Installation & User manual
ERHC1238S (120 cm)
ERHC938S (90 cm)
Canopy range hood

Congratulations and thank you for choosing
our rangehood. We are sure you will find it a
pleasure to use.
Before you use the rangehood, we
recommend that you read t hrough the
relevant sections of this m anual, w hich
provides a description of your appliance and
it s funct ions.
To avoid the risks that are alw ays present
when you use an appliance, it is important
that the appliance is inst alled correctly and
that you read the safety inst ructions
carefully t o avoid m isuse and hazards.
We recommend that you keep this
instruct ion booklet for future reference and
pass it on to any fut ure ow ners.
After unpacking t he appliance, please check
it is not damaged. If in doubt, do not use the
appliance but contact your local custom er
care centre.
Conditions of use
This appliance is intended to be used in
household and similar applications such as :
• st aff kit ch en ar eas in sh o p s, o f f ices and
other working environments.
• f ar m h o u ses.
• by client s in h o t el s, m ot els an d o t h er
Important Safety instructions………..3
Description of rangehood……………..4
Components list…………………………….4
Technical specification………………….4
Rangehood dimensions…………………5
Using your rangehood……………….…..9
Maintaining your rangehood…..…...10
Optional ducting accessories…….….12
MARKS. If you find t he rangehood is damaged
or m arked, you m ust report it within 7 days if
you wish to claim for damage/ marks under
t h e m an u f act u r er ‟s w ar r an t y. Thi s d o es n o t
affect your statut ory rights.
• Mo st of t he p ac kin g m at er ials ar e r ecyclab l e.
Please dispose of t hose materials through
your local recycling depot or by placing t hem
in appropriate collection containers.
• If yo u wish t o discar d t h is p r o du c t , please
cont act your local aut horit ies and ask for t he
correct method of disposal.

P a g e | 3
Accessible parts may become hot when used with cooking appliances.

Main body and fan assemblies
Exhaust transition screws
Additional items required for installation
Fixings required to attach rangehood
body and anti tilt points
Worm drive clamps, Duct tape or cable
Ducting accessories
Technical specification
Power supply: 240 Volts 50 Hz. Connects to 10A power point
o 4 x 20 watt, 240 volts halogen (1200mm model)
o 3 x 20 watt, 240 volts halogen (900 mm model)

P a g e | 5
Rangehood Installation
1. Using a sprit level mark a vertical
centre line on the wall where the
hood is to be positioned, and a
horizontal line at the hood base
NOTE: See table below for the minimum
and maximum height of the underside of
the hood.
2. Mark the location for the wall
mounting points and anti-tilt fixing
points as shown in (Fig. B).
3. Inst all suitable screws for
rangehood mounting points (to
support a t otal weight of 50kg)
to t he wall as marked (Fig. B).
* If t he inst ruct ions of the hob specify a greater dist ance than the minim um above, t hen that
shall be the minimum height for installation.