Aeroflex UTMC UT06MRA500, UT06MRA450, UT06MRA600, UT06MRA550, UT06MRA400 Datasheet

Semicustom Products
UT0.6µCRΗ/SRH Commercial RadHardTM and Strategic RadHard
Gate Array Family
Data Sheet May 2002
q Multiple gate array sizes up to 600,000 usable equivalent
q Toggle rates up to 150 MHz q Advanced 0.6µ (0.5µL
) radiation-tolerant silicon gate
CMOS processed in a commercial fab
q Operating voltage of 5V and/or 3.3V q QML Class Q & V compliant q Designed specifically for high reliability applications
q Commercial RadHardTM for radiation-tolerant to 300K
rads to meet space requirements and SEU-immune to less than 2.0E-10 errors/bit-day
q Strategic RadHardTM for radiation environments to 1
Mega rads to meet space requirements and SEU-immune to less than 2.0E-10 errors/bit-day
q JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) boundary-scan supported
q Low noise package technology for high speed circuits q Design support using Mentor Graphics® and SynopsysTM
in VHDL or Verilog design languages on Sun® and Linux workstations
q Supports cold sparing fo r power down applications q Supports voltage translation
- 5V bus to 3.3V bus
- 3.3V bus to 5V bus
The high-performance UT0.6 µCRH/SRH gate array family features densities up to 600,000 equivalent gates and is avail­able in MIL-PRF-38535 QML Q and V product assurance levels and is radiation-tolerant.
The Commercial RadHardTM and Strategic RadHardTMsili­con is fabricated at American Microsystems Incorporated (AMI) using a minimally invasive processing module, devel­oped by UTMC, that enhances the total dose radiation hardness of the field and gate oxides while maintaining circuit density and reliability. In addition, for both greater transient radiation-hardness and latchup immunity, the UTMC 0.6µ process is built on epitaxial substrate wafers.
Developed using UTMC’s patented architectures, the UT0.6µCRH/SRH gate array family uses a highly efficient continuous column transistor architecture for the internal cell construction. Combined with state-of-the-art placement and routing tools, the utilization of available transistors is maxi­mized using three levels of metal interconnect.
The UT0.6 µCRH/SRH family of gate arrays is supported by an extensive cell library that includes SSI, MSI, and 54XX equivalent functions, as well as configurable RAM and cores. UTMC’s core library includes the following functions:
Intel 80C31® equivalent
Intel 80C196® equivalent
MIL-STD-1553 functions (BRCTM, RTI, RTMP)
MIL-STD-1750 microprocessor
RISC microcontroller
Configurable RAM (SRAM, DPSRAM)
USART (8 2C51)
Table 1. Gate Densities
1.Based on NAND2 equivalents. Actual usable gate count is design-dependent. Estimates reflect a mix of functions including RAM.
2.Includes five pins that may or may not be reserved for JTAG boundary-scan, depending on user requirements.
3.Reserved for dedicated VDD/VSS and V
Low-noise Device and Package Solutions
The UT0.6µCRH/SRH array family’s output drivers feature pro- grammable slew rate control for minimizing noise and switching transients. This feature allows the user to optimize edge charac­teristics to match system requirements. Separate on-chip power and ground buses are provided for internal cells and output driv­ers which further isolate internal design circuitry from switching noise.
In addition, Aeroflex UTMC offers advanced low-noise package technology with multi-layer, co-fired ceramic construction fea­turing built-in isolated power and ground planes (see Table 2). These planes provide lower overall resistance/inductance
through power and ground paths which minimize voltage drops during periods of heavy switching. These isolated planes also help sustain supply voltage during dose rate events, thus prevent­ing rail span collapse.
Flatpacks are available with up to 352 leads; PGAs are available with up to 299 pins and LGAs to 472 pins. Aeroflex UTMC’s flatpacks feature a non-conductive tie bar that helps maintain lead integrity through test and handling operations. In addition to the packages listed in Table 2, Aeroflex UTMC offers custom package development and package tooling modification services for individual requirements.
UT06MRA010 10,000 58 6 UT06MRA025 25,000 192 48 UT06MRA050 50,000 192 48 UT06MRA075 75,000 308 76 UT06MRA100 100,000 308 76 UT06MRA150 150,000 308 76 UT06MRA200 200,000 432 96 UT06MRA250 250,000 432 96 UT06MRA300 300,000 432 96 UT06MRA350 350,000 432 96 UT06MRA400 400,000 544 144 UT06MRA450 450,000 544 144 UT06MRA500 500,000 544 144 UT06MRA550 550,000 544 144 UT06MRA600 600,000 544 144
Table 2. Packages
1. The number of device I/O pads available may be restricted by the selected package.
2. PGA packages have one additional non-connected index pin (i.e., 84 + 1 index pin = 85 total package pins for the 85 PGA).
Contact Aeroflex UTMC for specific package drawings.
025 050 075 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
68 X X X
84 X X 132 X X 172 X X X X X 196 X X X X X 256 X X X X X X X X X 304 X X X X X X X X X
340 X X X X X X X X X
352 X X X X X
281 X X X X 299 X X X X
472 X X X X
Extensive Cell Library
The UT0.6µCRH/SRH family of gate arrays is supported by an extensive cell library that includes SSI, MSI, and 54XX-equiv­alent functions, as well as RAM and other library functions. User­selectable options for cell configurations include scan for all reg­ister elements, as well as output drive strength. Aeroflex UTMC’s core library includes the following functions:
Intel® 80C31 equivalent
Intel® 80C196 equivalent
MIL-STD-1553 functions (BCRTM, RTI, RTMP)
MIL-STD-1750 microprocessor
Standard microprocessor peripheral functions
Configurable RAM (SRAM, DPsRAM)
RISC Microcontroller
USART (82C51)
Refer to Aeroflex UTMC’s UT0.6µCRH/SRH Design Manual for complete cell listing and details.
I/O Buffers
The UT0.6 µCRH/SRH gate array family offers up to 544 signal I/O locations (note: device signal I/O availability is affected by package selection and pinout.) The I/O cells can be configured by the user to serve as input, output, bidirectional, three-state, or additional power and ground pads. Output drive options range from 2 to 12mA. To drive larger off-chip loads, output drivers may be combined in parallel to provide additional drive up to 24mA.
Other I/O buffer features and options include:
Slew rate control
Pull-up and pull-down resistors
TTL, CMOS, and Schmitt levels
Cold sparing
Voltage translation
- 5V bus to 3.3V bus
- 3.3V bus to 5V bus
JTAG Boundary-Scan
The UT0.6 µCRH/SRH arrays provide for a test access port and boundary-scan that conforms to the IEEE Standard 1149.1 (JTAG). Some of the benefits of this capability are:
Easy test of complex assembled printed circuit
Gain access to and control of internal scan paths
Initiation of Built-In Self Test
Clock Driver Distribution
Aeroflex UTMC design tools provide methods for balanced clock distribution that maximize drive capability and minimize relative clock skew between clocked devices.
Speed and Performance
Aeroflex UTMC specializes in high-performance circuits de­signed to operate in harsh military and radiation environments. Table 3 presents a sampling of typical cell delays.
Note that the propagation delay for a CMOS device is a function of its fanout loading, input slew, supply voltage, operating tem­perature, and processing radiation tolerance. In a radiation environment, additional performance variances must be consid­ered. The UT0.6µCRH/SRH array family simulation models account for all of these effects to accurately determine circuit performance for its particular set of use conditions.
Power Dissipation
Each internal gate or I/O driver has an average power consump­tion based on its switching frequency and capacitive loading. Radiation-tolerant processes exhibit power dissipation that is typical of CMOS processes. For a rigorous power estimating methodology, refer to the Aeroflex UTMC UT0.6µCRH/SRH Design Manual or consult with a Aeroflex UTMC Applications Engineer.
Typical Power Dissipation
1.1µW/Gate-MHz@5.0V 0.4µW/Gate-MHz@3.3V
Table 3. Typical Cell Delays
1. All specifications in ns (typical). Output load capacitance is 50pF. Fanout loading for input buffers and gates is the equivalent of two gate input loads.
Internal Gates V
= 5.0V V
= 3.3V
INV1, Inverter HL .15 .16
LH .23 .29
INV4, Inverter 4X HL .06 .07
LH .10 .16
NAND2, 2-Input NAND HL .19 .25
LH .22 .33
NOR2, 2-Input NOR HL .16 .22
LH .32 .45
DFF - CLK to Q HL .81 1.12
LH .76 1.06 HL .75 1.05 LH .61 .85
Output Buffers
OC5050N4, CMOS HL 3.85 2.15
LH 4.66 3.76
OT5050N4, TTL, 4mA HL 5.58 5.49
LH 2.52 2.93
OT5050N12, TTL, 12mA HL 2.42
LH 1.29
Input Buffers
IC5050, CMOS HL .81 1.07
LH 1.16 1.18
IT5050, TTL HL 1.39 1.12
LH 1.16 1.30
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