© 2002, 2003 The Adrian Empire Inc., all rights reserved.
“Adria” is a registered trade name of the Adrian Empire, Inc.
Anyone is welcome to point out any error or omission that they may find.
Imperial Minister of Archery
Missile Weapons Manual: Table of Contents Page 2 of 14
PREFACE ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
I. TARGET ARCHERY................................................................................................................................... 3
A. Method of Competition..............................................................................................................................................3
B. Lists................................................................................................................................................................................3
C. Scoring...........................................................................................................................................................................3
D. Range Safety .................................................................................................................................................................3
II. TARGET ARCHERY EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................ 4
A. Bows ..............................................................................................................................................................................4
B. Other Equipment ........................................................................................................................................................4
C. Equipment Variations .................................................................................................................................................4
D. Arrows...........................................................................................................................................................................5
E. Target Backstop ...........................................................................................................................................................5
F. Equipment Ownership ...............................................................................................................................................5
III. MISSILE COMBAT ................................................................................................................................. 6
A. Purpose..........................................................................................................................................................................6
B. Who may Participate ...................................................................................................................................................6
C. Requirements for Participation..................................................................................................................................6
D. The Sword Oath ..........................................................................................................................................................6
E. General Rules for Combat Archery ..........................................................................................................................6
IV. MISSILE COMBAT EQUIPMENT............................................................................................................. 7
A. Armor ............................................................................................................................................................................7
B. Weapons........................................................................................................................................................................7
V. QUALIFICATION ..................................................................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX A: MINISTRY OFFICES............................................................................................................... 9
A. Minister of Archery (Imperial)...................................................................................................................................9
B. Imperial Minister of Archery (Deputy) ....................................................................................................................9
C. Minister of Archery (Chartered Subdivisions) ......................................................................................................10
D. Range Master..............................................................................................................................................................10
APPENDIX B: SAMPLE TOURNAMENT FORMATS....................................................................................... 11
A. Tiered Elimination.....................................................................................................................................................11
B. Shooting Difficulty ....................................................................................................................................................11
C. Optional Targets ........................................................................................................................................................11
D. Combat Archery.........................................................................................................................................................11
E. Regional Limitations .................................................................................................................................................11
APPENDIX C: EQUIPMENT CARE AND SAFETY ......................................................................................... 12
A. Dry-Firing a Bow.......................................................................................................................................................12
B. Inspecting Arrows .....................................................................................................................................................12
C. Stringing a Bow ..........................................................................................................................................................12
D. Finger Tabs.................................................................................................................................................................12
E. Loose Clothing, Long Hair ......................................................................................................................................12
F. Arm Guards................................................................................................................................................................12
© Adrian Empire Inc. February 2003
Missile Weapons Manual: Preface Page 3 of 14
This manual details all aspects of missile competition and combat that may take place within the Empire of Adria.
Archery was authorized in Adria in 1999, when this manual was first published. Since that time, it has undergone
clarification and expansion, the most extensive in 2002. In February, 2003, missile weapons were added to the
manual, requiring an extensive rewrite and reorganization to include all aspects of missile weapon combat. There
were no changes to existing rules, only clarifications. All additions pertain to missile weapons.
A. Method of Competition
Any structured tournament style is acceptable so long as it is conducted in a safe manner and results in a
definite winner. Creativity is encouraged. Safety is the primary concern in tournament. Several suggested
activities for tournament purposes are described in Appendix B.
B. Lists
There are two levels of competition in archery tournament. The Bowmans list is for those who are just
beginning. The Huntsmans list is for those who are more advanced. Refer to the Bylaws of the Adrian
Empire to review the requirements for advancement to the Huntsmans list. There is no minimum number
of archers required to receive a participation point for an archery tournament, however, there is a
minimum of four (4) archers required per list for the winner of the list to receive a tournament win point.
Requirements for advancement in rank as an archer are detailed in the Adrian Bylaws.
C. Scoring
Scoring is based on the structure of the competition. The Range Master will arbitrate any disputes.
D. Range Safety
This section describes range safety when using standard target arrows. Range safety is much more relaxed
when archers are using combat arrows.
1. Range Master
A Range Master must be present at all times when archery is taking place. The Range Master will
be responsible for range safety. This includes setting the limits of the range and equipment checks.
The Range Masters may participate in the archery tournament. See Appendix A: Ministers.
2. Archer Qualification
Archers must be qualified by the Range Master or Minister of Archery. Archers will be tested on
archery safety, range safety, and equipment maintenance.
3. Signalling Readiness
No archer may fire their bow until the Range Master has checked for safety and given the okay to
fire. When the archers on the shooting line are ready to begin their round they will signify their
readiness by having one hand raised. This will insure that everyone is ready. Verbal
acknowledgement of readiness is not acceptable.
© Adrian Empire Inc. February 2003
Missile Weapons Manual: II. Target Archery Equipment Page 4 of 14
4. Hold
When the word "HOLD" is called, all archers on the shooting line will immediately lower their
bows, un-nock their arrow, and step back five (5) yards from the shooting line.
5. Bows Past the Shooting Line
No bows will go past the shooting line at any time. When retrieving arrows, the bows must be
left behind the shooting line. No one will occupy the space between the shooting line and the
spectator line during arrow retrieval. When the archer returns from retrieving their arrows, they
will not pick up their bow, instead they will step behind the spectator line and wait for the Range
Master to give the okay to retrieve their bows.
6. Side Clearance
Side clearance must be at least five (5) yards. Back clearance must be at least thirty-five (35) yards
in depth unless there is a suitable backstop, i.e. a hill or barrier.
7. Spectator Line
There will be a spectator line five (5) yards behind the shooting line. Spectators must stay behind
this line at all times. Spectators are not allowed in the side areas at any time.
8. Unsafe Shooting
Shooting arrows in a unsafe manner is grounds for removal from the archery lists for up to twelve
(12) months. Unsafe manner includes, but is not limited to:
• Shooting a target arrow at someone
• Aiming a bow with a target arrow at someone
• Shooting a target arrow into the air to see “how high” the arrow will go
A. Bows
Limited to recurve, straight, semi-recurve, and longbows only. Bows should be made of materials available
in the time-period of the archer. Fiberglass bows should be avoided if possible. There are no draw weight
limits in target archery other than those imposed by the archery range hosting the tournament.
B. Other Equipment
Gloves, arm guards, finger gloves, finger tabs, arrow rests, nock locators, bow rests. These items are
suggested, but not required. It is highly recommended that arrows be carried in a quiver.
C. Equipment Variations
No compound bows, mechanical sights, spectacle sights, counter weights, stabilizers, levels, or string
trigger releases may be used unless the item is documented as being used by someone in the period of
© Adrian Empire Inc. February 2003
Missile Weapons Manual: II. Target Archery Equipment Page 5 of 14
D. Arrows
Arrows used in tournament competition must confirm to the following specifications:
• Standard target arrow shafts must be made of wood. No fiberglass or aluminum shafts.
• Solid plastic fletching should be avoided in favor of actual feather or segmented synthetic fletching.
Fletchings of a natural color are encouraged.
• Arrows must have target tips. No hunting tips are allowed.
Combat arrows may be used if called for by the tournament format. Construction details are provided in
the Adrian Missile Construction Manual.
Arrows should be carried in a quiver.
E. Target Backstop
The backstop should be one of the following (for standard target archery using real arrows):
• Three (3) bales of straw/hay stacked vertically to form a wall and held together with dowels or better
to prevent the wall from falling over
• An eight-to-twelve inch (8-12”) thick closed-cell foam block
• A standing thirty-six inch (36”) or greater round woven grass mat
• A cardboard box tightly filled with cardboard at least ten inches (10”) thick
Free standing targets, such as 3-D animal figures, still require one of the above backstops, an earthen bank,
or at least 40 yards of empty space behind the target
F. Equipment Ownership
Each person should supply their own equipment. Each person is responsible for the condition and
maintenance of their equipment.
© Adrian Empire Inc. February 2003