AEG ERC25292W User Manual

UUsseerr MMaannuuaall
ERC 25292 W
Welcome to the world of Electrolux
You’ve chosen a first class product from Electrolux, which hopefully will provide you with lots of pleasure in the future. Electrolux ambition is to offer a wide variety of quality products that would make your life even more comfortable. You can look at some examples on the cover in this manual. But now it’s time to study this manual and start using and enjoying the benefits from your new machine. We promise that it’ll make your life a little easier. Good luck!
The following symbols are used in this manual:
Important information concerning your personal safety and information on how to avoid damaging the appliance.
General information and tips
Environmental information
The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
Safety IInformation 6 Use 99 Cleaning the interior 9 Control panel 9 Operation 9 Temperature regulation 9 Fresh food refrigeration 10 Movable shelves 10 Positioning the door shelves 10 Bottle rack 11 Health aand ssafety gguidelines 12
Maintenance 113 Internal cleaning 13 External cleaning 13 When the appliance is not in use 13 Defrosting 14 Interior light 14 Something nnot wworking 15 Technical sspecifications 116 Installation 17 Positioning 17 Rear spacers 18 Electrical connection 18 Shelf holders 20 Door reversibility 20 Guarantee/Customer SService 22 Service aand SSpare PParts 22 Customer CCare 23 European GGuarantee 24 25
It is most important that this instruction book should be retained with the appliance for future reference. Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner, or should you move house and leave the appliance, always ensure that the book is supplied with the appliance in order that the new owner can be acquainted with the functioning of the appliance and the relevant warnings.
If this appliance featuring magnetic door seals is to replace an older appliance having a spring lock (latch) on the door or lid, be sure to make that spring lock unusable before you discard the old appliance. This will prevent it from becoming a death-trap for a child.
These warnings are provided in the interest of safety. You must read them carefully before installing or using the appliance.
General Safety
• This appliance is designed to be operated by adults. Children should not be allowed to tamper with the controls or play with the product.
• It is dangerous to alter the specifications or modify this product in any way.
• Before any cleaning or maintenance work is carried out, be sure to switch off and unplug the appliance.
• This appliance is heavy. Care should be taken when moving it
• Ice lollies can cause frost burns if consumed straight from the appliance.
Take uutmost ccare wwhen hhandling
your aappliance sso aas nnot tto ccause any ddamages tto tthe ccooling uunit with cconsequent ppossible ffluid leakages.
• The aappliance mmust nnot bbe llocated close tto rradiators oor ggas ccookers.
• Avoid pprolonged eexposure oof tthe appliance tto ddirect ssunlight.
• There mmust bbe aadequate vventilation round tthe bback oof tthe aappliance and aany ddamage tto tthe rrefrigerant circuit mmust bbe aavoided.
• For ffreezers oonly ((except bbuilt-iin models): aan iideal llocation iis tthe cellar oor bbasement.
• Do nnot uuse oother eelectrical appliances ((such aas iice ccream makers) iinside oof rrefrigerating appliances.
Any electrical work required to install this appliance should be carried out by a qualified electrician or competent person
• This product should be serviced by an authorized Service Centre, and only genuine spare parts should be used.
• Under no circumstances should you attempt to repair the appliance yourself. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons may cause injury or more serious malfunctioning. Refer to your local
Service Centre, and always insist on genuine spare parts.
• This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its cooling unit; maintenance and recharging must therefore only be carried out by authorized technicians.
• The domestic refrigerators and freezers are designed to be used specifically for the storage of edible foodstuffs only.
• Best performance is obtained with ambient temperature between +18°C and +43°C (class T); +18°C and +38°C (class ST); +16°C and +32°C (class N); +10°C and +32°C (class SN). The class of your appliance is shown on its rating plate.
when the ambient temperature is not included within the range indicated for the class of this appliance, the following instructions must be observed: when the ambient temperature drops below the minimum level, the storage temperature in the freezer compartment cannot be guaranteed; therefore it is advisable to use the food stored as soon as possible.
• Frozen food must not be re-frozen once it has been thawed out.
• Manufacturers’ storage recommendations should be strictly adhered to. Refer to relevant instructions.
• The inner lining of the appliance consists of channels through which the refrigerant passes. If these should be punctured this would damage the appliance beyond repair and cause food loss. DO NOT USE SHARP INSTRUMENTS to scrape off frost or ice. Frost may be removed by using the scraper provided. Under no circumstances should solid ice be forced off the liner. Solid ice should be allowed to thaw when defrosting the appliance.
• Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the freezer as it creates pressure on the container, which may cause it to explode, resulting in damage to the appliance.Do not use a mechanical device or any artificial means to speed up the thawing process other than those recommended by the manufacturer. Never use metal objects for cleaning your appliance as it may get damaged.
• During normal operation, the condenser and compressor at the back of the appliance heat up considerably. For safety reasons, minimum ventilation must be as shown in the instructions.
Attention: kkeep vventilation oopenings clear oof oobstruction.
• Care must be taken to ensure that the appliance does not stand on the electrical supply cable.
if the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly availa-ble from the manufacturer or its service agent.
• If the appliance is transported horizontally, it is possible that the oil contained in the compressor flows in the refrigerant circuit. It is advisable to wait at least two hours before connecting the appliance to allow the oil to flow back in the compressor.
• There are working parts in this product which heat up. Always ensure that there is adequate ventilation as a failure to do this will result in component failure and possible food loss. See installation instructions.
• Parts which heat up should not be exposed. Wherever possible the back of the product should be against a wall.
Environment Protection
This aappliance ddoes nnot ccontain gasses wwhich ccould ddamage tthe oozone layer, iin eeither iits rrefrigerant ccircuit oor insulation mmaterials. TThe aappliance shall nnot bbe ddiscarded ttogether wwith the uurban rrefuse aand rrubbish. AAvoid damaging tthe ccooling uunit, eespecially at tthe rrear nnear tthe hheat eexchanger. Information oon yyour llocal ddisposal ssites may bbe oobtained ffrom mmunicipal authorities. TThe mmaterials uused oon tthis appliance mmarked bby tthe ssymbol are rrecyclable.
Cleaning the interior
Before using the appliance for the first time, wash the interior and all internal accessories with luke-warm water and some neutral soap so as to remove the typical smell of a brand-new product, then dry thoroughly.
Do nnot uuse ddetergents oor abrasive ppowders, aas tthese wwill damage tthe ffinish.
Control panel
Pilot light
Thermostat knob
Insert the plug into the wall socket. Turn the thermostat knob (B) to the right to a medium setting.The pilot light (A) will light up, indicating that the appliance is powered. To stop operation, simply turn the thermostat knob to position «O». The pilot light remains lit up.
Temperature regulation
The temperature is automatically regulated and can be increased to achieve a higher temperature (warmer) by rotating the thermostat knob toward lower settings or reduced (colder) rotating the knob towards higher settings.
However, the exact setting should be chosen keeping in mind that the temperature inside the refrigerator depends on:
• room temperature;
• how often the door is opened;
• the quantity of food stored;
• location of appliance.
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