AGERE 1245FBDC, 1245FAFC, 1245CBDC, 1245CAFC, 1243FBDC Datasheet

Data Sheet
September 1999
1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser Transmitter
Offering multiple output p ower o ptio ns an d SONE T/SDH com­patib ility, the 12 41 / 1 243-Type Uncooled Laser Transmi tt er is manufactured in a 20-pin, plastic DIP with a single-mode fiber pigtail.
Backward compatible with 1227/1229/1238-Type Laser Transmitters
Space-saving, self-contained, 20-pin DIP
Uses field-proven, reliable InGaAsP MQW laser
Requires single 5 V power supply
SONE T /SDH c ompat ible
Uncooled laser with automatic optical power con­trol for constant output power over case tempera­ture range
No thermoel ec tric cooler required; reduces size and power consumption
Uses low-power dissipation CMOS technology
Qualified to meet the intent of Bellcore reliability practices
Operates over data rates to 1062.5 Mbits/s (NRZ)
Operation at 1.3 µm or 1.55 µm wavelength
Typical average output power options of –11 dBm, –8 dBm, –5 dBm, –2 dBm, and 0 dBm
ECL compatible, differential inputs
Operating temperature range of –40 °C to +85 °C
Transmitter-disable option
Telecommunications — Inter- and intraoffice SONET/ITU-T SDH — Subscriber loop — Metropolitan area networks
High-speed data communications — Fibre channel (FC-0)
2 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sheet
1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser Transmitter September 1999
The 1241/1243/1245-type Laser Transmitters are designed for use in transmission systems and high­speed data communication applications. Used in intraoffice and inter mediate-reach applications, the transmitters are configured to operate at SONET rates up to OC-12, as well as at ITU-T synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) rates up to STM-4. Specific versions are also capable of operating up to 1062.5 Mbits/s.
The transmitter meets all present Bellcore GR-253­CORE requirements, ANSI T1.117-1991 SONET sin­gle-mode, and the ITU-T G.957 and G.958 recommen­dations. (See Table 5 to select transmitters for the various SONET/SDH segments.)
The transmitter requires a single power supply (+5 V or –5 V) and operates over data rates of 1 Mbits/s to 622 Mbits/s (NRZ). Automatic power control circuitry provides constant optical output power over the operat­ing case temperature range. The automatic power con­trol circuitry also compensates for laser aging. The optical wavelength tolerance at 25 °C is 1310 nm. The temperature coefficient of wavelength for 1.3 µm Fabry­Perot transmitters (1241-Type) is ap proximately
0.4 nm/°C. The temperature coefficient of wavelength for 1.3 µm and 1.55 µm distributed-feedback (DFB) transmitters (1243/1245-Type) is approximately
0.1 nm/°C. Transmitters are available for operation over several dif-
ferent temperature ranges from –40 °C to +85 °C. Man­ufactured in a 20-pin DIP, the transmitter consists of a hermetic, InGaAs laser and a single CMOS driver IC. The low-power consumption circuit provides modula­tion, automatic optical output power control, and data reference. The module can be driven by either ac- or dc-coupled data in single-ended or differential configu­ration. (See Recommended User I nte rfaces section for typical connection schemes.) The laser bias and back­facet monitor currents are electrically accessible for transmitter performance monitoring. The transmitter optical output may be disabled by a logic-level input.
Functional Overview
Transmitter Circuit Description and Operation
Figure 1 shows a simplified schematic of the transmit­ter; pin information is listed in Table 1. The laser within the transmitter is driven by a single CMOS integrated circuit, which provides the input data signal re ference level with automatic, temperature-compensated laser bias, and modulation-current control. A back-facet pho-
todetector diode within the laser module provides an indication of the laser's average optical output power. The back-facet diode current is accessible as a voltage proportional to photocurrent through pins 17 and 19 on the transmitter. The back-facet diode also forms part of the feedback control circuit, which helps maintain con­stant output power.
The laser bias current is accessible as a dc-voltage by measuring the voltage developed across pins 2 and 4 of the transmitter. Dividing this voltage by 10 will yield the value o f the laser bias curr e n t. T his value will change up o r down in re sponse to operating tempera­ture, power supply voltage, data pattern, and laser aging characteristics.
Table 1. Pin Descriptions
* Pins d esignate d as no user co nnection sh ould not be tied to
ground or any other circuit potential.
† Lase r back-facet and bi as m on itor funct io ns a re cu stomer-us e
optio ns that are not require d for normal operations of the trans­mitter. They are normally used during manufacture a nd f or diagnostics.
Pin Number Name
1 No user connection
2 Laser bias monitor (+)
3 No user connection
4 Laser bias monitor (–)
7 Transmitter disable 8V
10 No user connection
11 Case ground (RF ground) 12 V
13 Case ground (RF ground) 14 V
15 DATA 16 DATA 17 Laser back-facet monitor (–)
18 V
19 Laser back-facet monitor (+)
20 No user connection
Data Sheet September 1999
Agere Systems Inc. 3
1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser
Functional Overview
Figure 1. Simplified Transmitter Schematic Input Data
15 k•
15 k•
15 k•
15 k•
10 •
– 1.3 V
30 k•
30 k•
Input Data
Data enter s the transmitt er through a comparator. These inputs have internal pull-down resistors to a volt­age reference that is 1.3 V below V
. Thi s conf i gura­tion allows the transmitter to be driven from either a single-ended or a differential input signal. Since the input is a comparator instead of a gate, the absolute input signal levels are not important when the inputs are driven differentially. When driven single-ended, however, the input signal voltage should be centered around V
– 1.3 V to eliminate pulse-width distortion. With a single-ended input, either input can be used and the unused input can be left as an open circu i t due to the internal reference shown in Figure 1. The optical output signal will be in the same sense as the input data—an input logic high turns the laser diode on and an input logic low turns the laser diode off. However, if the nega tive input is used with a single-ended data
input signal, the optical signal will be the complement of the data input signal.
The differental inputs of the 1241 Gbit versions are ter­minated internally with 100 Ω between t he DATA and DA TA
Minimum Data Rate
Because the modulation and bi as control circuitry are influenced by the input data pattern, the standard transmitter cannot be used in burst-mode type applica­tions. For burst-mode applications, please contact your Agere Account Man ager. The minimum data rate (pseudorandom data, 50% average duty cycle) for the 1241/1243/1245-Type Transmitters is approximately 1 Mbit/s.
4 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sheet
1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser Transmitter September 1999
Functional Overview
Since most applications operate at very high data rates, high-frequency design techni ques need to be used to ensure optimum performance from the trans­mitter and interfacing circuitry. Input signal paths should be kept as short and as straight as possible; dif­ferential signal lines should be equal in length, and controlled-impedance stripline or microstrip construc­tion should always be used when laying out the printed­wiring board traces for the data lines. The Recom­mended User Inter faces section of this data sheet shows several methods of interfacing to the transmitter.
Power Supplies
The transmitter is configured for operation from either a single +5 V power supply or a single –5 V power sup­ply . F or positive power supply operation, connect Vcc to the +5 V power supply and connect V
to ground or circuit common. For operation from a –5 V power sup­ply, connect V
to ground and connect VEE to the –5 V
power supply. Whichever option is chosen, the V
connection to the transmitter should be well filtered to prevent power supply noise from interfering with transmitter operation.
Transmitter Specifications
Optical Output Power
During manufacture, the optical output power of every transmitter is tuned to the typical value specified in the data sheet for that particular transmitter code. The tun­ing is performed at room ambient and a power supply voltage of 5 V. The minimum and maximum values listed in the data sheet for each code group reflect the worst-case limits that the transmitter is expected to operate within over its lifetime and over the allowed power supply and the operating temperature range.
Every transmitter shipped receives a final test, which includes a SONET eye-mask test at either the OC-3 (STM-1) data rate of 155.52 Mbits/s, the OC-12 (STM4) data rate of 622.08 Mbits/s, or the fibre channel FC-0 data rate of 1062.5 Mbits/s. The eye-mask test is meant to examine the performance of the transmitter's output optical waveform relative to a minimum data pat­tern eye opening.
Connector Opti ons
The standard optical fiber pigtail is 8 µm core single­mode fiber having a 0.036 in. (914 µm) diameter tight­buffered outer-jacket. The standard length is 39 in. ± 4 in. (1 m ± 10 cm) and c an be te rm inated w ith either an SC or FC-PC optical connector. Other connector options may be available on special order . Contact your Agere Account Manager for ordering information.
Handling Precautions
CAUTION: This device is susceptible to damage as
a result of electrostatic discharge (ESD). Take proper precautions during both handling and testing. Follow guidelines such as JEDEC Publication No. 108-A (Dec. 1988).
Although protection circuitry is designed into the device, take proper precautions to avoid exposure to ESD. Agere employs a human-body model (HBM) for ESD-suscepti bility testing and protection -design evalu­ation. ESD voltage thresholds are dependent on the critical parameters used to define the model. A stan ­dard HBM (resistance = 1.5 kΩ, capacitance = 100 pF) is wi dely used and, there fore, can be used for compari­son purposes. The HBM ESD withstand voltage estab­lished for the 1241-/1243- T yp e Transmitter is ±1000 V.
Transmitter Processing
The transmitter can withstand normal wave-soldering processes. The complete transmitter module is not her­metically sealed; therefore, it should not be immersed in or sprayed with any cleaning solut io n or solvents. The process cap and fiber pigtail jacket deformation temperature is 85 °C. Transmitter pins can be wave­soldered at maximum temperature of 250 °C for 10 seconds.
Installation Considerations
Although the transmitter features a robust design, care should be used during handling. Th e optical connector should be kept free from dust, and the process ca p should be kept in place as a dust cover when the device is not connected to a cable. If contamination is present on the optical connector, canned air with an exten sion tube can be used to remove any debris. Other cleaning procedures are identified in the techni­cal note, Cleaning Fiber-Optic As se mblies (TN95­010LWP).
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