AGERE 1340TMPC, 1340TBPC, 1340TAPC, 1340FNPC, 1340FMPC Datasheet

Data Sheet
January 2000
1340-Type Lightwave Receiver
Operating at 1.1 µm through 1.6 µm wavelengths and at 155 Mbits/s, 622 Mbits/s, or 1. 2 5 G bit s /s , the versatile 1340-Type Rec eiv er is man ufactured in a 20-pin, plastic D IP with a multimode fiber pigtail.
Backward compatible with 1310 receiver family
Space-saving, self-contained, 20-pin plastic DIP
Silicon-based ICs
Single 5 V power supply operation including photo­current monitor capability
Exceeds all SONET (GR-253-CORE) and ITU-T G.958 jitter requirements
Wide dynamic range
Qualified to meet the intent of Telcordia Technolo­gies
* reliability practices
Operates at data rates of 155 Mbits/s, 622 Mbits/s, or 1.25 Gbits/s
Positive ECL (PECL) data outputs
CMOS (TTL) link-status flag output
Operation at 1.3 µm or 1.55 µm wavelengths
Operating case temperature range of –40 °C to +85 °C
Telecommunications: —Inter- and intraoffice SONET/ITU-T SDH —Subscriber loop —Metropolitan area networks
High-speed data communications
The 1340-Type receiver is designed for use in trans­mission systems or medium- to high- speed data communications applications at data rates up to
1.25 Gbits/s. Compact packaging, along with wide dynamic range, makes these receivers ideal for both telecommunications and data communications appli­cations.
The following three versions of the receiver are avail­able:
SONET/SDH compliant with OC-3/STM-1
SONET/SDH compliant with OC-12/STM-4
1.25 Gbits for data applications.
* Telcordia Technologies is a trademark of Telcordia Technologies,
22 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sheet
January 2000
1340-Type Lightwave Receiver
The SONET/SDH versions of the receiver are fully compliant with the latest issue of Telcordia Tec hnolo- gies GR-253- CORE and the most recent issues of ITU recommendations G.957 and G.958. The 1340-Type receiver requires only a single 5 V power supply for operation. All versions of the receiver are characterized for operation ove r the case operating range of –40 °C to +85 °C at the appropriate data rate for each version.
Manufactured in a 20-pin DIP, the receivers use a pla­nar, rea r illuminated InGaAs P IN photode tector that allows these receivers to be used at wavelengths from
1.1 µm to 1.6 µm. The photocurrent output of the PIN detector is amplified and converted to a voltage by a silicon amplifi er. A silic on quantizer provides additional
signal amplification, data threshold detection, and PECL data outputs. The incoming optical signal is cou­pled into the receiver through a 62.5 µm core multi­mode fiber pigtail. The outer j acket diameter of the pigtail is 900 µm. The receiver can be ordered with the pigtail terminated in a n FC/PC, SC, or ST
optical con­nector. Other connectors are a vailab le on special order . See your Agere account representative for ordering conditions and inform ation.
The receiver has differential PECL data outputs and, depending on the version selected, either differential PECL link status flag or complementary CMOS link status flag outputs. The link status flag outputs indicate the presence or absence of a minimum acceptable level of optical input signal.
Figure 1. Block Diagram
Data Sheet January 2000
1340-Type Lightwave Receiver
Agere Systems Inc. 3
To help ensure high product reliability and custom er satisfaction, Agere is committed to an intensive quality program that star ts in the design phase and proceeds through the manufacturing and shipping process. Opto­electronics subsystems are qualified to Agere internal standards using MI L-ST D-883 te st methods and pro­cedures and sampling techniques consistent with Tel- cordia Technologies requirements. The 1340 receiver qualification program meets the intent of Telcordia Technologies TR-NWT-000468 and TA-TSY-000983.
Application Information
The 1340 receive r i s a highly sensitive fiber-optic receiver. Although the data outputs are digital logic lev­els (PECL), the device should be thought of as an ana­log component. When laying out the printed-wiring board (PWB), the 1340 receiver should be given the same type of consideration one would give to a sensi­tive analog component.
At a minimum, a double-sided printed-wiring board with a large component-side ground plane beneath the receive r must be used. In appli cations tha t incl ude many other high-speed devices, a multilayer PWB is highly recommended. T his permits the placement of power and ground connections on separate layers, which helps minimize the coupling of unwanted signal noise into the power supplies of the receiver.
Layout Considerations
A fiber-optic receiver employs a very high-gain, wide­bandwidth transimpedance amplifier. The amplifier detects and amplifies signals that are only tens of nA in amplitude. Any unwanted signal currents that couple into the receiver circuitry cause a decrease in the receiver’s sensitivity and can also degrade the perfor­mance of the receiver’s loss of signal (FLAG) circuit.
To minimize the coupling of unwanted noise into the receiver, route high-level, high-speed signals such as transmitter inputs and clock lines as far away as possi­ble from the receiver pins. If this is n ot po ssible, then the PWB layout engineer should consider interleaving the receiver signal and flag traces with ground traces in order to provide the required isolation.
Noise that couples into the receiver through the power supply pins can also degrade device performance. The application schematics, F igures 3—5, show recom­mended power supply filtering that helps minimize noise coupling into the receiver. The bypass capacitors should be high-quality ceramic devices rated for RF applications. They should be surface-mount compo­nents placed as close as possible to the receiver power supply pins. The ferrite bead should have as high an impedance as p ossible in the frequency range that is most likely to cause problems. This will vary for each application and is dependent on the signaling frequen­cies present on the application circuit card. Surface­mount, high-impedance beads are available from sev­eral manufacturers.
Data and Flag Outputs
The data outputs of the 1340 receiver are driven by open-emitter NPN transistors which have an output impedance of approximately 7 . Each output can pro­vide approximately 50 m A maximum output current. Due to the high switching speeds of ECL outputs, transmission line design must be us ed to interconnect components. To ensure o ptimum signal fidelity, both data outputs (DATA and DATA
) should be terminated identically . The signal lines connecting the data outputs to the next device should be equal in length and should have matched impedances.
Controlled impedance stripline or microstrip construc­tion must be used to preserve the quality of the signal into the next component and to minimize reflections back into the receiver. Excessive ringing due to reflec­tions caused by improperly terminated signal lines makes it difficult for the component receiving these sig­nals to decipher the pr oper logic levels and may cause transitions to occur where none were intended. Also , by minimizing high frequency ringing due to reflections caused by improperly designed and terminated signal lines, possible EMI problems can be avoided. The applications sections in the Signetics
ECL 10K/100K
Data Manual or the National Semiconductor
ECL Logic Databook and Design Guide provide excellent design information on ECL interfacing.
* Signetics is a registered trademark of Signetics Corp.National Semiconductor is a registered trademark of National
Semiconductor Corporation.
44 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sheet
January 2000
1340-Type Lightwave Receiver
Data and Flag Outputs
outputs of the OC-3/STM-1 155 Mbits/s version of the 1340 receiver are PECL logic levels dr iven by open emitter transistors wi th the same characteristics as the data outputs. These out­puts must be properly terminated in order to obtain the correct logic levels. Since the FLAG function is basi­cally a dc switch that indicates the loss of optical input signal, it can be interfaced to much slower TTL or CMOS logic circuits.
The circuit shown in Figure 2 provides one example of how to create a TTL logic output from the PECL FLAG
output signal. The outputs of the LT1016 are TTL-com­patible and provide both true and inverted logic levels. The Q output of this circuit will be a TTL high (>2.5 V) when the 1340 is receiving an optical signal gr e at er than the FLAG switching threshold and will be a TTL low (<0.4 V) whenever the optical s ignal is absent or is below the FLAG switching threshold. The FLAG and FLAG
outputs of the OC-12/STM- 4 and 1.25 Gbits/s receivers are 5 V TTL logic level compatible. The FLAG output is provided directly by the comparator IC. How­ever, the FLAG output is derived from the FLAG
through an inverter. Excessive loading of the FLAG
put can cause the FLAG output to malfunction.
* Part available from Linear Technology Corporation of Milpitas, CA 95035.
Figure 2. Converting PECL FLAG Outputs to TTL
10 k•
+5 V +5 V
10 k•
+ 8 hidden pages