Advance Security 6974 Users Manual

MODEL 6974
4 pin shock sensor
10 P in main ha rness
11 Pin P lu g
L.E.D. Plug Override Plug
Negative door lock.
Green/white Blue/white
Door lock Door unlock
Green/yellow Blue/yellow
Red Wire: +12V To Fuse Box
Master locking switch
Po sit ive door lock .
Green/white Blue/white
Door lock Door unlock
Green/yellow Blue/yellow
3 A Fuse
1. Blue/yellow (N /O)--unlock.
2. Blue/red (N/C)--unlock.
3. Blue/white (C om)--unlock.
4. Green/white (Com)--lock.
5. Green/yellow (N/O)--lock.
6. Green/red (N/C)--lock. 2 wires start cut
Master locking switch
10A Fuse
Red / White W ire: Parking light power
White wire :Parking Light Outpu
Brown Wire: To Siren
Li ght green wir e :Dom e Light Outp ut
Black Wire: To Ground
Li ght green wire :Dome Li gh t powe r
Gray Wire:Channel 2 (Trunk release) output
Y e llow Wire: To Ignition Switch
Gray Wire:Channel 2 (Trunk release) power
Parking li ght
Existing door pin switch
Dome Light
Entry il l um inat i on
Connect to +12V for + switch or to ground for - switch
Connect to active trunk release button
Tr unk r elease
Connect to +12V for + switch or to ground for - switch
Violet Wire: Positive Door Pin Switch
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g n
Green Wire Negative Door Pin Switch:
Blue Wire: Instant Trigger Gr ound Input Red Wire:
200mA channel 4 output
Gray Wire: (-) 200mA two step door unlock output
N.O. circuit block
White Wire: Pink Wire: (- ) 200mA headlight output
200mA horn output
85 8630
Yellow Wir e: (-) 200mA channel 3 output Brown Wire:
200mA pager output Black Wire : 500mA Grounded when disarmed Oran
e Wire: 500mA Grounded when armed
N.C. circuit block
85 8630
This output can control starter disable, when an intrusion is detected and the system is triggered, the vehicle is prevented from any unauthorized starting. Starter wires with 30 A relay built-in
4. + 12V
3. Negative
2. Ground Trig
1. Warn Away I
Maximum is 4 transmitters. Two modes of pr ogramming, one is designated channel, (Button 1 is arm/disarm) the other is auto channel setting. (Button 1 is arm, button 2 is disarm.)
1. Enter: Turn ignition to 'on' position. Within 15 seconds. Push valet switch
3 times
1 long chirp to enter each channel's programming.
2. I n designated channel: In program 1st tr a nsmit ter t he LE D will wit h one f las h…pa use s e q uence. Press button 1 to program channel 1, 1 short chirp and LED on to confirm programmed and r eady program channel 2. Press button 2 to program channel 2, 2 short chirps and LED on to confirm programmed and ready program channel 3. Press button 3 to program channel 3, 3 short chirps and LED on to confirm programmed and ready program channel 4. Press button 4 to program channel 4, 4 short chirps and LED on to confirm programmed Program 2nd tr a nsmit ter, p ush valet s witc h one time, the LED will wit h two fla s hes… p a use s e quence. Press button 1 to program channel 1, 1 short chirp and LED on to confirm programmed and r eady program channel 2. Press button 2 to program channel 2, 2 short chirps and LED on to confirm programmed and ready program channel 3.
to enter
channel; if push
6 times
it will be
channel .
Press button 3 to program channel 3, 3 short chirps and LED on to confirm programmed and ready program channel 4. Press button 4 to program channel 4, 4 short chirps and LED on to confirm programmed Program 3rd transmitter, push valet switch one time again, the LED will with three flashes…pause sequence. Use above steps to pr ogr am each channel. Program 4th transmitter, push valet switch one time again, the LED will wit h fo ur flashes…p a use s e quence. Use above steps to pr ogr am each channel.
3. In auto channel: In program 1st tr a nsmit ter t he LE D will wit h one f las h…pa use s e q uence. Press any butt on on 1st TX, 1 short chirp confirm programmed and ready program 2nd TX. The LED will with two fla s hes… p ause s eq uence. Press any butt on on 2nd TX. 1 short chirp confirm programmed and ready program 3rd TX. The LED will with thre e flashes…pa use s e q uence. Apply the same procedure to pr ogr am 3rd and 4th, after the 4th transmitter pr ogrammed the system w ill aut o exit.
4. Exit: Turn ignition to 'off' position, or leave it for 15 seconds. A 3 long chirps to confirm exit.
Note: If more than 4 transmitters programmed, the system only kept the last 4 transmitters.
!!! The designated channel & auto channel transmitters can exist independently.
This system has an unique optional passive/active transmitter design, it’s
programming is the same as above. (To see how it works, please see operation part.)
This system has a very unique interfacing with optional sensor, to extend more protection, such as PIR (IR-70) sensor or Door/Window sensor. (DS-70) For example, in your garage you can put a PIR f or protection. (A device to detect person's movement in a protected area.) I f syst em armed, a person walk through the detect area, the siren inside the car w ill a larming to raise the attention to the owner. So the same thing applies in door/window sensor, (A device to detect door /window open.) you may put the sensor to the garage door or w indow. If system armed, a person opens the door or window, the siren will alarm. Maximum program 4 different sensor codes. The programming procedure is the same as above A. PROGRAMMI NG TRANSMITTER of auto channel, The difference is only upon enter you push the valet switch 9 times. (1 long chirp to confirm enters). During prog ramming, you will need to act ivate the sensor to let the system program it's code.
There are 2 stages of totally 15 programming features to s elect. (Factory preset all features to "O N" position)
1. Enter: Turn the ignition 'on' then 'off'. Within 15 seconds push the valet switch 6 times. (A long chirp.) It is on first stage progr amming features.
2. First st age pr ogramming features: Push the valet switch times that equal the feature number you want. Example: Push valet sw itch 2 times, it' s o n chirp o n/o ff se lec tion. The sir e n w ill c hirp 2 times, L ED flash 2 time s to confir m e nte r this feature. Select chirp on, turn ignition from 'off' to ‘on’. 1 chirp for confirmation. Select chirp off, turn ignition from 'on' to ‘off’. 2 chirps for confirmation. If you want to program transmitter car-jacking when the system is on chirp on/off, push valet switch 4 times again. (Siren chirp 6 times, LED flash 6 times) The system will add on the previous valet sw itch pushing. Note: Totally push valet switch 8 times, the siren chirp 8 times, and LED with 8 flashes… pause sequence. If push the valet switch again, system will return to feature 1. (Siren chirp 1 time, and LED with 1 flash…pause sequence. It's cycling.)
3. Second stage programming features: Enter: Again push & hold the valet switch for over 2 seconds, with 1 long chirp confirmation. By using first st age pr ogr amming feat ures method to program second stage's f eat ures.
4. Exit:
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