Advanced Microwave Engineering PLXTAGSFT, PLXSENSSFT User Manual

Safety Move
Safety aid
«Anticollision system: for detecting hazards in real-time»
Manuale EGOpro Safety Move HW EN V02_16
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................3
2. Operating the system..............................................................................................................................................4
3. Parts of the system..................................................................................................................................................5
4.System con󰈡guration................................................................................................................................................6
4.1 Sensors for vehicle type
5. Fitting and Positioning.............................................................................................................................................10
5.1 Sensor
5.1.2 Mechanical sensor 󰈡tting
5.1.3 Positioning the sensors
5.1.4 Sensor direction
5.2 CPU
5.2.1 Mechanical CPU 󰈡tting
5.2.2 CPU Positioning
5.3 Splitter
5.3.1 Splitter Positioning
6. Electrical connections............................................................................................................................................14
6.1 Power supply
6.2 Data Bus
6.2.1 RJ45 Terminations
6.3 Relay Output
6.3.1 Relay
6.3.4 Relay operating mode
7. Sensor ID allocation................................................................................................................................................17
8. Optional EGOpro Safety MOVE................................................................................................................................18
8.1 GPS
8.2 Wi-󰈡 Transfer
8.3 Vehicle/Vehicle Anticollision
8.3.1 Re󰈢ector power supply
8.3.2 Positioning and installation of the Re󰈢ectors
9. Speed measurement module ................................................................................................................................22
10. Active PPE provision.............................................................................................................................................23
10.1 Active harness
10.2 Active helmet
11. Statements...........................................................................................................................................................24
12. Data sheet............................................................................................................................................................24
1. Introduction
EGOpro Safety Move is a safety aid system that, due to the sensors placed on the vehicle and the innovative active
PPE worn by the worker, enables drivers of moving vehicles such as forklifts, excavators detect via a display
inside the cabin, the presence and position of a worker (or of other vehicles) that, are located in actual hazardous conditions at ground level.
The features that set EGOpro Safety Move apart from competitor systems are:
-Long-range: the system is capable of managing a very wide detection range (beyond 30m) to detect and indi­cate the hazard at an appropriate distance at all times with respect to the braking distance required to prevent the collision of the vehicle at any speed.
- Selectivity: the system is capable of warning the operator of the presence of employees 󰈡tted with an LNX
tag, therefore avoiding false alarms due to other stationary obstructions.
-Flexibility: the system creates an ideal environment for any application type due to the means of adjusting the transmitted power and therefore the size of the control area (safety bubble) at a radius of 360° around the vehicle, thus resolving blind spot issues and also intervening automatically in the event of distractions and driver fatigue.
-Data logging: an intelligent unit that constantly collects and analyses data recorded for the purpose of building
an actual map of the critical zones of the working area, advising corporate security o󰈣cers of the precautions and
that it is advantageous to adopt in order to restrict hazardous zones.
Example of operation
Vehicle in use with operators at ground level
Hazard and position warning in the driver's cab
Operators in the hazardous zone surrounding the vehicle
2. Operating the system
The system is con󰈡gured depending on
the client's needs, by placing satellite an­tennas in order to cover the area that we wish to monitor.
In the 5 antenna con󰈡guration shown in
diagram (Fig. 1) the system manages to obtain a 360° radius coverage around the vehicle.
When the employee, 󰈡tted with Tag,
comes into contact with the active pro­tection "SAFETY BUBBLE" (activation zone gener-
ated by the satellite antenna) , the Tag awakens
and transmits a signal to the satellite an­tenna which has detected it. (Fig. 2) This warns of the worker's presence around the moving vehicle and especial­ly his position relative to the vehicle.
The driver will therefore be alerted not only to the presence of the employee around the vehicle, but also of his posi­tion via the "synoptic set". (Fig. 3)
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
2.1 Activation areas
The system is 󰈢exible and modular and it allows only a possibly hazardous area to be monitored in accordance with operating
needs. The choice of the number of satellite antennas depends on the coverage required. The maximum number of satellite an-
tennas that can be installed on the vehicle is eight. We can see the three "con󰈡guration types" below that we have identi󰈡ed as
Rear control area
In this case coverage is obtained only at the rear part of the vehicle by installing a single satellite antenna at the back. (Fig. 9)
Fig. 9
180° Radius control area
A 180° radius coverage is carried out with the installation of three an­tennas. (Fig.10)
Fig. 10
360° Radius total control area
Five antennas are installed, in this case to acquire a complete coverage of 360°. (Fig.11)
Fig. 11
Fig. 6
3. Parts of the system
The satellite antenna (Fig. 4) has the task to activate the Tags near the vehicle and detect their presence, transmitting the information to the on-board display.
Each vehicle can be equipped with a maximum of 8 displays, mounted outside the vehicle, which generate the activation area for the Tags. This area is completely controllable: both in terms of positioning the displays and adjusting the transmitted power.
The synoptic set (Fig. 5), to be mounted in the cabin, will have all the e󰈠ects of a PC
touch screen that will allow the driver and authorised employees to have the follow­ing information:
The events to be memorised/monitored are summarised as:
System con󰈡guration access
System clock modi󰈡cation
Satellite parameters modi󰈡cation (Power, Vehicle ID, etc.)
(Person) Tag detection
Tag Code
Tag Detection Time
Log (events time) that can be DOWNLOADED
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Every worker who is in the working area of moving vehicles, should be 󰈡tted with two Tags, there are two possible con󰈡gurations:
1) Helmet with integrated Tags.
2) High visibility harnesses in the rear part and one in the front part positioned in the appropriate pockets.
NOTE: the performances of the integrated version on the helmet, due to harmonising electromagnetic behaviour, are better than those obtained by the integrated version on the high visibility harnesses. A.M.E. always advises to use the integrated version on the helmet where possible. Furthermore, the two versions perform di󰈠erently: the coexistence of both versions on the same operating site will entail dif­ferent performances of the EGOpro Safety MOVE system.
The Splitter (Fig.7) connects the data bus between the CPU and the satellite antennas and it can connect up to 8 satellite antennas.
The checkpoint veri󰈡es the Tags work properly and consequently the active PPE (for
e.g. it conducts a daily check on the charge of batteries) supplied to the workers. It is usually installed in allocated areas and the dressing room or in access areas to the construction site or business so as to conduct the check before starting the work­ing day. The device stores and historically views data regarding tests on devices provided and
it can be connected to a 󰈢ow control system like a turnstile, for example.
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
4. System con󰆟guration
Con󰈡gurations: Depending on the vehicle type, its dimensions and level of coverage required (90°,180°,360°, etc.) it is possible to
use up to 8 sensors on the vehicle.
5 SENSORS con󰆟guration
Fig. 16 - Con󰈡guration -
The sensors and the CPU should be connected to the splitter via a Data Bus.
SENSOR: the sensors are placed outside the driver's cab on the vehicle facing the operator at ground level.
CPU: is installed inside the cab in a position that can be seen by the driver and at the same time it does not restrict his view
SPLITTER: the splitter is positioned in the driver's cab, but it does not matter whether it is seen as it is used to connect the
sensors to the controller.
4.1 Sensors for vehicle type
Please bear in mind that the pictures that we going to show are merely approximate, we can identify the possible con󰈡gurations of
the EGOpro Safety MOVE system that acquire complete coverage (for four vehicle types).
Each con󰈡guration can be optimised depending on applicable requirements and therefore the actual hazardous areas to be covered. The maximum number of sensors per con󰈡guration is 8 .
2 front sensors
1 rear sensor
Reach stacker
3 front sensors
3 rear sensors
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