AeroElectric Practical Low Resistance Measurements Service Manual

Practical Low Resistance Measurements
Raytheon Aircraft Company
Bob Nuckolls
Sr. Engineer/SME
Wichita, Kansas
(1) When taking resistance readings on switch or relay contacts, the common multimeter often produces high, almost meaningless resistance readings due to very low test currents generated within the instrument: A sampling of resistance measurement currents for five different digital instruments showed no current exceeding 1.5 milliamperes. Most measurements were are made at currents on the order of 250 microamperes.
(2) Typical off-the-shelf multimeters offer a low resistance measurement on the order of 200 ohms full scale with a resolution of
0.1 ohms. For qualitative measurements of components like switches and relay contacts the technician needs to resolve resistance values of 1 ohm or less with resolution in the milliohms. Contact resistance due to film or corrosion build-up requires a substantial current flow to penetrate contact film.
A “4-wire” measurement technique for low resistance is illustrated in Figure 1. A current of known value is caused to run
through the resistor of interest. A voltmeter is used to measure drop across the resistor INSIDE the current connections. Ohms law is used to calculate the resistance value. This technique eliminates effects of test equipment lead and probe resistance. A practical implementation of the 4-wire measurement technique illustrated in Figure 2. can be assembled in an hour or so with a bill of materials under $10. The outer housing is a plastic project box from Radio Shack. Dual
Figure 1. Basic 4-Wire Ohmmeter Technique
Figure 2. Schematic Diagram - Low Resistance Measurement Adapter
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banana plugs to fit most multimeters along with components to implement a constant current source are readily available from suppliers of commercial components such as Radio Shack, Digikey, Hosfelt, Jameco and others
Construction Notes
A constant current generator is fabricated from a popular adjustable voltage regulator combined with a 12-ohm resistor. The LM317 (Figure 4) is readily available in the TO­220 plastic package from most parts suppliers. The LM317 series, 3-terminal regulators come in a variety of packages and environmental ratings. Any version is suited to this application.
Power to bias the test comes from three AA sized alkaline cells in series. Spring loaded battery holders have a potential for poor connection to the cells with age and environmental effects. Soldered connections are easy to make and very reliable
Brighten an area on the battery to be soldered with a file, knife edge or edge of grinding wheel. The Dremel Moto-Tool with a cut­off wheel attached works really nice. Use a hot iron to get on and off quickly each time the cell is touched. First, tin the area where a wire will attach to the cell. Tin the wire and then tack it into place on the cell.
With a little practice, the two times you touch
Figure 4. LM317 Connections.
less than two or three seconds total. Eliminating the battery holder allows construction to be contained in a smaller enclosure and eliminates future problems that arise from poor contact with cells.
the cell with the soldering iron should be
Figure 3. Interior View Component Location
The finished fixture can be tested for calibration by plugging it into the multimeter while it is set up to measure current. The fixture fabricated for this article produces a constant current of 104 mA. This is expected; the LM317 voltage regulator is a 1.25 volt device. A 12.0 ohm resistor would be expected to produce a current slightly higher than 100 mA. For most purposes, this variability is insignificant.
Using the Fixture
The adapter illustrated herein generates 100 milliamperes of test current. When used in conjunction with a multimeter having readout in tenths of a millivolt, the resolution of a low resistance measurement will be 1 milliohm.
This device will yield useful resistance measurements up to better than 10 ohms (1.000 volts displayed on multimeter) If your multimeter has a 200 or 300 millivolt range, a 100 milliampere test adapter will display 2 or 3 ohms full scale.
The low resistance measurement adapter is useful in diagnosing system malfunctions that could be attributed to increased contact resistance in switches or relays. Switches outside the pressure vessel on turbojet aircraft are particularly good candidates for environmental effects,
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