The Adrian Empire, Inc.
of the Adrian Empire
as compiled by the Church of Adria
October 2002
© 2002 The Adrian Empire Inc., all rights reserved.
Anyone is welcome to point out any error or omission that they may find.
Church of Adria churchof
Empress Emperor
Handbook of Ceremonies: Preface Page 2 of 18 September 2002
Preface................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Some History into the Chivalry................................................................................................................. 3
Knighthood in Adria…..............................................................................................................................3
I. Oaths...............................................................................................................................................................4
A. The Oath of Sir Michael Sinestro..................................................................................................... 4
Crown/Bishop's Part......................................................................................................................... 4
B. The Oath of Sir Gregoire d’Avallon.................................................................................................4
C. The Oath of Sir Nigel the Byzantine................................................................................................ 5
Crown response................................................................................................................................5
II. Ceremonies................................................................................................................................................6
A. The Knighting of Maedb Hawkins of the Drakonja.........................................................................6
The Ceremony..................................................................................................................................6
B. The Knighting of Nigel the Byzantine .............................................................................................8
The Vigil .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Part the First: The Introduction of the Candidate........................................................................... 11
Part the Second: Statement of the Legal Requirements................................................................. 12
Part the Third: Speaking the Qualifications................................................................................... 12
Part the Fourth: Vestment of the Regalia....................................................................................... 13
Part the Fifth: Swearing the Oath................................................................................................... 13
Part the Sixth: The Accolade and the Collée.................................................................................. 14
C. The Knighting of Gregoire d'Avallon ............................................................................................ 15
The Ceremony................................................................................................................................15
In Closing.......................................................................................................................................17
D. The 3rd Level Knighting of Willow de Rara..................................................................................17
The Ceremony................................................................................................................................17
© Adrian Empire Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
Handbook of Ceremonies: Preface Page 3 of 18 September 2002
The scripts provided herein are intended to inspire, to provide guidance in planning future ceremonies, and to record some of the more splendid ceremonies of the past.
In the Ceremony used for bestowing knighthood the Church, through the blessing of the sword, and by the virtue of this blessing, Knighthood took upon a somewhat Religious tone. Adding to this in a large part were the Crusades when large Christian Armies were sent forth in the name of the Church for a “Sacred” and “Holy” Purpose.
The Church also took an opportunity to exact and demand a religious vow for the blessing. This Vow required that these newly named “Knights” were to use their weapons and martial skills chiefly for the protection of the weak and defenseless, giving special attention to the welfare of women, children and of course the Church itself.
Chivalry, as the Church now made such, depended now on this sacred vow. These vows raised the status of the soldier in the eyes of the Church as well as society as a whole. Soldiers who took such a vow, were gifted a special ceremonial blessing called in the Pontificale Romanum, "Benedictio novi militis."
In the beginning of the tradition such was very simple though as time passed it grew in complexity. Before the actual blessing of the sword, many things were required of the aspirant knight before such could occur however.
These included a confession, a vigil of prayer, fasting, a symbolical bath, and investiture with a white robe which symbolized the noble cause the knight would set him to. The ceremony would take place with the aspirant kneeling before the clergy accepting the sword and being touched with on the head and shoulders swearing unto God and St George; the Patron Saint of Chivalry. Thus the Aspirant becomes a Knight before the eyes of the Church.
The aspect of Chivalry within Adria is a very important aspect of our organization. That being said each ceremony is personal to the individual taking this step. What follows are selected ceremonies to give the aspirant Knight a place to start as they work on their own Special ceremony.
As always the Church of Adria will do its best to assist the individual both in the writing of their ceremonies as well as help in conducting such.
Yours in service, Frere Auberon Dela’Reve Scribe of the Church of Adria Penned this day the 3rd day of September 2002
© Adrian Empire Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
Handbook of Ceremonies: I. Oaths Page 4 of 18 September 2002
I. O
A. T
Here do I swear by Mouth, Heart, Hand, and Blade To shine as a lamp of chivalry unto all the populace of Adria, and to all who may take an interest in our game, that the game may continue to grow; To impart my knowledge of my crafts to all who wish to learn from me, that they main attain to their knightly estates; To provide any information about the game that is asked of me, or, if I do not know the answer, to find someone who does; To cheerfully and graciously accept instruction and correction from all who would teach me, especially my brother knights, that I may not bring dishonor to the institution of knighthood; To defend the Empire of Adria, the Kingdom of <name>, and the populace from all threats, whether arising from within or without; And to keep and defend the faith of the Church of Adria. All this do I swear, Sir Michael Sinestro.
For our part we do swear To respect and uphold your rights as a member of the chivalry To learn from you what you have to teach us, and to teach you what you desire to learn from us To instruct you, by word and by our own example, in your duties as a member of the chivalry To correct you, when necessary, in a manner that preserves your honor and dignity And to always conduct ourselves with honor and chivalry, that you may follow our example. All this do we swear <name>.
B. T
Upon these holy relics, and before God, my King and the assembled nobility I swear to be a good and true knight, to uphold the chivalry, its honours rights and privileges, to uphold the laws of the Empire and of my kingdom, to remain faithful to my sworn word, to hate evil and love good, to temper justice with mercy, to defend the weak, this I swear upon my honour, Gregoire d’Avallon, Baron Glendoren.
© Adrian Empire Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
Handbook of Ceremonies: I. Oaths Page 5 of 18 September 2002
C. T
Here do I reaffirm my oath of fealty and service To the Crown and Empire of Adria And I do hereby swear By mouth and hand To be a good and worthy Knight To be a Lamp of Chivalry unto the Populace To be ever courteous and reverent To seek excellence in all my endeavours To be courageous and faithful To be always loyal and true To temper justice with mercy To defend my Crown and my liege To be temperate and humble To shelter the weak To help the needy To champion the right And uphold the good To teach what I know To learn what I can To be true to my Faith And to be faithful to my duties All this in each area of my life. So swear I, Nigel the Byzantine
This we do hear and shall never forget nor fail to reward that which is given: fealty with love, service with honour, and oath-breaking with vengeance.
© Adrian Empire Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
Handbook of Ceremonies: Ceremonies Page 6 of 18 September 2002
A. T
Time and location Items used:
• Sword (held by HRM of Esperance)
• Roses (held by the lady Eslin)
• Cloak (carried by Jamie the Red)
• Blue belt (carried by Lord Rabbit)
People who were present:
• Dame Roselyn Pendragon, Queen of
• Minister of Rolls
• Steward
• Chancellor
• Sir Coda von Seiken, Baron Rosethorne
• Eslin MacCoda de Glendorren
• Dame Katherine Marshal of London,
• Jamie the Red, HMS Hedgehog Battle
• Dame Willow de Rara, Queen Mother of
: July, 1998
• Blue veil (carried by Jestar)
• Lantern (carried carried by Sir James)
• A pair of shoes (carried by Sir Jehan)
• Lord Rabbit, HMS Hedgehog Protocol
Empress of Adria
• Rahja Ahmina bint Husam of Basir, HMS
Hedgehog Quarter Mistress
• Captain Jestar, HMS Hedgehog ranking
Protocol Captain
• Dame Aleta O’Berry, Comtessa of
• Sir James of Bloodstone, Baron
• Lady Marion Duriel
• Sir Jehan von Hapsburg (Emperor of
Maedb approached the crowd of people, and waited as a path was cleared for her. She approached the Queen, who was waiting patiently for her, with the King ever at her side. She walked forward alone, knowing that when all is said and done, it is her actions and hers alone that will define the path she is about to take. She was barefoot because she has not yet filled the shoes she will need on this path. She am wearing only a chemise, because she is as a newborn on this chosen quest, and to remind her of the humility she will need to carry with her. Her chemise is bright red, as a symbol of the blood she is willing to shed in the name of chivalry. Without a word, she kneels and bows her head. Sir Coda is holding a sword and lowers it. His new bride, Eslin is holding several yellow roses and she places them over the sword. The dying light of the sunset is caught by the sword and reflected onto the flowers, making them glow with a life of their own. Maedb puts her hands on the sword and roses. Her Royal Majesty administers the oath that will declare Maedb a knight. They both say what is needed. When it is done, Maedb rises and faces the circle.
The Empress of Adria, Katherine Marshal of London, approaches with hms Hedgehog Battle Captain Jamie the Red. Her Imperial Majesty takes a cloak from the captain and places it on Maedb's shoulders.
Dame Katherine
that you may find the strength to stand alone and thereby revel in the want of companionship and not the need. May your acts of chivalry be the warmth for others colder than yourself.
The Queen Mother of Esperance, Dame Willow de Rara, approaches with hms Hedgehog Protocol Captain, Lord Rabbit. Dame Willow takes a blue belt from Rabbit and places it around Maedb's waist.
: I take this cloak from a man who has sworn always to be by your side. I place it on you so
© Adrian Empire Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
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