute
HALT code-groups for the 5B code derived from data
present at TXD[3:0]. However, the SSD (/J/K) and ESD
(/T/R) will not be substituted with HALT code-groups.
Hence, the assertion of TXER while TXEN is asserted
9100111001DATA 9
A101101010DATA A
B101111011DATA B
C110101100DATA C
D110111101DATA D
E111001110DATA E
F111011111DATA F
I11111undefinedIDLE: interstream fill code
J110000101First start-of-stream delimiter
K100010101Second start-of-stream delimiter
T01101undefinedFirst end-of-stream delimiter
R001 11undefinedSecond end-of-stream deli mi ter
H00100undefinedHALT: transfer error
V00000undefinedInval id cod e
V00001undefinedInval id cod e
V00010undefinedInval id cod e
V00011undefinedInval id cod e
V00101undefinedInval id cod e
V00110undefinedInval id cod e
V01000undefinedInval id cod e
V01100undefinedInval id cod e
V10000undefinedInval id cod e
V11001undefinedInval id cod e
5B Code
4B Code
will result in a frame properly encapsulated with the /J/
K and /T/R delimiters which contains HALT codegroups in place of the DATA code-groups.
The 100 Mbits/s symbol decoder translates all invalid
code groups into 0Eh by default. In case the ACCEPT
HALT register is set (bit 5 of register 18h), the HALT
code-group (00100) is translated into 05h instead.
bler is required to control the radiated emissions at the
media connector and on the twisted-pair cable.
The LU3X31T-T64 implements a data scrambler as
defined by the TP-PMD stream cipher function. The
scrambler uses an 11-bit ciphering linear feedback shift
register (LFSR) with the following recursive linear function:
X[n] = X[n – 11] + X[n – 9] (modulo 2)
The output of the LFSR is combined with the 5B data
from the symbol encoder via an exclusive-OR logic
function. By scrambling the data, the total energy
launched onto the cable is randomly distributed over a
wide frequency range.
A seed value for the scrambler function can be loaded
by setting bit 4 of register 18h. When this bit is set, the
content of bits 10 though 0 of register 19h, which consists of the 5-bit PHY address and a 6-bit user seed,
will be loaded into the LFSR. By specifying unique
seed value for each PHY in a system, the total EMI
energy produced by a repeater application can be
Parallel-to-Serial & NRZ-to-NRZI Conver sion.
the transmit data stream is scrambled, the 5-bit codegroup is loaded into a shift register and clocked out with
a 125 MHz clock into a serial bit stream. The serialized
data is further converted from NRZ to NRZI format,
which produces a transition on every logic 1 and no
transition on logic 0.
The receiver block consists of the following functional
Clock recovery module
NRZI/NRZ and serial/parallel decoder
Symbol alignment block
Symbol decoder
Collision detect block
Carrier sense block
Stream decoder block
Clock Recovery.
The clock recovery module accepts
125 Mbits/s scrambled NRZI data stream from either
the on-chip 100Base-TX receiver or from an external
100Base-FX transceiver. The LU3X31T-T64 uses an
onboard digital phase-locked loop (PLL) to extract clock
information of the incoming NRZI data, which is then
used to retime the data stream and set data boundaries.
After power-on or reset, the PLL locks to a free-running
25 MHz clock derived from the external clock source.
When initial lock is achieved, the PLL switches to lock
to the data stream, extracts a 125 MHz clock from the
data, and uses it for bit framing of the recovered data.
NRZI-to-NRZ & Serial-to-Parallel Conversion.
recovered data is converted from NRZI to NRZ and
then to a 5-bit parallel format for the LU3X31T-T64
descrambler. The 5-bit parallel data is not necessarily
aligned to 4B/5B code-group’s boundary.
Collision Detect.
ation, a collision condition is indicated if the transmitter
and receiver become active simultaneously. A collision
condition is indicated by the COL pin (pin 39). For fullduplex applications, the COL signal is never asserted.
A collision test register exists at address 0, bit 7.
During 100 Mbits/s half-duplex oper-
Data Descrambling.
The scrambled data is presented
in groups of 5 bits (quints) to a deciphering circuit that
reverses the data scrambling process performed by the
transmitter. The descrambler acquires synchronization
with the data stream by recognizing IDLE bursts of 40
or more bits and locking its deciphering linear feedback
shift regi ster (LFSR) to the state of the scrambling
LFSR. Upon achieving synchronization, the incoming
100Base-X Receiver
The 100Base-X receiver consists of functional blocks
required to recover and condition the 125 Mbits/s
receive data stream. The LU3X31T-T64 implements
the 100Base-X receive state machine diagram as given
125 Mbits/s receive data stream originates from in a
100Base-TX application.
Standard 802.3u, Clause 24. The
data is XORed by the deciphering LFSR and descrambled, again in groups of 5 bits (quints).
In order to maintain synchronization, the descrambler
continuously monitors the validity of the unscrambled
data that it generates. To ensure this, a link state monitor and a hold timer are used to constantly monitor the
synchronization status. Upon synchronization of the
descrambler, the hold timer starts a 722 µs countdown.
14Lucent Technologies Inc.
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