Advance Security 6978 Users Manual

MODEL 6978
This system works on only auto transmission vehicle.
A. 9 pin wire connection plug B. 6 pin starter connection plug
Antenna Wire
C. 3 pin door lock plug
2 pin LED plug
2 pin valet plug
E. 4 pin wire harness
A. 9 pin wire connection plug:
F. 4 pin starter connector
Blue Wire: Instant Trigger Ground Input
Violet Wire: Positive Door Pin Switch
Yellow Wire: (-) 200mA C H 3 o utput
Green Wire Negative Door Pin Switch:
Orange Wire: 500m A Grounded when arm e d
Brown Wire: (-) 200mA of 2 steps d oor un lock.
Pink Wire: (-) 200mA of horn output
Gray Wire: (-) 200mA of ch ann el 2 output
White Wire: (-) 200mA of dome light output
CH 3 output
To start sole no id
To doo r unlock system
Horn/pager output
Channel 2 output
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From ignition switch
Dome light output
B. 6 pin starter connection plug:
Gray: N egative safety input - hood or trunk Violet: Negative safety input - hand brake
Yellow: Ignition 2 (-) output
Blue: OEM alarm output Green: Tachometer connection
1. Gray wire – Negative safety input - hood or trunk.
Prevents engine from starting while vehicle is being serviced (or anytime that hood is raised). a. Mount a hood tilt switch, as suggested by the manufacture, so as anytime the hood is raised the switch will be in the
closed position.
b. Wire the hood tilt switch as below figure. The alarm’s hood pin switch wire can be tied into this wire. c. If desired an optional valet switch can be wired as below figure.
Note: The tilt switch used must be of a type that is environmentally sealed, so that corrosion will not prevent the
switch from making contact.
Pulsed gro und output during st art
Valet switch
Grommet throu
Gray wire
ulkhead panel
Hood tilt switch
Under Hoo
2. Violet wire:– Negative safety input - hand brake.
Shuts engine off if hand brake is released. Connect to the vehicle’s hand brake light wire that shows +12Volts when the hand brake is pull up. See below:
Brake light switch
+ 12V
Hand brake light
Violet wire
Vehicle without a neutral safety switch
Some vehicles are not equipped with a true neutral safety switch. If the vehicles starter will engage when the gearshif t is placed in any gear other than PARK or NEUTRAL, the following steps must be followed: a. Using a voltmeter, find a wire on the back-up light/Neutral safety switch that show a positive voltage when the gearshift is
in any position other than PARK or NEUTRAL.
b. Connect that wire to the violet wire as shown below.
From brake switc h
From neutral safety switch
White band
Violet wire
3.Yellow wire:- Ignition 2 ( - ) output --
This wire provides a 200mA (-) output in conjunction with the orange (+) 12V ignition output. The yellow wire is designed to disarm a factor y installed security system. Some factor y systems must be disarmed to allow remote starting. In m ost cases, the yellow wire may be connected directly to the factory alarm disarm wire. The correct wire will show nagative ground when the key is used to unlock the doors or trunk . T his wire is us ually found in the k ick panel area in the wiring harness coming into the car body from the door.
Additional Ignition circuits:
Some vehicles require that more than one ‘ignition’ wire be energized for the engine to run and/or the HVAC system to operate. For those vehicles, wire an IGN 2 relay (not supplied) as shown below. Do not connect any vehicle circuits together, they are isolated for a resaon.
(+) 12V Constant fused 25A capable
Yellow (-) Ignition 2 output of system
86 87A
Accessory or
ignition 2 wire from ignition key switch
GM VATS (or Pass-Key) starter lockout: These vehicles have a resistor embedded in their ignition key. If the VATS decoder does not measure the c orrect resistanc e acros s two sensor s in the ignition k ey switch, the starter and the f uel pum p are disabled for up to 5 min. T he system includes a ‘VATS pack’ of resistors which allow you to duplicate the value of the keys’ resistor, using the diagram below.
The VATS sensor wires ar e available com ing out of the steeling colum n, typically on the left side. T he m id-eighties Corvettes used a brown wire and a yellow wire (not the brown and yellow wires of the ignition switch harness ). In the late eighties, all VATS equipped vehicles used a violet/white and white/black. These wires often change color in a two wire connector at the base of the steeling column, c hanging into two white 20 gauge wires (often in orange tubing as they go up the colum n). O ne VATS wire will show a constant ground, and the other is the measurement input. Note: When making these connections, don’t worry about which VATS wire is which.
VATS Pass-key decoder module
(+) 12V Constant fused
Yellow (-) IGN 2 output
Proper value resistor
86 87A
Ignition switch sensing terminals
4. Orange wire –Pulsed ground output during start --
This wire provides a 200mA (-) output while the starter output of the remote start unit is active. This output can be used to activate the Crank Low/Bulb Test wire found in s ome GM vehic les. This wire is also r eferred to as the ECM wak e up wire in some Chrysler vehicles. Note: The output is low current output and must use with a relay if the circuit's requirement is more than 200mA.
5. Blue wire - OEM alarm output --
The blue wire can be use to connected to an available auxiliary output of an existing rem ote security system, that use to disarm that alarm system.
6. Green wire-- Tachometer connection--
This is the module’s engine RPM signal. In cars with a separate coil. It can be found at the (-) terminal of the coil. In electronic ignition system vehicle, locating the tachometer wire can be more involved. The tachometer wire, when tested with a voltmeter set to AC voltage, will test between 1V and 6V at idle, and will increase as engine RPM increases. T he tachometer wire is often accessible at the electronic distributor. Below are some common colors and location of vehicles.
GM. : White, at coil or at HEI distributor. With some three-coil V6 motors, violet/white.
Ford: Tan/yellow or yellow/blue, at coil, at diagnostic connector, or at electronic distributor. Toyota/Lexus: (-) G terminal of gray diagnostic connector under hood. Honda/Acura: Blue, in two-pin connector forward of distributor. Mercedes-Benz: Black, at coil under rubber boot.
C. 3 pin door lock plug:
These wires will provide either a pulsed ground output to the fac tory door lock control relay, or a pulsed + 12 volts output to the factory door lock control relay. The current capacity of these wire is 200 mA.
1). 2-Wire "Negative Trigger" Power Lock System.
Blue wire
Green wire
3 pin mini-molex connector
(-) Unlock pulse
(-) Lock pulse
To existing
Master locking switch
Door lock relay
2). 2-Wire "Positive Trigger" Power Lock System.
Blue wire
Green wire
3 pin mini-molex connector
(+) Lock pulse
(+) Unlock pulse
Door lock relay
Master locking switch
To existing
D. 4 pin optional sensor plug
4. + 12V
3. Negative
2. Ground Trigger
1. Warn Away Inpu
Function: Allows easy positive, negative, instant trigger, and warn-away trigger connection with quick disconnect ability for other detection devices. Connection: A 4 pin plug and the metal pins are supplied with this alarm. Attach each of the optional detection device wires to these pins and slide the pins back into the plug. Most of our detection devices come with this plug pre-wired.
1. Outside pin = Warn away ground trigger. If the sensor or detector connects to this pin, intrude the detector, a pre- warning tone and light flash warn the intruder to turn back.
2. Outside center pin = Ground trigger. When alarm armed, the alarm will be triggered when this pin becomes grounded.
3. Inside center pin = GROUND. When alarm armed, this pin becomes grounded.
4. Inside pin =12 volts positive. Carry 12 volts all the time. Be sure not to touch ground directly (without a load), it might cause short circuit
E. 4 pin wire harness
Red/White Wire: Parking Light Power
White Wire: Parking Light Output
Black Wire: To Ground
Brown Wire: To Siren
10A Fuse
To +12V fuse box
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