Advantech Co DLTV72 Users Manual

DLT-V72 Industrial Computer
Operating Instructions
V2.50 (EN) Preliminary
IMPORTANT: For safe and proper use, follow these Operating
Ins Keep them for future reference.
Operating Instructions completed on Feb 22, 2019. Version 2.50 Preliminary
This document and the software and hardware included with this product are copyrighted 2019 by Advantech Co Ltd All rights are reserved. This document is intended for reference purposes only. All product specifications are subject to change without notice. Advantech Co Ltd reserves the right to make improvements in this document in the products described in this document at any time without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, translating, transmitting or otherwise, without prior written permission of Advantech Co Ltd Information provided in this document is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Advantech Co Ltd assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of the rights of third parties, which may result from its use. Advantech Co Ltd assumes no liability for technical inaccuracies, typographic errors or faults in this documentation. Advantech Co Ltd also assumes no liability for damages caused directly or indirectly by the delivery, performance or usage of this material. Note regarding all links and website content included in this document: Advantech Co Ltd is not responsible for the accessibility of the websites and for the content of external links contained in this document. The content and accessibility of the linked websites are the sole responsibility of their operators.
The software and hardware designations as well as the brand names used in this documentation are in most cases also registered trademarks and are subject to the international law (trademark, brand and patent-protection laws). All product names or trademarks are properties of their respective owners.
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States (US) and other countries.
Android™ is a registered trademark of Google LLC. Intel® and Pentium® are registered trademarks of Intel Corp. Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. (Special Interest Group). RAM® and RAM Mount™ are both trademarks of National Products Inc., 1205 S. Orr Street, Seattle, WA 98108.
DLT-V72 Industrial Computers can be delivered with or without preinstalled software. For devices with preinstalled software observe the associated license agreements.
FreeRTOS™ is a registered trademark of Real Time Engineers Ltd ( This product uses FreeRTOS. FreeRTOS is licensed with a modified GNU GPL The FreeRTOS source text is available from or from Advantech.
Advantech Co Ltd No. 1, Alley 20, Lane 26, Rueiguang Road, Neihu District, Taipei 11491, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Table of contents
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 5
1.1. Information about the DLT-V72 manuals ............................... 5
1.1.1. Current manual versions at our website ................................ 5
1.1.2. ONE manual for all device models ........................................ 6
1.1.3. Warnings and notes in the operating instructions ................. 7
7.2. Operating the touchscreen ..................................................... 37
7.3. Operation elements ................................................................ 39
7.3.1. Rear side: DLT-V72 all device models .................................. 39
7.3.2. Front side: DLT-V7210 P, R, D and DLT-V7212 P, R, D .... 40
7.3.3. Front side: DLT-V7210 K, KD ................................................ 41
7.3.4. Front side: DLT-V7212 P+ ..................................................... 42
7.3.5. Integrated keyboard ............................................................... 43
7.4. Operating states ..................................................................... 44
7.5. Software keyboard (optional) .................................................. 45
7.6. Operating the DLT-V72 with UPS ........................................... 45
2. TECHNICAL CUSTOMER SUPPORT .......................................... 8
3. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ...................................................... 9
3.1. Intended use ........................................................................... 9
3.2. Mount, operate and service the device correctly .................... 10
3.3. Device identification/name plate ............................................. 10
4. UNPACKING, TRANSPORTING, STORING ............................... 11
4.1. Unpacking ............................................................................... 11
4.2. Transport ................................................................................ 11
4.3. Storage ................................................................................... 11
4.3.1. DLT-V72 without UPS ........................................................... 11
4.3.2. DLT-V72 with UPS (includes lithium-ion battery pack) ......... 11
4.3.3. Protecting touchscreens during storage ................................ 12
5. TECHNICAL DATA – DEVICE ..................................................... 13
5.1. General ................................................................................... 13
5.2. Environmental conditions ....................................................... 15
5.2.1. DLT-V72 without integrated UPS .......................................... 15
5.2.2. DLT-V72 with integrated UPS (optional) ............................... 15
5.3. Device dimensions.................................................................. 16
5.3.1. DLT-V7210 P, R, D ................................................................ 16
5.3.2. DLT-V7212 P, R, D ................................................................ 17
5.3.3. DLT-V7210 K, KD .................................................................. 18
5.3.4. DLT-V7212 P+ ....................................................................... 19
5.4. Position of VESA drill holes .................................................... 20
5.4.1. DLT-V7210 P, R, D ................................................................ 20
5.4.2. DLT-V7212 P, R, D ................................................................ 21
5.4.3. DLT-V7210 K, KD .................................................................. 22
5.4.4. DLT-V7212 P+ ....................................................................... 23
8. GENERAL DEVICE CONFIGURATION ....................................... 46
8.1. Operating systems available (optional) .................................. 46
8.2. MS-Windows (optional)........................................................... 46
8.2.1. General .................................................................................. 46
8.2.2. Configuring the front keys, automatic shutdown, etc. ........... 46
8.2.3. WES 7 and Win 7 Prof.: USB icon in the taskbar .................. 47
8.2.4. Energy options and battery pack durability ........................... 47
8.2.5. Suppress automatic Windows 10 updates ............................ 47
8.3. Android ................................................................................... 48
8.4. Linux (optional) ....................................................................... 48
8.5. Automatic shut down .............................................................. 49
8.5.1. Functional description ............................................................ 49
8.5.2. Automatic shutdown configuration......................................... 50
9. WI-FI CONFIGURATION .............................................................. 51
9.1. Safety notice ........................................................................... 51
9.2. Differences between MS Windows and Linux ........................ 52
9.3. Preparation work at the factory ............................................... 52
9.4. Customer-specific settings...................................................... 53
9.5. Windows Zero Configuration (WZC) ....................................... 53
9.6. Advantech Wi-Fi Client Manager (IGX Tool) .......................... 54
9.6.1. Area of application ................................................................. 54
9.6.2. After image reinstallation: Driver installation ......................... 54
9.6.3. Requirements ......................................................................... 54
9.6.4. Driver installation WinEmbStd7 ............................................. 55
9.6.5. Driver installation Win7Pro / Win 8.1 IndPro / Win 10 IoT..... 57
9.6.6. Start Wi-Fi Client Manager, Login ......................................... 62
9.6.7. Wi-Fi Client Manager functions ............................................. 64
9.6.8. License ................................................................................... 64
9.6.9. Browse nearby wireless networks ......................................... 65
9.6.10. Roam Management ............................................................... 72
9.6.11. Laird Connection Manager (LCM) ......................................... 77
6.1. Identification of the equipment variants .................................. 24
6.2. Radio cards (optional) ............................................................ 24
6.2.1. Available radio cards for Wi-Fi............................................... 25
6.2.2. Available Radio cards for WWAN .......................................... 26
6.3. Antennas (all optional) ............................................................ 27
6.3.1. Wi-Fi antenna IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac .................................. 28
6.3.2. Wi-Fi, WWAN, LTE 4G antenna (Multiband) ......................... 30
6.3.3. External Wi-Fi antenna IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n ........................ 31
6.3.4. External WWAN antenna 2G, 3G, 4G ................................... 33
6.4. Bluetooth (optional)................................................................. 34
6.4.1. Bluetooth integrated: Wi-Fi card SPARKLAN WPEQ-
261ACN (BT) ....................................................................................... 34
6.4.2. Micro Bluetooth adapter (USB stick) ..................................... 34
6.5. GPS receiver external (optional) ............................................ 35
7. OPERATION ................................................................................. 36
7.1. Switching the DLT-V72 on/off ................................................. 36
7.1.1. Switch on ............................................................................... 36
7.1.2. Switch off ............................................................................... 37
10. WWAN CONFIGURATION ........................................................... 79
10.1. Safety notice ........................................................................... 79
10.2. Differences between MS Windows and Linux ........................ 80
10.3. Preparation work at the factory (DLT-V72 delivery status) ..... 80
10.4. SIM card for WWAN (customer-specific) ................................ 81
10.5. Configuration of radio card SIERRA WIRELESS MC80 ........ 81
10.5.1. Open device manager ........................................................... 82
10.5.2. Establish Internet connection ................................................ 83
10.5.3. SIERRA WIRELESS MC80 Trouble Shooting ...................... 86
10.6. Configuration of Radio card QUECTEL EC25 ........................ 89
10.6.1. Establish Internet connection ................................................ 89
10.6.2. QUECTEL EC25 Trouble Shooting ....................................... 92
11. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION ................................................... 95
11.1. Safety notice – observe before installing ................................ 95
11.2. Mounting the DLT-V72 at the deployment location ................ 96
11.3. Attaching accessories to the DLT-V72 ................................... 98
11.3.1. VESA mounting hole pattern ................................................. 98
11.3.2. Attach the mounting bracket .................................................. 99
11.3.3. Attach the Advantech accessories ........................................ 100
CABLE COVER ................................................................................... 101
12.1. Safety notice – observe before connecting ............................ 101
12.2. Preparations ........................................................................... 102
12.2.1. Material required .................................................................... 102
12.3. Inserting the rubber seal in the cable compartment ............... 103
12.3.1. Plugging in and screwing on the power supply cable ........... 104
12.3.2. Securing the ground using ring tongue to the ground bolt .... 105
12.3.3. Securing the power supply cable to the strain relief rail ........ 106
12.4. Connecting the USB, Ethernet and COM cables ................... 107
12.4.1. USB cable .............................................................................. 107
12.4.2. Ethernet cable ........................................................................ 108
12.4.3. COM cable ............................................................................. 108
12.5. Closing off unused cable openings ......................................... 109
12.6. Attaching the cable cover ....................................................... 109
12.6.1. Pressure compensation element ........................................... 110
13. CONNECTORS ............................................................................. 111
13.1. Under the cable cover ............................................................ 111
13.1.1. Network adapter (10/100/1000) ............................................. 112
13.1.2. USB, Service-USB ................................................................. 112
13.1.3. COM1 and COM2 .................................................................. 112
13.1.4. COM1 as a voltage source .................................................... 113
13.2. Under the antenna .................................................................. 113
13.2.1. Service USB .......................................................................... 113
13.2.2. CFast slot ............................................................................... 114
13.2.3. Antenna opening/closing ....................................................... 114
19. GUIDELINES AND CERTIFICATES ............................................. 135
19.1. Simplified EU declaration of conformity .................................. 135
19.2. Low-voltage guidelines ........................................................... 135
19.3. EMC guidelines ....................................................................... 135
19.3.1. Shielded components ............................................................ 135
19.3.2. EMC EU ................................................................................. 135
19.3.3. USA/CANADA ........................................................................ 136
19.4. China ...................................................................................... 137
19.5. Taiwan .................................................................................... 137
19.6. MIC Japan (previously TELEC) .............................................. 137
20. END-OF-LIFE DEVICE DISPOSAL .............................................. 138
21. LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................ 139
14.1.1. DC voltage supply connection ............................................... 116
14.1.2. DC Power supply cable ......................................................... 117
15. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT .............................................................. 118
15.1. Integrated UPS (optional) ....................................................... 118
15.1.1. Battery pack specifications .................................................... 119
15.1.2. Charging the battery pack ..................................................... 120
15.1.3. Replacing the battery pack .................................................... 120
15.2. Screen defroster (optional) ..................................................... 122
15.3. Keyboards and keyboard mounts (optional) ........................... 123
15.4. Scanner and scanner bracket (optional)................................. 124
15.5. Touch stylus ............................................................................ 125
15.6. USB recovery stick (optional) ................................................. 125
15.7. Protective film for touchscreen (optional) ............................... 126
15.8. Screen blanking (optional) ...................................................... 126
16. MAINTENANCE ............................................................................ 127
16.1. Manufacturer, authorized service centers .............................. 127
16.2. Replacing the integrated keyboard of the DLT-V7210K ......... 127
16.2.1. Remove the integrated keyboard .......................................... 128
16.2.2. Attach the integrated keyboard ............................................. 128
16.3. Regular checks and maintenance of the complete system .... 130
16.4. Replacing the battery pack ..................................................... 130
16.5. Cleaning the DLT-V72 ............................................................ 130
16.6. Touchscreen protective film (optional) .................................... 131
17. MALFUNCTIONS AND TROUBLESHOOTING ........................... 132
18. REASONABLY FORESEEABLE MISUSE................................... 134

1. Introduction

1.1. Information about the DLT-V72 manuals

Contents For target
Safety instructions Important information
about protecting personnel and property
Quick Start and Installation Guide
Operating Instructions
DLoG Config manual, Advantech Linux manual etc.
Mounting instructions for accessories
First steps in commissioning, mechanical and electrical installation and mounting
Complete operating instructions
Description of software for the DLT-V72
Description of mounting steps
Skilled personnel
Skilled personnel
Skilled personnel and trained users
Skilled personnel
Skilled personnel
Printed, enclosed with the device
PDF file at our websites
Printed, enclosed with the respective accessories
Pay attention to these manuals because they help avoid hazards, reduce repair costs and
downtimes, and increase the reliability and service life of the DLT-V72.
Keep the manuals for future use.
Please contact Advantech if you require additional information or clarification. You can find the
contact address in section Technical cus tom er supp or t.
1.1.1. Current manual versions at our website
The latest versions of our manuals are available at our websites:
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1.1.2. ONE manual for all device models
These operating instructions apply to all models of the DLT-V72 series.
DLT-V7210 P (PCT)
DLT-V7210 R (Resistive Touch)
DLT-V7210 D (Defroster)
DLT-V7212 P (PCT)
DLT-V7212 R (Resistive Touch)
DLT-V7212 D (Defroster)
DLT-V7210 K (Integrated Keyboard)
DLT-V7210 KD (Integrated Keyboard and Defroster)
DLT-V7212 P+ (P-CAP)
Differences with regard to operation, functionality, etc. are clearly indicated in the manual.
6 / 140 DLT-V72 Operating Instructions V2.50 Preliminary
CAUTION means that slight bodily injury can occur if this information is not observed.
Information about possible Property damage.
Tips for using the product.
1.1.3. Warnings and notes in the operating instructions
Personal injury
Information with regard to personal injury is shown as follows (signal words for indicating risk level):
DANGER means that death or severe bodily injury will occur if this information is not observed.
WARNING means that death or severe bodily injury can occur if this information is not
Property damage
Information about Property damage is shown as follows:
NOTICE: Property damage
Tips for handling product and operating instructions
Tips for handling product and operating instructions are shown as follows:
Note about additional information in operating instructions.
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Technical customer support

2. Technical customer support

Contact your distributor, sales representative, or an Advantech Service Center for technical support.
Please have the following information ready:
Product name
Serial number
Description of your peripheral attachments
Description of your software (operating system, application software, etc.)
The exact wording of any error messages
A complete description of the problem
Find the contact data of our Global Advantech Service Centers on our website:
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Functional description

3. Functional description

3.1. Intended use

The DLT-V72 Industrial Computers are data communication terminals for use in commercial environments (e.g. logistics, warehousing, manufacturing). Any other or additional use beyond this shall be deemed an improper use. The user/operator of the DLT-V72 is solely responsible for any resulting damage. This also applies to any unauthorized modifications made to the device.
Indented use includes the compliance with all safety instructions and the compliance with the approved environmental conditions and specifications for the device.
The DLT-V72 Industrial Computers:
are not approved for use in EX zones (potential explosion hazard).
are not approved for use on ships.
are not approved for use on railed vehicles
are not approved for use in life-support systems or critical safety systems where system
malfunction can lead to the direct or indirect endangerment of human life.
Only use accessories that have been tested and approved for the respective DLT-V72. Otherwise, any warranty for this device will be void.
Requirements for safe operation
The requirements are:
Proper transport and storage.
Proper setup and use.
Proper maintenance and service.
Operation by trained personnel.
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Functional description

3.2. Mount, operate and service the device correctly

DLT-V72 Industrial Computers were designed and built according to modern technology and accepted safety regulations.
However, the operation of the DLT-V72 can endanger personnel or third parties and cause damage to the device and other material assets when, for example, the device is
installed incorrectly or configured improperly.
operated by untrained or uninstructed personnel.
improperly operated and maintained.
not used as intended.
The owner/operator commitments with regards to safety (accident prevention regulations, occupational safety) are to be followed.

3.3. Device identification/name plate

The name plate on the rear side of the DLT-V72 must be legible at all times.
Do not damage the name plate or remove it from the device.
Information on the labels on the device (examples):
Model name, e.g. DLT-V7210, DLT-V7212, etc.
Serial number
FCC ID (Radio)
Barcode for internal use only
10 / 140 DLT-V72 Operating Instructions V2.50 Preliminary
Unpacking, transporting, storing

4. Unpacking, transporting, storing

4.1. Unpacking

Open the packaging carefully to prevent damaging the device inside.
Save the packaging material (for possible forwarding transports or returns of the DLT-V72).
Check the shipment for completeness and any possible damage.
Always keep the supplied manuals and documents.

4.2. Transport

Risk of injury due to weight and sharp-edged parts.
The DLT-V72 can fall down and cause injuries due to its weight. The strain relief rail can have sharp edges and cause cutting injuries.
Always hold the DLT-V72 by the housing with both hands.
Never use the antenna as a handle. It can break due to the weight involved.
Do not hold the DLT-V72 by the strain relief rail.
Use the assistance of a second person for installation work.

4.3. Storage

4.3.1. DLT-V72 without UPS
Observe the permissible storage temperature range in the manual, section
5.2 Environmental conditions.
4.3.2. DLT-V72 with UPS (includes lithium-ion battery pack)
Observe the permissible storage temperature range in the manual, section
15.1.1 Battery pack specificat ions.
Observe the intended use of the DLT-V72, e.g.: no use in EX zone (potentially explosive), no
use in life-supporting systems or security-critical facilities.
For details, see manual, section 3.1 Intended use .
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Unpacking, transporting, storing
NOTICE: Physical damage
NOTICE: Physical damage
Personal injury due to short-circuit, fire, chemical burns, toxic substances.
Devices with integrated UPS (optional) contain lithium-ion battery packs. These can ignite if handled or stored improperly (risk of fire), cause chemical burns or release toxic substances.
Use care when handling lithium-ion battery packs.
Do not damage lithium-ion battery packs; do not drill through and do not crush or drop.
Store lithium-ion battery packs separately from acids and other materials.
Store the DLT-V72 and accessories in a cool and dry location and comply with the
specified storage temperature and air humidity.
Provide for sufficient ventilation of the storage location.
Do not allow water or other liquids to come into contact with the device (exercise particular
caution with corrosive liquids).
Do not store the device near sources of heat or fire, open flames or heaters.
Do not allow it to come into contact with fire.
Have suitable fire extinguishers ready (foam or powder) in accordance with safety
Prevent deep discharge
Deep discharge of the battery pack due to incorrect storage.
Storing the lithium-ion batteries incorrectly will cause them to discharge completely (deep discharge) and thus damage them irreparably.
Store the DLT-V72 with lithium-ion battery packs a maximum of 6 (six) months without
charging it.
The lithium-ion battery pack is charged automatically when the DLT-V72 is connected to
the voltage supply.
It is not permitted to charge the DLT-V72 lithium-ion battery pack with external chargers.
4.3.3. Protecting touchscreens during storage
Damage to the touchscreen due to incorrect storage.
Protect touchscreens from sharp edges, impacts, and heavy objects.
If stacking, do not stack higher than four devices.
Place devices front-to-front in this case.
The VESA mounting point on the rear side of the device can damage the touchscreen of another device.
Use protective material (non-flammable!) between the devices as a precaution.
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Technical data – Device

5. Technical data – Device

5.1. General

CPU Chipset Cache
BIOS AMI Aptio UEFI; ACPI 5.0 compliant
Real-time clock Real-time clock with a power reserve of up to 5 years
CFast 4 GB and more CFast memory card
Weight, material
DLT-V7210 P
DLT-V7210 R
DLT-V7210 D
DLT-V7212 P
DLT-V7212 R
DLT-V7212 D
DLT-V7210 K
DLT-V7210 KD
DLT-V7212 P+ Approx. 3.7 kg
Battery pack Approx. 0.15 kg
Material Rugged aluminum-cast housing, ESD safe
Intel® ATOM™ E3845 Quad Core 1.91 GHz
Dual channel 1333 MHz memory bus speed
2 MB L2 cache, 22 nm
DDR3L Technology
Approx. 3.6 kg
Approx. 4.6 kg
Approx. 3.7 kg
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DLT-V7210 10.4" XGA color TFT with 1024 x 768 resolution and 400 cd/m²
DLT-V7212 12.1" XGA color TFT with 1024 x 768 resolution and 500 cd/m²
DLT-V7210 K
DLT-V7210 KD
DLT-V7212 P+ 12.1" XGA color TFT with 1024 x 768 resolution and 600 cd/m²
The LCD display of the DLT-V72 series fulfills the highest quality standards and was inspected for pixel defects. However, due to technological reasons pixel defects can occur.
This is not a malfunction; it is a part of the technical specifications.
10.1" widescreen WXGA color TFT display with 1280 x 800 resolution and 500 cd/m² brightness
Technical data – Device
ATTENTION: Physical damage
Protect the display of the DLT-V72 from the memory effect.
The display of the DLT-V72 has to be protected from the burning in of a motionless image. An image that has remained motionless for too long can cause irreversible damage to the display.
Use a screensaver.
In the power management, set the display to turn off when there is no user input.
Resistive touchscreen
Type 5-wire analog resistive touchscreen
Construction Film-Film-Glass (FFG)
Fully laminated front
Surface Hardness JIS-K-5400: 2H/3H at 750 g
Chemically hardened glass
Resistance Shock resistance IK08
Mechanical resistance Tapping: > 1 million times with rubber test pen
Swiping: > 100,000 times with polydactyl pen
Chemical resistance Alcohols, Dilute Acids, Dilute Alkalis, Esters, Hydrocarbons,
Ketones, Household Cleaning agents (according to DIN 42 115)
Projected-capacitive touchscreen (PCT)
Type Projected-capacitive touchscreen
Construction Glass film
Surface Hardness JIS-K-5400: > 10 H at 750 g
Chemical AR coated glass:
DLT-V7210P and DLT-V7212P gloss value 85 at 60°
DLT-V7210K gloss value 70 at 60°
(according to ISO 2813, 7668; ASTM D 523, D 2457; DIN 67539)
Resistance Shock resistance IK08
Mechanical properties Thermally pre-stressed, acid-frosted float glass
Chemical resistance Alcohols, Dilute Acids, Dilute Alkalis, Esters, Hydrocarbons,
Ketones, Household Cleaning agents (according to DIN 42 115)
Graphic, network controller
VGA controller Intel® HD Graphics DX11
OpenGL 3.2
Full HW Acceleration for decode/encode of MPEG2 and H.264
Shared memory architecture
Up to 24 bit color depth, depending on which LCD is used
Network controller Intel® I210 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 MB/s
Network connection RJ45 connector
Integrated carrier
Two integrated status LEDs
14 / 140 DLT-V72 Operating Instructions V2.50 Preliminary
Technical data – Device
Internal speaker, sound
The DLT-V72 is equipped with an internal speaker as standard (2 W). The system messages from the industrial PC are output via this speaker.
The internal speaker is configured in the audio settings for the operating system in question.

5.2. Environmental conditions

5.2.1. DLT-V72 without integrated UPS
Operating temperature -30 to +50 °C
Storage temperature -30 to +65 °C
Relative humidity 10% to 90% at 40 °C relative humidity
Mechanical vibration and shock resistance
IP protection class IP66 for DLT-V7210 and DLT-V7212
Specification according to EN 60068-2-1/2
Specification according to EN 60068-2-1/2
Specification according to EN 60068-2-3
Class 5M3 according to EN 60721-3-5 US Highway Truck according to MIL-STD 810F
IP65 for DLT-V7210K
5.2.2. DLT-V72 with integrated UPS (optional)
The environmental conditions are described in the following chapter:
15.1 Integrated UPS (optional)
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Technical data – Device

5.3. Device dimensions

5.3.1. DLT-V7210 P, R, D
Dimensions without add-ons (in mm)
Fig. 5.1: Dimensions DLT-V7210 P, R, D
16 / 140 DLT-V72 Operating Instructions V2.50 Preliminary
Technical data – Device
5.3.2. DLT-V7212 P, R, D
Dimensions without add-ons (in mm)
Fig. 5.2: Dimensions DLT-V7212 P, R, D
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Technical data – Device
5.3.3. DLT-V7210 K, KD
Dimensions without add-ons (in mm)
Fig. 5.3: Dimensions DLT-V7210 K, KD
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Technical data – Device
5.3.4. DLT-V7212 P+
Dimensions without add-ons (in mm)
Fig. 5.4: Dimensions DLT-V7212 P+
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Technical data – Device
ATTENTION: Physical damage
DLT-V72. Otherwise, any warranty for this device will be void.

5.4. Position of VESA drill holes

The back of the DLT-V72 has a VESA-compatible 75 x 75 mm mounting hole pattern. It is used to attach VESA-compatible mountings to mount the DLT-V72 at the deployment location.
Only use mountings and mounting materials that have been tested and approved for the respective
5.4.1. DLT-V7210 P, R, D
Dimensions without add-ons (in mm):
Depth of thread: M6 x 6mm.
Fig. 5.5: Position VESA drill holes DLT-V7210 P, R, D
20 / 140 DLT-V72 Operating Instructions V2.50 Preliminary
Technical data – Device
5.4.2. DLT-V7212 P, R, D
Dimensions without add-ons (in mm):
Depth of thread: M6 x 6mm.
Fig. 5.6: Position VESA drill holes DLT-V7212 P, R, D
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Technical data – Device
5.4.3. DLT-V7210 K, KD
Dimensions without add-ons (in mm):
Depth of thread: M6 x 6mm.
Fig. 5.7: Position VESA drill holes DLT-V7210 K, KD
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Technical data – Device
5.4.4. DLT-V7212 P+
Dimensions without add-ons (in mm):
Depth of thread: M6 x 6mm.
Fig. 5.8: Position VESA drill holes DLT-V7212 P+
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Technical data – Radio modules (all optional)
DLT-V72 may only be operated with the radio modules described in the following section.
manufacturer and its authorized service centers may open the device and install/remove it.

6. Technical data – Radio modules (all optional)

NOTICE: Property damage

6.1. Identification of the equipment variants

The DLT-V72 offers numerous radio equipment variants for Wi-Fi, WWAN, GNSS and Bluetooth.
To identify the variant installed in your device, proceed as follows:
Read off the FCCID on the device name plate/label and compare with the technical data on the following pages.
Open the Device Manager to determine the name of the radio card, for example
The radio equipment variants for Wi-Fi, WWAN, GNSS and Bluetooth are available as options and are not included in the standard scope of delivery of the DLT-V72.

6.2. Radio cards (optional)

Only the manufacturer and its authorized service centers may install/remove radio cards.
Radio cards are located inside the devices and are not accessible from the outside. Only the
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Technical data – Radio modules (all optional)
6.2.1. Available radio cards for Wi-Fi
Card type Wi-Fi PCIe Half-Mini Card
Technology Wi-Fi IEEE802.11 a/b/g/n/ac and Bluetooth
IC ID 6158A-261ACBT
Band 1: WLAN 2.4 GHz
Frequency range 2400 to 2483.5 MHz
Frequency band ETSI Europe 2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz
Channels available 1 to 13 (WIFI), 0 to 78 (BT)
Supported standards Wi-Fi IEEE802.11 a/b/g/n/ac and Bluetooth
Maximum TX power 20 dBm (WIFI), 10 dBm (BT)
Band 2: WLAN 5 GHz
Frequency range 5150 to 5875 MHz
Frequency band ETSI Europe 5.15 GHz to 5.35 GHz
Channels available 36 to 165
Supported standards Wi-Fi IEEE802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Maximum TX power 22 dBm
(both supported via a single antenna)
(both supported via a single antenna)
5.47 GHz to 5.725 GHz
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Technical data – Radio modules (all optional)
Card type
WWAN PCIe Full-Mini Card
WWAN 2G, 3G, 4G cellular bands and GNSS
(valid for the EC25-A variant)
Class 1 (30dBm±2dB) for GSM 1800/1900MHz
6.2.2. Available Radio cards for WWAN
Maximum transmitting power Class 3 (23dBm±2dB) for LTE FDD
Class 3 (23dBm±2dB) for LTE TDD Class 3 (24dBm+1/-3dB) for TD-SCDMA Class 3 (24dBm+1/-3dB) for WCDMA Class E2 (27dBm±3dB) for EDGE 850/900MHz Class E2 (26dBm+3/-4dB) for EDGE 1800/1900MHz Class 4 (33dBm±2dB) for GSM 850/900MHz
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Technical data – Radio modules (all optional)

6.3. Antennas (all optional)

6.3.1. Wi-Fi antenna IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Detail view: Antenna module (visible with open antenna)
Technical data
Fig. 6.1: Wi-Fi antenna IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/nDF and antenna module
Application Wi-Fi a/b/g/n/ac Dual Band with MRC
Wi-Fi frequency range Band 1: 2400 to 2483.5 MHz
Bluetooth features
Number of antennas 2
Available color Red
Type PIFA antenna
Antenna gain Max. 3.44 dBi (Band 1) , 2.85 dBi (Band 2)
Impedance 50 Ω
Polarization Vertical/horizontal
Maximum transmitting power 100 mW / 20 dBm
Compatible Radio card: SPARKLAN WPEQ-261ACN(BT)
Bluetooth (integrated via Radio card)
Band 2: 5150 to 5850 MHz
See section 6.4.1 Bluetooth
(see section 6.2.1 Available radio cards)
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Technical data – Radio modules (all optional)
6.3.2. Wi-Fi, WWAN, LTE 4G antenna (Multiband)
Detail view: Antenna module (visible with open antenna open)
Fig. 6.2: Wi-Fi, WWAN, LTE 4G antenna (Multiband)
Technical data
Application Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n Dual Band with MRC
WWAN 4G Bluetooth 4.2+HS
Wi-Fi frequency range Band 1: 2400 to 2483.5 MHz
Band 2: 5150 to 5875 MHz
WWAN frequency bands with EC25-E
FDD LTE: B1/B3/B5/B7/B8/B20 TDD LTE: B38/B40/B41 WCDMA: B1/B5/B8 GSM: 900/1800
WWAN frequency bands with EC25-A
Bluetooth features
FDD LTE: B2/B4/B12 WCDMA: B2/B4/B5
See section 6.4.1 Bluetooth
Number of antennas 4
Available color Red
Type PIFA antenna (Wi-Fi), Dipole antenna (WWAN)
Antenna gain Wi-Fi: Max. 2.8 dBi (2.4G Band), 2.8 dBi (5G Band)
WWAN: Max. 3.5 dBi
Impedance 50 Ω
Polarization Vertical/horizontal
Maximum transmitting power
Wi-Fi: 22 dBm WWAN: Class 3 (23dBm±2dB) for LTE FDD Class 3 (23dBm±2dB) for LTE TDD Class 3 (24dBm+1/-3dB) for TD-SCDMA Class 3 (24dBm+1/-3dB) for WCDMA Class E2 (27dBm±3dB) for EDGE 850/900MHz Class E2 (26dBm+3/-4dB) for EDGE 1800/1900MHz Class 4 (33dBm±2dB) for GSM 850/900MHz Class 1 (30dBm±2dB) for GSM 1800/1900MHz
Compatible Wi-Fi card: SPARKLAN WPEQ-261 ACN (BT)
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Technical data – Radio modules (all optional)
(see section 6.2.1 Available radio cards))
Compatible WWAN card: USA: QUECTEL EC25A
(see section 6.2.2 Available Radio cards)
6.3.3. External Wi-Fi antenna IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n
Fig. 6.5: External Wi-Fi antenna
Technical data
Application Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n Dual Band
Mounting location For detached mounting, e.g. on the roof of the forklift
Wi-Fi frequency range Band 1: 2400 to 2485 MHz
Number of antennas 1
Type Dipole antenna
Antenna gain Band 1: Max. 3.5 dBi
Impedance 50 Ω
Polarization Vertical/horizontal
Dimensions Ø 86 x 43 mm (Ø 3.39” x 1.69”)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.66 lbs)
Connector labeling N-type or TNC N, Jack, female, bottom
Scope of delivery 3 m antenna cable
Maximum transmitting power 22 dBm
Corresponding Radio cards: SUMMIT/LAIRD SDC-PE15N
Band 2: 5150 to 5875 MHz
Band 2: Max. 2.9 dBi
RSMA plug for RSMA socket on the terminal
(see section 6.2.1 Available radio cards)
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Technical data – Radio modules (all optional)
6.3.4. External WWAN antenna 2G, 3G, 4G
Fig. 6.7: External 2G, 3G, 4G WWAN antenna
Technical data
Application WWAN 2G, 3G, 4G cellular bands
Mounting location For detached mounting, e.g. on the roof of the forklift
Number of antennas 1
Type Dipole antenna
Antenna gain Max. 3.02 dBi
Impedance 50 Ω
Polarization Vertical
Dimensions Height 79.45 mm
Cable length 3 m
IP protection IP67 and IP69K
Max. transmitting power of antenna Class 3 (23dBm±2dB) for LTE FDD
Compatible WWAN card: USA: QUECTEL EC25A
Diameter 42 mm
Class 3 (23dBm±2dB) for LTE TDD Class 3 (24dBm+1/-3dB) for TD-SCDMA Class 3 (24dBm+1/-3dB) for WCDMA Class E2 (27dBm±3dB) for EDGE 850/900MHz Class E2 (26dBm+3/-4dB) for EDGE 1800/1900MHz Class 4 (33dBm±2dB) for GSM 850/900MHz Class 1 (30dBm±2dB) for GSM 1800/1900MHz
(see section 6.2.2 Available Radio cards)
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