Power Quality Interface & Disturbance Recorder
Operating Manual
Version: October 2009
Copyright 2003 by A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG
Published by
A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG
Aalener Straße 30/32
90441 Nuremberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 911 / 62 81 08 0
Fax: +49 (0) 911 / 62 81 08 96
E-mail: info@a-eberle.de
Internet: www.a-eberle.de
The company A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG cannot be held liable for any damages
or losses resulting from printing errors or changes in this operating manual.
Furthermore, A. Eberle GmbH&Co. KG does not assume responsibility for any
damages and losses resulting from faulty devices or from devices altered by
the user.
16. Ordering Information .............................................................................................
PQI-DA Operating Manual
Please note that the following operating manual cannot describe the latest
version of the device in all cases. For example, if you download a more recent
version of the firmware from the internet, the following description is no longer
accurate in every point.
In this case, either contact us directly or refer to the most recent version of the
operating manual available on our website (www.a-eberle.de).
PQI-DA Operating Manual
1. Technical Concept
1.1 Application
The Power Quality-Interface for low-, medium- and high-voltage networks PQI-DA
is the central component of a system, which executes all the measurement tasks
in electrical networks.
The PQI-DA can be used both as Power Quality-Interface according DIN EN 50160
and as measuring device for all physically defined measured variables in threephase systems.
The unit is mainly adapted for monitoring and recording certain supply qualities
or quality objectives between utility and customer and, furthermore to provide the
data for evaluation and storage.
Modern voltage-quality measurement devices operate according to IEC 61000-4-30.
This standard defines measuring methods in order to establish a comparable basis
for the user.
Devices from different manufacturers, operating according to this standard, have
to provide approximately the same measurement results.
The standard distinguishes between two classes of measurement devices.
Class A measurement devices are mainly used for contractual measurements in
customer-supplier relations, whereas class B measurement devices can be used
to determine statistical quality values. For measurements according to EN50160
a class B device is sufficient.
For the following parameters PQI-DA fulfills the requirements of IEC 61000-4-30
for class A devices.
Parameter Class
• Accuracy of voltage measurement A
• Determination of time intervals A
• Marking of measured values at events A
• Harmonics, interharmonics A
• Frequency A
• Voltage asymmetry A
• Event recording A
• Time synchronization A
In addition, three different fault recorders can be used.
(with DCF77 or GPS)
The oscilloscope recorder collects fault records consisting of 100 µs-sampling
values whose length (pre-event and post-event history) is freely selectable.
The r.m.s. recorder collects fault records consisting of r.m.s. values of half-period
values (10ms). The length of the fault record (pre-event and post-event history) is
also freely selectable.
PQI-DA Operating Manual
When exceeding a limiting value (harmonic or THD of a voltage), the harmonic
recorder registers the corresponding spectrum of all harmonics from 2nd to 50
All fault records are triggered by a freely definable event. Phase-phase and phaseearth events can be recorded simultaneously.
The signal-voltage-recorder registers a freely adjustable frequency (e.g. ripple
control frequency) over a period that can be selected.
Limit violations can be signalled via relays, if required.
On the input-side (U, I) the interface is available in different hardware-versions.
Current inputs are available for the measuring circuit (C20, C30) and for the protection circuit (C21, C31).
The following input characteristics can be selected:
• 4 voltage transformers for common power-quality applications
• 8 voltage transformers for power-quality applications in double-busbar systems
(code C10)
• 4 voltage transformers and 4 current transformers for power quality and general
measuring tasks (code C20, C21, C30, C31)
(code C00)
Theoretically, up to 255 devices can be interlinked via the system bus (E-LAN).
Even connections to devices of the voltage regulator system REGSys™, the Peterson-coil controller REG-DP, the earthfault detection system EORSys and the
collapse prediction system CPSys are possible.
Each device offers two RS 232 interfaces (COM1 and COM2) and two E-LAN
(Energy Local Area Network) interfaces.
Optional the PQI-DA can be equipped with an integrated TCP/IP-interface. In this
case COM 2 is not available.
Possible firmware-updates can be easily made via a pushbutton, prevented against
unintentional touch.
PQI-DA Operating Manual
COM 2 / RJ 45 (TCP / IP)
Binary inputs (BI)
Binary outputs (BO)
DCF 77
Trigger input
I1 (U1)
I2 (U2)
I3 (U3)
I0 (U4)
* DSP : digital signal processor
1.2 Features of the Power-Quality-Interface & Disturbance Recorder
• Recording of the voltage quality according to DIN EN 50160
• Class A device according to IEC 61000-4-30
• Sampling frequency 10,24 kHz
• Fault recording function up to 20 x In
• Phase-phase and phase-earth measurements are possible simultaneously
• Voltage measurement channels for U
• Measurement of currents I1, I2, I3, I
• Acquisition of more than 3000 measured values
• Freely programmable limiting values and output via insulated contacts.
• Freely programmable binary inputs to start or stop measurements
• Data analysis via WinPQ software, using a mySQL-supported database
• Version with integrated TCP/IP-interface available
• Connection to SCADA according IEC 870-5-101
• Connection to SCADA according IEC 61850 in preparation
1.3 Description
, U23, U31, U
Function of Power Quality-Interfaces
PQI-DA Operating Manual
2. Application
2.1 PQI-DA as a Recorder (Fault Recorder)
Fault records are stored in the recorders A, B and C each time a fault occurs.
Trigger condition is either the falling below or exceeding a voltage limit or an external trigger signal. When the system is triggered, the pre-event and the post-event
history of the voltage and current shape is recorded. You can choose between
three different recorders.
2.1.1 Recorder A
Recorder A stores fault records of the events before and after the fault occurs using,
for example, 2048 sampling values for each of the 8 measurement channels (1024
before, 1024 after). The measurement value acquired in each channel is dependent
on the configuration of the transformer and the version of the device.
Recorder A
8 voltages are sampled if 8 voltage inputs are used. If the measurement task
requires four voltage inputs and four current inputs, then four voltages and four
currents are measured accordingly.
8 simultaneously sampled momentary values are available every 100 µs, based
on a sampling frequency of 10.24 kHz. These can be used to reconstruct a
“fingerprint” of a particular event.
The number of events, the total recording time and the position of the trigger point
within the time slice can all be individually specified.
PQI-DA Operating Manual
The selection of the trigger point specifies how many periods (seconds) of information before the fault and how many periods of information after the fault should
be recorded per event.
Example: The total length of the record is specified as 2000 sampling points
(approximately 200 ms). This represents 10 periods for a network frequency of
50 Hz. If the pre-trigger is set to 1000, the information before the event and the
information after the event are both 5 periods, or 100 ms, long.
The total number of permissible trigger events must be chosen carefully since
records stored with recorder A require a very large amount of memory.
If the specified number of events is exceeded, either the oldest events will be
overwritten or no further records will be stored.
The desired behaviour can be chosen using Win PQ.
The trigger conditions which cause recorder A to be used can also be freely specified, i.e. they are not constrained to the limit values specified in EN 50160.
The trigger condition is created by linking selected events together with OR conditions.
The record shows the single-pole earth fault, which changes to a 2-pole earth
fault a short time later.
This could be caused by the events described in the following account.
A mistake occurred in the cable duct: a hydraulic cutter was used to cut a cable
which was still connected to a voltage supply instead of one that was disconnected.
As the edge of the blade touched the first phase, it caused a single-pole earth
fault and an increase in the neutral earth voltage. A short time later, two phases
were short-circuited by the blade (phase-phase fault).
The subsequent progress of the fault process is explained in conjunction with
recorder B.
2.1.2 Recorder B
Recorder B stores fault records for the 1/2-period r.m.s. (root mean square) values
of phase and delta voltages. A record consists of a specifiable number of 1/2period r.m.s. values. Thus 10-ms values are recorded if the operating frequency
is 50 Hz.
The trigger condition is created by linking selected events together with OR conditions.
The number of events, the total recording time and the position of the trigger point
within the time slice can all be individually specified.
PQI-DA Operating Manual
The selection of the trigger point specifies how many half-period values (10-ms
values) should be recorded before and after the fault per event.
Recorder B
The total length of the record is specified as 500 10-ms values (approximately 5 s).
If the pre-trigger is set to 250, the information before the event and the information
after the event are both approximately 2.5 s long.
The total number of permissible trigger events must be chosen carefully. Records
stored with recorder B require a large amount of memory.
If the specified number of events is exceeded, either the oldest events will be
overwritten or no further records will be stored.
The desired behaviour can be selected using Win PQ.
The trigger conditions which cause recorder B to be used can be freely specified,
i.e. they are not constrained to the limit values specified in EN 50160.
The record (see page 13) shows the fault illustrated on page 10 with a reduced
resolution (10-ms r.m.s. value).
Due to the resolution it is no longer possible to recognise the path to the fault, i.e.
the route from a single-pole to a 2-pole fault. However, one can see the effect of
the overcurrent relay which disconnected the faulty cable from the busbar after
approximately 400 ms.
PQI-DA Operating Manual
Rec A
Rec B
Rec C 11.40.
Input signal
After the eventBefor the event
10-minute average values
of the harmonics
After the eventBefor the event
T.R.M.S. = True Root Mean Square value, LV = limit value
2.1.3 Recorder C
Recorder C stores the corresponding harmonic spectrum (10-minute harmonic
values) of a voltage if a harmonic limit or the THD (Total Harmonic Distortion,
10-minute value) of the voltage is exceeded.
The trigger condition is created by linking selected events together with OR conditions.
Recorder C
The comparison shows the three recorders A, B and C again as they are triggered
by a dip in the voltage between time t
and time t0.
PQI-DA Operating Manual
After the zero point (t0), recorders A and B store information regarding the time
period before and after the event, whereas recorder C only stores the 10-minute
harmonics values of the information before the event.
2.1.4 Events
By definition, an “event” occurs every time a measurement quantity exceeds the
threshold value specified in EN 50160 or any other predefined value
Each event is stored in the event memory along with the start and stop time.
Events which permanently exceed the threshold value are re-triggered at the end
of every 10-minute or 2-hour interval.
On the other hand, events which permanently exceed the threshold value are not
re-triggered at the end of every 10-ms interval or at the end of 1/2, 10, 12, 150
or 180-period values.
In these cases, only a stop event is recorded when the threshold value is no longer
To create time sums in these cases, the duration of the event is calculated from
the difference between the start and the stop time of the event, and is then stored
in the event memory.
PQI-DA Operating Manual
2.2 PQI-DA as System Component
The PQI-DA can be connected to all devices in the XXX-DX series (REG-D, REG-DA,
REG-DM, PAN-D, REG-DP, MMU-D, EOR-D etc.) from A. Eberle GmbH&Co KG
to create a measurement-, registration- and/or control-system.
The individual devices are connected to each other via the E-LAN system bus, and
up to 255 different devices can communicate with each other via one E-LAN.
If multiple transformers feed energy into a network in a transformer station and
each is equipped with a PQI-DA, the partial power of the individual transformers
can also be measured by the corresponding PQI-DAs. They transmit the partial
power to a particular PQI-DA via E-LAN, which then outputs the total power using
a virtual measurement channel.
Furthermore, freely programmable binary inputs can be linked with measurement
values or limit values, and also output as a binary signal.
PQI-DA Operating Manual
3. Technical Data
3.1 Standards
IEC 61010-1 / DIN EN 61010-1
IEC 60255-4 / DIN EN 60255-4
IEC 61326-1 / DIN EN 61326-1
IEC 60529 / DIN EN 60529
IEC 60068-1 / DIN EN 60068-1
IEC 60688 / DIN EN 60688
IEC 61000-6-2 / DIN EN 61000-6-2
IEC 61000-6-4 / DIN EN 61000-6-4
Control signals Ust In the range
48 V ... 230 V AC/DC
Waveform Rectangular, sinusoidal
H – Level > 35 V
L – Level < 20 V
Signal frequency up to 60 Hz DC
Switching delay Selectable from 1...999 s
Input resistance 108 k
Electrical isolation Optocoupler; always two earthed
PQI-DA Operating Manual
3.5 Binary outputs (BO)
Electrical isolation isolated from all internally potentials
Type of relay Changeover contact Status,
R2, R3 Galvanically isolated from each other
R4, R5 Earthed
Contact load AC: 250 V, 5 A (cos
AC: 250 V, 3 A (cos
DC: 220 V, 150 W
switching capacity
No. of switching operations
LED display
Operation Green
Error Red
3.6 Limit value monitoring
Limit values Programmable
Response times Programmable
ϕ = 1.0)
ϕ = 0.4)
≥ 1.104 electrical
3.7 Measurement
(selection from over 3000 measurement quantities)
TRMS voltages U
TRMS current I1, I2, I3, I
Active power P
Reactive power Q
Apparent power S
Power factors cos
Harmonics U/I up to the 50
Interharmonics U/I up to the 49th
Frequency f
Flicker Pst, Plt
Dips, Swells, Interruptions
Voltage unbalance
Mains signalling voltages
Frequency: ± 5mHz over f
Flicker, Pst,Plt: ±5% of reading over 0.02% ~ 20% of
Dip residual voltage: ±0.2% of U
Dip duration: ±20ms over 10% ~ 100% of U
Swell residual voltage: ±0.2% of U
Swell duration: ±20ms over 100% ~ 150% of U
Interruption duration: ±20ms over 1% ~ 100% of U
Voltage unbalance: ±0.15% over 1% ~ 5% of reading
Mains signalling voltage: ±5% of reading over U
±0.15% of U
3.8 Reference conditions
Reference temperature 23°C ± 1 K
/ 12 / 15 / 20 / 30 min
±15% (f
over 10% ~ 100% of U
over 100% ~ 150% of U
over Um = 1% ~ 3% of U
= 50Hz/60Hz)
= 3% ~ 15% of U
Input parameters U = Un ± 10%
I = In ± 10%
Auxiliary voltage H = H
Frequency = f
Other IEC 60688 - Part 1