AEG LAVMAT BELLA 1003/803 User Manual

Operating Iriotructions
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Fully automatic
washing machines
The LAVAMAT BB-yV 1003
E-605 191 902
Your new LAVAMAT Is a modern fully automatic washing machine. With a little care and attention, It will give you many years of faithful service.
This machine offers you the advantage of compiling the wash programmes exactly as you like. It also Incorporates special ’’power economy” programmes for lightly .«?niied laundry and economy programm lOr small load sizes. In addition, the BELLA 1003 models Incor porate an extra gentle programr for woollens. To enable you to obtain the max im benefit from your LAVAMAT wa.,..«ng machine, please read this booklet tho roughly. This will assist you In becoming familiar with the controls of the machine and their functions, thereby ensuring carefree, happy wash days.
Please remember to remove the transit bars (see page 5 under installation).
Spinning speed: more (LAVAMAT BELLA 803:
more than 800 rpm.)
than 1000 rpm.
Installation 4 Electrical connection 4 Water supply 4 Water drainage 5
Preparing the laundry 5
Load sizes 6 Washing powder dispenser 6 Controls 8 Wash programmes 9-11 Operation 12
Maintenance 12 What can be the cause when... 13
1 = Selector buttons plus ON/OFF-buttons 2 = Pilot lamp 3 = Programme switch 4 = Temperature control 5 = Finger grip for opening
the drop type front door
6 = Finger grip for detergent
dispenser tray
7 = Lower front panel (pull this lower
panel down and the drain fiiter becomes accessibie).
8 = Fiiter outiet


ATTENTION: Having unpacked the
machine, you must first remove the transit bars. Detailed instructions for this operation shouid be contained on the
machine in the form of a separate instruc
tion leafiet. Unscrew the worktop and rear
plate and remove 3 parts, 2 bars and
1 bracket (see illustration).
Please keep these transit bars, in case you have to move the appliance for any distance, e.g. moving house. You can now position the machine into place, as required.
Dimensions: Height 85 cm
(without worktop 82 cm) Width 59.5 cm
Depth 60 cm
Weight: 100 kg approx. Your machine features a three-point
support system so that no adjustment of the feet shouid be necessary. However, should levelling become necessary — e.g. when incorporating the machine into a fitted kitchen system, then adjustable feet are available as an optional extra. Part Number E 605 899 821.
Fuse protection fp^ 03 kW = 16 A, for 2.08 kW = 10 >-..^JK version please fit a 13 amp fuse or 15 amp plug).
WARNING: This appliance must be earthed.
This appliance complies with the require ments laid out in the EEC Directive 76/889.
Important The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:
1. green and yeilow = earth
2. biue = neutral
3. brown = live Fit the mains lead with a 3 pin 13 or 15
amp plug. As the coiours of the wires in the ,ns
lead of the appliance may not correp'^ind
with the coloured marking identifyii ne terminais in your plug, please proceed as follows:
1. The wire which is coioured green and
yellow must be connected to the earth ter
minal in your plug, which is marked with
the ietter ’E’ or by the earth symboi or
coloured green yellow, or green and
2. The wire which is coioured brown must be connected to the live terminai which is marked with the letter ’L’ or coloured red.
3. The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the neutral terminal which is marked with the letter ’N’ or coloured black. When \yjring the plug ensure tt. all strands of .wire are securely retained in each terminal. Do not forget to tightp" the
mains lead clamp on the plug. If y^ in
stallation is fitted with 2 pin socket out
lets, or if you are in doubt, please c ult
a qualified electrician.

Electrical connection

Voltage: 220 V AC only (UK versions 240 V) Connected load 3.03 kW which may be changed over to 2.08 kW

Water supply

Your washing machine is fitted with a
high quality pressure hose Va inch bore
with a y* inch BSP screw connector for connection to a water tap with male
thread. The necessajrv washers are en closed. (Please do : use any other washers as they may prove to be of an unsatisfactory quality). Hand tightening of the nut is sufficient ~ be very careful when using tools. Please do not connect the machine to a hot water supply, as this has an adverse effect on the washing performance of the machine.
Notes for plumber Minimum water pressure: about 1 bar excess pressure (= 1 atu, = 1 kp/cm^,
“ ^>'cm2 = 15 p.s.i.)
Mv lum permissible water pressure about 10 bar. Where the supply pressure exceeds 10 bar, it is necessary to fit a pr jre relief valve type AD 723 (Part
Nuijioer E 612 896 723).
Sf ’d you require a longer water supply
hoovi than that provided, please use only a continuous high-pressure hose (at least 60 bar) of suitable length. Do not extend the existing hose.
On no account must you use cheap gar
den hose or similar hose. Please ensure
that suitable clamps are used for at
taching the hose to the connector fitting.
Please ensure that you comply with any
drinking water regulations of your local
water board.
At the completion of each wash pro
gramme, please close the tap.
Should you wish to soak laundry for a
lop^'^^r period, we recommend that you
cl the tap after the temperature has
been reached (at the end of the drum
S! !d you discover some residual water
in vour machine, after unpacking, please
df worry. It does not mean that the
ma^nine has been used before, it is due
to the very thorough quality control that
the machine undergoes in our factory.
aeiivers me waier lo a neau ui i.» n through the drain hose fitted at the back of the machine.
The drain hose (i/D 19 mm max.) is bent at the end for hooking over a sink edge or si milar receptacle. Please secure this bent end in such a way that it cannot siip off (especialiy where the sink or basin edge is very wide).
If permanent connection to a siphon is re quired, you can shohen the drain hose as necessary (in this case the hose must be ventilated. The necessary ventilating valve or breather Is available from the AEG Service Department).
When installing the machine In a room with floor drainage (i. e. a gulley in a
laundry room), you can place the hose directly onto the floor after cutting off the bent part, which should be cut at an angle. The hose has been routed inside the machine in such a way that no water can drain off unintentionally when the
hose is placed on the floor. If necessary (e.g. in the case of a power
failure) the water can be drained from the machine by carefully opening the drainage filter. The laundry cah then be removed from the drum as normal.

Preparing the laundry

Water drainage

To drain the machine of all soap and rinse water, the machine is fitted with a pump, which Is controlled by the programme. It
Preparation of your laundry prior to com mencing washing, can be of immense be nefit to you. Take a little time and sort your laundry according to colour and type of fabric. Please check the manufacturers
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