RF Home Automation
Supplied with decorative
switch plate
Note: This module must be “Included in the
Network” only where it will be permanently
installed. The proper operation of this node in the
mesh network is dependent on it knowing its
location with respect to other nodes. You cannot
“test bench” configure this module.
Radio Frequency Controlled, 120 VAC,
Wall Mounted 3-Way Transmitter, Release 1.1
The ZTW103 Wall Mounted Transmitter is a component of the HomePro lighting control system. As it controls
no load directly, wire the Transmitter anywhere power is available according to the diagram above and program
from the Wireless Controller to operate loads. Inclusion of the ZTW103 Wall Mounted Transmitter on the ZTH100
Wireless Controller menu allows remote ON/OFF control and dimming of lights controlled by associated modules.
This Wall Mounted Transmitter is designed to work with other Z-Wave enabled devices. Z-Wave nodes of other
types can be Included in the network and will also act as repeaters to increase the range of the network.
There are no field repairable assemblies on this unit. If service is needed, the unit must be returned where
DANGER! SHOCK HAZARD. Read and understand these instructions before installing. This device is intended
for installation in accordance with the National Electric code and local regulations in the United States, or the Canadian
Electrical Code and local regulations in Canada. It is recommended that a qualified electrician perform this installation.
Retain instructions for future use.
With power off, wire this ZTW103 and AS101’s (if used) according to the diagram shown above. AS101’s are
required to be wired to the same line (or neutral) which is also wired to the master unit as well as the load being
controlled, and not wired to any other neutral. If multiple neutral’s are tied together in one box separate the neutral’s
to preserve the integrity of the ZTW103 circuit. If more than one ZTW103 is to be installed in a wall box, scored
tabs on the side can be broken off by bending back and forth with pliers, to accommodate proper fit. Apply power
when completed.
Refer to your Controller operating instructions for instructions on how to include this module in the RF network.
ZTW103 Advanced Instructions, Release 1.1
P/D 102406
Including to the Network
1. Setup the controller you are using to include a device into network.
2. Tap either the top or bottom of the paddle once
Excluding from the Network
1. Setup the controller you are using to exclude a device from the network.
2. Tap either the top or the bottom of the paddle once.
Before you can control Z-Wave devices you must associate the devices you want to control into the ZTW103.
Turning Z-Wave devices On or Off
1. Tap the top of the paddle to turn On Z-Wave devices.
2. Tap the bottom of the paddle to turn Off Z-Wave devices.
The LED on the ZTW103 will indicate the status of the devices you are controlling. The LED on the ZTW103 will
flicker when it is transmitting commands to any of the four groups. This can be changed. See “LED Transmission Indication”.
Dimming and Brightening
1. Press and hold the top of the paddle to brighten Z-Wave enabled dimmers.
2. Press and hold the bottom of the paddle to dim Z-Wave enabled dimmers.
Associating Z-Wave devices you want to control into the ZTW103
Refer to your controllers instructions to find out how to associate Z-Wave devices
You can associate another Z-Wave device into any or all of the 4 available groups in the ZTW103. The four
groups are described below:
Group 1
Nodes in this group are turned ON by tapping the top of the paddle or OFF by tapping the bottom of the
Nodes associated into this group are dimmed by pressing and holding the bottom of the paddle until the
desired dim level is reached or brightened by pressing and holding the top of the paddle until the desire level
is reached.
The LED on the ZTW103 will indicate the status of this group ONLY.
Note that associating nodes into group 2 or 3 will cause a very slight delay before the command is transmitted to group 1.
Group 2
Nodes in this group are turned ON by tapping the top of the paddle twice or OFF by tapping the bottom of the
paddle twice.
Nodes associated into this group are dimmed by tapping the bottom of the paddle once and then pressing and
holding the bottom of the paddle until the desired dim level is reached or brightened by tapping the top of the
paddle once then pressing and holding the top of the paddle until the desire level is reached..
Group 3
Nodes in this group are turned ON by tapping the top of the paddle three times or OFF by tapping the bottom
of the paddle three times. Nodes associated into this group are dimmed by tapping the bottom of the paddle
twice and then pressing and holding the bottom of the paddle until the desired dim level is reached or brightened by tapping the top of the paddle twice then pressing and holding the top of the paddle until the desire
level is reached..
Group 4
Nodes in this group are turned ON or OFF or set to a specific dim level when the ZTW103 is controlled
You can place up to 5 nodes in each group.
If controlling dimmers, for best results, associate the dimmers into the group first.
ZTW103 Advanced Instructions, Release 1.1
P/D 102406