ADS RainAlert II
Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance Manual
November 2010 QR 775008 A2
4940 Research Drive
Huntsville, Alabama 35805
(256) 430-3366

ii ADS RainAlert II Manual
2010 ADS
ADS , ADS Environmental Services, Profile, IntelliServe,
and Accusonic
LLC. All rights reserved.
are registered trademarks of ADS LLC.
Enfora is a trademark of Enfora, Incorporated.
RainAlert II is a trademark of ADS LLC.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft
All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.
Notice of Proprietary Information
The information contained herein represents the latest information
available at the time of publication. ADS LLC reserves t he right to
make any changes or modifications to the content of this document,
without notice, to reflect the latest changes to the equipment. No
part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the
written consent of ADS LLC.

Table of Contents iii
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1
Warnings and FCC Compliance ..................................... 1-2
Communications Disclaimer ................................... 1-2
FCC Part 68 Compliance
(applies only to Landline Units) ...................... 1-2
FCC Part 15 Compliance ........................................ 1-3
GSM/GPRS Modem Information ............................ 1-4
Installation and Configurat ion ........................................ 1-5
Product Warranty ........................................................... 1-6
New Product Warranty ............................................ 1-6
Out-of-Warranty Product Repairs ........................... 1-7
Trouble s hooting Fee ............................................... 1-7
Shipping .................................................................. 1-7
Chapter 2 System Overview 2-1
ADS RainAlert II Monitor ............................................. 2-3
Printed Circuit Board .............................................. 2-4
Communications ...................................................... 2-6
Connectors .............................................................. 2-6
Power ...................................................................... 2-7
Tipping B ucket ............................................................... 2-9
Chapter 3 Hardware Installation 3-1
Investigating Site Characteristics ................................... 3-3
Gathering the Parts and Supplies .................................... 3-5
Gathering the Tools and Equipment ............................... 3-6
Installing the Tipping Bucket ......................................... 3-7
Calibrating the Tipping B ucket .................................... 3-11
Installing the RainAlert II ............................................. 3-14
Mounting the Monitor to a Wall ........................... 3-15
Mounting the Monitor on the Base Plate ............... 3-16
Connecting the Tipping Bucket to the Monitor ............ 3-19