AeroComm AC4490 Users Manual

Specifications Subject to Change
User’s Manual
Version 1.6
LENEXA, KS 66219
in this specification is believed to be accurate. Devices sold
ons appearing in its
reserves the right to change
ditional testing for such
Copyright Information
This material is preliminary
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AEROCOMM’s products are intended for use in normal commercial and industrial applications. Applications requiring unusual environmental requirements such as military, medical life­or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without ad application.
Copyright © 2003 AEROCOMM, Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained in this manual and the accompanying software programs are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by AEROCOMM, Inc. AEROCOMM, Inc. reserves the right to make periodic modifications of this product without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revision. Copying, duplicating, selling, or otherwise distributing any part of this product or accompanying documentation/software without the prior consent of an authorized representative of AEROCOMM, Inc. is strictly prohibited.
All brands and product names in this publication are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
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1. OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................................7
2. AC4490/AC4486 SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................................8
3. SPECIFICATIONS..........................................................................................................................................9
3.1 INTERFACE SIGNAL DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................................9
3.2 ELECTRICAL S PECIFICATIONS..........................................................................................................................10
3.3 SYSTEM TIMING..................................................................................................................................................11
3.3.1 Serial Interface Data Rate.....................................................................................................................11
3.3.2 Timing Diagrams.....................................................................................................................................11
3.3.3 Maximum Overall System Throughput................................................................................................14
4. CONFIGURING THE AC4490/AC4486 .................................................................................................15
4.1 EEPROM PARAMETERS...................................................................................................................................15
4.2 EEPROM CONFIGURATION COMMANDS.......................................................................................................18
4.2.1 EEPROM Byte Read...............................................................................................................................18
4.2.2 EEPROM Byte Write...............................................................................................................................18
4.2.3 EEPROM Exit Configuration Mode Command.................................................................................19
4.3 AC4490 AT COMMANDS..................................................................................................................................19
4.3.1 Enter AT Command Mode ......................................................................................................................19
4.3.2 Exit AT Command Mode........................................................................................................................20
4.4 ON-THE-FLY CONTROL COMMAND REFERENCE (CC COMMAND MODE)................................................20
4.4.1 Status Request..........................................................................................................................................21
4.4.2 Change Channel without Forced Acquisition Sync...........................................................................21
4.4.3 Change Channel with Forced Acquisition Sync .................................................................................21
4.4.4 Server/Client Command.........................................................................................................................22
4.4.5 Sync to Channel Command....................................................................................................................22
4.4.6 Sleep Walk Power-Down Command....................................................................................................23
4.4.7 Sleep Walk Power-Down Wake -Up Command..................................................................................23
4.4.8 Broadcast Mode .......................................................................................................................................23
4.4.9 Read Static Bank #1 Byte.......................................................................................................................24
4.4.10 Write Static Bank #1 Byte......................................................................................................................24
4.4.11 Read Static Bank #2 Byte.......................................................................................................................24
4.4.12 Write Static Bank #2 Byte......................................................................................................................26
4.4.13 Write Destination Address .....................................................................................................................26
4.4.14 Read Destination Address......................................................................................................................26
4.4.15 Read Digital Inputs.................................................................................................................................27
4.4.16 Read ADC .................................................................................................................................................27
4.4.17 Report Last Valid RSSI...........................................................................................................................28
4.4.18 Write Digital Outputs..............................................................................................................................28
4.4.19 Write DAC ................................................................................................................................................29
4.4.20 Set Max Power.........................................................................................................................................29
4.4.21 Transmit Buffer Empty............................................................................................................................30
4.4.22 Disable Sync to Channel........................................................................................................................30
4.4.23 Deep Sleep Mode.....................................................................................................................................30
4.4.24 Reset Command.......................................................................................................................................30
5. THEORY OF OPERATION.......................................................................................................................31
5.1 HARDWARE INTERFACE.....................................................................................................................................31
5.1.1 GIn (Generic Inputs 0 and 1) (pins 4 and 14 respectively) and GOn (Generic Outputs 0 and 1)
(pins 1 and 9 respectively).......................................................................................................................................31
5.1.2 TXD (Transmit Data) and RXD (Receive Data) (pins 2 and 3 respectively)................................31
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5.1.3 Hop Frame (pin 6) ...................................................................................................................................31
5.1.4 CTS Handshaking (pin 7) .......................................................................................................................32
5.1.5 RTS Handshaking (pin 8).......................................................................................................................32
5.1.6 9600 Baud (pin 12)..................................................................................................................................32
5.1.7 RSSI (pin 13)............................................................................................................................................32
5.1.8 UP_Reset (pin 15)...................................................................................................................................33
5.1.9 Command/Data (pin 17).........................................................................................................................33
5.1.10 AD In and DA Out (pins 18 and 19 respectively)..............................................................................34
5.1.11 In Range (pin 20).....................................................................................................................................34
5.2 SOFTWARE PARAMETERS ..................................................................................................................................35
5.2.1 RF Architecture (Unicast/Broadcast)..................................................................................................35
5.2.2 RF Mode....................................................................................................................................................35
5.2.3 Sub Hop Adjust........................................................................................................................................36
5.2.4 Duplex Mode............................................................................................................................................36
5.2.5 Interface Timeout/RF Packet Size........................................................................................................36
5.2.6 Serial Interface Baud Rate .....................................................................................................................37
5.2.7 Network Topology ...................................................................................................................................37
5.2.8 Auto Config ...............................................................................................................................................39
5.2.9 One Beacon Mode...................................................................................................................................40
5.2.10 Max Power................................................................................................................................................41
5.2.11 Interface Options.....................................................................................................................................42
6. DIMENSIONS.................................................................................................................................................44
7. ORDERING INFORMATION...................................................................................................................47
7.1 PRODUCT PART NUMBER TREE ........................................................................................................................47
7.2 DEVELOPER KIT PART NUMBERS....................................................................................................................47
8. AGENCY COMPLIANCY IN FORMATION........................................................................................48
8.1 AGENCY IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS ...............................................................................................................48
8.2 APPROVED ANTENNA LIST ...............................................................................................................................48
8.3 FCC/INDUSTRY CANADA (IC) REQUIREMENTS FOR MODULAR APPROVAL............................................49
8.3.1 OEM Equipment Labeling Requirements............................................................................................49
8.3.2 Antenna Requirements............................................................................................................................50
8.3.3 Warnings Required in OEM Manuals ..................................................................................................50
RF Exposure Warning for Portable Equipment (<2.5cm).................................................................................50
RF Exposure Warning for Portable Equipment (>2.5cm).................................................................................50
RF Exposure for Warning for Mobile Equipment................................................................................................50
8.4 EUROPE/ETSI REQUIREMENTS FOR MODULAR APPROVAL........................................................................50
Figure 1 – RSSI Voltage vs. Received Signal Strength .......................................................................................... 33
Figure 2 - AC4490/AC4486 (with MMCX Connector) Mechanical.................................................................... 44
Figure 3 - AC4490 (with Integral GigaAnt Antenna) Mechanical........................................................................45
Figure 4 - AC4490/AC4486 (with Integral Splatch Antenna) Mechanical......................................................... 45
Table 1 – Pin Definitions................................................................................................................................................9
Table 2 – Input Voltage Characteristics (AC4490/AC4486 500mW)..................................................................10
Table 3 – Input Voltage Characteristics (All Others)..............................................................................................10
Table 4 – Output Voltage Characteristics (All)........................................................................................................10
Table 5 – Supported Serial Formats ...........................................................................................................................11
Table 6 – Timing Parameters.......................................................................................................................................13
Table 7 – Maximum Overall System Throughputs .................................................................................................. 14
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Table 8 – EEPROM Parameters..................................................................................................................................15
Table 9 – Baud Rate/Interface Timeout.....................................................................................................................37
Table 10 – US and International RF Channel Number Settings............................................................................38
Table 11 – Auto Config Parameters ...........................................................................................................................40
Table 12 – Max Po wer Settings for 5mW Transmitter ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 13 – Max Power Settings for 100mW Transmitter.......................................................................................41
Table 14 – Max Power Settings for 500mW Transmitter.......................................................................................41
Table 15 – Transceiver Interface to DCE (Server Radio).......................................................................................43
Table 16 – Transceiver Interface to DTE (Client Radio)........................................................................................43
Table 17 – Agency Identification Numbers ..............................................................................................................48
Table 18 – AC4490/AC4486 Approved Antenna List............................................................................................48
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AC4490/AC4486 Specifications
AC4490/ AC4486 Features
?? Available in either 3.3V or 5V TTL level serial interface for fast integration ?? Drop-in replacement for AC4424 2.4GHz product family ?? Two generic input and output digital lines and integrated DAC/ADC functions ?? Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum for security and interference rejection ?? Cost Efficient for high volume applications ?? Very low power consumption for battery powered implementations ?? Small size for portable and enclosed applications ?? Very Low latency and high throughput ?? All modules are qualified for Industrial temperatures (-40°C to 80°C)
1. Overview
The AC4490/AC4486 and AC4486 are members of AeroComm’s ConnexRF OEM transceiver family. The AC4490 is designed for integration into OEM systems operating under FCC part 15.247 regulations for the 900 MHz ISM band. The AC4486 is designed for integration into OEM systems operating under European ETSI regulations for the 868 MHz band.
The AC4490 is a cost-effective, high performance, frequency hopping spread spectrum transceiver. It provides an async hronous TTL/RS-485 level serial interface for OEM Host communications. Communications include both system and configuration data. The Host supplies system data for transmission to other Host(s). Configuration data is stored in an on-board EEPROM. All frequency hopping, synchronization, and RF system data transmission/reception is performed by the transceiver.
These transceivers can be used as a direct serial cable replacement – requiring no special Host software for operation. They also feature a number of On-the-Fly Control Commands providing the OEM with a very versatile interface for any network.
AC4490/AC4486 transceivers operate in a Point-to-Point or Point-to-Multipoint, Client-Server or Peer-to­Peer architecture. One transceiver is configured as a Server and there can be one or many Clients. To establish synchronization between transceivers, the Server emits a beacon. Upon detecting a beacon, a Client transceiver informs its Host and a RF link is established.
This document contains information about the hardware and software interface between an AeroComm AC4490/AC4486 transceiver and an OEM Host. Information includes the theory of operation, specifications, interface definition, configuration information and mechanical drawing.
The OEM is responsible for ensuring the final product meets all FCC and/or appropriate regulatory agency requirements listed herein before selling any product.
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AC4490/AC4486 Specifications
Temperature (Operating)
2. AC4490/AC4486 Specifications
Interface 20 pin mini-connector Serial Interface Data Rate PC baud rates from 1200 bps to 115,200 bps Power Consumption (typical) Duty Cycle (TX=Transmit; RX=Receive)
10%TX 50%TX 100%TX 100%RX Pwr-DownDeep Sleep
AC4490-200:43mA 95mA 106mA 30mA 19mA 6mA
AC4490-1000:126mA 508mA 985mA 30mA 19mA 6mA Channels 5 Channel Sets comprising 58 total channels Security One byte System ID. Interface Buffer Size Input/Output: 256 bytes each
Frequency Band US/Canada: 902 – 928 MHz
Australia: 915 – 928 MHz RF Data Rate 76.8kbps Radio Type AC4490: Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Output Power (conducted, no antenna) Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP with 3dBi gain antenna) Supply Voltage AC4490-200: 3.3 or 3.45 - 6V ±2%, ±50mV ripple
Sensitivity -100dBm typical @ 76.8kbps Range, Line of Site (based on 3dBi gain antenna)
Temperature (Storage) -50?C to +85?C Humidity (non-condensing) 10% to 90%
Dimensions 1.65” x 1.9” x 0.20” Antenna AC4490-200: MMCX Connector or integral antenna
Weight Less than 0.75 ounce
AC4490-200: 100mW typical
AC4490-1000: 1000mW
AC4490-200: 200mW typical
AC4490-1000: 1000mW
AC4490-1000: 3.3 ±2%, ±50mV ripple
AC4490-200: 4 miles
AC4490-1000: 20 miles
-40?C to 80?C
AC4490-1000: MMCX Connector
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AC4490/AC4486 Specifications
3. Specifications
The AC4490/AC4486 has a simple interface that allows OEM Host communications with the transceiver. Table 1 – Pin Definitions, shows the connector pin numbers and associated functions. The I/O direction is with respect to the transceiver. All outputs are 3.3VDC levels and inputs are 5VDC TTL (with the exception of 500mW radios which are 3.3V inputs) with the exception of RSSI, AD In and DA Out, which are all analog. All inputs are weakly pulled High and may be left floating during normal operation.
Table 1 – Pin Definitions
Pin Type
1 O GO0 Generic Output pin
O TXD Transmitted data out of the transceiver
I/O RS485 A (True)1 Noninverted RS-485 representation of serial data
I RXD Data input to the transceiver
I/O RS485 B (Invert) 4 I GI0 Generic Input pin 5 GND GND Signal Ground 6 O Hop Frame Pulses Low when the transceiver is hopping. 7 O CTS Clear to Send – Active Low when the transceiver is ready to accept data for transmission. 8 I RTS Request to Send – When enabled in EEPROM, the OEM Host can take this High when it
9 O GO1 Generic Output pin
10 PWR VCC 3.3 or 3.45 – 6V (depends on model) ± 2%, ± 50mV ripple 11 PWR VCC 3.3 or 3.45 – 6V (depends on model) ± 2%, ±50 mV ripple 12 I 9600_BAUD 9600_BAUD – When pulled logic Low before applying power or resetting the
13 O RSSI Received Signal Strength - An analog output giving an instantaneous indication of
14 I GI1 Generic Input pin 15 I UP_RESET RESET – Controlled by the AC4490/AC4486 for power-on reset if left unconnected. After
16 GND GND Signal Ground 17 I Command/Data When logic Low, the transceiver interprets Host data as command data. When logic
18 I AD In 10 bit Analog Data Input 19 O DA Out 10 bit Analog Data Output 20 O IN_RANGE In Range – Active Low when a Client radio is in range of a Server on same Channel with the
Signal Name Function
Mirror image of RS-485 A
is not ready to accept data from the transceiver. NOTE: Keeping RTS High for too long can cause data loss.
transceiver’s serial interface is forced to a 9600, 8, N, 1 rate. To exit, transceiver must be reset or power-cycled with 9600_Baud logic High.
received signal strength. Only valid while in Receive Mode.
a Stable power-on reset, a logic High pulse will reset the transceiver.
High, the transceiver interprets Host data as transmit data.
same System ID. Always Low on a Server.
I = Input to the transceiver O = Output from the transceiver
When ordered with a RS-485 interface.
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AC4490/AC4486 Specifications
Table 2 – Input Voltage Characteristics (AC4490/AC4486 500mW)
Pin Type
2,3 I/O RS485A/B V
3 I RXD 2.31 3.3 0 0.99 V 4 I GI0 2.31 3.3 0 0.99 V
8 I RTS 2.31 3.3 0 0.99 V 12 I 9600_Baud 2.31 3.3 0 0.99 V 14 I GI1 2.31 3.3 0 0.99 V 15 I UP_RESET 0.8 3.3 0 0.6 V 17 I Command/Data 2.31 3.3 0 0.99 V 18 I AD In N/A 3.3 0 N/A V
Name High Min. High Max. Low Min. Low Max.
Table 3 – Input Voltage Characteristics (All Others)
Pin Type
2,3 I/O RS485A/B V
3 I RXD 2 5.5 0 0.8 V
4 I GI0 2 5.5 0 0.8 V
8 I RTS 2 5.5 0 0.8 V 12 I 9600_Baud 2 5.5 0 0.8 V 14 I GI1 2 5.5 0 0.8 V 15 I UP_RESET 0.8 5 0 0.6 V 17 I Command/Data 2 5.5 0 0.8 V 18 I AD In N/A 3.3 0 N/A V
Name High Min. High Max. Low Min. Low Max.
Table 4 – Output Voltage Characteristics (All)
Pin Type Name High Min. Low Max. Unit
1 O GO0 2.5 @ 8mA 0.4 @ 8mA V 2 O TXD 2.5 @ 2mA 0.4 @ 2mA V
2,3 I/O RS485A/B V
6 O Hop Frame 2.5 @ 2mA 0.4 @ 2mA V 7 O CTS 2.5 @ 2mA 0.4 @ 2mA V
9 O GO1 2.5 @ 2mA 0.4 @ 2mA V 13 O RSSI See Figure 1 See Figure 1 V 19 O AD Out N/A N/A V2 20 O IN_RANGE 2.5 @ 2mA 0.4 @ 2mA V
AD Out is an unbuffered, high impedance output and must be buffered by the OEM Host when used.
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AC4490/AC4486 Specifications
Care should be taken when selecting transceiver architecture as it can have serious effects on data rates, latency timings, and overall system throughput. The importance of these three characteristics will vary from system to system and should be a strong consideration when designing the system.
3.3.1 Serial Interface Data Rate
The Serial Interface Data Rate is programmable by the Host. This is the rate the Host and transceiver communicate over the serial bus. Possible values range from 1200 bps to 115,200 bps. The following asynchronous serial data formats are supported:
Table 5 – Supported Serial Formats
Data Bits Parity Minimum Stop Bits Required Radio Programming Requirements
8 N 1 Parity Mode disabled 8 E,O,M,S 1 Parity Mode enabled 7 E,O,M,S 1 Parity Mode disabled
3.3.2 Timing Diagrams
Packet Data
Stream Mode with Interface Timeout:
Interface Timeout
Wait for Hop
RF Packets
Received Data
Hop Period
Hop Time
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AC4490/AC4486 Specifications
Stream Mode with Fixed Packet Length:
Packet Data
Wait for Hop
RF Packets
Received Data
Hop Period
Hop Time
Addressed Acknowledge Mode with Interface Timeout:
Packet Data
Wait for Hop
RF Packet
RF Acknowledge
Received Data
Interface Timeout
Hop Period
Hop Time
Addressed Acknowledge Mode with No Interface Timeout:
Packet Data
Wait for Hop
RF Packet
RF Acknowledge
Received Data
Hop Period
Hop Time
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AC4490/AC4486 Specifications
Broadcast Acknowledge Mode with No Interface Timeout:
Packet Data
Wait for Hop
RF Packet
Received Data
Hop Period
Hop Time
Broadcast Acknowledge Mode with Interface Timeout:
Packet Data
Wait for Hop
RF Packet
Received Data
Interface Timeout
Hop Period
Hop Time
Table 6 – Timing Parameters
Parameter Typical Time (ms)
Hop Time 1
Hop Period 20
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AC4490/AC4486 Specifications
Throughput (bps)
Throughput (bps)
3.3.3 Maximum Overall System Throughput
When configured as shown in the table below, an AC4490/AC4486 transceiver is capable of achieving the listed throughput. However, in the presence of interference or at longer ranges, the transceiver might not be able to meet these specified throughputs.
Table 7 – Maximum Overall System Throughputs
RF Mode One Beacon
Stream Disabled 57.6k N/A
Half Duplex
Full Duplex
Enabled 48k 24k
Disabled 38k 19k
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