English 4–5
Thank you for having chosen an Electrolux
Ergospace vacuum cleaner. These Operating
Instructions cover all Ergospace models. This
means that with your specific model, some
accessories/features may not be included. In
order to ensure the best results, always use
original Electrolux accessories. They have been
designed especially for your vacuum cleaner.
Deutsch 14–15
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für einen
Electrolux Ergospace-Staubsauger entschieden
haben. Die Bedienungsanleitung gilt für alle
Ergospace-Modelle. Dies bedeutet, dass Ihr
Modell u. U. bestimmte Zubehörteile nicht
enthält oder bestimmte Eigenschaften nicht
besitzt. Um bestmögliche Ergebnisse zu
erzielen, sollten Sie ausschließlich das speziell
für Ihren Staubsauger entwickelte OriginalElectrolux-Zubehör verwenden.
Dansk 24–25
Tak, fordi du valgte en Electrolux Ergospacestøvsuger. Denne brugervejledning gælder for
alle Ergospace-modeller. Det er derfor muligt,
at dele af denne models tilbehør/funktioner
ikke er omhandlet. Brug altid originalt
Electrolux-tilbehør. Så opnår du de bedste
resultater. Tilbehøret er specielt designet til
din støvsuger.
Français 6–7
Nous vous remercions d’avoir choisi l’aspirateur Electrolux Ergospace. Ces instructions
d’utilisation portent sur l’ensemble des modèles Ergospace. Cela signifie qu’il est possible
que certains accessoires ou fonctions ne soient
pas fournis avec le modèle que vous avez en
votre possession. Afin d’obtenir des performances optimales, utilisez toujours des accessoires
originaux Electrolux. Ils ont été spécialement
conçus pour votre aspirateur.
Pусский 8–9
Благодарим за покупку пылесоса Electrolux
Ergospace. Данное руководство по
эксплуатации содержит сведения обо
всех моделях серии Ergospace. Поэтому
некоторые функции или принадлежности,
возможно, не входят в комплект
выбранной вами модели. Наилучшие
результаты гарантируются только для
фирменных принадлежностей Electrolux,
разработанных специально для данной
модели пылесоса.
Polski 10–11
Dziękujemy za wybranie odkurzacza Ergospace
firmy Electrolux. Ta instrukcja obsługi dotyczy
wszystkich modeli odkurzacza Ergospace.
Oznacza to, że do konkretnego modelu mogą
nie być dołączone niektóre akcesoria lub
dany model może nie posiadać niektórych
funkcji. Aby uzyskiwać najlepsze rezultaty,
zawsze należy używać oryginalnych akcesoriów
firmy Electrolux. Zostały one zaprojektowane
specjalnie dla tego odkurzacza.
Español 16–17
Gracias por elegir una aspiradora Electrolux
Ergospace. En este manual de instrucciones
se incluyen todos los modelos Ergospace. Es
posible que su modelo no incluya algunos
accesorios o funciones. Para lograr el mejor
resultado, utilice únicamente los accesorios originales de Electrolux que han sido diseñados
específicamente para su aspiradora.
Italiano 18–19
Grazie per avere scelto un aspirapolvere
Electrolux Ergospace. Queste Istruzioni per
l’uso sono valide per tutti i modelli Ergospace.
Questo significa che per il modello specifico
acquistato alcuni accessori o funzionalità
potrebbero non essere inclusi. Per ottenere
sempre i migliori risultati, utilizzare esclusivamente accessori originali Elecrolux, pensati in
modo specifico per questo aspirapolvere.
Português 20–21
Obrigado por ter escolhido um aspirador
Electrolux Ergospace. Estas instruções de
funcionamento abrangem todos os modelos
Ergospace. Isto significa que alguns acessórios/
funções podem não estar incluídos no seu
modelo específico. De modo a assegurar os
melhores resultados utilize sempre acessórios
originais Electrolux. Estes foram concebidos
especialmente para o seu aspirador.
Norsk 26–27
Takk for at du valgte en Electrolux Ergospacestøvsuger. Denne bruksanvisningen gjelder
alle Ergospace-modeller. Det betyr at ikke alt
tilbehør og alle funksjoner nødvendigvis finnes
på din modell. Bruk alltid orginalt Electroluxtilbehør for best resultat. Dette tilbehøret er
konstruert spesielt for din støvsuger.
Suomi 28–29
Kiitos, että olet valinnut Electrolux Ergospace
-pölynimurin. Nämä käyttöohjeet kattavat
kaikki Ergospace-mallit. Tämä tarkoittaa,
että osa lisälaitteista ja toiminnoista ei ehkä
tule ostamasi mallin mukana. Varmista paras
mahdollinen puhdistustulos käyttämällä alkuperäisiä Electroluxin varusteita. Ne on suunniteltu varta vasten tätä imuria varten.
Eesti keeles 30–31
Täname teid Electroluxi Ergospace’i
tolmuimeja valimise eest! Käesolev
kasutusjuhend kehtib kõigi Ergospace’i
mudelite puhul. See tähendab, et teie
konkreetse mudeli puhul ei pruugi kõiki
tarvikuid või funktsioone kaasas olla.
Parimate tulemuste saamiseks kasutage
alati Electroluxi originaaltarvikuid. Need
on loodud just teie tolmuimeja jaoks.
Svenska 12–13
Tack för att du har valt en Electrolux
Ergospace-dammsugare. Den här bruksanvisningen gäller för alla Ergospace-modeller.
Det innebär att vissa tillbehör eller funktioner
eventuellt inte ingår i just din modell. Se
till att alltid använda originaltillbehör från
Electrolux för att få bästa möjliga resultat.
De har utformats särskilt med avseende på
din dammsugare.
Nederlands 22–23
Dank u dat u gekozen hebt voor een
Ergospace van Electrolux. Deze gebruiksaanwijzingen gelden voor alle Ergospace-modellen. Dit kan betekenen dat uw model niet
beschikt over bepaalde accessoires/functies.
Gebruik voor de beste resultaten altijd originele Electrolux-accessoires. Deze zijn speciaal
voor uw stofzuiger ontworpen.
Latviski 32–33
Paldies, ka izvēlējāties putekļsūcēju
Electrolux Ergospace. Šīs ekspluatācijas
instrukcijas attiecas uz visiem Ergospace
modeļiem. Tas nozīmē, ka jūsu iegādātā
modeļa komplektācijā, iespējams, daži
piederumi vai iespējas nav iekļauti. Lai
panāktu optimālu ekspluatāciju, vienmēr
lietojiet oriģinālos Electrolux piederumus.
Tie ir izstrādāti tieši jūsu putekļsūcējam.

1*/** Telescopic tube
2* Extension tubes
3** Hose handle + hose
4** Carpet/hard floor nozzle
5** Crevice nozzle
6 Upholstery nozzle
7 Dust bag, s-bag™
8* Turbo nozzle
9*/** Parquet nozzle
10* Easy clean kit
Safety precautions
Ergospace should only be used by
adults and only for normal vacuuming
in a domestic environment. The vacuum
cleaner features double insulation and
does not need to be earthed.
Never vacuum:
• In wet areas.
• Close to flammable gases etc.
• Without a dust bag s-bag™ to avoid
damaging the cleaner. A safety device
is fitted, which prevents the cover
closing without a s-bag™. Do not
attempt to force the cover shut.
• When housing shows visible signs of
Never vacuum:
• Sharp objects.
• Fluids (this can cause serious damage
to the machine).
• Hot or cold cinders, lit cigarette butts,
• Fine dust, for example from plaster,
concrete, flour, hot or cold ashes.
The above may cause serious damage to
the motor – damage which is not covered
by the warranty.
Electrical cable precautions:
• A damaged cable should only be
replaced by an authorised Electrolux
service centre.
• Damage to the machine’s cable is not
covered by the warranty.
• Never pull or lift the vacuum cleaner
by the cable.
• Disconnect the plug from the mains
before cleaning or maintenance of the
vacuum cleaner.
• Regularly check that the cable is not
damaged. Never use the vacuum
cleaner if the cable is damaged.
All servicing and repairs must be carried out
by an authorised Electrolux service centre.
Be sure to keep the vacuum cleaner in a dry
Before starting
11 Open the front cover on the machine
and check that the dust bag,
s-bag™, and the motor-/microfilter**
are in place. (See also Replacement
of filter(s))
12* Open the back lid* on the machine
and check that the exhaust filter* is
in place.
13 Insert the hose until the catches
click to engage (press the catches to
release the hose).
3* Insert the hose into the hose handle
until the catches click to engage
(press the catches to release the
14 Attach the extension tubes* or tel-
escopic tube* to the hose handle
and nozzle by pushing and twisting
together. (Twist and pull apart to dismantle.)
15 Extend the electric cable and connect
it to the mains. The vacuum cleaner
is fitted with a cable winder. Once the
electric cable has been extended, it
stays in that position.
16 To rewind the cable, give it a slight
sharp pull and then release. The
cable will then automatically rewind.
17** Adjust suction power by using the
suction control on the hose handle
17** Models with ON/OFF control: Twist
the control once to the left to start
the vacuum cleaner. Twist the control
once more to the left to turn it off.
17** Models with Power Regulation: Twist
the power control to the right to start
the vacuum cleaner and increase
the suction power. Twist the power
control to the left to decrease suction
power, and further to the left to turn it
18 Practical parking positions (and at
the same time a backsaving feature)
when you pause during cleaning or
when you carry and store the vacuum
19 You can also carry the vacuum clean-
er using the handle on top or on the
lower front edge of the machine.
20* Keep the hose in place while storing
the vacuum cleaner by extending the
elastic bumper cord and placing it
across the hose.
Getting the best results
21 Accessories on board
Upholstery nozzle and crevice nozzle to
be found under foldable cover.
Use the nozzles as follows:
Use the carpet/hard floor nozzle
with the lever* in position (32). Reduce
suction power for small carpets.
Hard floors: Use the carpet/hard floor
nozzle with the lever* in position (33).
Wooden floors: Use the parquet nozzle*
Upholstered furniture: Use the upholstery
nozzle (6). Curtains, lightweight fabrics,
*Certain models only. **Execution depending on model. *** HEPA H12 washable filter can be bought as an option.
etc.: Use the upholstery nozzle (6).
Reduce suction power if necessary.
Frames, bookshelves, etc.: Use the Easy
clean kit* (10).
Crevices, corners, etc.: Use the crevice
nozzle (5).
Using the turbo nozzle*
Adjust the suction power by opening
or closing the air vent.
Note: Do not use the turbo nozzle on skin
rugs, rugs with long fringes or a pile depth
exceeding 15 mm. To avoid damaging the
carpet, do not keep the nozzle stationary
whilst the brush is rotating. Do not pass the
nozzle across electric cables, and be sure to
switch off the vacuum cleaner immediately
after use.
Replacing the dust bag,
23 The dust bag, s-bag™ must be
replaced latest when the indicator
window is completely red. Read with
the nozzle lifted up.
24 Open the front cover and lift out the
insert holding the s-bag™.
25 Pull the cardboard to remove the
s-bag™ from the insert. This automatically seals the s-bag™ and prevents
dust leaking out.
26 Insert a new s-bag™ by pushing the
cardboard right into the end of the
groove in the insert.
27 Put the insert back into the bag
compartment, and close the cover.
Note. Replace the s-bag™ even if it is not
full (it could be obstructed). Also replace after
vacuuming carpet-cleaning powder. Be sure
to use only an original Electrolux dust bags,
s-bag™ Classic, s-bag™ Clinic, s-bag™ long
performance or s-bag™ Anti-odour.
Replacement of the filter(s)
Should be done with every 5th replacement of
the dust bag, s-bag™ Never use the vacuum
cleaner without filter(s).
A Model without exhaust filter has to
be equipped with a combination-filter
(micro-filter + motor-filter, Ref. No.
EF 74).
24 Open the front cover and lift out the
insert holding the s-bag™.
28 Pull the filter(s) holder upwards
until coming away from the groove.
Carefully pull the old, dirty filter(s) out
of the filter holder and replace with a
new filter(s).
29 Reattach the filter holder containing
the new filter(s).
27 Replace the insert holding the
s-bag™ and then close the cover.
B Model with exhaust filter Follow steps
24, 28 and replace old motor-filter