Aesthetix Audio Corporation
5144 N. Commerce Ave. Suite A ♦ Moorpark, Ca. 93021
Phone: (805) 529-9901 ♦ Fax: (805) 529-9902

Thank you for purchasing the Calypso Line Stage. The Calypso is a groundbreaking
audio component which combines sonic quality, innovative features and build quality
with lineage directly traceable to the reference Callisto stage. Calypso contains solid
state circuitry but all of its amplification is achieved using vacuum tubes. The output
stage is a vacuum tube based differential driver. There is no global feedback used in the
Calypso’s advanced microprocessor-based control circuitry is completely inactive when
not in use i.e. when not receiving a command from the user, resulting in no ill effects on
sound quality. The unit contains innovative features, such as a switched resistor volume
control, theater bypass mode, phase inversion and others.
The massive power supply consists of a high voltage transformer, heater transformer, and
high voltage choke. All of the magnetic components are shielded by a stainless steel
transformer cover, which also performs double duty as a structural truss. The high
voltage power supply is regulated with a discrete transistor-based regulator. The low
voltage solid state power supplies are discretely regulated.
Only the highest quality components are used in the Calypso, including Roederstein
resistors, RelCap film capacitors, Mercury Magnetics transformers and Nichicon audio
grade electrolytic capacitors.
We hope you enjoy many years of music using the Calypso line stage.
Calypso should be located away from possible sources of hum such as power cords,
power transformers and the like.
Ventilation is critical for reliability. It should not be located on top of any heat source
such as a power amplifier. If it is positioned within an enclosed space then fans may be
warranted. All air vents must remain unobstructed. A minimum of 3 inches of space
above the unit is required.

Important: Ensure the rear panel power switch is in the off position whenever changing
connections. Also ensure that the power amplifier is off.
1) Connect one or more source components to the Calypso's inputs. Both balanced and
single-ended connections are provided for each input. A tape deck may be connected
to the tape input / output connectors. The tape output is unbuffered.
2) Using either the single-ended (RCA) or balanced (XLR) outputs, connect the Calypso
to your power amplifier. Use of balanced connections will yield 6dB more gain.
3) Connect the supplied IEC power cord to the back of the Calypso and to an
unswitched, grounded AC outlet. Line conditioners may be used with the unit if
desired. Ensure the maximum power of the conditioner is not being exceeded.
Note: The input circuitry of the Calypso accepts a maximum input voltage of 3.5v rms
single-ended or 7v rms balanced. This is well above the industry standard 2v rms singleended or 4v rms balanced. However, there are a few source components that exceed this
limit. If the offending source component has a volume or gain control, all that is
necessary is to reduce the gain or volume of the source component. In other cases, it will
be necessary to have the source component modified to be within industry standard
specifications. A clear indication that this limit is being exceeded is a raspy distortion or
compression of musical peaks.
AC power is applied to the unit by pressing on the left side of the power switch, when
viewed from the front of the unit. When Calypso has power applied for the first time, it
will first display the installed software version on the LED display for two seconds, then
automatically enter the standby mode. While in standby, power is applied to all circuits
except the vacuum tube heaters. The high voltage supply is reduced to a level that is safe
for the vacuum tubes. All solid state circuitry in the Calypso remains powered. Anytime
Calypso is in standby, the standby light will be illuminated.
Pressing the standby button will take Calypso out of standby. The standby light will
blink for 30 seconds, during which time the heater supplies will be energized and the
high voltage supply will rise to operational levels. After the warm-up period, the standby
light will extinguish and the input will be displayed, and the mute light will be
illuminated indicating the Calypso is muted.
Place Calypso in standby when not in use.