AE OT EC Engineerin g Specifi ca tion
Range Extender 7
AE OT EC Engineerin g Specifi ca tion
Engineering Specification
Th is do cu me nt m ai nly i ntroduc es the new g enera tion AEOTEC R an ge exten de r. T he co ntent
ma in ly includ es its i nterf aces, access or ie s, feat ures, sp ecifica tion s, quick start, and softwa re
fu nc tion defi nition.
Ra nge ext ender 7 is based on Z -Wave.
Can extender t he comm un ication range of z -w ave n et work
Su pp ort Smart Start, whic h ma kes i nclusio n mo re co nveni ent.
Su pp ort S2, w hich makes it mor e secur e and rel iable.
Br ief des cr iptio n o f c hanges
We ight and d imens ion s ad ded
AE OT EC Engineerin g Specifi ca tion