The EMO-500 is a Two Component Ratio and Flow Computer. It is primarily designed
for use as a two component, ratio monitoring unit but can also be used as a Two Channel
Flow Rate Monitor and Totalizer. The EMO 500 has the added capability of current
(4-20mA) and voltage (0-5V) analog output signals. These outputs can be used as a
representation of a selectable range of functions or in a ratio linked, closed loop mode Ratio Feedback Mode.
The unit is powered by 110V AC but can be jumpered for 220V AC.
The back panel provides these features:
< 18V supply plus ground and input lines for two flow meters.
< 4 programmable relay switched limits which can be used for warnings, alarms, or
automatic shut-down control.
<5 "Ready to Hardwire" function controls. #'s 1 through 4 allow for remote
operation of resets, display, and Quick Programming. # 5 will "enable" the main
programming menu.
< RS-232 and RS-485 serial ports.
< Analog outputs (4 - 20mA) and (0 - 5V).
Programming functions are shown in red on the keypad.
All of the default program variables can be changed to alternative values through
the keypad or by a host computer with an RS-232 serial port. There are security features
to prevent unintended programming changes - for more information review the pages on
Quick Programming and Full Programming. The Quick Programming functions
allocated to certain keys are indicated in red on the keypad. Keys F1 through F6 have
multiple functions and are also used for the main programming purposes. The alternative
function of each key when in Full Programming Mode is indicated by a banner on the
keypad immediately above these specific keys.
When programming is not enabled the F3/F4/F5 serve as Job Resets and keys 0 through9
are used to select from the 11 operating displays shown on page 1.
IMPORTANT----IMPORTANT----IMPORTANT----IMPORTANT The higher flow side should be connected to
flow meter A as the Ratio calculation is A/B
AW Company 8809 Industrial Drive, Franksville, WI 53126 à web:
The EMO 500 is especially suited for use in dispensing systems with irregular flow
patterns. The unit employs a user programmable sampling size to govern how often the
ratio display is updated - the operator then has maximum control over the sampling period
and can easily adjust this to suit his own system parameters. The user is often more
interested in the ratio of components dispensed over a period of time, say in a batch,
rather than on an instantaneous basis.
Programming<There are 3 methods of programming the unit - two have lockout features to
prevent unauthorized access.
Full Programming Enable:
<The full programming menu is accessible by placing a jumper between pin 5
(enable programming) and pin 6 (Common). The F2 key will page through the
menu of programming options - these options are indicated in red lettering on a
banner above the upper function keys.* See Programming the EMO 500 (Pg.8).
Quick Programming Feature:
<Some variables only need to be installed once. With others, such as Gate Time or
Sample Time, the user may wish to experiment to find a preferred value. To make
this easier or make some selected variables permanently available, such selected
programming functions are accessible in the following way:
Simultaneously - Engage the 'Scroll Display' (jump pin #2 to #6) and press one key on the
upper line, F1 through key #1. Note -The variable is highlighted in red on the key. Press
Enter (F6) to exit. (Pg.17).
Serial Port Programming:
<The EMO-500 is fully programmable through the serial port using RS-232 or
RS-485 type communication. Refer to the Serial Port Operations portion of this
manual for complete information.
Sample Size - # of impulses collected for the Ratio Calculation.
<To determine the ratio - the total number of pulses from both flow meters are
separately counted until one of them reaches the programmed Sample Size. The
number of pulses from flow meter A is then divided by the number of pulses from
flow meter B. The governor will therefore be the meter with the slower pulse rate.
The Sample Size determines both the accuracy and response time of the ratio
calculation - reducing the sample size, increases the response time but decreases
the accuracy. A default value of 200 is factory installed. See P.
Gate Time - Time period over which Rate Calculations are made.
<The gate time (in seconds) is the time period the microprocessor collects pulses to
perform rate calculations. A default value of 1.85 is factory installed. See P.15.
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Warning: The AC Power should
be wired just as labeled on the
three pin connector
PIN 1-Ground
PIN 2-Line 110v.
PIN 3-Line Neutral
Grounding Considerations
The grounding is a most important consideration in an installation where
microprocessor technology is applied. The EMO-500 is a panel mounted unit and
therefore the casing is connected to the sub-panel. If the sub-panel is metal it should be
grounded. If the sub-panel is non-conductive - PIN 1 of the three pin connector on the
EMO-500 back panel must be grounded
To insure a proper ground we recommend connecting PIN 1 of the three pin
connector to the panel's central ground point.
Signal and Shielding
The two flow meter pick-ups should be supplied with their respective 18v. supply
voltages and referenced to their respective grounds. This will insure that the input signals
from the flow meters are referenced to the ground connections on pins 2 and 5. Most
applications require some signal shielding. A solid aluminum wrap shielding will work
fine. The shield should be connected to pins 2 and 5 on the flow meter connector. DO
NOT connect the shielding at the flow transmitter.
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There are 5 inputs to the 15 pin connector to provide extra control capability without
having to go through the keyboard. To
activate the external resets and controls the
user should simply connect the respective
pin to the common 1 - 5 pin. Pins 1 - 4 are
edge triggered, therefore momentary
contact switches should be used to activate
them. Pin 5 (enable programming) is an
on/off function and single pole toggle
switch is recommended
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This reset is the most powerful on the EMO 500.
When activated it will reset:
Ratio : A/B
Job Vol A, Job Vol B & Job Vol A+B
Warning & Alarm Limits
Limits 3 & 4
Grand Totals
Analog Outputs to start point
2. Scroll Display
When activated, this input will scroll the display through all of the 11 screens available. It
also allows access to the Quick Programming functions which are highlighted in red on
the upper keypad line. (See pg 8. for more details on Quick Programming).
When activated, this input will reset the Job B totalizer. This also resets the A/B RATIO
to the IDEAL setting, which simultaneously resets the WARNING & ALARM LIMITS.
When activated this input will reset the Job A total. This also resets the A/B RATIO to
the IDEAL setting, which simultaneously resets the WARNING & ALARM LIMITS.
Note: Simultaneously pressing and holding RESET JOB A and RESET JOB B on the
keyboard, or through the back-panel connections, implements a HOLD TOTAL
5. Enable Full Programming
When activated, this input enables the F2 through F6 keys to perform the programming
functions shown in red on the banner strip above the keypad.
NOTE: F3, F4, F5 will serve as Job Resets in the Job Totals screen when the
Enable Programming switch is off.
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While many programming variables such as KFR or meter selection may only require a
"one time" setting - others may require some experimentation to find maximum efficiency
settings. It may also prove desirable to allow an operator in the field some limited ability
to make some quick adjustments. To accommodate these circumstances a method of
jumping directly into some limited programming functions has been made available. This
method is called "Quick Programming" The functions available are noted in red on the
top line of keys -F1-F6 Function Keys & 0-1 keys.
F1..........................................................................................................................Ideal Ratio
F2.......................................................................................................................... Gate Time
F3............................................................................................................... Ratio Warning %
Connect the Scroll Line Input (Pin 2) and the Common 1 - 5 (Pin 6) of the 15 Pin
connector on the back panel of the EMO 500 -a momentary contact switch is
recommended. While this connection is made, simultaneously push any one of the keys
shown above. NOTE: This will not work if full programming is enabled.
*NOTE See Appendix D for a circuit drawing.
To activate a Quick Programming Option.
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This function is the address of the IDEAL RATIO which represents the desired ratio
of FLOW A/FLOW B. The default is 1.00 which represents a 1 to 1 ratio.
F2 Gate TimeDefault Value = 1.85
The GATE TIME is the period of time, in seconds, during which the flow rate
calculation is made. The accuracy and response time of the flow rate display is therefore
dependent upon this value. To achieve a 1% accuracy, the slowest pulse rate should
deliver at least 100 pulses.
F3 WarningDefault Value = 5%
The WARNING variable is available to set as a % deviation from the Ideal Ratio. The
ratio calculation is triggered by the first meter to deliver the number of pulses
programmed under the SAMPLE AMOUNT variable. The calculation compares the
measured ratio to the Ideal Ratio and if the difference in % terms exceeds the
programmed value, the warning is activated.
F4 AlarmDefault Value = 10%
The ALARM variable is similar to the warning function.
F5 DPDecimal Point
This key is used to locate the decimal point when
F6 Enter
Locks in programmed values.
#0 Sample SizeDefault = 200
To determine the ratio the total number of pulses from both flowmeters are separately
counted until the fastest one reaches the programmed SAMPLE SIZE. The number of
pulses produced by flowmeter A is then divided by flowmeter B, and the result
determines the ratio calculation. The accuracy and response time of the ratio calculation
are therefore dependent upon the SAMPLE SIZE. The flowmeter with the lowest pulse
rate should produce 100 pulses before the ratio calculation is updated to achieve a "1%
accuracy. The display screen #7 is an useful guide for this purpose.
#1 SGDefault = 1.0
Specific gravity values may be entered for each metered flow should quick corrections
be required in this value.
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As a security precaution, access to the full programming section is only possible when pin
5 is "enabled". This can be accomplished by connecting pin 5, on the 15 pin connector, to
the pin 6 Common (See Appendix D). Next, after first hitting F2, each function key, F1
through F6, will then allow access to the programming menu indicated immediately
above it on the red banner strip (The banner strip is labeled 'PROGRAMMING' as
indicated below).
Reminder Note: The other programming functions, indicated in red, on the F1 - F6 and 0
- 1 keys are activated by the Quick Programming Options which are reviewed on page 8.
(Quick Programming is provided for immediate access to a few limited programming
functions only).
F3 F4 F5 F6
Enable Prog. --> F2
(Access to Ratio Prog)
(Access to Limit Prog)
(Access to Meter/Units)
(Access to Global Prog)
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