CP 3...
Fully Automatic Espresso-Maker
Volautomatische koffie- en espressomachine
Máquina automática para Café Expresso
Máquina de café Espresso- totalmente automática
Machine à café/expresso entièrement automatique
Operating instructions
Instrucciones de uso
Instruções de serviço
Mode d’emploi

Achtung: Zum Entkalken min. 400 ml
warmes Wasser in den Wassertank einfüllen!
Attention: Fill the water tank for
descaling with at least 400 ml of
warm water!
Attentie! Vul de watertank voor het
ontkalken met minstens 400 ml warm
Atención: Para descalcificar la
máquina, llenar el depósito de agua
con por lo menos 400 ml de agua caliente.
Atenção: Para descalcificar, encha o
depósito de água com pelo menos
400 ml. de água quente.
Obs! För avkalkning fyll på minst
400 ml varmt vatten i vattentanken!
Huomio: Täytä vesisäiliöön vähintään
400 ml lämmintä vettä kalkinpoistoa
Upozornìní: Pøi odvápòování nalijte
do zásobníku na vodu min. 400 ml
teplé vody!
Uwaga: W celu odwapnienia nale¿y
nape³niæ pojemnik na wodê co najmniej 400 ml ciep³ej wody!
Figyelem! A vízkõmentesítéshez
legalább 400 ml meleg vizet kell tölteni a víztartályba!
Προσοχή: Για την αφαίρεση
Attention : Remplir le réservoir d'eau
pour détartrage avec au moins 400 ml
d'eau tiède !
αλάτων γεµίστε το δοχείο νερού µε
τουλάχιστον 400 ml χλιαρό νερό!
Внимание! Для удаления накипи
необходимо залить в емкость не
менее 400 ìë теплой воды!
Electrolux Hausgeräte Vertriebs GmbH 822 949 329

Dear customer
Please read these operating instructions through carefully. Please make
sure you read the safety instructions
on the first pages of these operating
instructions! Keep the operating
instructions for future reference. Pass
them on to any future owners.
1 Figure captions 34
1.1 Machine Parts (Fig 1) 34
1.2 Top View (Fig. 2) 34
1.3 Control Panel (Fig. 3) 34
2 Coffee and espresso 35
3 Safety Information 35
4 Overview of the menu points 37
5 Before using for the first time 37
5.1 Setting Up and Connecting the
Coffee Machine 37
5.2 Filling with Water 37
5.3 Switching on for the first time 38
5.4 Switching on the machine 38
5.5 Switching the coffee machine off 39
5.6 Setting the water hardness 39
6 Making Coffee with Beans 40
6.1 Filling the Coffee Bean Container 40
6.2 Select Cup Size 40
6.3 Selecting the coffee quantity 40
6.4 Setting the number of cups and
dispensing coffee 41
7 Making Ready-ground Coffee 41
7.1 Filling the ground coffee filler 42
7.2 Selecting cup size 42
7.3 Setting number of cups and
Dispensing coffee 42
8 Frothing Milk 42
9 Preparing Hot Water 43
10 Programming the cup measure
and the coffee quantity 44
10.1 Changing and saving the cup
measure and the coffee quantity 44
10.2 Changing and saving the coffee
quantity 45
11 Setting the Grinding Texture 45
12 Menu settings 45
12.1 Setting language 45
12.2 Setting the Coffee Temperature 46
12.3 Setting the Switch-off Time 46
12.4 Interrogate the number of dispensed
coffees and the cup measures 47
12.5 Resetting the machine to the
factory setting (Reset) 47
12.6 Reset display language 47
13 Cleaning and Care 48
13.1 Regular Cleaning 48
13.2 Cleaning the height adjustment 48
13.3 Emptying the Container 48
13.4 Cleaning the Grinder 48
13.5 Cleaning the Coffee-making Unit 49
13.6 Running the Cleaning Program 50
13.7 Running the Descaling Program 51
14 Ordering Accessories 53
15 What do I do, if ... 53
16 Technical Data 54
17 Disposal 55
18 If service is needed 55

1 Figure captions
1.1 Machine Parts (Fig 1)
A Top view (see Fig. 2)
B Bean container with lid
C Service cover
D Selection dial for steam and hot water
E Height-adjustable dispenser with
F Swivel nozzle for steam and hotwater
with removable frothing aid
G Container (removable)
H Drip grille
I Drip tray float
J Drip tray
K Display
L Type plate (at top behind service cover)
M Control panel (see Fig. 3)
N Water tank with fill level indicator
O Test strip for water hardness
P Measuring spoon with cleaning brush
1.2 Top View (Fig. 2)
Q Cup rack
R Opening for ground coffee
with lid (ground coffee filler)
S Bean container position setting
T Service cover release button
U Release catch for removing grinding
V Lever for setting grinding texture
1.3 Control Panel (Fig. 3)
a Key „Steam Pre-selector“
(with indicator)
b Key „1 or 2 cups of coffee“
(with indicator)
c Key „Coffee Quantity“ *
(with indicators)
* With menu selected (key f) this key
serves for „paging“ in the menu
d Key „Cup Measure“ **
(with indicators)
** With menu selected (key f) this key
serves for „paging“ in the menu
e Key „Rinse“ (with indicator)
f Key „Menu“ (with indicator)
g Key „OK“ (with indicator)
h „On/Off“ key (with indicator)
i „Coffee machine heating“ indicator
j „Waste container“ indicator
k „Fill water tank“ indicator