AEG EDC46130W User Manual

user manual
notice d’utilisation
EDC 46130 W
Tumble Dryer
Séchoir à condensation
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electrolux 3
Thank you for choosing a first class product from Electrolux, which hopefully will provide you with lots of pleasure in the future. The Electrolux ambition is to offer a wide variety of quality products that make your life more comfortable. You find some examples on the cover in this manual. Please take a few minutes to study this manual so that you can take advantage of the benefits of your new machine. We promise that it will provide a superior User Experience delivering Ease-of-Mind. Good luck!
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4 contents electrolux
Safety information..............................5
Product description ...........................7
Control panel.....................................7
Drying hints ................................12-13
Drying programme...........................14
Care and cleaning ......................15-17
Something not working ..............18-19
Technical data .................................20
Consumption values ........................21
Installation ..................................22-23
Environment concerns.....................24
Guarantee conditions .................25-26
Customer service ...........................26
The following symbols are used in this manual:
Important information concerning your personal safety and information on how to avoid damaging the appliance.
General information and tips
Environmental information
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safety information electrolux 5
Safety Information
In the interest of your safety and to ensure the correct use, before installing and first using the appliance, read this user manual carefully, including its hints and warnings. To avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is important to ensure that all people using the appliance are thoroughly familiar with its operation and safety features. Save these instructions and make sure that they remain with the appliance if it is moved or sold, so that everyone using it through its life will be properly informed on appliance use and safety.
General safety
It is dangerous to alter the
specifications or attempt to modify this product in any way.
Make sure that small pets do not
climb into the drum. To avoid this, please check into the drum before using.
Any objects such as coins, safety
pins, nails, screws, stones or any other hard, sharp material can cause extensive damage and must not be placed into the machine.
As some bulky items such as
duvets and eiderdowns should be dried in large commercial machines because of their bulk, check with the manufacturer of the item if it is suitable for drying in a domestic machine, even if the dry weight of the item is within the limit advised.
In order to avoid danger of fires
caused by excessive drying, do not
use appliance to dry the following items: Cushions, quilts and the like (these items accumulate heat).
Items containing rubber foam or materials similar to rubber foam.
Always unplug the appliance after
use, clean and maintenance.
Under no circumstances should you
attempt to repair the machine yourself. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons may cause injury or serious malfunctioning. Contact your local Service Centre. Always insist on genuine spare parts.
DDaannggeerr ooff eexxpplloossiioonn::
Never tumble dry items that have been in contact with inflammable solvents (petrol, methylated spirits, dry cleaning fluid and the like). As these substance are volatile, they could cause an explosion. Only tumble dry items washed with water.
RRiisskk ooff ffiirree
: items that have been spotted or soaked with vegetable or cooking oil constitute a fire hazard and should not be placed in the tumble dryer.
If you have washed your laundry with
stain remover you must execute an extra rinse cycle before loading your tumble dryer.
Please make sure that no gas lighters
or matches have accidentally been left in pockets of garments to be loaded into appliance
This appliance is heavy. Care should
be taken when moving it.
When unpacking the appliance,
check that it is not damaged. If in doubt, do not use it and contact the Service Centre.
All packing and transit bolts must be
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6 safety information electrolux
removed before use. Serious damage can occur to the product and to property if this is not adhered to. See relevant section in the user manual.
The final part of a tumble dryer cycle
occurs without heat ( cool down cycle ) to ensure that the items are left at a temperature that ensures that items will not be damaged.
Any electrical work required to
install this appliance should be carried out by a qualified electrician or competent person.
Care must be taken to ensure that
the appliance does not stand on the electrical supply cable.
If the machine is situated on a
carpeted floor, please adjust the feet in order to allow air to circulate freely
After having installed the appliance,
check that it is not pressing or standing on its electrical supply cable, inlet hose and drain hose.
If the tumble dryer is placed on top
of a washing machine, it is compulsory to use the stacking kit (optional accessory).
This appliance is designed for
domestic use. It must not be used for purposes other than those for which it was designed.
Only wash fabrics which are
designed to be machine dried. Follow the instructions on each garment label.
Fabric softeners, or similar products,
should be used as specified by the fabric softener instructions.
Do not overload the appliance. See
the relevant section in the user manual.
Clothes which are dripping wet
should not be placed in the dryer.
Garments which have been in
contact with volatile petroleum products should not be machine dried. If volatile cleaning fluids are used, care should be taken to ensure that the fluid is removed from the garment before placing in the machine.
Never pull the power supply cable to
remove the plug from the socket; always take hold of the plug itself.
Never use the tumble dryer if the
power supply cable, the control panel, the working surface or the base are damaged so that the inside of the tumble dryer is accessible.
Never stop a tumble dry before the end of the drying cycle unless all items are quickly removed and spread out so that the heat is dissipated.
Child safety
This machine is not intended for use
by young children or infirm persons without supervision.
Young children should be supervised
to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
The packaging components (e.g.
plastic film, polystyrene) can be dangerous to children - danger of suffocation! Keep them out of children’s reach
Keep all detergents in a safe place
out of children’s reach.
Make sure that children or pets do
not climb into the drum.
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electrolux product description/Control panel 7
Product description
Control panel Fluff filters Rating Plate Condenser unit Water reservoir Adjustable feet
Control panel
Programme selector dial
Delicate button
Textile button
Indicator lights
Start/Pause button
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Easy Care
8 use electrolux
First Use
Ensure that the electrical connections comply with the installation instructions.
Remove the polystryrene block and
any material from the drum.
Before using your tumble dryer for
the first time, were commend that you to place a few damp cloths inside the appliance and dry for 30 minutes.
There may be dust inside a brand new tumble dryer.
Daily Use
Load the laundry
Connect the appliance. Open the door (see picture).
Place the laundry in the drum, one item at a time, shaking them out as much as possible. Close the door.
Please check the laundry does not get
caught between the door and filter.
Select the required programme
Turn the programme selector dial to the required programme. The light Start/Pause starts to flash.
The selector dial is divided into following sections:
Cottons Synthetics
Allows you to select electronically controlled or time controlled drying.
Turn the dial to the required programme or time.
Electronically controlled drying (automatic)
The appliance runs these programmes with the help of probes which detect the degree of dampness of the laundry. Simply select the programme according to the type of laundry and degree of drying required.
The selector dial can be turned either clockwise or anticlockwise. The lights
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Drying, Cooling and End/Anticrease come on.
At the end of the programme the selector dial must be turned to position O, to switch the machine off.
If you turn the programme selector dial to another programme when the machine is working, the lights of the programme progress display start to flash. The machine will not perform the new selected programme.
Programme Option buttons
Depending on the programme, different functions can be combined. These must be selected after choosing the desired programme and before depressing the Start/Pause button. When these buttons are pressed, the corresponding pilot lights come on. When they are pressed again, the pilot lights go out.
Select Delicate
Pressing this button allows drying to be performed at a lower temperature, for delicate items.
The corresponding pilot light comes on. This option can also be used for time controlled drying. DELICATE is only suitable for use with loads of up to 3kg!
When the programme has finished the pilot lights End is on.
Select the Textile
Press the Textile button repeatedly, to select the desired option. The relevant light will light up.
You can select 2 different options:
Cotton Cycle: to be used for cotton, where as in the programmes
When the programme has finished the
pilot lights End is on. Easy Care: to be used for synthetic
or delicate items.
When the programme has finished the pilot lights End is on.
Select the Start/Pause
Press this button to start the dryer after having selected the programme and the options. The relevant light will stop flashing. If the programme selector dial is turned to another position, when the machine is running, the buzzer will sound and the programme phase indicator lights will flash.
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10 electrolux use
The drum turns alternately in both direc­tions during drying.
All drying programmes end with a 10 minute cooling phase (light Cooling is on). You may remove the laundry after this phase.
The lights and illuminate and the buzzer sounds. IIff tthhee ddoooorr ooff tthhee aapppplliiaannccee oorr tthhee ssmmaallll
ddoooorr aatt tthhee bboottttoomm iiss ooppeenneedd wwhhiillee tthhee pprrooggrraammmmee iiss
rruunnnniinngg,, tthhiiss bbuuttttoonn mmuusstt
bbee pprreesssseedd aaggaaiinn aafftteerr cclloossiinngg tthhee ddoooorr iinn oorrddeerr ttoo rreessttaarrtt tthhee pprrooggrraammmmee ffrroomm tthhee ppooiinntt aatt wwhhiicchh iitt wwaass iinntteerrrruupptteedd.. TThhiiss bbuuttttoonn mmuusstt bbee ddeepprreesssseedd aallssoo aafftteerr aa ppoowweerr ffaaiilluurree aanndd aafftteerr hhaavviinngg rree-- iinnsseerrtteedd tthhee wwaatteerr rreesseerrvvooiirr,, iiff iitt hhaass bbeeeenn eemmppttiieedd iinn tthhee mmiiddddllee ooff aa pprroo-- ggrraammmmee aafftteerr lliigghhttiinngg uupp ooff lliigghhtt
.. In both cases the light of the Start/Pause button flashes to remind you that the start button needs to be pressed again.
Indicator lights
TThese lights indicate the following functions:
This light indicates that the appliance is in the drying phase
CCoooolliinngg lliigghhtt
This light indicates that the appliance is in the cooling phase. At the end of drying, there is a 10 minute cooling phase to cool the laundry.
EEnndd ooff pprrooggrraammmmee lliig
This light is on at the end of the cooling phase, during the anti-creasing phase and at the end of the programme.
WWaatteerr rreesseerrvvooiirr ffuullll”lliigghhtt
This light indicates that the appliance is in the drying phase
This light comes on at the end of the
programme to remind you that the water reservoir must be emptied out. If this light illuminates during a programme this means that the water reservoir is full. The buzzer sounds, the programme stops, the light of the Start/Pause button flashes. This light comes on also when the water reservoir is not inserted correctly.
FFiilltteerr cclleeaanniinngg lliigghhtt
This light illuminates at the end of the programme to remind you that the filters must be cleaned.
CCoonnddeennsseerr cclleeaanniinngg lliigghhtt
It comes on every 80 cycles to remind you that the condenser must be cleaned.
At the end of the programme
All drying programmes end with a 10 minute cooling phase.
You may remove the laundry after this phase. The lights and , and illu­minate.
The display shows a static zero. If the laundry is not removed at the end
of the cycle, the dryer performs an
phase (duration: 30 minutes maximum). If you do not remove the laundry, the dryer will stop automatically at the end of the anti-creasing phase. Lights and remain lit and the buzzer sounds for 2 minutes.
Turn the programme selector dial to
OO to switch the machine off. Remove the laundry from the drum and carefully check that the drum is empty.
If you do not intend to carry out another wash, close the water tap. Leave the door open to prevent the formation of mildew and unpleasant smells.
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electrolux use 11
Turn the programme selector dial to “OO”;
all the lights go out. The appliance is switched off.
Remove the laundry. IIff yyoouu ooppeenn aanndd tthheenn cclloossee tthhee ddoooorr
bbeeffoorree ttuurrnniinngg tthhee sseelleeccttoorr ddiiaall ttoo OO aallll tthhee lliigghhttss ccoor
rrreessppoonnddiinngg ttoo tthhee
pphhaasseess mmaakkiinngg uupp tthhee ppeerrffoorrmmeedd pprrooggrraammmmee ccoommee oonn..
AAfftteerr eeaacchh uussee
• Clean the filters.
• Empty the water reservoir.
MMooddiiffyyiinngg tthhee p
To change a programme which is run­ning, first cancel it by turning the pro­gramme selector dial to “OO”. Select the new programme and press the Start button .
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12 electrolux drying hints
Drying hints
Before loading the laundry
Never tumble dry the following: Particularly delicate items such as net curtains, woollen, silk, fabrics with metal trim, nylon tights, bulky materials such as anoraks, blankets, eiderdowns, sleeping bags, feather quilts and any items containing rub­ber foam or materials similar to rub­ber foam.
• Always follow the instructions on gar­ment labels:
may be tumble dried
normal drying (high tempera-
delicate drying (low tempera-
do not tumble dry
• Close pillowcases and covers with fasteners to prevent small laundry items getting tangled inside them. Close press studs, zips and hooks and tie belts and apron strings.
• Sort laundry according to type and degree of drying required.
• Do not over-dry laundry, this avoids creasing and saves energy.
• Avoid drying dark clothes with light coloured fluffy items such as towels as they could attract the fluff.
• The laundry must be thoroughly spun before tumble drying.
Easy-ccare items
, too, e.g. shirts,
should be briefly pre-spun before
drying (depending on crease resist­ance approx. 30 seconds or using the special brief spin programme of your washing machine).
• Knitted textiles (knitted underwear) may shrink a little during drying. Please do not overdry items of this type. It is advisable to allow for shrinkage when choosing the size of new purchases.
• You can also put starched items into your dryer. However, to achieve the desired starched effect, choose the programme “iron dry”. To remove any starch residues, wipe out the internal drum after drying with a moist cloth and then rub it dry.
• To avoid a static charge when drying is completed, use either a fabric sof­tener when you are washing the laundry or a fabric conditioner specif­ically for tumble dryers.
• Remove the laundry when the dryer has finished drying.
• If individual items are still damp after drying, set a brief post-drying time, but
at least 30 minutes
. This will be necessary particularly for multilayered items (e.g. collars, pockets, etc.).
Make sure that no metal objects are left in the laundry (e.g. hair clips, safety pins, pins).
Button up pillowcases, close zip fasteners, hooks and poppers. Tie any belts or long tapes.
To avoid laundry becoming tangled: close zips, button up duvet covers and tie loose ties or ribbons (e.g. of aprons).
Turn items with double-layered fabrics inside out (e.g. with cottonlined anoraks, the cotton layer should be outermost). These fabrics will then dry better.
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Maximum loads
Recommended loads are indicated in the programme charts.
General rules: Cotton, linen: drum full but not too
tightly packed;
Synthetics: drum no more than half full; Delicate fabrics and woollens: drum
no more than one third full.
Try to load to the maximum capacity of the machine as small loads are uneconomical.
Laundry weights
The following weights are indicative:
1200 gbathrobe
100 gnapkin 700 gquilt cover 500 gsheet 200 gpillow case 250 gtablecloth 200 gtowelling towel 100 gtea cloth 200 gnight dress 100 gladies’ briefs 600 gman’s work shirt 200 gman’s shirt 500 gman’s pyjamas 100 gblouse 100 gmen’s underpants
drying hints electrolux 13
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14 electrolux drying programmes
Drying programmes
Type of laundry
Options Description of programme
Textile ­Cotton
Textile ­Cotton
Textile ­Easy care
Textile ­Easy care
-Easy care
Drying thick or multi-layered textiles, e.g. terry towelling items
Thorough drying of fabrics of even thicknesses, e.g. terry towelling items, knitted items, towels.
If the TIME programme has been selected, programme duration time of 30 minutes up to 150 minutes can be set by intervals of 5 minutes or 10 minutes. Drying thick or multi-layered textiles, e.g. terry towelling items.
Thorough drying of thick or multilayered fabrics, e.g. pullovers, bedding, table linen.
For thin fabrics which are not ironed, e.g. easy care shirts, table linen, baby clothes, socks, lingerie with bones or wires.
Max Cottons load: 6 kg Max Synthetics load: 3 kg Max Time load: 1 kg
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Care and cleaning
You must DISCONNECT the appliance from the electricity supply, before you can carry out any cleaning or maintenance work.
External cleaning
Use only soap and water and then dry
thoroughly. Important:
do not use methylated spirit,
diluents or similar products..
Cleaning the door
Clean periodically the interior part of the door to remove any fluff from the seals around the filter. Accurate clean­ing ensures correct drying.
Cleaning the filters
Your dryer will only function well if the fil­ters are clean.
The filters collect all the fluff which accumulates during drying and they must therefore be cleaned
at the end
of each programme
, before removing the laundry, with a damp cloth. The light is on to remind you this operation.
The filter in the inner door must be removed for cleaning.
Do not be alarmed by the amount of fluff. It is not due to excessive wear caused by the dryer.
All fabric loses fluff when drying but it goes un-noticed in the air. In a tumble dryer it simply collects in the filter.
After a while, a withish patina due to detergent residue on laundry forms on the filters. When this occurs, clean the filters with warm water using a brush. Remove the filter in the door opening as per picture (it can be positioned with the tooth facing to the left or to the right).
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16 electrolux care and cleaning
Do not use the appliance without filters.
Cleaning the condenser unit
Clean the condenser when light comes on.
The condenser is situated at the lower part of the cabinet behind a small door. To open the door, push the catch as per picture. During the drying cycle or at the end, it is normal for water to be present on the surface of the condenser insertion.
To pull out the condenser, first turn the two red stops downwards and then remove the condenser unit holding it at the handle.
Clean it with a brush and rinse it under the shower if necessary.
Also clean the outside, removing all fluff.
Clean the rubber seal round the condenser cabinet and in the inner part of the small door with a damp cloth.
Importan t!
Do not use pointed objects or utensils to clean the spaces between the plates, as this could dam­age the condenser and make it perme­able.
Re-fit the condenser, turn the red stops upwards and close the door.
Do not use this appliance if the condenser has not been fitted.
Emptying the water reservoir
Water extracted from the laundry condens­es inside the machine and is collected in a reservoir. The reservoir must be emptied after each drying cycle to ensure efficient operation when the machine is next used. The pilot
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