The Adrian Empire, Inc.
of the Adrian Empire
as compiled by the Church of Adria
September 2002
© 2002 The Adrian Empire Inc., all rights reserved.
Anyone is welcome to point out any error or omission that they may find.
Church of Adria churchof
Empress Emperor
Handbook of Ceremonies: Preface Page 2 of 21 September 2002
Preface................................................................................................................................................................ 3
I. Ducal Coronations...........................................................................................................................................3
A. Premiere Ducal Coronation of Dragon’s Mist ................................................................................. 3
The Ceremony..................................................................................................................................3
B. Premiere Ducal Coronation of Ekaterinegorod................................................................................ 5
Change Made by Ekaterinegorod..................................................................................................... 5
Alternate Oath used.......................................................................................................................... 5
II. Royal Coronations..................................................................................................................................... 6
Royal Coronation of Umbria..................................................................................................................... 6
The Ceremony: Recession................................................................................................................ 7
The Ceremony: Procession............................................................................................................... 7
The Ceremony: Verification of Qualifications................................................................................. 8
The Ceremony: Fealty and Acceptance Oaths..................................................................................9
The Ceremony: Investiture of regalia............................................................................................. 13
III. Imperial Coronations ..................................................................................................................................15
Imperial Coronation, November 2001.....................................................................................................15
The Last Walk and Divestiture of the Outgoing Monarchs. .......................................................... 15
The Changing of the Regalia.......................................................................................................... 17
The Coronation............................................................................................................................... 17
Oaths of Allegiance........................................................................................................................ 19
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Handbook of Ceremonies: Preface Page 3 of 21 September 2002
The scripts provided herein are intended to inspire, to provide guidance in planning future ceremonies, and to record some of the more splendid ceremonies of the past.
I. D
A. P
Time and location: Items used:
Sword of State
Chain of State
People who were present:
Herald (or other officiator)
Imperial Representative
Heirs Apparent
Steward (may be by proxy)
Chancellor (may be by proxy)
Sequence of Events
Court opens
The Heirs Apparent are summoned
Eligibility and intent is verified
Heirs Apparent pledge their oath of fealty to the Empire, and their intent to rule as Ducal Crown
The Imperium pledges their acceptance of that fealty and charges the Heirs Apparent with their duties
The regalia is placed (crown and chain of state)
The populace swears fealty to the Duchy
The Ducal Crown pledges their acceptance of that fealty
The Ducal Crown takes their place alongside the Imperial Representative and Court resumes
Opening Court, September 1997
Imperial representative
titles). I am here on behalf of Their Imperial Majesties <names>. This chartered subdivision has been
granted, by the Imperium, the advancement to Duchy status. Will those representatives who seek to be the Duke and Duchess please approach the Thrones.
The Heirs Apparent advance.
Crowned as the new Duke and Duchess of Dragon’s Mist?
The Herald calls forth the Steward.
fair, and just standing members of this subdivision for at least 6 months, as set forth in the Adrian Empire Bylaws?
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(to the heirs apparent): Do you still wish to advance this subdivision to Duchy status, and hereby be
Must answer YES, or the ceremony shall end at this point
(to the steward): Are the memberships of these individuals currently up to date and have been good,
(to the populace): Greetings, populace of Dragon’s Mist. My name is <name, ranks,
Handbook of Ceremonies: I. Ducal Coronations Page 4 of 21 September 2002
Must answer YES, or the ceremony shall end at this point
The Herald calls forth the Chancellor.
(to the chancellor): Are these candidates under any Judicial Ban, are serving any current
punishment, or have been found guilty with any current faults that would impede their accepting this position, as set forth by the Adrian Empire Bylaws?
Must answer NO, or the ceremony shall end at this point
The sword of state is drawn and the Heirs Apparent kneel before the Imperial Representative. They place their hands on the sword (on the bottom), and the Imperial Representative places his hands on the sword (on top).
Heirs Apparent:
Here do I swear, by mouth and hand:
Fealty to the Imperial Crown and to the Adrian Empire: To uphold the bylaws, writs and codicils of the Adrian Empire: To be a fair and loyal administrator to Our populace: To place these estates under the banner of the Duchy of Dragon’s Mist: To listen to Our estates holders, populace, and children: To protect Our populace and dispense justice when appropriate: And to carry out Our duties to the best of Our abilities. So say We, <name>.
Imperial Representative:
For our part, here do we swear by mouth and hand: To acknowledge your fealty to the Imperial Crown: To aid you in your duties as rulers of this Duchy: To acknowledge the estates under the banner of the Duchy of Dragon’s Mist: To offer counsel and guidance in your efforts: To uphold the bylaws, writs and codicils of the Adrian Empire: And to champion your cause as the Duchy of Dragon’s Mist. So say we <name> in the name of the Imperial Crown.
As set forth by the Bylaws of the Adrian Empire, You, as a Duchy, are a Kingdom in training: You are responsible for well developed ministries: You are responsible for administration of this subdivision: Your ministers shall report routinely to the corresponding Imperial counterparts: You must continue to meet all requirements for Duchy status: You may not create knights by prerogative: Ducal codicils and writs must be approved by the Imperial CrownsL You cannot make Laws, yet are to govern yourselves: You shall rule until you resign or are removed by the populace, either through war or by 2/3 majority of 90% of the Estate Holders as determined by the Steward and Minister of Rolls.
Placement of the Crown:
The crowns of four points is that which is worn by those of Ducal nobility and
represents the rulers of a Duchy - a kingdom in training.
Placement of the Chain of State:
The Chain of or is the symbol of greater nobility and the status of Duke
and Duchess. This chain binds you to your oath to the Imperium, the Bylaws of the Adrian Empire, and your Populace. [Editor’s note: since this ceremony, chains of state have been deregulated.]
Please rise and extend your Sword of State so that the populace may place there UNDERNEATH, a sign of support. (One person may touch the sword, while all others touch that person, as in taking of the Sword
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Handbook of Ceremonies: I. Ducal Coronations Page 5 of 21 September 2002
Here do I swear by mouth and hand Fealty to the Ducal Crown of Dragon’s Mist: To uphold the bylaws, writs and codicils of the Adrian Empire: To be a good and loyal populace to our Crown: To follow and support the banner of the Duchy of Dragon’s Mist: And to aid in its cause as a kingdom in training. So say we,<name>.
New Duke and Duchess
To acknowledge the fealty of the populace of the Duchy of Dragon’s Mist: To uphold the bylaws, writs and codicils of the Adrian Empire: To champion your cause, protect you, and to dispense justice when appropriate: To be fair and loyal Crowns to Our populace: And to carry out Our duties to the best of Our abilities. So say We, <name>.
Ekaterinegorod used the same basic ceremony as Dragon’s Mist with the changes outlined below. They also chose to use a Russian style (boyar and boyara) instead of the traditional style (duke and duchess).
Placement of the Chain of State:
status of Duke and Duchess. This chain’s links are symbolic of the strength of the ties that bind you to your oath to the support the Adrian Empire, Ekaterinegorod, the bylaws of the Empire, and the populace of Ekakerinegorod. Its weight symbolizes the weight of responsibility you bear to the members of the duchy. Its color of gold represents the value of the work you carry as a member of the nobility of the Adrian Empire.
(to the populace): Please repeat after me:
: On our part, here do we swear, by mouth and hand
The chain of gold is the symbol of crown of the Adrian Empire and the
Imperial Representative:
Empire, the Shire of Ekaterinegorod has been in existence since October of 1998. This meets the requirement that the Shire be in existence a minimum of 6 Months. The Shire of Ekaterinegorod has a well-defined territory of geographic jurisdiction. The Shire of Ekaterinegorod has now has, and must maintain in the future, well-developed Ministries, therefore, you, the Viceroy and Vicereine of Ekaterinegorod, are eligible to take on the following Rights and Responsibilities, should you choose to do so.
You shall be responsible for ensuring the smooth administration of Ekaterinegorod: You shall report regularly to the Imperial Crown on the activities of the Duchy of Ekaterinegorod: You shall ensure that your Ministers report routinely to their Imperial counterparts on the activities of Ekaterinegorod in their respective areas of Administration: You shall ensure that any Ducal Codicils and Writs approved by your Estates are also approved by the Imperial Crowns before they become law in Ekaterinegorod: You are responsible for ensuring that Ekaterinegorod continues to meet all requirements for Duchy status: You shall be entitled to a seat on the Imperial Estates, as delineated in the bylaws of the Adrian Empire: You shall rule until you resign or are removed by the populace, either through war or by 2/3 majority of 90% of the Estate Holders as determined by the Steward and Minister of Rolls.
Do you accept these rights and responsibilities as Boyar and Boyara of Ekaterinegorod?
As set forth in Article VIII, Section D, Item 2 of the Bylaws of the Adrian
© Adrian Empire Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
Handbook of Ceremonies: Royal Coronations Page 6 of 21 September 2002
Heirs Apparent:
Fealty to the Imperial Crowns and Service to the Ruling Nobles and the Populace of Ekaterinegorod, To support the activities and members of Ekaterinegorod to the best of Our abilities, To uphold the bylaws, writs and codicils of the Adrian Empire, To uphold the local writs & codicils enacted by the estates of Ekaterinegorod & approved by the Imperium, To be fair and loyal administrators to the members of Ekaterinegorod, To listen to the interests and opinions of our populace and estates, To represent our estates’ and populace’s interests and opinions fairly and equitably to the Crowns and Estates of the Adrian Empire, even when those opinions may disagree with our own, To fly the banner of Ekaterinegorod wherever the Crowns of Ekaterinegorod are present, To protect our people and dispense justice when appropriate: And to carry out all of our duties to the best of our abilities. So say We, <name>.
Time and location Items used:
Book of Order
Sword of State
Chain of State
Here do We swear
: Opening Court (as prescribed by the bylaws, local codicils, local tradition)
People who were present:
Noble Order of the Guards (with a spokesperson)
Four honor guards of the Heirs Apparent (two at the front of the processional, two at the rear)
General of the army of the Heirs Apparent
Senior squires of the Heirs Apparent
Patriarch of the Church of Adria
Four bishops
The Heirs Apparent
Standard-bearers of the Heirs Apparent
Minister of Rolls
Minister of War
Sequence of Events
Fealty and acceptance oaths
Investiture of regalia
Court resumes
© Adrian Empire Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
Handbook of Ceremonies: Royal Coronations Page 7 of 21 September 2002
The first part of a coronation is the stepping-down of the current Crown. This part of the ceremony is not included in the script.
The thrones stand empty. The Noble Order of the Crown Guards shall stand guard over the thrones until they can be claimed. The fanfare is trumpeted and the populace rises. The Guards at the Thrones come to attention.
Kingdom of Umbria?
Enter the following:
Two honor guards of the Heirs Apparent, swords unsheathed and carried blade in front of their bodies
The general of the army of the Heirs Apparent, in full arms
The attendants of the Heirs Apparent (Herald, Bishop, senior squires)
The Patriarch of the Church of Adria
The Heirs Apparent
The standard-bearers of the Heirs Apparent, standards unfurled
Two honor guards of the Heirs Apparent, weapons unsheathed and carried upright in front of their bodies
true and rightful heirs.
(to the soon-to-be-approaching Heirs Apparent): Who dares to approach the thrones of the
(to the spokesman): Be it known to all the lands, They who lay claim to the throne of Umbria are the
: R
: P
Heir Apparent
defender of the weak, Heir Apparent to the Throne of Umbria.
Heir Apparent
Heir Apparent to the Throne of Umbria.
Spokesman General Bishop Senior Squires
throne of Umbria!
The Noble Order of the Crown Guards in unison shall sheath their weapons, step forward and kneel.
who have rightful claim by conquest, by grace and by rank.
They shall then stand, bow and exit. The General leads the honor guard to the right of the thrones, next to the Archbishop (who holds the Book of
Order). The Patriarch (who will officiate) stands before the thrones, facing the populace. The Herald and the Heirs Apparent stand to the left of the Patriarch.
(to the spokesman): By right of conquest They do hereby lay claim to the throne of Umbria.
(to the spokesman): By the grace of God, They do hereby lay claim to the throne of Umbria.
(to the spokesman): I approach as is my right. I am His Highness <name, ranks, and titles>,
(to the spokesman): I approach as is my right. I am Her Highness <name, ranks, and titles>,
(to the Heirs Apparent): By what right do you lay claim to the throne of Umbria?
(to the spokesman): By virtue of rank and nobility of birth, They do hereby lay claim to the
(to the Heirs Apparent): We hereby relinquish the Thrones and regalia of Umbria unto those
The standard bearers will stand behind the thrones, with one banner behind each throne. The other attendants shall exit behind the Crown Guards or stay as desired.
Patriarch Heirs:
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(to the Heirs Apparent): Is it still your intent to rule the Kingdom of Umbria as its Crown?
Must answer YES, or the ceremony shall end at this point.
+ 14 hidden pages