ATS Focus Multimedia Guide
Table of Contents
Getting Started ..............................................................................................3
Diagram of the ATS Focus Multimedia Guide ................................................4
Switching On ..................................................................................................5
Specification ..................................................................................................6
Contact Details for ATS ..................................................................................7
Declaration of Conformity .............................................................................8
Getting Started
The ATS Focus Multimedia Guide is designed specifically for use by
visitors to Museums, Stately homes, Galleries and other Cultural Sites. It
can also be used for training courses and a multiple of other situations.
With a 5” LCD screen it is designed to have video, audio and interactive
content and be worn with a Lanyard and either listened via the speaker
in the top, or to be used with headphones.
Not only does it have Wifi but a full specification Low Energy Bluetooth
receiver that works well with Bluetooth Beacons.
Ergonomically designed, it fits well in the hand and has easy to access
volume buttons on the side which are generally produced in a high
visibility colour such as white.
There are two modes of operation that allow the device only to be
switched off/on using a specially placed magnet, or to use the small
external button below the volume control.
The Operating system is Android 4.3.1
Important: Only ATS Qualified Staff should open the player to
change batteries, settings and add extra memory