Extensive Cell Library
The UT0.6µCRH/SRH family of gate arrays is supported by an
extensive cell library that includes SSI, MSI, and 54XX-equivalent functions, as well as RAM and other library functions. Userselectable options for cell configurations include scan for all register elements, as well as output drive strength. Aeroflex
UTMC’s core library includes the following functions:
• Intel® 80C31 equivalent
• Intel® 80C196 equivalent
• MIL-STD-1553 functions (BCRTM, RTI, RTMP)
• MIL-STD-1750 microprocessor
• Standard microprocessor peripheral functions
• Configurable RAM (SRAM, DPsRAM)
• RISC Microcontroller
• USART (82C51)
Refer to Aeroflex UTMC’s UT0.6µCRH/SRH Design Manual
for complete cell listing and details.
I/O Buffers
The UT0.6 µCRH/SRH gate array family offers up to 544 signal
I/O locations (note: device signal I/O availability is affected by
package selection and pinout.) The I/O cells can be configured
by the user to serve as input, output, bidirectional, three-state, or
additional power and ground pads. Output drive options range
from 2 to 12mA. To drive larger off-chip loads, output drivers
may be combined in parallel to provide additional drive up to
Other I/O buffer features and options include:
• Slew rate control
• Pull-up and pull-down resistors
• TTL, CMOS, and Schmitt levels
• Cold sparing
• Voltage translation
- 5V bus to 3.3V bus
- 3.3V bus to 5V bus
JTAG Boundary-Scan
The UT0.6 µCRH/SRH arrays provide for a test access port and
boundary-scan that conforms to the IEEE Standard 1149.1
(JTAG). Some of the benefits of this capability are:
• Easy test of complex assembled printed circuit
• Gain access to and control of internal scan paths
• Initiation of Built-In Self Test
Clock Driver Distribution
Aeroflex UTMC design tools provide methods for balanced
clock distribution that maximize drive capability and minimize
relative clock skew between clocked devices.
Speed and Performance
Aeroflex UTMC specializes in high-performance circuits designed to operate in harsh military and radiation environments.
Table 3 presents a sampling of typical cell delays.
Note that the propagation delay for a CMOS device is a function
of its fanout loading, input slew, supply voltage, operating temperature, and processing radiation tolerance. In a radiation
environment, additional performance variances must be considered. The UT0.6µCRH/SRH array family simulation models
account for all of these effects to accurately determine circuit
performance for its particular set of use conditions.
Power Dissipation
Each internal gate or I/O driver has an average power consumption based on its switching frequency and capacitive loading.
Radiation-tolerant processes exhibit power dissipation that is
typical of CMOS processes. For a rigorous power estimating
methodology, refer to the Aeroflex UTMC UT0.6µCRH/SRH
Design Manual or consult with a Aeroflex UTMC Applications
Typical Power Dissipation
1.1µW/Gate-MHz@5.0V 0.4µW/Gate-MHz@3.3V