The Adrian Empire, Inc.
of the Adrian Empire
as compiled by the Church of Adria
September 2002
© 2002 The Adrian Empire Inc., all rights reserved.
Anyone is welcome to point out any error or omission that they may find.
Church of Adria churchof
Empress Emperor
Handbook of Ceremonies: Table of Contents Page 2 of 21 September 2002
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................................... 2
Preface................................................................................................................................................................ 3
I. Blessings.........................................................................................................................................................3
A. Real-Life Religion............................................................................................................................ 3
B. Sign of the Fleur-di-Lis.................................................................................................................... 3
C. Sample Combatant Blessing (Andorra)............................................................................................4
II. Minister’s Oaths.............................................................................................................................................4
A. Sword Oath (Marshal’s Manual)...................................................................................................... 4
B. Marshal’s Oath (Marshal’s Manual) ................................................................................................5
C. Archer’s Oath ................................................................................................................................... 5
D. Range Master’s Oath........................................................................................................................ 5
E. Artisan’s Oath (Arts and Sciences Manual).....................................................................................6
F. Judges’ Oath (Arts and Sciences Manual) .......................................................................................6
G. General New Minister’s Induction................................................................................................... 6
H. Some Options...................................................................................................................................8
I. Sample Minister’s Oath (Andorra)................................................................................................... 8
J. Sample Minister’s Oath (Esperance)................................................................................................ 8
III. Oaths of Allegiance and Fealty..................................................................................................................... 9
A. Squiring............................................................................................................................................9
B. Traditions ......................................................................................................................................... 9
C. Sample Squires Oath (Esperance) .................................................................................................. 10
D. Sample Domain Formation (Esperance) ........................................................................................ 10
IV. Knighting Ceremonies ............................................................................................................................... 10
A. Second-level or third-level knights................................................................................................ 10
B. Traditions ....................................................................................................................................... 10
C. Ceremony ....................................................................................................................................... 11
D. Basic Oath...................................................................................................................................... 12
E. Sample Knight’s Oaths...................................................................................................................12
V. Coronations ................................................................................................................................................. 12
A. Ceremony....................................................................................................................................... 12
B. Basic Oaths..................................................................................................................................... 14
VI. Ceremonies of Formation........................................................................................................................... 14
A. General Estate Formation............................................................................................................... 14
B. Some Options ................................................................................................................................. 16
C. Canton Formation...........................................................................................................................16
D. Sample Estates Formation: Andorra, House (2001)....................................................................... 17
E. Sample Estates Formation: Ekaterinegorod, House (2001) ........................................................... 19
© Adrian Empire, Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
Handbook of Ceremonies: Preface Page 3 of 21 September 2002
The documents you hold in your hands have taken much time and research to compile. This was not the work of one person but rather of several individuals. This document is and will always be a living document. As subdivisions grow and new groups are added there will be additions to add. This document shall be updated on a yearly basis to keep astride of such things. Hopefully this document helps to illustrate the diversity of cultures as seen through the variety of ceremonies that exist within the Adrian Empire.
If you have comments or additions you feel need to be made please contact us. The Church of Adria sees its responsibility of holding all these items in a trust for all of Adria as a firm and solemn commitment.
Respectfully, Frere Auberon Dela’Reve Scribe of the Church of Adria Penned the 24th of April 2002
I. B
Within Adria, there is no real-life religion. However, the Church of Adria was formed to provide the ambiance, pomp and circumstance that was so prevalent in the Middle Ages. To that end, many times the Church of Adria will participate in the ceremonies of Adria.
A. R
Real-life religion does not normally play a part in the ceremonies of Adria. The exception to this is a knighting ceremony. This is considered to be a personal ceremony, to be performed according to the wishes of the knight combatant.
If there is to be any sort of real-life religious content, the populace must be informed, and given the opportunity to withdraw (without dishonor, embarrassment or forfeiture of any kind). Content shall include such things as:
There are no real-life religious ceremonies or gatherings in Adria. If there is an overnight event, and someone wishes to get together for a ceremony, they shall withdraw as much as possible from the event site. At no time shall they disturb the event, or the attendees.
In the Middle Ages, as well as today, the sign of the cross is often made in a blessing or benediction. In Adria, we acknowledge that this is an important symbol and part of the blessing, but to remove its real-life connotations, we use a fleur-di-lis instead of a cross.
After making the sign of the fleur-di-lis, repeat one of these phrases (or one like it) to complete the benediction:
En nomine Adriae non sanctum (in the name of Adria non-sacred)
En nomine iglesiae, populi et senati Adriae (in the name of the church, people and estates of Adria)
© Adrian Empire, Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
Handbook of Ceremonies: II. Minister’s Oaths Page 4 of 21 September 2002
C. S
Suggested time and location: Items to have available:
People who may be present:
This blessing shall not have any real-life connotations, but if anyone here is uncomfortable, let them withdraw in honor and courtesy for the few moments it will take to complete this ceremony.
The Blessing
utmost respect for all whom are present. Regardless of win or a loss may you each exemplify all that is of the chivalric ideal, and serve as shining examples for all that are present. May your arms be strong, and your minds sharp. May your feet be swift, and your blows true. Let your shield parry the blows that others shall hurl at you. Go forth with honor, courage, and virtue. Compete with dignity and to the utmost of your ability. Let no one say that you fought less then ye are able. May you be kept safe from injury and enjoy the fruits and labors of this day to their fullest. (The cleric shall kiss the sword and make the sign of the fleur-di-lis
with benediction.)
(to the populace): Some of our combatants have expressed a desire to be blessed before their combat.
: May each person gathered here today upon this field compete with honor and chivalry with the
Immediately after the sword oath.
What follows are the oaths used in various parts of the Adrian Empire oaths of office.
A. S
All combatants are brought together and asked to kneel. The Marshal shall hold a sword parallel to the ground with two hands. The combatants will touch the sword (or someone who is touching the sword) and repeat the Sword Oath.
Mandatory time and location: Items to have available:
People who must be present:
Marshal (or other officiator)
All combatants
to acknowledge all blows fairly given and received, to heed the words of the marshals and obey the rules of the lists.
Before combat begins, all combatants are required to swear this oath.
(to the combatants): Here do I swear by mouth and hand to conduct myself with honor and chivalry,
shall repeat the oath.
© Adrian Empire, Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
Handbook of Ceremonies: II. Minister’s Oaths Page 5 of 21 September 2002
B. M
The sword oath makes sure the combatants understand this, the marshals also need to be aware of their duties and responsibilities. No marshal will be allowed on the field until they have been have taken the marshal's oath.
Suggested time and location:
convenient to swear one oath right after the other.
Items to have available:
People who must be present:
Marshal (or other officiator)
All field marshals
Crown Marshal
and chivalry, to fairly and impartially call all blows, to enforce the rules of the lists, and to hold safety above all else.
Field Marshals:
C. A
All archers are brought together and asked to kneel. The Range Master shall hold a bow parallel to the ground with two hands. The combatants will touch the bow (or someone who is touching the bow) and repeat the Archer’s Oath.
Before combat begins. Since many marshals are also combatants, it is most
(to the field marshals): Here do I swear by mouth and hand to conduct myself with honor
shall repeat the oath.
Mandatory time and location: Items to have available:
People who must be present:
Range Master (or other officiator)
All archers
Range Master
received, to obey the rules of the Range, to heed the words of the Range Marshal, and to conduct myself with honor and chivalry.
D. R
As the archer affirm their intent to play honorably, so too do the Range Masters.
Mandatory time and location: Items to have available:
People who must be present:
Range Master (or other officiator)
Range Master
chivalry, to fairly and impartially call all shots, to enforce the rules of the lists, and to hold safety above all else.
Before archery begins, all archers are required to swear this oath.
(to the archers): Here do I swear, by mouth and hand, to accept all blows fairly given and
shall repeat the oath.
Immediately after the archer’s oath is administered.
(to the archers): Here do I swear by mouth and hand to conduct myself with honor and
© Adrian Empire, Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
Handbook of Ceremonies: II. Minister’s Oaths Page 6 of 21 September 2002
E. A
The artisan’s oath affirms the commitment that the artisan makes when they enter the arts tournaments. While it is assumed that the artisan will honor the judges’ commitment and will accept all comments in a chivalrous manner, it is good to affirm this from the beginning of the judging process.
Suggested time and location: Items to have available:
People who must be present:
List Mistress (or other officiator)
List Mistress
competitor, to assume that those who judge my entry act in good faith and honor, and that I have executed this entry myself, and documented where I have not. So say I, (insert name).
F. J
The artisan’s oath makes sure the artisan understands the commitment that the judges make, but the judges need also to be aware of their duties and responsibilities. No arts judge should be allowed to judge until they have reaffirmed their commitment to the judging process.
As the artisan signs onto the list.
(to the artisan): Here do I swear, by mouth and hand, to be an honorable and chivalrous
shall repeat the oath.
’ O
Suggested time and location: Items to have available:
People who must be present:
List Mistress (or other officiator)
Arts judges
be constructive in my criticism, instructive in my comments, and freely praise all areas of excellence I may find. So say I, (insert name).
G. G
The cabinet is usually sworn in at the coronation of a Crown. In those cases where a minister is sworn in at some other time, they need to swear an oath that they will do their job properly, etc. What follows is a very formal ceremony for inducting a minister. It can be much less formal, but should include the basics:
Affirmation of their qualifications
Minister’s pledge that they will abide by the laws of Adria and do their job to the best of their ability
Crown’s pledge that they will train, support, and guide the minister in the completion of their duties
Suggested time and location: Items to have available:
Sword of State
As the list mistress assembles the arts judges.
Here do I swear, by mouth and hand, to fairly and impartially judge all entries placed before me; to
At audience, after Court.
© Adrian Empire, Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
Handbook of Ceremonies: II. Minister’s Oaths Page 7 of 21 September 2002
People who must be present:
Herald (or other officiator)
Crown (or representative)
Minister candidate
Steward (or proxy)
Chancellor (or proxy)
Minister of Rolls (or proxy)
(to the populace): Every member within the Adrian Empire is eligible for office and advancement,
subject to the requirements for such office or such advancement. Today, we are inducting a Minister of (title).
Herald calls upon the new minister to come forward.
Crown New Minister: Crown
(to the new minister): Do you still wish to assume the responsibilities of the Minister of (title)?
must answer YES or the ceremony shall end at this point
(to the new minister): As required in the bylaws of the Adrian Empire, all ministers serve at the
pleasure of the Crown and are responsible DIRECTLY to the Crown for the execution of their duties. All ministers shall submit regular reports to their senior counterparts and carry out the duties and responsibilities of the ministries, which they head. Are you prepared to do so?
New Minister: Crown
(to the Steward): All ministers shall hold a participating or family membership and shall maintain
must answer YES or the ceremony shall end at this point
such membership for the duration of their appointment. Is the membership of this individual currently up to date and have been good, fair, and just standing members of this kingdom (duchy or shire), as set forth in the Adrian Empire Bylaws?
Steward: Crown
must answer YES or the ceremony shall end at this point
(to the Chancellor): A minister must not be barred from holding their office. Does this minister have
any impediments to his holding this office?
must answer YES or the ceremony shall end at this point
Crown Minister of Rolls:
(to the Minister of Rolls): Does this minister have the rank and qualifications sufficient to the office?
should answer YES, or should affirm that the qualfications have been waived because
there is no other member of suitable qualifications interested in holding the office. The new minister kneels. The Herald removes the sword of state, holding it parallel to the ground. The
minister touches the sword with his hands under the sword. The Crown also touches the sword (hands on top).
: Here do I swear by mouth and hand to serve as the Minister of <title>:
To uphold the bylaws, writs and codicils of the Adrian Empire and <chartered subdivision>: To be a fair and loyal ministrator to the members of <chartered subdivision>: To carry out my duties and responsibilities to the best of my abilities: And to make myself available to the Crown and populace of <chartered subdivision>: So say I <name of house lord>
© Adrian Empire, Inc. all rights reserved http://www.adrianempire .org
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