ATI-Clearcore Fabrication Manual Revision 0 Effective Date: 11/16/05
Clearcoretm Fabrication Manual
Introduction. What is Clearcore tm? A clear thermoplastic (usually Acrylic based
although Polycarbonate, PETG, and others can be used) with decorative colors and
patterns reverse laminated (second surface lamination). The decorative surface is seen
though the clear portion of the laminate. Unlike other similar products on the market
Clearcore tm is suitable for both Interior and Exterior application. It can be laminated
similar to HPL’s or formed similar to acrylics.
Clearcore tm fabricates similar to acrylic sheet and is laminated to substrates similar to
High Pressure Laminates.
Sawing, Routing, and Drilling
Saw blades- OK- suitable for cutting acrylic. 80 tooth, 10” diameter is common. Typical
rake is 5-10 degrees and teeth clearance angle is 10-15 degrees.
Typical saw speeds:
6 inch Dia. 6400 RPM
8 inch Dia. 5000 RPM
10 inch Dia. 4000 RPM
12 inch Dia 3000 RPM
Band Saws- OK- use a blade suitable for cutting acrylic.
All cut angles should be radius’d to prevent stress cracking. 1/8” is suitable.
Routers- OK- use bits suitable for cutting acrylic.
Drilling- OK- use twist drills with angle 60-90 degrees. These prevent chipping and
Speeds of approximately 3500 RPM are suggested.
NOTE: All Clearcore tm products must be sawed with the backing side facing up
(acrylic side down) this is to insure a cleaner cut and that no damage is done to the
decorative backer foil.
It is important the sheets be slowly and evenly heated throughout. Sheets with nonuniform temperatures can pull unevenly.
Cold bending. .060 can be bent to a radius of 4 inches.
.120 can be bent to a radius of 18 inches.
Hot bending. Down to ½ inch with proper equipment.
275-320 degrees is recommended. Continuous clamping is recommended.
This will vary with the type of heating and depth of forming needed.
Slow heating to eliminate stress is desired. For example it should take about 3 minutes to
bring .125 thick sheets to forming temperature of 300 degrees F. Slow cooling after
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ATI-Clearcore Fabrication Manual Revision 0 Effective Date: 11/16/05
forming is necessary to prevent stress. Parts not cooled properly may have a tendency to
warp. Bubbles or blisters are a sign of excessive heat, moisture in the sheet, or Uneven
heating. Bumps are caused by air trapped between the form and the material.
Edge Polishing
It is possible to polish out the edges with the same techniques used to fabricate acrylic.
Flame polishing, however, is not recommended. Rounding of corners or smoothing out
irregular cuts can be done with medium metal files. Edges should be well machined
sanded or hand scraped using a stationary polishing head 8-14 inch in diameter wheel
with 2-3 inch width of muslin. 1st buff using a medium coarse buffing compound, then
use rouge as a finishing compound. Products such as 3M Finesse it tm and Novus plastic
polish are suitable.
Surface Polishing
It is possible to remove scratching from the surface using the same methods used for
acrylic fabrication. 1st use the same technique mentioned for edge polishing. If the
scratches are too deep for that type then you can use water with fine grit sandpaper (240320 grit) and then use 400 grit as a 2nd step and then use 500 grit as a final step. You need
plenty of water for this procedure. Products such as 3M Finesse it tm and Novus plastic
polish are suitable, follow products application recommendations.
It is possible to laminate Clear Core tm to typical substrates used for High Pressure
Laminates. Gypsum board, paperboards, and concrete are NOT recommended.
Typically MDF, Particleboard, Plywood, Hardboard are suitable materials. Clear Core tm
has been tested using DAP / Weldwood non flammable (Neoprene Rubber Formula) with
good results. Neither flammable solvent, nor gel based contact cements are
recommended, and should be considered only after the customer has done sufficient
testing to assure suitability to their application. Extra care must be taken to insure that all
solvents or water have been dried according to manufacturer’s recommendations prior to
joining. Spraying produces the best glue line and is recommended. Cold Press adhesives
suitable for high-pressure laminates can also be used. Counter balancing of the core
material similar to high-pressure laminates (HPL’s) is necessary to prevent warping of
the laminated sheet. Use the same methods and counterbalance material used with HPL’s
for good results. For optimal results, counter balance with the same thickness acrylic
sheet as Clearcore tm.
Important Notice. Many items have protective film on the BOTTOM and TOP of the
sheet to protect against scratching during handling and shipping.
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