supporting 400 Mbits/s, 200 Mbits/s, and
100 Mbits/s traffic
— Supports extended BIAS_HANDSHAKE time for
enhanced interoperability with camcorders
— While unpowered and connected to the bus, will
not drive TPBIAS on a connected port even if
receiving incoming bias voltage on that port
— Does not require external filter capacitor for PLL
— Supports PHY core-link interface initialization and
— Supports link-on as a part of the internal
PHY core-link interface
— 25 MHz crystal oscillator and internal PLL provide
transmit/receive data at 100 Mbits/s, 200 Mbits/s,
and 400 Mbits/s, and internal link-layer controller
clock at 50 MHz
— Interoperable across 1394 cable with 1394 phys-
ical layers (PHY core) using 5 V supplies
— Node power-class information signaling for
system power management
— Supports ack-accelerated arbitration and fly-by
— Supports arbitrated short bus reset to improve
utilization of the bus
— Fully supports suspend/resume
— Supports connection debounce
— Supports multispeed packet concatenation
— Supports PHY pinging and remote PHY access
— Reports cable power fail interrupt when voltage at
CPS pin falls below 7.5 V
— Separate cable bias and driver termination voltage
supply for each port
— Cycle master and isochronous resource manager
— Supports 1394a-2000 acceleration features
* Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft
† MacOS is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
‡ IEEE is a registered trademark of The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc.
1394a-2000, Standard for a
FW322Data Sheet, Rev. 1
1394A PCI PHY/Link Op en Host Controller InterfaceFebruary 2001
Table of Contents
Features ...................................................................................................................................................................1
Other Features .........................................................................................................................................................7
Link Core ............................................................................................................................................................9
Pin Information .......................................................................................................................................................12
Vendor ID Register ..........................................................................................................................................20
Device ID Register ...........................................................................................................................................21
PCI Status Register .........................................................................................................................................24
Class Code and Revision ID Register ..............................................................................................................25
Latency Timer and Class Cache Line Size Register ........................................................................................26
Header Type and BIST Register ......................................................................................................................27
OHCI Base Address Register ..........................................................................................................................29
PCI Power Management Capabilities Pointer Register ....................................................................................31
Interrupt Line and Pin Register ........................................................................................................................32
MIN_GNT and MAX_LAT Register ..................................................................................................................33
PCI OHCI Control Register ..............................................................................................................................34
Capability ID and Next Item Pointer Register ..................................................................................................36
Power Management Capabilities Register .......................................................................................................37
Power Management Control and Status Register ............................................................................................39
Power Management Extension Register ..........................................................................................................41
OHCI Version Register ....................................................................................................................................45
GUID ROM Register ........................................................................................................................................47
CSR Data Register ..........................................................................................................................................51
CSR Control Register ......................................................................................................................................55
Configuration ROM Header Register ...............................................................................................................57
Bus Identification Register ...............................................................................................................................59
Bus Options Register .......................................................................................................................................61
GUID High Register .........................................................................................................................................63
Posted Write Address High Register ...............................................................................................................71
Vendor ID Register ..........................................................................................................................................73
Host Controller Control Register ......................................................................................................................75
Fairness Control Register ................................................................................................................................96
Link Control Register ........................................................................................................................................98
Isochronous DMA Control ........................................................... ....... ............................................................133
Asynchronous DMA Control ...........................................................................................................................134
Link Options ...................................................................................................................................................135
Table 18. PCI Power Management Capabilities Pointer Register ......................................................................... 31
Table 19. Interrupt Line and Pin Register .............................................................................................................. 32
Table 20. Interrupt Line and Pin Register Description ........................................................................................... 32
Table 21. MIN_GNT and MAX_LAT Register ........................................................................................................ 33
Table 22. MIN_GNT and MAX_LAT Register Description ..................................................................................... 33
Table 23. PCI OHCI Control Register ................................................................................................................... 34
Table 24. PCI OHCI Control Register Description ................................................................................................. 35
Table 25. Capability ID and Next Item Pointer Register ........................................................................................ 36
Table 26. Capability ID and Next Item Pointer Register Description ..................................................................... 36
Table 27. Power Management Capabilities Register ............................................................................................ 37
Table 28. Power Management Capabilities Register Description ......................................................................... 38
Table 29. Power Management Control and Status Register ................................................................................ 39
Table 30. Power Management Control and Status Register Description .............................................................. 40
Table 31. Power Management Extension Register ............................................................................................... 41
Table 32. Power Management Extension Register Description ........................................................................... 41
Table 84. Fairness Control Register ...................................................................................................................... 96
Table 85. Fairness Control Register Description ................................................................................................... 97
Table 86. Link Control Register ............................................................................................................................ 98
Table 87. Link Control Register Description ......................................................................................................... 99
Table 117. Isochronous DMA Control Registers Description .............................................................................. 133
Table 118. Asynchronous DMA Control Registers Description ........................................................................... 134
Table 119. Link Registers Description ................................................................................................................. 135
Table 120. ROM Format Description ................................................................................................................... 136
Table 121. Analog Characteristics ....................................................................................................................... 138
Data Sheet, Rev. 1FW322
February 20011394A PCI PHY/Link Open Host Controller Interface
FW322 Functional Overview
— Revision 2.2 compliant
— 33 MHz/32-bit operation
— Programmable burst size for PCI data transfer
— Supports PCI Bus Power Management Interface specification v.1.1
— Supports clockrun protocol per PCI Mobile Design Guide
— Global byte swap function
Other Features
I2C serial ROM interface
CMOS process
3.3 V operation, 5 V tolerant inputs
120-pin TQFP package
The FW322 is the Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group implementation of a high-performance, PCI busbased open host controller for implementation of
tions are handled by the FW322 , uti lizing the on-chip 1394 a-200 0 com pliant link co re a nd ph ysical layer core. A hi ghperformance and cost-effective solution for connecting and servicing multiple
1394a-2000) peripheral devices can be realized.
1394a-2000 compliant systems and devices. Link-layer func-
1394 (both 1394-1995 and
Figure 1. FW322 Functional Block Diagram
FW322 Functional Description
The FW322 is comprised of five major functional sections (see Figure 1): PCI core, isochronous data transfer, asynchronous data transfer, link core, and PHY
core. The following is a general description of each of
the five major sections.
PCI Core
The PCI core serves as the interface to the PCI bus. It
contains the state machines that allow the F W322 to
respond properly wh en it is t he target o f t he transa ction .
During 1394 packet transmission or reception, the PCI
core arbitrates for the PCI bus and enables the FW322
5-6250 (F)f
to become the bus master for reading the different
buffer descriptors and management of the actual data
transfers to/from host system memory.
The PCI core also supports th e PCI Bus Power
Management Interface specification v.1.1. Included in
this support is a standard power management register
interface accessible through the PCI configuration
space. Through this register interface, software is able
to transition the FW322 into four distinct power
consumption states (D0, D1, D2, and D3). This permits
software to selectively increase/decrease the power
consumption of th e FW 322 for r ea sons such a s pe ri o ds
of system inactivity or power conservation. In addition,
the FW322 also includ es su ppo r t fo r hardware wake-up
mechanisms through power management events
(PMEs). When the FW322 is in a low-power state,
Lucent Technologies Inc.7
FW322Data Sheet, Rev. 1
1394A PCI PHY/Link Op en Host Controller InterfaceFebruary 2001
FW322 Functional Description
PMEs pro vide a hardware mechanism for requ esting a
software wake-up. Together, the power management
register interface and PME support within the FW322
combine to form an efficient means for implementing
power management.
Isochronous Data Transfer
The isochronous data tr ansf er log ic handles the tr ansf er
of isochronous data between the link core and the PCI
interface module. It consists of the isochronous registe r
module, the isochronous transmit DMA module, the
isochronous receive DMA module, the isochronous
transmit FIFO, and the isochronous receive FIFO.
Isochronous Register
The isochronous register module operates on PCI slave
accesses to OHCI registers within the isochronous
block. The module also maintains the status of interrupts generated w ithin the isoc hronous b lock and send s
the isochronous interrupt status to the OHCI interrupt
handler block.
Isochronous Transmit DMA (ITDMA)
The isochronous transmit DMA module moves data
from host memory to the link core, which will then send
the data to the 1394 bus. It consists of isochronous
contexts, each of which is independently controlled by
software, and can send data on a 1394 isochronous
During each 1394 isochronous cycle, the ITDMA
module will serv ice each of the contexts and attempt to
process one 1394 pack et f or each cont ext. If a con tex t is
active, ITDMA will request acce ss to the PCI b us . When
granted PCI access, a descriptor block is fetched from
host memory. This data is decoded by ITDMA to determine how much data is required and where in host
memory the data resides. ITDMA initiates another PCI
access to fetch this data, which is placed into the
transmit FIFO for processing by the link core. If the
context is not active, it is skipped by ITDMA for the
current cycle.
After processing each context, ITDMA writes a cycle
marker word in the transmit FIFO to indicate to the link
core that there is no more data for this isochronous
As a summary, the major steps for the FW322 ITDMA to
transmit a packet are the following:
1. Fetch a descriptor block from host memory.
2. Fetch data specified by the descriptor block from
host memory, and place it into the isochronous
transmit FIFO.
3. Data in FIFO is read by the link and sent to the PHY
core device interface.
Isochronous Receive DMA (IRDMA)
The isochronous re ceiv e DMA modu le mo ves data from
the receive FIFO to host memory. It consists of isochronous contexts, each of which is independently
controlled by software. Normally, each context can
process data on a single 1394 isochronous channel.
However, software can select one context to receive
data on multipl e chann el s.
When IRDMA detects t hat the link core ha s p la ced da ta
into the receive FIFO, it immediately reads out the first
word in the FIFO, which makes up the header of the
isochronous packet. IRDMA extracts the channel
number for the packet and packet filtering controls from
the header. This information is compared with the
control registers for each context to determine if any
context is to process this packet.
If a match is found, IRDMA will request access to the
PCI bus. When granted PCI access, a descriptor block
is fetched from host memory. The descriptor provides
information about the host memory block allocated for
the incoming pack et. IRDMA th en reads the pac ket from
the receive F IFO and writes the data to host me mory via
the PCI bus.
If no match is found, IRDMA will read the remainder of
the packet from the receive FIFO, but not process the
data in any way.
Asynchronous Data Transfer
The ASYNC block is functionally partitioned into two
independent logic blocks for transmitting and receiving
1394 packets. The ASYNC_TX unit is responsible for
packet transmission while the ASYNC_RX unit processes received data.
Asynchronous Register
The asynchronous register module operates on PCI
slave accesses to OHCI registers within the asynchronous block. The module also maintains the status ofinterrupts generated within the asynchronous block and
8Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet, Rev. 1FW322
February 20011394A PCI PHY/Link Open Host Controller Interface
FW322 Functional Description
sends the asynchronous interrupt status to the OHCI
interrupt handler block.
Asynchronous Transmit (ASYNC_TX)
The ASYNC_TX block of the FW322 manages the
asynchronous transmission of either request or
response packets. The mechanism for asynchronous
transmission of requests and responses are similar.
The only difference is the system memory location of
the buffer descriptor list when processing the two contexts. Therefore, the discussion below, which is for
asynchronous transmit requests, parallels that of the
asynchronous transmit response. The FW322 asynchronous transmission of packets involves the following
1. Fetch complete buffer descriptor block from host
2. Get data from system memory and store into
async FIFO.
3. Request transfer of data from FIFO to link device.
4. Handle retr ies, if any.
5. Handle errors in steps 1 to 4.
6. End the transfer if there are no errors.
Asynchronous Receive (ASYNC_RX)
The ASYNC_RX bl ock of the FW322 manages the
processing of received packets. Data packe ts are
parsed and stored in a ded icated asynchro nous re ceive
FIFO. Command descriptors are read through the PCI
interface to determine the disposition of the data
arriving through the 1394 li n k.
The header of the received packet is processed to
determine, among other things, the following:
1. The type of packet received.
2. The source and destinations.
3. The data and size, if any.
4. The operation r equire d, if an y. For e xamp le, co mpare
and sw ap ope r a ti on .
The ASYNC block also handles DMA transfers of selfID packets during the 1394 bus initialization phase and
block transactions associated with physical request.
Link Core
It is the responsibility of the link to ascertain if a
received packet is to be forwarded to the OHCI for
processing. If so, the packet is directed to a proper
inbound FIFO for either the isochronous block or the
asynchronous block to process. The link is also
responsible for CRC generation on outgoing packets
and CRC checking on receivi ng packets.
To become aware of data to be sent outbound on
1394 bus, the link must monitor the OHCI FIFOs looking for packets in need of transmission. Based on data
received from the OHCI block, the link will form packet
headers for the 1394 bus. The link will alert the PHY
core as to the availability of the outbound data. It is the
link’s function to generate CRC for the outbound data.
The link also provides PHY core register access for the
PHY Core
The PHY core provides the analog physical layer functions needed to implement a two-port node in a cable-
Each cable port incorporates two differential line trans-
ceivers. The transceivers include circuitry to monitor the
line conditions as needed for determining connection
status, for initialization and arbitration, and for packet
reception and transmission. The PHY core interfaces
with the link core.
The PHY core requires either an external 24.576 MHz
crystal or crystal oscillator. The internal oscillator drives
an internal phase-locked loop (PLL), which generates
the required 400 MHz reference s ignal. The 400 M Hz
reference signal is internally divided to provide the
49.152 MHz, 98.304 MHz, and 196.608 MHz clock signals that cont rol transmission of the outbou nd encoded
strobe and data information. The 49.152 MHz clock signal is also supplied to the associated LLC for
synchronization of the two chips and is used for resynchronization of the received data.
The PHY/link interface is a direct connection and does
not provide is olation.
Data bits to be transmitted through the cable ports are
received from the LLC on two, four, or eight data lines
(D[0:7]), and are latched internally in the PHY in synchronization with the 49.152 MHz system clock. These
bits are combined serially, encoded, and transmitted at
98.304 Mbits/s, 196.608 Mbits/s, or 393.216 Mbits/s as
the outbound data-strobe information stream. During
transmission, the encoded data information is transmitted differentially on the TPA and TPB cable pair(s).
During packet reception, the TPA and TPB transmitters
of the receiving cable port are disabled, and the receivers for that port are enabled. The encoded data
information is received on the TPA and TPB cable pair.
The received data-strobe information is decoded to
1394-1995 and
1394a-2000 network.
Lucent Technologies Inc.9
FW322Data Sheet, Rev. 1
1394A PCI PHY/Link Op en Host Controller InterfaceFebruary 2001
FW322 Functional Description
recover the receive cl ock si g nal and the serial d ata b it s.
The serial data bits are split into two, four, or eight parallel streams, resynchronized to the local system clock,
and sent to the associated LLC. The received data is
also transmitted (repeated) out of the other active (connected) cabl e ports.
Both the TPA and TPB cable int erfaces incorporate
differential comparators to monitor the line states during
initialization and arbitr a tion. The outputs of these
comparators are used by the internal logic to determine
the arbitration status. The TPA channel monitors the
incoming cable common-mode voltage. The value of
this common-mode voltage is used during arbitration to
set the speed of the next packet transmission. In
addition, the TPB channel monitors the incoming cable
common-mode voltage for the presence of the remotely
supplied twisted-pair bias voltage. This monitor is called
The TPBIAS circuit monitors the value of in com ing TPA
pair common-mode voltage wh en local TPBIAS is
inactive. Because this circuit has an internal current
source and the connected node has a current sink, the
monitored valu e indicates the cable connection status.
The monitor is called connect- detect.
Both the TPB bias-detect monitor and TPBIAS connectdetect monitor are used in suspend/resume signaling
and cable connection detection.
The PHY core provides a 1.86 V nominal bias voltage
for driver load termination. This bias voltage, when
seen through a cable by a remote recei ver , indi cate s
the presence of an active connection. The value of this
bias voltage has been chosen to allow interopera bility
between transceiver chips operating from 5 V or 3 V
nominal supplies. This bias voltage source should be
stabilized by using an external filter capacitor of
approximately 0.33 µF.
The port transmitter circuitry and the receiver circuitry
are disabled when the port is disabled, suspended, or
The line drivers in the PHY core operate in a highimpedance current m ode an d are designe d to w ork w ith
external 112 Ω line-termination resistor networks. One
network is provided at each end of each twisted-pair
cable. Each network is composed of a pair of seriesconnected 56 Ω resistors. The midpoint of the pair of
resistors that is directly connected to the twisted-pair A
(TPA) signals is connected to the TPBIAS voltage
signal. The midpoint of the pair of resistors that is
directly connected to the twiste d-pair B (TPB) signals is
coupled to ground through a parallel RC network with
recommended resistor and capacitor values of 5 kΩ
and 220 pF, respectively. The value of the external
resistors are specified to meet the draft standard
specifications when connected in parallel with the
internal receiver circuits.
The driver output current, along with other internal
operating currents, is set by an external resistor. This
resistor is connected between the R0 and R1 signals
and has a value of 2.49 kΩ ±1%.
Four signals are used as i nputs to se t four co nfigur ation
status bits in the self-identification (self-ID) pa cket.
These signal s are hardwired high or low as a function
of the equipment design. PC[0:2] are the three signals
that indicate eit her t he need for power f ro m the cab l e o r
the ability to supply power to the cable. The fourth
signal (CONTENDER) as an input indicates whether a
node is a contender for bus manager. When the
CONTENDER signal is asserted, it means the node is a
contender for bus manager. When the signal is not
asserted, it means that the node is not a contender.
The contender bit corresponds to bit 20 in th e self-ID
packet, PC0 corresponds to bit 21, PC1 corresponds to
bit 22, and PC2 corresponds to bit 23 (see Table 4-29
of the
When the power supply of the PHY core is removed
while the twisted-pair cables are connected, the PHY
core transmitter and receiver circuitry has been
designed to present a high impedance to the cable in
order to not load the TPBIAS signal voltage on the
other end of the cable.
For reliable operation, the TPBn signals must be
terminated using the normal termination netw ork
regardless of whether a cable is connected to port or
not connected to a port. For those applications, when
FW322 is used with one or more of the ports not
brought out to a connector, those unused ports may be
left unconnected without normal termination. When a
port does not have a cable connected, internal connectdetect circuitry will keep the port in a disconnected
The internal link power status (LPS) signal works with
the internal LinkOn signal to manage the LLC power
usage of the node. The LPS signal indicates that the
LLC of the node is powered up or down. If LPS is
inactive for more than 1.2 µs and less than 25 µs, the
internal PHY/link interface is reset.
If LPS is inactive for greater than 25 µs, the PHY will
disable the internal PHY/link interface to save power.
1394-1995 standard for additional details).
All gap counts on all nodes of a 1394 bus must
be identical. This may be accomplishe d b y usin g
PHY core configuration packets (see Section of
two bus resets, which resets the gap counts to
the maximum level (3Fh).
1394-1995 standard) or by usin g
10Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet, Rev. 1FW322
February 20011394A PCI PHY/Link Open Host Controller Interface
FW322 Functional Description
FW322 continues its repeater function. If the PHY then receives a link-on packet, the internal LinkOn signal is
activated to output a 6.114 MHz signal, which can be used by the LLC to power itself up. Once the LLC is powered
up, the internal LPS signal communicates this to the PHY and the internal PHY/link interface is enabled. Internal
LinkOn signal is turned off when LCtrl bit is set.
Three of the signals are used to set up various test conditions used in manufacturing. These signals (SE, SM, and
PTEST) should be connected to V
for normal operation.
5-5459(F) j
Figure 2. PHY Core Block Diagram
Lucent Technologies Inc.11
FW322Data Sheet, Rev. 1
1394A PCI PHY/Link Op en Host Controller InterfaceFebruary 2001
PCI Address/Data Bit.
PCI Command/Byte Enable Signal (Active-Low).
PCI Frame Signal (Active-Low).
PCI Initiator Ready Signal (Active-Low).
PCI Target Ready Signal (Active-Low).
PCI Device Select Signal (Active-Low).
PCI Stop Signal (Active-Low).
PCI Parity Error Signal (Active-Low).
PCI System Error Signal (Active-Low).
PCI Parity Signal.
PCI Command/Byte Enable Signal (Active-Low).
default value of the CONTENDER bit indicated during
self-ID. This bit can be programmed by tying the signal
to V
(high) or to ground (low).
* Active-low signals within this document are indicated by an N following the symbol names.
1414Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet, Rev. 1FW322
February 20011394A PCI PHY/Link Open Host Controller Interface
Pin Information
Table 1. Pin Decriptions
Power-Class Indicators.
inputs set the default value of the power class indicated
during self-ID. These bits can be programmed by tying
the signals to V
Link On.
Signal from the internal PHY core to the
internal link core. This signal is provided as an output
for use in legacy power management systems.
Link Po wer Status.
the internal PHY core. LPS is provided as an output for
use in legacy power management systems.
No Connect.
Cable P o wer St atus.
cable power through a 400 kΩ resistor. This circuit
drives an internal comparator that detects the presence
of cable power. This information is maintained in one
internal register and is available to the LLC by way of a
register read (see IEEE 1394a-2000, Standard for a High Performance Serial Bus (Supplement)).
Analog Circuit Ground.
tied together to a low-impedance ground plane.
Analog Circuit Power.
analog portion of the device.
Analog Circuit Ground.
tied together to a low-impedance ground plane.
Analog Circuit Ground.
tied together to a low-impedance ground plane.
Analog Circuit Ground.
analog portion of the device.
95TPB1–Analog I/O
Port 1, Port Cable Pair B.
tion to the twisted-pair cable. Board traces from each
pair of positive and negative differential signal pins
should be kept matched and as short as possible to the
external load resistors and to the cable connector.
97TPA1–Analog I/O
Port 1, Port Cable Pair A.
tion to the twisted-pair cable. Board traces from each
pair of positive and negative differential signal pins
should be kept matched and as short as possible to the
external load resistors and to the cable connector.
99TPBIAS1Analog I/O
Port 1, Twisted-Pair Bias.
1.86 V nominal bias voltage needed for proper operation of the twisted-pair cable drivers and receivers and
for sending a valid cable connection signal to the
remote nodes.
* Active-low signals within this document are indicated by an N following the symbol names.
On hardware reset, these
(high) or to ground (low).
Signal fro m the i nternal li nk co re to
CPS is normally connected to the
All V
All V
All V
signals should be
supplies power to the
signals should be
signals should be
supplies power to the
TPB1± is the port B connec-
TPA1± is the port A connec-
TPBIAS1 provides the
Lucent Technologies Inc.15
FW322Data Sheet, Rev. 1
1394A PCI PHY/Link Op en Host Controller InterfaceFebruary 2001
Pin Information
Table 1. Pin Descriptions
100TPB0–Analog I/O
Port 0, Port Cable Pair B.
tion to the twisted-pair cable. Board traces from each
pair of positive and negative differential signal pins
should be kept matched and as short as possible to the
external load resistors and to the cable connector.
102TPA0–Analog I/O
Port 0, Port Cable Pair A.
tion to the twisted-pair cable. Board traces from each
pair of positive and negative differential signal pins
should be kept matched and as short as possible to the
external load resistors and to the cable connector.
104TPBIAS0Analog I/O
Port 0, Twisted-Pair Bias.
1.86 V nominal bias voltage needed for proper operation of the twisted-pair cable drivers and receivers and
for sending a valid cable connection signal to the
remote nodes.
Analog Circuit Ground.
tied together to a low-impedance ground plane.
Analog Circuit Power.
analog portion of the device.
Current Setting Resistor.
voltage is applied to a resistor connected between R0
and R1 to set the operating current and the cable driver
output current. A low temperature-coefficient resistor
(TCR) with a value of 2.49 kΩ ± 1% should be used to
meet the IEEE 1394-1995 standard requirements for
output voltage limits.
Power for PLL Circuit.
PLL circuitry portion of the device.
Ground for PLL Cir cuit.
ance ground plane.
Crystal Oscillator.
24.576 MHz parallel resonant fundamental mode
crystal. Although when a 24.576 MHz clock source is
used, it can be connected to XI with XO left uncon-
nected. The optimum values for the external shunt
capacitors are dependent on the specifications of the
crystal used. The suggested values of 12 pF are appropriate for crystal with 7 pF specified loads. For more
details, see the Crystal Selection Considerations
* Active-low signals within this document are indicated by an N following the symbol names.
TPB0± is the port B connec-
TPA0± is the port A connec-
TPBIAS0 provides the
All V
signals should be
supplies power to the
An internal reference
supplies power to the
PLLVSS is tied to a low-imped-
XI and XO connect to a
1616Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet, Rev. 1FW322
February 20011394A PCI PHY/Link Open Host Controller Interface
Pin Information
Table 1. Pin Descriptions
Reset (Ac tive-Low).
(active), a bus reset condition is set on the active cable
ports and the internal PHY core logic is reset to the
reset start state. An internal pull-up resistor, which is
connected to V
capacitor and resistor are required. This input is a standard logic buffer and can also be driven by an opendrain logic output buffer.
Used for device testing. Tie to V
Test Mode Control.
turing test and should be tied to V
Test Mode Control.
turing test and should be tied to V
No Connect.
No Connect.
Selects mode of operation for PCI output
buffers. Tie low for cardbus operation, high for PCI
operation. An internal pull-up is provided to force
buffers to PCI mode, if no connection is made to this
* Active-low signals within this document are indicated by an N following the symbol names.
When RESETN is asserted low
, is provided, so only an external delay
SM is used during the manufac-
SE is used during the manufac-
Application Schematic
The application schematic presents a complete two-port, 400 Mbits/s IEEE 1394a-2000 design, featuring the
Lucent FW322 PCI bus-based host OHCI controller and 400 Mbits/s PHY core. The FW322 device needs only a
power source (U3), connection to PCI interface, 1394a-2000 terminators and connectors, crystal, and serial
EEPROM. No external PHY is required because the FW322 contains both host controller and PHY core functions.
This design is a secondary (Class 4) power provider to the 1394 bus, and will participate in the required 1394a2000 bus activities, even when power on the PCI bus is not energized.
Lucent Technologies Inc.17
FW322Data Sheet, Rev. 1
1394A PCI PHY/Link Op en Host Controller InterfaceFebruary 2001
Data Sheet, Rev. 1FW322
February 20011394A PCI PHY/Link Open Host Controller Interface
Internal Registers
This section describes the internal registers in FW322, including both PCI configuration registers and OHCI registers. All registers are detailed in the same format; a brief description for each register, followed by the register offset
and a bit table describing the reset state for each register.
A bit description table indicates bit-field names, a detailed field description, and field access tags.
Table 2 describes the field access tags.
Table 2. Bit-Field Access T a g Description
Access TagNameDescription
RReadField may be read by software.
WWriteField may be written by software to any value.
SSetField may be set by a write of 1. Writes of 0 have no effect.
CClearField may be cleared by a write of 1. Writes of 0 have no effect.
UUpdate Field may be autonomously updated by the FW322.
PCI Configuration Registers
Table 3 illustrates the PCI configuration header that includes both the predefined portion of the configuration
space and the user-definable registers.
Maximum LatencyMinimum GrantInterrupt PinInterrupt Line3Ch
PCI OHCI Control Register40h
Power Management CapabilitiesNext Item PointerCapability ID44h
Pm DataPmcsr_bsePower Management CSR48h
Lucent Technologies Inc.19
FW322Data Sheet, Rev. 1
1394A PCI PHY/Link Op en Host Controller InterfaceFebruary 2001
Internal Registers
Vendor ID Register
The vendor ID register contains a value allocated by the PCI SIG and identifies the manufacturer of the device.
The vendor ID assigned to Lucent Technologies is 11C1h.
Table 4. Vendor ID Register
15Vendor IDR0
Register:Vendor ID register
Type:Read only
2020Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet, Rev. 1FW322
February 20011394A PCI PHY/Link Open Host Controller Interface
Internal Registers
Device ID Regist er
The device ID register contains a value assigned to the FW322 by Lucent Technologies. The device identification
for the FW322 is 5811h.
Table 5. Device ID Register
15Device IDR0
Register:Device ID register
Type:Read only
Lucent Technologies Inc.21
FW322Data Sheet, Rev. 1
1394A PCI PHY/Link Op en Host Controller InterfaceFebruary 2001
Internal Registers
PCI Command Register
The command register provides control over the FW322 interface to the PCI bus. All bit functions adhere to the
definitions in the PCI local bus specification, as in the following bit descriptions.
Table 6. PCI Command Register
Data Sheet, Rev. 1FW322
February 20011394A PCI PHY/Link Open Host Controller Interface
Internal Registers
Table 7. PCI Command Register Description
BitField NameTypeDescription
Fast Back-to-Bac k Enable.
back transactions; thus, this bit returns 0 when read.
SERR Enable.
SERR can be asserted after detecting an address parity error on the PCI
Address/Data Stepping Control.
address/data stepping; thus, this bit is hardwired to 0.
Parity Er ror Enable.
PERR response to parity errors through the PERR signal.
VGA Palette Snoop Enable.
snooping. This bit returns 0 when read.
Memory Write and Invalidate Enable.
is enabled to generate MWI PCI bus commands. If this bit is reset, then
the FW322 generates memory write commands instead.
Special Cycle Enable.
cycle transactions. This bit returns 0 when read.
Bus Master Enable.
initiate cycles on the PCI bus.
Memory Response Enable.
respond to memory cycles on the PCI bus. This bit must be set to access
OHCI registers.
I/O Space Enable.
functionality; thus, this bit returns 0 when read.
Bits 15:10 return 0s when read.
The FW322 does not generate fast back-to-
When this bit is set, the FW322 SERR driver is enabled.
When this bit is set, the FW322 is enabled to drive
The FW322 does not feature VGA palette
The FW322 function does not respond to special
When this bit is set, the FW322 is enabled to
Setting this bit enables the FW322 to
The FW322 does not implement any I/O mapped
The FW322 does not support
When this bit is set, the FW322
Lucent Technologies Inc.23
FW322Data Sheet, Rev. 1
1394A PCI PHY/Link Op en Host Controller InterfaceFebruary 2001
Internal Registers
PCI Status Register
The status register provides status over the FW322 interface to the PCI bus. All bit functions adhere to the
definitions in the PCI local bus specification, as in the following bit descriptions.
Register:PCI status register
2424Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet, Rev. 1FW322
February 20011394A PCI PHY/Link Open Host Controller Interface
Internal Registers
Class Code and Revision ID Register
The class code register and revision ID register categorizes the FW322 as a serial bus controller (0Ch),
controlling an IEEE 1394 bus (00h), with an OHCI programming model (10h). Furthermore, the chip revision is
indicated in the lower byte.
Register:Class code and revision ID register
Type:Read only
Default:0C00 1000h
Lucent Technologies Inc.25
FW322Data Sheet, Rev. 1
1394A PCI PHY/Link Op en Host Controller InterfaceFebruary 2001
Internal Registers
Table 10. Class Code and Revision ID Register Description
BitField NameTypeDescription
(continued )
Base Class.
tion as a serial bus controller.
the function as an IEEE 1394 serial bus controller.
Programming Interface.
that the programming model is compliant with the 1394 Open Host
Controller Interface Specification.
Silicon Revision.
revision of the FW322.
This field returns 0Ch when read, which classifies the func-
This field returns 00h when read, which specifically classifies
This field returns 10h when read, indicating
This field returns 04h when read, indicating the silicon
Latency Ti mer and Class Cache Line Size Register
The latency timer and class cache line size register is programmed by host BIOS to indicate system cache line
size and the latency timer associated with the FW322.
Table 11. Latency Timer and Class Cache Line Size Register
Register:Latency timer and class cache line size register
2626Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet, Rev. 1FW322
February 20011394A PCI PHY/Link Open Host Controller Interface
Internal Registers
Table 12. Latency Timer and Class Cache Line Size Register Description
BitField NameTypeDescription
PCI Latency Timer.
timer for the FW322, in units of PCI clock cycles. When the FW322 is
a PCI bus initiator and asserts FRAME, the latency timer begins
counting from zero. If the latency timer expires before the FW322
transaction has terminated, then the FW322 terminates the transaction when its GNT is deasserted.
Cache Line Size.
write and invalidate, memory read line, and memory read multiple
The value in this register specifies the latency
This value is used by the FW322 during memory
Header Type and BIST Register
The header type and BIST register indicates the FW322 PCI header type and indicates no built-in self-test.
Register:Header type and BIST register
Type:Read only
Lucent Technologies Inc.27
FW322Data Sheet, Rev. 1
1394A PCI PHY/Link Op en Host Controller InterfaceFebruary 2001
Internal Registers
Table 14. Header Type and BIST Register Description
BitField NameTypeDescription
Built-In Self-Test.
thus, this field returns 00h when read.
PCI Header Type.
this is communicated by returning 00h when this field is read.
The FW322 does not include a built-in self-test;
The FW322 includes the standard PCI header, and
2828Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet, Rev. 1FW322
February 20011394A PCI PHY/Link Open Host Controller Interface
Internal Registers
OHCI Base Address Register
The OHCI base address register is programmed with a base address referencing the memory-mapped OHCI control. When BIOS writes all 1s to this register, the value read back is FFFF F000h, indicating that 4 Kbytes of memory address space are required for the OHCI registers.