A0 3 User M anua l
1.Remote Control:
You ca n us e th e attached remote control to co nt ro l th e vi deo recording and photo shoot in g. T he r ed indicator on the remote
control will twinkle on ce w he n yo u pr ess any of the following keys:
Please follow the steps b el ow t o co de t he remote control before use:
(a)Please set the receiver in p ai ri ng m od e(refer to reciver's user manual).
(b).Press both [Record] and [Sto p] o n th e re mote control within 3s to finis h th e re mo te c ontrol code pairing process . Th e co de d
remote control will onl y pe rf or m it s functions on reciver.
Note:The remote control r an ge i s ab out 5 meters.
This device complies wi th Part 15 of the FCC Rules . Op er at ion is subject to the following two c on di ti ons:
(1)this device may not ca us e ha rm ful interference, and (2) this de vi ce m us t accept any interference rec ei ve d, i ncluding interference
that may cause undesired op er at io n.
The manufacturer is not r es po ns ib le for any radio or TV interferen ce c au se d by unauthorized modificatio ns t o th is e quipment.
Such modifications coul d vo id t he u ser's authority to operate the eq ui pm en t.
(B) For a Cla ss B d ig it al device or peripheral, the in st ru ct io ns furnished the user shall inc lu de t he f ollowing or similar statement ,
placed in a prominent loc at io n in t he t ext of the manual:
NOTE: This equipment ha s be en t es ted and found to comply with the limi ts f or a C la ss B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limi ts a re d es igned to provide reasonable pro te ct io n against harmful interferenc e in a r es id ential installation.
This equipment genera te s, u se s an d can radiate radio frequency e ne rg y an d, if not installed and used in accor da nc e wi th the
instructions, may cause h ar mf ul i nterference to radio commun ic at io ns . However, the re is no guarantee that interfere nc e wi ll n ot
occur in a particular insta ll at io n.
If this equipment does ca us e ha rm fu l interference to radio or tele vi si on r eception, which can be determin ed b y tu rn ing the
equipment off and on, the use r is e nc ou raged to try to correct the inter fe re nc e by one or more of the following measu re s:
-- Reorient or relocate t he r ec ei ving antenna
-- Increase the separat io n be tw een the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipmen t in to a n ou tl et on a circuit different
from that to which the rece iv er i s co nn ected.
– Consult the dealer or an ex pe ri en ced radio/TV technician for hel p.